blob: e90c3e14158bd632cbc2ba0d6a2dda9a942379fa [file] [log] [blame]
# RUN: not --crash llc -mtriple=amdgcn-mesa-mesa3d -mcpu=tahiti -O0 -run-pass=legalizer -o - %s 2>&1| FileCheck -check-prefix=ERROR %s
# This needs to be expanded into a cmpxchg loop.
# TODO: Will AtomicExpand still do this?
# ERROR: LLVM ERROR: unable to legalize instruction: %2:_(s32) = G_ATOMICRMW_NAND %0:_(p1), %1:_ :: (load store seq_cst (s32), addrspace 1) (in function: atomicrmw_nand_global_i32)
name: atomicrmw_nand_global_i32
body: |
liveins: $sgpr0_sgpr1, $sgpr2
; CHECK-LABEL: name: atomicrmw_nand_global_i32
; CHECK: [[COPY:%[0-9]+]]:_(p1) = COPY $sgpr0_sgpr1
; CHECK: [[COPY1:%[0-9]+]]:_(s32) = COPY $sgpr2
; CHECK: [[ATOMICRMW_NAND:%[0-9]+]]:_(s32) = G_ATOMICRMW_NAND [[COPY]](p1), [[COPY1]] :: (load store seq_cst (s32), addrspace 1)
%0:_(p1) = COPY $sgpr0_sgpr1
%1:_(s32) = COPY $sgpr2
%2:_(s32) = G_ATOMICRMW_NAND %0, %1 :: (load store seq_cst (s32), addrspace 1)