blob: cdba5a8094931ae9a66c6dd737fc447aae123f2f [file] [log] [blame]
//===- ModuleTranslation.h - MLIR to LLVM conversion ------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file implements the translation between an MLIR LLVM dialect module and
// the corresponding LLVMIR module. It only handles core LLVM IR operations.
#include "mlir/IR/Operation.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Value.h"
#include "mlir/Target/LLVMIR/Export.h"
#include "mlir/Target/LLVMIR/LLVMTranslationInterface.h"
#include "mlir/Target/LLVMIR/TypeToLLVM.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SetVector.h"
#include "llvm/Frontend/OpenMP/OMPIRBuilder.h"
namespace llvm {
class BasicBlock;
class IRBuilderBase;
class Function;
class Value;
} // namespace llvm
namespace mlir {
class Attribute;
class Block;
class Location;
namespace LLVM {
namespace detail {
class DebugTranslation;
} // end namespace detail
class LLVMFuncOp;
/// Implementation class for module translation. Holds a reference to the module
/// being translated, and the mappings between the original and the translated
/// functions, basic blocks and values. It is practically easier to hold these
/// mappings in one class since the conversion of control flow operations
/// needs to look up block and function mappings.
class ModuleTranslation {
friend std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module>
mlir::translateModuleToLLVMIR(Operation *, llvm::LLVMContext &, StringRef);
/// Stores the mapping between a function name and its LLVM IR representation.
void mapFunction(StringRef name, llvm::Function *func) {
auto result = functionMapping.try_emplace(name, func);
assert(result.second &&
"attempting to map a function that is already mapped");
/// Finds an LLVM IR function by its name.
llvm::Function *lookupFunction(StringRef name) const {
return functionMapping.lookup(name);
/// Stores the mapping between an MLIR value and its LLVM IR counterpart.
void mapValue(Value mlir, llvm::Value *llvm) { mapValue(mlir) = llvm; }
/// Provides write-once access to store the LLVM IR value corresponding to the
/// given MLIR value.
llvm::Value *&mapValue(Value value) {
llvm::Value *&llvm = valueMapping[value];
assert(llvm == nullptr &&
"attempting to map a value that is already mapped");
return llvm;
/// Finds an LLVM IR value corresponding to the given MLIR value.
llvm::Value *lookupValue(Value value) const {
return valueMapping.lookup(value);
/// Looks up remapped a list of remapped values.
SmallVector<llvm::Value *> lookupValues(ValueRange values);
/// Stores the mapping between an MLIR block and LLVM IR basic block.
void mapBlock(Block *mlir, llvm::BasicBlock *llvm) {
auto result = blockMapping.try_emplace(mlir, llvm);
assert(result.second && "attempting to map a block that is already mapped");
/// Finds an LLVM IR basic block that corresponds to the given MLIR block.
llvm::BasicBlock *lookupBlock(Block *block) const {
return blockMapping.lookup(block);
/// Stores the mapping between an MLIR operation with successors and a
/// corresponding LLVM IR instruction.
void mapBranch(Operation *mlir, llvm::Instruction *llvm) {
auto result = branchMapping.try_emplace(mlir, llvm);
assert(result.second &&
"attempting to map a branch that is already mapped");
/// Finds an LLVM IR instruction that corresponds to the given MLIR operation
/// with successors.
llvm::Instruction *lookupBranch(Operation *op) const {
return branchMapping.lookup(op);
/// Removes the mapping for blocks contained in the region and values defined
/// in these blocks.
void forgetMapping(Region &region);
/// Returns the LLVM metadata corresponding to a reference to an mlir LLVM
/// dialect access group operation.
llvm::MDNode *getAccessGroup(Operation &opInst,
SymbolRefAttr accessGroupRef) const;
/// Returns the LLVM metadata corresponding to a reference to an mlir LLVM
/// dialect alias scope operation
llvm::MDNode *getAliasScope(Operation &opInst,
SymbolRefAttr aliasScopeRef) const;
/// Returns the LLVM metadata corresponding to a llvm loop's codegen
/// options attribute.
llvm::MDNode *lookupLoopOptionsMetadata(Attribute options) const {
return loopOptionsMetadataMapping.lookup(options);
void mapLoopOptionsMetadata(Attribute options, llvm::MDNode *metadata) {
auto result = loopOptionsMetadataMapping.try_emplace(options, metadata);
assert(result.second &&
"attempting to map loop options that was already mapped");
// Sets LLVM metadata for memory operations that are in a parallel loop.
void setAccessGroupsMetadata(Operation *op, llvm::Instruction *inst);
// Sets LLVM metadata for memory operations that have alias scope information.
void setAliasScopeMetadata(Operation *op, llvm::Instruction *inst);
/// Converts the type from MLIR LLVM dialect to LLVM.
llvm::Type *convertType(Type type);
/// Returns the MLIR context of the module being translated.
MLIRContext &getContext() { return *mlirModule->getContext(); }
/// Returns the LLVM context in which the IR is being constructed.
llvm::LLVMContext &getLLVMContext() const { return llvmModule->getContext(); }
/// Finds an LLVM IR global value that corresponds to the given MLIR operation
/// defining a global value.
llvm::GlobalValue *lookupGlobal(Operation *op) {
return globalsMapping.lookup(op);
/// Returns the OpenMP IR builder associated with the LLVM IR module being
/// constructed.
llvm::OpenMPIRBuilder *getOpenMPBuilder() {
if (!ompBuilder) {
ompBuilder = std::make_unique<llvm::OpenMPIRBuilder>(*llvmModule);
return ompBuilder.get();
/// Translates the given location.
const llvm::DILocation *translateLoc(Location loc, llvm::DILocalScope *scope);
/// Translates the contents of the given block to LLVM IR using this
/// translator. The LLVM IR basic block corresponding to the given block is
/// expected to exist in the mapping of this translator. Uses `builder` to
/// translate the IR, leaving it at the end of the block. If `ignoreArguments`
/// is set, does not produce PHI nodes for the block arguments. Otherwise, the
/// PHI nodes are constructed for block arguments but are _not_ connected to
/// the predecessors that may not exist yet.
LogicalResult convertBlock(Block &bb, bool ignoreArguments,
llvm::IRBuilderBase &builder);
/// Gets the named metadata in the LLVM IR module being constructed, creating
/// it if it does not exist.
llvm::NamedMDNode *getOrInsertNamedModuleMetadata(StringRef name);
/// Common CRTP base class for ModuleTranslation stack frames.
class StackFrame {
virtual ~StackFrame() {}
TypeID getTypeID() const { return typeID; }
explicit StackFrame(TypeID typeID) : typeID(typeID) {}
const TypeID typeID;
virtual void anchor();
/// Concrete CRTP base class for ModuleTranslation stack frames. When
/// translating operations with regions, users of ModuleTranslation can store
/// state on ModuleTranslation stack before entering the region and inspect
/// it when converting operations nested within that region. Users are
/// expected to derive this class and put any relevant information into fields
/// of the derived class. The usual isa/dyn_cast functionality is available
/// for instances of derived classes.
template <typename Derived>
class StackFrameBase : public StackFrame {
explicit StackFrameBase() : StackFrame(TypeID::get<Derived>()) {}
/// Creates a stack frame of type `T` on ModuleTranslation stack. `T` must
/// be derived from `StackFrameBase<T>` and constructible from the provided
/// arguments. Doing this before entering the region of the op being
/// translated makes the frame available when translating ops within that
/// region.
template <typename T, typename... Args>
void stackPush(Args &&...args) {
std::is_base_of<StackFrame, T>::value,
"can only push instances of StackFrame on ModuleTranslation stack");
/// Pops the last element from the ModuleTranslation stack.
void stackPop() { stack.pop_back(); }
/// Calls `callback` for every ModuleTranslation stack frame of type `T`
/// starting from the top of the stack.
template <typename T>
stackWalk(llvm::function_ref<WalkResult(const T &)> callback) const {
static_assert(std::is_base_of<StackFrame, T>::value,
"expected T derived from StackFrame");
if (!callback)
return WalkResult::skip();
for (const std::unique_ptr<StackFrame> &frame : llvm::reverse(stack)) {
if (T *ptr = dyn_cast_or_null<T>(frame.get())) {
WalkResult result = callback(*ptr);
if (result.wasInterrupted())
return result;
return WalkResult::advance();
/// RAII object calling stackPush/stackPop on construction/destruction.
template <typename T>
struct SaveStack {
template <typename... Args>
explicit SaveStack(ModuleTranslation &m, Args &&...args)
: moduleTranslation(m) {
~SaveStack() { moduleTranslation.stackPop(); }
ModuleTranslation &moduleTranslation;
ModuleTranslation(Operation *module,
std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module> llvmModule);
/// Converts individual components.
LogicalResult convertOperation(Operation &op, llvm::IRBuilderBase &builder);
LogicalResult convertFunctionSignatures();
LogicalResult convertFunctions();
LogicalResult convertGlobals();
LogicalResult convertOneFunction(LLVMFuncOp func);
/// Process access_group LLVM Metadata operations and create LLVM
/// metadata nodes.
LogicalResult createAccessGroupMetadata();
/// Process alias.scope LLVM Metadata operations and create LLVM
/// metadata nodes for them and their domains.
LogicalResult createAliasScopeMetadata();
/// Translates dialect attributes attached to the given operation.
LogicalResult convertDialectAttributes(Operation *op);
/// Original and translated module.
Operation *mlirModule;
std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module> llvmModule;
/// A converter for translating debug information.
std::unique_ptr<detail::DebugTranslation> debugTranslation;
/// Builder for LLVM IR generation of OpenMP constructs.
std::unique_ptr<llvm::OpenMPIRBuilder> ompBuilder;
/// Mappings between definitions and corresponding globals.
DenseMap<Operation *, llvm::GlobalValue *> globalsMapping;
/// A stateful object used to translate types.
TypeToLLVMIRTranslator typeTranslator;
/// A dialect interface collection used for dispatching the translation to
/// specific dialects.
LLVMTranslationInterface iface;
/// Mappings between original and translated values, used for lookups.
llvm::StringMap<llvm::Function *> functionMapping;
DenseMap<Value, llvm::Value *> valueMapping;
DenseMap<Block *, llvm::BasicBlock *> blockMapping;
/// A mapping between MLIR LLVM dialect terminators and LLVM IR terminators
/// they are converted to. This allows for connecting PHI nodes to the source
/// values after all operations are converted.
DenseMap<Operation *, llvm::Instruction *> branchMapping;
/// Mapping from an access group metadata operation to its LLVM metadata.
/// This map is populated on module entry and is used to annotate loops (as
/// identified via their branches) and contained memory accesses.
DenseMap<Operation *, llvm::MDNode *> accessGroupMetadataMapping;
/// Mapping from an attribute describing loop codegen options to its LLVM
/// metadata. The metadata is attached to Latch block branches with this
/// attribute.
DenseMap<Attribute, llvm::MDNode *> loopOptionsMetadataMapping;
/// Mapping from an access scope metadata operation to its LLVM metadata.
/// This map is populated on module entry.
DenseMap<Operation *, llvm::MDNode *> aliasScopeMetadataMapping;
/// Stack of user-specified state elements, useful when translating operations
/// with regions.
SmallVector<std::unique_ptr<StackFrame>> stack;
namespace detail {
/// For all blocks in the region that were converted to LLVM IR using the given
/// ModuleTranslation, connect the PHI nodes of the corresponding LLVM IR blocks
/// to the results of preceding blocks.
void connectPHINodes(Region &region, const ModuleTranslation &state);
/// Get a topologically sorted list of blocks of the given region.
SetVector<Block *> getTopologicallySortedBlocks(Region &region);
/// Create an LLVM IR constant of `llvmType` from the MLIR attribute `attr`.
/// This currently supports integer, floating point, splat and dense element
/// attributes and combinations thereof. Also, an array attribute with two
/// elements is supported to represent a complex constant. In case of error,
/// report it to `loc` and return nullptr.
llvm::Constant *getLLVMConstant(llvm::Type *llvmType, Attribute attr,
Location loc,
const ModuleTranslation &moduleTranslation,
bool isTopLevel = true);
/// Creates a call to an LLVM IR intrinsic function with the given arguments.
llvm::Value *createIntrinsicCall(llvm::IRBuilderBase &builder,
llvm::Intrinsic::ID intrinsic,
ArrayRef<llvm::Value *> args = {},
ArrayRef<llvm::Type *> tys = {});
} // namespace detail
} // namespace LLVM
} // namespace mlir
namespace llvm {
template <typename T>
struct isa_impl<T, ::mlir::LLVM::ModuleTranslation::StackFrame> {
static inline bool
doit(const ::mlir::LLVM::ModuleTranslation::StackFrame &frame) {
return frame.getTypeID() == ::mlir::TypeID::get<T>();
} // namespace llvm