blob: 7306a0808e0181bc367dd36d724818332a0da029 [file] [log] [blame]
import lldb
from intelpt_testcase import *
from lldbsuite.test.lldbtest import *
from lldbsuite.test import lldbutil
from lldbsuite.test.decorators import *
class TestTraceSave(TraceIntelPTTestCaseBase):
mydir = TestBase.compute_mydir(__file__)
def testErrorMessages(self):
# We first check the output when there are no targets
self.expect("process trace save",
substrs=["error: invalid target, create a target using the 'target create' command"],
# We now check the output when there's a non-running target
self.expect("target create " +
os.path.join(self.getSourceDir(), "intelpt-trace", "a.out"))
self.expect("process trace save",
substrs=["error: invalid process"],
# Now we check the output when there's a running target without a trace
self.expect("b main")
self.expect("process trace save",
substrs=["error: Process is not being traced"],
def testSaveToInvalidDir(self):
self.expect("target create " +
os.path.join(self.getSourceDir(), "intelpt-trace", "a.out"))
self.expect("b main")
self.expect("thread trace start")
# Check the output when saving without providing the directory argument
self.expect("process trace save -d",
substrs=["error: last option requires an argument"],
# Check the output when saving to an invalid directory
self.expect("process trace save -d /",
substrs=["error: couldn't write to the file"],
def testSaveWhenNotLiveTrace(self):
self.expect("trace load -v " +
os.path.join(self.getSourceDir(), "intelpt-trace", "trace.json"),
# Check the output when not doing live tracing
self.expect("process trace save -d " +
os.path.join(self.getBuildDir(), "intelpt-trace", "trace_not_live_dir"),
substrs=["error: Saving a trace requires a live process."],
def testSaveTrace(self):
self.expect("target create " +
os.path.join(self.getSourceDir(), "intelpt-trace", "a.out"))
self.expect("b main")
self.expect("thread trace start")
self.expect("b 7")
ci = self.dbg.GetCommandInterpreter()
res = lldb.SBCommandReturnObject()
ci.HandleCommand("thread trace dump instructions -c 10 --forwards", res)
self.assertEqual(res.Succeeded(), True)
first_ten_instructions = res.GetOutput()
ci.HandleCommand("thread trace dump instructions -c 10", res)
self.assertEqual(res.Succeeded(), True)
last_ten_instructions = res.GetOutput()
# Now, save the trace to <trace_copy_dir>
self.expect("process trace save -d " +
os.path.join(self.getBuildDir(), "intelpt-trace", "trace_copy_dir"))
# Load the trace just saved
self.expect("trace load -v " +
os.path.join(self.getBuildDir(), "intelpt-trace", "trace_copy_dir", "trace.json"),
# Compare with instructions saved at the first time
ci.HandleCommand("thread trace dump instructions -c 10 --forwards", res)
self.assertEqual(res.Succeeded(), True)
self.assertEqual(res.GetOutput(), first_ten_instructions)
ci.HandleCommand("thread trace dump instructions -c 10", res)
self.assertEqual(res.Succeeded(), True)
self.assertEqual(res.GetOutput(), last_ten_instructions)