blob: 6bd5ff1629b251ac3be264f0b3089ab13f556a34 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- Serializer.cpp - MLIR SPIR-V Serializer ----------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file defines the MLIR SPIR-V module to SPIR-V binary serializer.
#include "Serializer.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/SPIRV/IR/SPIRVAttributes.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/SPIRV/IR/SPIRVDialect.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/SPIRV/IR/SPIRVTypes.h"
#include "mlir/Support/LogicalResult.h"
#include "mlir/Target/SPIRV/SPIRVBinaryUtils.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Sequence.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/TypeSwitch.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/bit.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#define DEBUG_TYPE "spirv-serialization"
using namespace mlir;
/// Returns the merge block if the given `op` is a structured control flow op.
/// Otherwise returns nullptr.
static Block *getStructuredControlFlowOpMergeBlock(Operation *op) {
if (auto selectionOp = dyn_cast<spirv::SelectionOp>(op))
return selectionOp.getMergeBlock();
if (auto loopOp = dyn_cast<spirv::LoopOp>(op))
return loopOp.getMergeBlock();
return nullptr;
/// Given a predecessor `block` for a block with arguments, returns the block
/// that should be used as the parent block for SPIR-V OpPhi instructions
/// corresponding to the block arguments.
static Block *getPhiIncomingBlock(Block *block) {
// If the predecessor block in question is the entry block for a
// spv.mlir.loop, we jump to this spv.mlir.loop from its enclosing block.
if (block->isEntryBlock()) {
if (auto loopOp = dyn_cast<spirv::LoopOp>(block->getParentOp())) {
// Then the incoming parent block for OpPhi should be the merge block of
// the structured control flow op before this loop.
Operation *op = loopOp.getOperation();
while ((op = op->getPrevNode()) != nullptr)
if (Block *incomingBlock = getStructuredControlFlowOpMergeBlock(op))
return incomingBlock;
// Or the enclosing block itself if no structured control flow ops
// exists before this loop.
return loopOp->getBlock();
// Otherwise, we jump from the given predecessor block. Try to see if there is
// a structured control flow op inside it.
for (Operation &op : llvm::reverse(block->getOperations())) {
if (Block *incomingBlock = getStructuredControlFlowOpMergeBlock(&op))
return incomingBlock;
return block;
namespace mlir {
namespace spirv {
/// Encodes an SPIR-V instruction with the given `opcode` and `operands` into
/// the given `binary` vector.
LogicalResult encodeInstructionInto(SmallVectorImpl<uint32_t> &binary,
spirv::Opcode op,
ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands) {
uint32_t wordCount = 1 + operands.size();
binary.push_back(spirv::getPrefixedOpcode(wordCount, op));
binary.append(operands.begin(), operands.end());
return success();
Serializer::Serializer(spirv::ModuleOp module, bool emitDebugInfo)
: module(module), mlirBuilder(module.getContext()),
emitDebugInfo(emitDebugInfo) {}
LogicalResult Serializer::serialize() {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "+++ starting serialization +++\n");
if (failed(module.verify()))
return failure();
// TODO: handle the other sections
// Iterate over the module body to serialize it. Assumptions are that there is
// only one basic block in the moduleOp
for (auto &op : *module.getBody()) {
if (failed(processOperation(&op))) {
return failure();
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "+++ completed serialization +++\n");
return success();
void Serializer::collect(SmallVectorImpl<uint32_t> &binary) {
auto moduleSize = spirv::kHeaderWordCount + capabilities.size() +
extensions.size() + extendedSets.size() +
memoryModel.size() + entryPoints.size() +
executionModes.size() + decorations.size() +
typesGlobalValues.size() + functions.size();
spirv::appendModuleHeader(binary, module.vce_triple()->getVersion(), nextID);
binary.append(capabilities.begin(), capabilities.end());
binary.append(extensions.begin(), extensions.end());
binary.append(extendedSets.begin(), extendedSets.end());
binary.append(memoryModel.begin(), memoryModel.end());
binary.append(entryPoints.begin(), entryPoints.end());
binary.append(executionModes.begin(), executionModes.end());
binary.append(debug.begin(), debug.end());
binary.append(names.begin(), names.end());
binary.append(decorations.begin(), decorations.end());
binary.append(typesGlobalValues.begin(), typesGlobalValues.end());
binary.append(functions.begin(), functions.end());
#ifndef NDEBUG
void Serializer::printValueIDMap(raw_ostream &os) {
os << "\n= Value <id> Map =\n\n";
for (auto valueIDPair : valueIDMap) {
Value val = valueIDPair.first;
os << " " << val << " "
<< "id = " << valueIDPair.second << ' ';
if (auto *op = val.getDefiningOp()) {
os << "from op '" << op->getName() << "'";
} else if (auto arg = val.dyn_cast<BlockArgument>()) {
Block *block = arg.getOwner();
os << "from argument of block " << block << ' ';
os << " in op '" << block->getParentOp()->getName() << "'";
os << '\n';
// Module structure
uint32_t Serializer::getOrCreateFunctionID(StringRef fnName) {
auto funcID = funcIDMap.lookup(fnName);
if (!funcID) {
funcID = getNextID();
funcIDMap[fnName] = funcID;
return funcID;
void Serializer::processCapability() {
for (auto cap : module.vce_triple()->getCapabilities())
(void)encodeInstructionInto(capabilities, spirv::Opcode::OpCapability,
void Serializer::processDebugInfo() {
if (!emitDebugInfo)
auto fileLoc = module.getLoc().dyn_cast<FileLineColLoc>();
auto fileName = fileLoc ? fileLoc.getFilename().strref() : "<unknown>";
fileID = getNextID();
SmallVector<uint32_t, 16> operands;
(void)spirv::encodeStringLiteralInto(operands, fileName);
(void)encodeInstructionInto(debug, spirv::Opcode::OpString, operands);
// TODO: Encode more debug instructions.
void Serializer::processExtension() {
llvm::SmallVector<uint32_t, 16> extName;
for (spirv::Extension ext : module.vce_triple()->getExtensions()) {
(void)encodeInstructionInto(extensions, spirv::Opcode::OpExtension,
void Serializer::processMemoryModel() {
uint32_t mm = module->getAttrOfType<IntegerAttr>("memory_model").getInt();
uint32_t am = module->getAttrOfType<IntegerAttr>("addressing_model").getInt();
(void)encodeInstructionInto(memoryModel, spirv::Opcode::OpMemoryModel,
{am, mm});
LogicalResult Serializer::processDecoration(Location loc, uint32_t resultID,
NamedAttribute attr) {
auto attrName = attr.getName().strref();
auto decorationName = llvm::convertToCamelFromSnakeCase(attrName, true);
auto decoration = spirv::symbolizeDecoration(decorationName);
if (!decoration) {
return emitError(
loc, "non-argument attributes expected to have snake-case-ified "
"decoration name, unhandled attribute with name : ")
<< attrName;
SmallVector<uint32_t, 1> args;
switch (decoration.getValue()) {
case spirv::Decoration::Binding:
case spirv::Decoration::DescriptorSet:
case spirv::Decoration::Location:
if (auto intAttr = attr.getValue().dyn_cast<IntegerAttr>()) {
return emitError(loc, "expected integer attribute for ") << attrName;
case spirv::Decoration::BuiltIn:
if (auto strAttr = attr.getValue().dyn_cast<StringAttr>()) {
auto enumVal = spirv::symbolizeBuiltIn(strAttr.getValue());
if (enumVal) {
return emitError(loc, "invalid ")
<< attrName << " attribute " << strAttr.getValue();
return emitError(loc, "expected string attribute for ") << attrName;
case spirv::Decoration::Aliased:
case spirv::Decoration::Flat:
case spirv::Decoration::NonReadable:
case spirv::Decoration::NonWritable:
case spirv::Decoration::NoPerspective:
case spirv::Decoration::Restrict:
case spirv::Decoration::RelaxedPrecision:
// For unit attributes, the args list has no values so we do nothing
if (auto unitAttr = attr.getValue().dyn_cast<UnitAttr>())
return emitError(loc, "expected unit attribute for ") << attrName;
return emitError(loc, "unhandled decoration ") << decorationName;
return emitDecoration(resultID, decoration.getValue(), args);
LogicalResult Serializer::processName(uint32_t resultID, StringRef name) {
assert(!name.empty() && "unexpected empty string for OpName");
SmallVector<uint32_t, 4> nameOperands;
if (failed(spirv::encodeStringLiteralInto(nameOperands, name))) {
return failure();
return encodeInstructionInto(names, spirv::Opcode::OpName, nameOperands);
template <>
LogicalResult Serializer::processTypeDecoration<spirv::ArrayType>(
Location loc, spirv::ArrayType type, uint32_t resultID) {
if (unsigned stride = type.getArrayStride()) {
// OpDecorate %arrayTypeSSA ArrayStride strideLiteral
return emitDecoration(resultID, spirv::Decoration::ArrayStride, {stride});
return success();
template <>
LogicalResult Serializer::processTypeDecoration<spirv::RuntimeArrayType>(
Location loc, spirv::RuntimeArrayType type, uint32_t resultID) {
if (unsigned stride = type.getArrayStride()) {
// OpDecorate %arrayTypeSSA ArrayStride strideLiteral
return emitDecoration(resultID, spirv::Decoration::ArrayStride, {stride});
return success();
LogicalResult Serializer::processMemberDecoration(
uint32_t structID,
const spirv::StructType::MemberDecorationInfo &memberDecoration) {
SmallVector<uint32_t, 4> args(
{structID, memberDecoration.memberIndex,
if (memberDecoration.hasValue) {
return encodeInstructionInto(decorations, spirv::Opcode::OpMemberDecorate,
// Type
// According to the SPIR-V spec "Validation Rules for Shader Capabilities":
// "Composite objects in the StorageBuffer, PhysicalStorageBuffer, Uniform, and
// PushConstant Storage Classes must be explicitly laid out."
bool Serializer::isInterfaceStructPtrType(Type type) const {
if (auto ptrType = type.dyn_cast<spirv::PointerType>()) {
switch (ptrType.getStorageClass()) {
case spirv::StorageClass::PhysicalStorageBuffer:
case spirv::StorageClass::PushConstant:
case spirv::StorageClass::StorageBuffer:
case spirv::StorageClass::Uniform:
return ptrType.getPointeeType().isa<spirv::StructType>();
return false;
LogicalResult Serializer::processType(Location loc, Type type,
uint32_t &typeID) {
// Maintains a set of names for nested identified struct types. This is used
// to properly serialize recursive references.
SetVector<StringRef> serializationCtx;
return processTypeImpl(loc, type, typeID, serializationCtx);
Serializer::processTypeImpl(Location loc, Type type, uint32_t &typeID,
SetVector<StringRef> &serializationCtx) {
typeID = getTypeID(type);
if (typeID) {
return success();
typeID = getNextID();
SmallVector<uint32_t, 4> operands;
auto typeEnum = spirv::Opcode::OpTypeVoid;
bool deferSerialization = false;
if ((type.isa<FunctionType>() &&
succeeded(prepareFunctionType(loc, type.cast<FunctionType>(), typeEnum,
operands))) ||
succeeded(prepareBasicType(loc, type, typeID, typeEnum, operands,
deferSerialization, serializationCtx))) {
if (deferSerialization)
return success();
typeIDMap[type] = typeID;
if (failed(encodeInstructionInto(typesGlobalValues, typeEnum, operands)))
return failure();
if (recursiveStructInfos.count(type) != 0) {
// This recursive struct type is emitted already, now the OpTypePointer
// instructions referring to recursive references are emitted as well.
for (auto &ptrInfo : recursiveStructInfos[type]) {
// TODO: This might not work if more than 1 recursive reference is
// present in the struct.
SmallVector<uint32_t, 4> ptrOperands;
if (failed(encodeInstructionInto(
typesGlobalValues, spirv::Opcode::OpTypePointer, ptrOperands)))
return failure();
return success();
return failure();
LogicalResult Serializer::prepareBasicType(
Location loc, Type type, uint32_t resultID, spirv::Opcode &typeEnum,
SmallVectorImpl<uint32_t> &operands, bool &deferSerialization,
SetVector<StringRef> &serializationCtx) {
deferSerialization = false;
if (isVoidType(type)) {
typeEnum = spirv::Opcode::OpTypeVoid;
return success();
if (auto intType = type.dyn_cast<IntegerType>()) {
if (intType.getWidth() == 1) {
typeEnum = spirv::Opcode::OpTypeBool;
return success();
typeEnum = spirv::Opcode::OpTypeInt;
// SPIR-V OpTypeInt "Signedness specifies whether there are signed semantics
// to preserve or validate.
// 0 indicates unsigned, or no signedness semantics
// 1 indicates signed semantics."
operands.push_back(intType.isSigned() ? 1 : 0);
return success();
if (auto floatType = type.dyn_cast<FloatType>()) {
typeEnum = spirv::Opcode::OpTypeFloat;
return success();
if (auto vectorType = type.dyn_cast<VectorType>()) {
uint32_t elementTypeID = 0;
if (failed(processTypeImpl(loc, vectorType.getElementType(), elementTypeID,
serializationCtx))) {
return failure();
typeEnum = spirv::Opcode::OpTypeVector;
return success();
if (auto imageType = type.dyn_cast<spirv::ImageType>()) {
typeEnum = spirv::Opcode::OpTypeImage;
uint32_t sampledTypeID = 0;
if (failed(processType(loc, imageType.getElementType(), sampledTypeID)))
return failure();
return success();
if (auto arrayType = type.dyn_cast<spirv::ArrayType>()) {
typeEnum = spirv::Opcode::OpTypeArray;
uint32_t elementTypeID = 0;
if (failed(processTypeImpl(loc, arrayType.getElementType(), elementTypeID,
serializationCtx))) {
return failure();
if (auto elementCountID = prepareConstantInt(
loc, mlirBuilder.getI32IntegerAttr(arrayType.getNumElements()))) {
return processTypeDecoration(loc, arrayType, resultID);
if (auto ptrType = type.dyn_cast<spirv::PointerType>()) {
uint32_t pointeeTypeID = 0;
spirv::StructType pointeeStruct =
if (pointeeStruct && pointeeStruct.isIdentified() &&
serializationCtx.count(pointeeStruct.getIdentifier()) != 0) {
// A recursive reference to an enclosing struct is found.
// 1. Prepare an OpTypeForwardPointer with resultID and the ptr storage
// class as operands.
SmallVector<uint32_t, 2> forwardPtrOperands;
// 2. Find the pointee (enclosing) struct.
auto structType = spirv::StructType::getIdentified(
module.getContext(), pointeeStruct.getIdentifier());
if (!structType)
return failure();
// 3. Mark the OpTypePointer that is supposed to be emitted by this call
// as deferred.
deferSerialization = true;
// 4. Record the info needed to emit the deferred OpTypePointer
// instruction when the enclosing struct is completely serialized.
{resultID, ptrType.getStorageClass()});
} else {
if (failed(processTypeImpl(loc, ptrType.getPointeeType(), pointeeTypeID,
return failure();
typeEnum = spirv::Opcode::OpTypePointer;
return success();
if (auto runtimeArrayType = type.dyn_cast<spirv::RuntimeArrayType>()) {
uint32_t elementTypeID = 0;
if (failed(processTypeImpl(loc, runtimeArrayType.getElementType(),
elementTypeID, serializationCtx))) {
return failure();
typeEnum = spirv::Opcode::OpTypeRuntimeArray;
return processTypeDecoration(loc, runtimeArrayType, resultID);
if (auto sampledImageType = type.dyn_cast<spirv::SampledImageType>()) {
typeEnum = spirv::Opcode::OpTypeSampledImage;
uint32_t imageTypeID = 0;
if (failed(
processType(loc, sampledImageType.getImageType(), imageTypeID))) {
return failure();
return success();
if (auto structType = type.dyn_cast<spirv::StructType>()) {
if (structType.isIdentified()) {
(void)processName(resultID, structType.getIdentifier());
bool hasOffset = structType.hasOffset();
for (auto elementIndex :
llvm::seq<uint32_t>(0, structType.getNumElements())) {
uint32_t elementTypeID = 0;
if (failed(processTypeImpl(loc, structType.getElementType(elementIndex),
elementTypeID, serializationCtx))) {
return failure();
if (hasOffset) {
// Decorate each struct member with an offset
spirv::StructType::MemberDecorationInfo offsetDecoration{
elementIndex, /*hasValue=*/1, spirv::Decoration::Offset,
if (failed(processMemberDecoration(resultID, offsetDecoration))) {
return emitError(loc, "cannot decorate ")
<< elementIndex << "-th member of " << structType
<< " with its offset";
SmallVector<spirv::StructType::MemberDecorationInfo, 4> memberDecorations;
for (auto &memberDecoration : memberDecorations) {
if (failed(processMemberDecoration(resultID, memberDecoration))) {
return emitError(loc, "cannot decorate ")
<< static_cast<uint32_t>(memberDecoration.memberIndex)
<< "-th member of " << structType << " with "
<< stringifyDecoration(memberDecoration.decoration);
typeEnum = spirv::Opcode::OpTypeStruct;
if (structType.isIdentified())
return success();
if (auto cooperativeMatrixType =
type.dyn_cast<spirv::CooperativeMatrixNVType>()) {
uint32_t elementTypeID = 0;
if (failed(processTypeImpl(loc, cooperativeMatrixType.getElementType(),
elementTypeID, serializationCtx))) {
return failure();
typeEnum = spirv::Opcode::OpTypeCooperativeMatrixNV;
auto getConstantOp = [&](uint32_t id) {
auto attr = IntegerAttr::get(IntegerType::get(type.getContext(), 32), id);
return prepareConstantInt(loc, attr);
return success();
if (auto matrixType = type.dyn_cast<spirv::MatrixType>()) {
uint32_t elementTypeID = 0;
if (failed(processTypeImpl(loc, matrixType.getColumnType(), elementTypeID,
serializationCtx))) {
return failure();
typeEnum = spirv::Opcode::OpTypeMatrix;
return success();
// TODO: Handle other types.
return emitError(loc, "unhandled type in serialization: ") << type;
Serializer::prepareFunctionType(Location loc, FunctionType type,
spirv::Opcode &typeEnum,
SmallVectorImpl<uint32_t> &operands) {
typeEnum = spirv::Opcode::OpTypeFunction;
assert(type.getNumResults() <= 1 &&
"serialization supports only a single return value");
uint32_t resultID = 0;
if (failed(processType(
loc, type.getNumResults() == 1 ? type.getResult(0) : getVoidType(),
resultID))) {
return failure();
for (auto &res : type.getInputs()) {
uint32_t argTypeID = 0;
if (failed(processType(loc, res, argTypeID))) {
return failure();
return success();
// Constant
uint32_t Serializer::prepareConstant(Location loc, Type constType,
Attribute valueAttr) {
if (auto id = prepareConstantScalar(loc, valueAttr)) {
return id;
// This is a composite literal. We need to handle each component separately
// and then emit an OpConstantComposite for the whole.
if (auto id = getConstantID(valueAttr)) {
return id;
uint32_t typeID = 0;
if (failed(processType(loc, constType, typeID))) {
return 0;
uint32_t resultID = 0;
if (auto attr = valueAttr.dyn_cast<DenseElementsAttr>()) {
int rank = attr.getType().dyn_cast<ShapedType>().getRank();
SmallVector<uint64_t, 4> index(rank);
resultID = prepareDenseElementsConstant(loc, constType, attr,
/*dim=*/0, index);
} else if (auto arrayAttr = valueAttr.dyn_cast<ArrayAttr>()) {
resultID = prepareArrayConstant(loc, constType, arrayAttr);
if (resultID == 0) {
emitError(loc, "cannot serialize attribute: ") << valueAttr;
return 0;
constIDMap[valueAttr] = resultID;
return resultID;
uint32_t Serializer::prepareArrayConstant(Location loc, Type constType,
ArrayAttr attr) {
uint32_t typeID = 0;
if (failed(processType(loc, constType, typeID))) {
return 0;
uint32_t resultID = getNextID();
SmallVector<uint32_t, 4> operands = {typeID, resultID};
operands.reserve(attr.size() + 2);
auto elementType = constType.cast<spirv::ArrayType>().getElementType();
for (Attribute elementAttr : attr) {
if (auto elementID = prepareConstant(loc, elementType, elementAttr)) {
} else {
return 0;
spirv::Opcode opcode = spirv::Opcode::OpConstantComposite;
(void)encodeInstructionInto(typesGlobalValues, opcode, operands);
return resultID;
// TODO: Turn the below function into iterative function, instead of
// recursive function.
Serializer::prepareDenseElementsConstant(Location loc, Type constType,
DenseElementsAttr valueAttr, int dim,
MutableArrayRef<uint64_t> index) {
auto shapedType = valueAttr.getType().dyn_cast<ShapedType>();
assert(dim <= shapedType.getRank());
if (shapedType.getRank() == dim) {
if (auto attr = valueAttr.dyn_cast<DenseIntElementsAttr>()) {
return attr.getType().getElementType().isInteger(1)
? prepareConstantBool(loc, attr.getValues<BoolAttr>()[index])
: prepareConstantInt(loc,
if (auto attr = valueAttr.dyn_cast<DenseFPElementsAttr>()) {
return prepareConstantFp(loc, attr.getValues<FloatAttr>()[index]);
return 0;
uint32_t typeID = 0;
if (failed(processType(loc, constType, typeID))) {
return 0;
uint32_t resultID = getNextID();
SmallVector<uint32_t, 4> operands = {typeID, resultID};
operands.reserve(shapedType.getDimSize(dim) + 2);
auto elementType = constType.cast<spirv::CompositeType>().getElementType(0);
for (int i = 0; i < shapedType.getDimSize(dim); ++i) {
index[dim] = i;
if (auto elementID = prepareDenseElementsConstant(
loc, elementType, valueAttr, dim + 1, index)) {
} else {
return 0;
spirv::Opcode opcode = spirv::Opcode::OpConstantComposite;
(void)encodeInstructionInto(typesGlobalValues, opcode, operands);
return resultID;
uint32_t Serializer::prepareConstantScalar(Location loc, Attribute valueAttr,
bool isSpec) {
if (auto floatAttr = valueAttr.dyn_cast<FloatAttr>()) {
return prepareConstantFp(loc, floatAttr, isSpec);
if (auto boolAttr = valueAttr.dyn_cast<BoolAttr>()) {
return prepareConstantBool(loc, boolAttr, isSpec);
if (auto intAttr = valueAttr.dyn_cast<IntegerAttr>()) {
return prepareConstantInt(loc, intAttr, isSpec);
return 0;
uint32_t Serializer::prepareConstantBool(Location loc, BoolAttr boolAttr,
bool isSpec) {
if (!isSpec) {
// We can de-duplicate normal constants, but not specialization constants.
if (auto id = getConstantID(boolAttr)) {
return id;
// Process the type for this bool literal
uint32_t typeID = 0;
if (failed(processType(loc, boolAttr.getType(), typeID))) {
return 0;
auto resultID = getNextID();
auto opcode = boolAttr.getValue()
? (isSpec ? spirv::Opcode::OpSpecConstantTrue
: spirv::Opcode::OpConstantTrue)
: (isSpec ? spirv::Opcode::OpSpecConstantFalse
: spirv::Opcode::OpConstantFalse);
(void)encodeInstructionInto(typesGlobalValues, opcode, {typeID, resultID});
if (!isSpec) {
constIDMap[boolAttr] = resultID;
return resultID;
uint32_t Serializer::prepareConstantInt(Location loc, IntegerAttr intAttr,
bool isSpec) {
if (!isSpec) {
// We can de-duplicate normal constants, but not specialization constants.
if (auto id = getConstantID(intAttr)) {
return id;
// Process the type for this integer literal
uint32_t typeID = 0;
if (failed(processType(loc, intAttr.getType(), typeID))) {
return 0;
auto resultID = getNextID();
APInt value = intAttr.getValue();
unsigned bitwidth = value.getBitWidth();
bool isSigned = value.isSignedIntN(bitwidth);
auto opcode =
isSpec ? spirv::Opcode::OpSpecConstant : spirv::Opcode::OpConstant;
switch (bitwidth) {
// According to SPIR-V spec, "When the type's bit width is less than
// 32-bits, the literal's value appears in the low-order bits of the word,
// and the high-order bits must be 0 for a floating-point type, or 0 for an
// integer type with Signedness of 0, or sign extended when Signedness
// is 1."
case 32:
case 16:
case 8: {
uint32_t word = 0;
if (isSigned) {
word = static_cast<int32_t>(value.getSExtValue());
} else {
word = static_cast<uint32_t>(value.getZExtValue());
(void)encodeInstructionInto(typesGlobalValues, opcode,
{typeID, resultID, word});
} break;
// According to SPIR-V spec: "When the type's bit width is larger than one
// word, the literal’s low-order words appear first."
case 64: {
struct DoubleWord {
uint32_t word1;
uint32_t word2;
} words;
if (isSigned) {
words = llvm::bit_cast<DoubleWord>(value.getSExtValue());
} else {
words = llvm::bit_cast<DoubleWord>(value.getZExtValue());
(void)encodeInstructionInto(typesGlobalValues, opcode,
{typeID, resultID, words.word1, words.word2});
} break;
default: {
std::string valueStr;
llvm::raw_string_ostream rss(valueStr);
value.print(rss, /*isSigned=*/false);
emitError(loc, "cannot serialize ")
<< bitwidth << "-bit integer literal: " << rss.str();
return 0;
if (!isSpec) {
constIDMap[intAttr] = resultID;
return resultID;
uint32_t Serializer::prepareConstantFp(Location loc, FloatAttr floatAttr,
bool isSpec) {
if (!isSpec) {
// We can de-duplicate normal constants, but not specialization constants.
if (auto id = getConstantID(floatAttr)) {
return id;
// Process the type for this float literal
uint32_t typeID = 0;
if (failed(processType(loc, floatAttr.getType(), typeID))) {
return 0;
auto resultID = getNextID();
APFloat value = floatAttr.getValue();
APInt intValue = value.bitcastToAPInt();
auto opcode =
isSpec ? spirv::Opcode::OpSpecConstant : spirv::Opcode::OpConstant;
if (&value.getSemantics() == &APFloat::IEEEsingle()) {
uint32_t word = llvm::bit_cast<uint32_t>(value.convertToFloat());
(void)encodeInstructionInto(typesGlobalValues, opcode,
{typeID, resultID, word});
} else if (&value.getSemantics() == &APFloat::IEEEdouble()) {
struct DoubleWord {
uint32_t word1;
uint32_t word2;
} words = llvm::bit_cast<DoubleWord>(value.convertToDouble());
(void)encodeInstructionInto(typesGlobalValues, opcode,
{typeID, resultID, words.word1, words.word2});
} else if (&value.getSemantics() == &APFloat::IEEEhalf()) {
uint32_t word =
(void)encodeInstructionInto(typesGlobalValues, opcode,
{typeID, resultID, word});
} else {
std::string valueStr;
llvm::raw_string_ostream rss(valueStr);
emitError(loc, "cannot serialize ")
<< floatAttr.getType() << "-typed float literal: " << rss.str();
return 0;
if (!isSpec) {
constIDMap[floatAttr] = resultID;
return resultID;
// Control flow
uint32_t Serializer::getOrCreateBlockID(Block *block) {
if (uint32_t id = getBlockID(block))
return id;
return blockIDMap[block] = getNextID();
Serializer::processBlock(Block *block, bool omitLabel,
function_ref<void()> actionBeforeTerminator) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "processing block " << block << ":\n");
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << '\n');
if (!omitLabel) {
uint32_t blockID = getOrCreateBlockID(block);
<< "[block] " << block << " (id = " << blockID << ")\n");
// Emit OpLabel for this block.
(void)encodeInstructionInto(functionBody, spirv::Opcode::OpLabel,
// Emit OpPhi instructions for block arguments, if any.
if (failed(emitPhiForBlockArguments(block)))
return failure();
// Process each op in this block except the terminator.
for (auto &op : llvm::make_range(block->begin(), std::prev(block->end()))) {
if (failed(processOperation(&op)))
return failure();
// Process the terminator.
if (actionBeforeTerminator)
if (failed(processOperation(&block->back())))
return failure();
return success();
LogicalResult Serializer::emitPhiForBlockArguments(Block *block) {
// Nothing to do if this block has no arguments or it's the entry block, which
// always has the same arguments as the function signature.
if (block->args_empty() || block->isEntryBlock())
return success();
// If the block has arguments, we need to create SPIR-V OpPhi instructions.
// A SPIR-V OpPhi instruction is of the syntax:
// OpPhi | result type | result <id> | (value <id>, parent block <id>) pair
// So we need to collect all predecessor blocks and the arguments they send
// to this block.
SmallVector<std::pair<Block *, OperandRange>, 4> predecessors;
for (Block *predecessor : block->getPredecessors()) {
auto *terminator = predecessor->getTerminator();
// The predecessor here is the immediate one according to MLIR's IR
// structure. It does not directly map to the incoming parent block for the
// OpPhi instructions at SPIR-V binary level. This is because structured
// control flow ops are serialized to multiple SPIR-V blocks. If there is a
// spv.mlir.selection/spv.mlir.loop op in the MLIR predecessor block, the
// branch op jumping to the OpPhi's block then resides in the previous
// structured control flow op's merge block.
predecessor = getPhiIncomingBlock(predecessor);
if (auto branchOp = dyn_cast<spirv::BranchOp>(terminator)) {
predecessors.emplace_back(predecessor, branchOp.getOperands());
} else if (auto branchCondOp =
dyn_cast<spirv::BranchConditionalOp>(terminator)) {
Optional<OperandRange> blockOperands;
for (auto successorIdx :
llvm::seq<unsigned>(0, predecessor->getNumSuccessors()))
if (predecessor->getSuccessors()[successorIdx] == block) {
blockOperands = branchCondOp.getSuccessorOperands(successorIdx);
assert(blockOperands && !blockOperands->empty() &&
"expected non-empty block operand range");
predecessors.emplace_back(predecessor, *blockOperands);
} else {
return terminator->emitError("unimplemented terminator for Phi creation");
// Then create OpPhi instruction for each of the block argument.
for (auto argIndex : llvm::seq<unsigned>(0, block->getNumArguments())) {
BlockArgument arg = block->getArgument(argIndex);
// Get the type <id> and result <id> for this OpPhi instruction.
uint32_t phiTypeID = 0;
if (failed(processType(arg.getLoc(), arg.getType(), phiTypeID)))
return failure();
uint32_t phiID = getNextID();
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "[phi] for block argument #" << argIndex << ' '
<< arg << " (id = " << phiID << ")\n");
// Prepare the (value <id>, parent block <id>) pairs.
SmallVector<uint32_t, 8> phiArgs;
for (auto predIndex : llvm::seq<unsigned>(0, predecessors.size())) {
Value value = predecessors[predIndex].second[argIndex];
uint32_t predBlockId = getOrCreateBlockID(predecessors[predIndex].first);
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "[phi] use predecessor (id = " << predBlockId
<< ") value " << value << ' ');
// Each pair is a value <id> ...
uint32_t valueId = getValueID(value);
if (valueId == 0) {
// The op generating this value hasn't been visited yet so we don't have
// an <id> assigned yet. Record this to fix up later.
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "(need to fix)\n");
deferredPhiValues[value].push_back(functionBody.size() + 1 +
} else {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "(id = " << valueId << ")\n");
// ... and a parent block <id>.
(void)encodeInstructionInto(functionBody, spirv::Opcode::OpPhi, phiArgs);
valueIDMap[arg] = phiID;
return success();
// Operation
LogicalResult Serializer::encodeExtensionInstruction(
Operation *op, StringRef extensionSetName, uint32_t extensionOpcode,
ArrayRef<uint32_t> operands) {
// Check if the extension has been imported.
auto &setID = extendedInstSetIDMap[extensionSetName];
if (!setID) {
setID = getNextID();
SmallVector<uint32_t, 16> importOperands;
if (failed(
spirv::encodeStringLiteralInto(importOperands, extensionSetName)) ||
extendedSets, spirv::Opcode::OpExtInstImport, importOperands))) {
return failure();
// The first two operands are the result type <id> and result <id>. The set
// <id> and the opcode need to be insert after this.
if (operands.size() < 2) {
return op->emitError("extended instructions must have a result encoding");
SmallVector<uint32_t, 8> extInstOperands;
extInstOperands.reserve(operands.size() + 2);
extInstOperands.append(operands.begin(), std::next(operands.begin(), 2));
extInstOperands.append(std::next(operands.begin(), 2), operands.end());
return encodeInstructionInto(functionBody, spirv::Opcode::OpExtInst,
LogicalResult Serializer::processOperation(Operation *opInst) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "[op] '" << opInst->getName() << "'\n");
// First dispatch the ops that do not directly mirror an instruction from
// the SPIR-V spec.
return TypeSwitch<Operation *, LogicalResult>(opInst)
.Case([&](spirv::AddressOfOp op) { return processAddressOfOp(op); })
.Case([&](spirv::BranchOp op) { return processBranchOp(op); })
.Case([&](spirv::BranchConditionalOp op) {
return processBranchConditionalOp(op);
.Case([&](spirv::ConstantOp op) { return processConstantOp(op); })
.Case([&](spirv::FuncOp op) { return processFuncOp(op); })
.Case([&](spirv::GlobalVariableOp op) {
return processGlobalVariableOp(op);
.Case([&](spirv::LoopOp op) { return processLoopOp(op); })
.Case([&](spirv::ReferenceOfOp op) { return processReferenceOfOp(op); })
.Case([&](spirv::SelectionOp op) { return processSelectionOp(op); })
.Case([&](spirv::SpecConstantOp op) { return processSpecConstantOp(op); })
.Case([&](spirv::SpecConstantCompositeOp op) {
return processSpecConstantCompositeOp(op);
.Case([&](spirv::SpecConstantOperationOp op) {
return processSpecConstantOperationOp(op);
.Case([&](spirv::UndefOp op) { return processUndefOp(op); })
.Case([&](spirv::VariableOp op) { return processVariableOp(op); })
// Then handle all the ops that directly mirror SPIR-V instructions with
// auto-generated methods.
[&](Operation *op) { return dispatchToAutogenSerialization(op); });
LogicalResult Serializer::processOpWithoutGrammarAttr(Operation *op,
StringRef extInstSet,
uint32_t opcode) {
SmallVector<uint32_t, 4> operands;
Location loc = op->getLoc();
uint32_t resultID = 0;
if (op->getNumResults() != 0) {
uint32_t resultTypeID = 0;
if (failed(processType(loc, op->getResult(0).getType(), resultTypeID)))
return failure();
resultID = getNextID();
valueIDMap[op->getResult(0)] = resultID;
for (Value operand : op->getOperands())
(void)emitDebugLine(functionBody, loc);
if (extInstSet.empty()) {
static_cast<spirv::Opcode>(opcode), operands);
} else {
(void)encodeExtensionInstruction(op, extInstSet, opcode, operands);
if (op->getNumResults() != 0) {
for (auto attr : op->getAttrs()) {
if (failed(processDecoration(loc, resultID, attr)))
return failure();
return success();
LogicalResult Serializer::emitDecoration(uint32_t target,
spirv::Decoration decoration,
ArrayRef<uint32_t> params) {
uint32_t wordCount = 3 + params.size();
spirv::getPrefixedOpcode(wordCount, spirv::Opcode::OpDecorate));
decorations.append(params.begin(), params.end());
return success();
LogicalResult Serializer::emitDebugLine(SmallVectorImpl<uint32_t> &binary,
Location loc) {
if (!emitDebugInfo)
return success();
if (lastProcessedWasMergeInst) {
lastProcessedWasMergeInst = false;
return success();
auto fileLoc = loc.dyn_cast<FileLineColLoc>();
if (fileLoc)
binary, spirv::Opcode::OpLine,
{fileID, fileLoc.getLine(), fileLoc.getColumn()});
return success();
} // namespace spirv
} // namespace mlir