blob: d877c1b70311e761fa30428e3ba0cc0677ccae06 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- SerializeOps.cpp - MLIR SPIR-V Serialization (Ops) -----------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file defines the serialization methods for MLIR SPIR-V module ops.
#include "Serializer.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/SPIRV/IR/SPIRVAttributes.h"
#include "mlir/IR/RegionGraphTraits.h"
#include "mlir/Support/LogicalResult.h"
#include "mlir/Target/SPIRV/SPIRVBinaryUtils.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DepthFirstIterator.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#define DEBUG_TYPE "spirv-serialization"
using namespace mlir;
/// A pre-order depth-first visitor function for processing basic blocks.
/// Visits the basic blocks starting from the given `headerBlock` in pre-order
/// depth-first manner and calls `blockHandler` on each block. Skips handling
/// blocks in the `skipBlocks` list. If `skipHeader` is true, `blockHandler`
/// will not be invoked in `headerBlock` but still handles all `headerBlock`'s
/// successors.
/// SPIR-V spec "2.16.1. Universal Validation Rules" requires that "the order
/// of blocks in a function must satisfy the rule that blocks appear before
/// all blocks they dominate." This can be achieved by a pre-order CFG
/// traversal algorithm. To make the serialization output more logical and
/// readable to human, we perform depth-first CFG traversal and delay the
/// serialization of the merge block and the continue block, if exists, until
/// after all other blocks have been processed.
static LogicalResult
visitInPrettyBlockOrder(Block *headerBlock,
function_ref<LogicalResult(Block *)> blockHandler,
bool skipHeader = false, BlockRange skipBlocks = {}) {
llvm::df_iterator_default_set<Block *, 4> doneBlocks;
doneBlocks.insert(skipBlocks.begin(), skipBlocks.end());
for (Block *block : llvm::depth_first_ext(headerBlock, doneBlocks)) {
if (skipHeader && block == headerBlock)
if (failed(blockHandler(block)))
return failure();
return success();
namespace mlir {
namespace spirv {
LogicalResult Serializer::processConstantOp(spirv::ConstantOp op) {
if (auto resultID = prepareConstant(op.getLoc(), op.getType(), op.value())) {
valueIDMap[op.getResult()] = resultID;
return success();
return failure();
LogicalResult Serializer::processSpecConstantOp(spirv::SpecConstantOp op) {
if (auto resultID = prepareConstantScalar(op.getLoc(), op.default_value(),
/*isSpec=*/true)) {
// Emit the OpDecorate instruction for SpecId.
if (auto specID = op->getAttrOfType<IntegerAttr>("spec_id")) {
auto val = static_cast<uint32_t>(specID.getInt());
(void)emitDecoration(resultID, spirv::Decoration::SpecId, {val});
specConstIDMap[op.sym_name()] = resultID;
return processName(resultID, op.sym_name());
return failure();
Serializer::processSpecConstantCompositeOp(spirv::SpecConstantCompositeOp op) {
uint32_t typeID = 0;
if (failed(processType(op.getLoc(), op.type(), typeID))) {
return failure();
auto resultID = getNextID();
SmallVector<uint32_t, 8> operands;
auto constituents = op.constituents();
for (auto index : llvm::seq<uint32_t>(0, constituents.size())) {
auto constituent = constituents[index].dyn_cast<FlatSymbolRefAttr>();
auto constituentName = constituent.getValue();
auto constituentID = getSpecConstID(constituentName);
if (!constituentID) {
return op.emitError("unknown result <id> for specialization constant ")
<< constituentName;
spirv::Opcode::OpSpecConstantComposite, operands);
specConstIDMap[op.sym_name()] = resultID;
return processName(resultID, op.sym_name());
Serializer::processSpecConstantOperationOp(spirv::SpecConstantOperationOp op) {
uint32_t typeID = 0;
if (failed(processType(op.getLoc(), op.getType(), typeID))) {
return failure();
auto resultID = getNextID();
SmallVector<uint32_t, 8> operands;
Block &block = op.getRegion().getBlocks().front();
Operation &enclosedOp = block.getOperations().front();
std::string enclosedOpName;
llvm::raw_string_ostream rss(enclosedOpName);
rss << "Op" << enclosedOp.getName().stripDialect();
auto enclosedOpcode = spirv::symbolizeOpcode(rss.str());
if (!enclosedOpcode) {
op.emitError("Couldn't find op code for op ")
<< enclosedOp.getName().getStringRef();
return failure();
// Append operands to the enclosed op to the list of operands.
for (Value operand : enclosedOp.getOperands()) {
uint32_t id = getValueID(operand);
assert(id && "use before def!");
spirv::Opcode::OpSpecConstantOp, operands);
valueIDMap[op.getResult()] = resultID;
return success();
LogicalResult Serializer::processUndefOp(spirv::UndefOp op) {
auto undefType = op.getType();
auto &id = undefValIDMap[undefType];
if (!id) {
id = getNextID();
uint32_t typeID = 0;
if (failed(processType(op.getLoc(), undefType, typeID)) ||
failed(encodeInstructionInto(typesGlobalValues, spirv::Opcode::OpUndef,
{typeID, id}))) {
return failure();
valueIDMap[op.getResult()] = id;
return success();
LogicalResult Serializer::processFuncOp(spirv::FuncOp op) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "-- start function '" << op.getName() << "' --\n");
assert(functionHeader.empty() && functionBody.empty());
uint32_t fnTypeID = 0;
// Generate type of the function.
(void)processType(op.getLoc(), op.getType(), fnTypeID);
// Add the function definition.
SmallVector<uint32_t, 4> operands;
uint32_t resTypeID = 0;
auto resultTypes = op.getType().getResults();
if (resultTypes.size() > 1) {
return op.emitError("cannot serialize function with multiple return types");
if (failed(processType(op.getLoc(),
(resultTypes.empty() ? getVoidType() : resultTypes[0]),
resTypeID))) {
return failure();
auto funcID = getOrCreateFunctionID(op.getName());
(void)encodeInstructionInto(functionHeader, spirv::Opcode::OpFunction,
// Add function name.
if (failed(processName(funcID, op.getName()))) {
return failure();
// Declare the parameters.
for (auto arg : op.getArguments()) {
uint32_t argTypeID = 0;
if (failed(processType(op.getLoc(), arg.getType(), argTypeID))) {
return failure();
auto argValueID = getNextID();
valueIDMap[arg] = argValueID;
{argTypeID, argValueID});
// Process the body.
if (op.isExternal()) {
return op.emitError("external function is unhandled");
// Some instructions (e.g., OpVariable) in a function must be in the first
// block in the function. These instructions will be put in functionHeader.
// Thus, we put the label in functionHeader first, and omit it from the first
// block.
(void)encodeInstructionInto(functionHeader, spirv::Opcode::OpLabel,
(void)processBlock(&op.front(), /*omitLabel=*/true);
if (failed(visitInPrettyBlockOrder(
&op.front(), [&](Block *block) { return processBlock(block); },
/*skipHeader=*/true))) {
return failure();
// There might be OpPhi instructions who have value references needing to fix.
for (auto deferredValue : deferredPhiValues) {
Value value = deferredValue.first;
uint32_t id = getValueID(value);
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "[phi] fix reference of value " << value
<< " to id = " << id << '\n');
assert(id && "OpPhi references undefined value!");
for (size_t offset : deferredValue.second)
functionBody[offset] = id;
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "-- completed function '" << op.getName()
<< "' --\n");
// Insert OpFunctionEnd.
if (failed(encodeInstructionInto(functionBody, spirv::Opcode::OpFunctionEnd,
{}))) {
return failure();
functions.append(functionHeader.begin(), functionHeader.end());
functions.append(functionBody.begin(), functionBody.end());
return success();
LogicalResult Serializer::processVariableOp(spirv::VariableOp op) {
SmallVector<uint32_t, 4> operands;
SmallVector<StringRef, 2> elidedAttrs;
uint32_t resultID = 0;
uint32_t resultTypeID = 0;
if (failed(processType(op.getLoc(), op.getType(), resultTypeID))) {
return failure();
resultID = getNextID();
valueIDMap[op.getResult()] = resultID;
auto attr = op->getAttr(spirv::attributeName<spirv::StorageClass>());
if (attr) {
for (auto arg : op.getODSOperands(0)) {
auto argID = getValueID(arg);
if (!argID) {
return emitError(op.getLoc(), "operand 0 has a use before def");
(void)emitDebugLine(functionHeader, op.getLoc());
(void)encodeInstructionInto(functionHeader, spirv::Opcode::OpVariable,
for (auto attr : op->getAttrs()) {
if (llvm::any_of(elidedAttrs, [&](StringRef elided) {
return attr.getName() == elided;
})) {
if (failed(processDecoration(op.getLoc(), resultID, attr))) {
return failure();
return success();
Serializer::processGlobalVariableOp(spirv::GlobalVariableOp varOp) {
// Get TypeID.
uint32_t resultTypeID = 0;
SmallVector<StringRef, 4> elidedAttrs;
if (failed(processType(varOp.getLoc(), varOp.type(), resultTypeID))) {
return failure();
if (isInterfaceStructPtrType(varOp.type())) {
auto structType = varOp.type()
if (failed(
emitDecoration(getTypeID(structType), spirv::Decoration::Block))) {
return varOp.emitError("cannot decorate ")
<< structType << " with Block decoration";
SmallVector<uint32_t, 4> operands;
auto resultID = getNextID();
// Encode the name.
auto varName = varOp.sym_name();
if (failed(processName(resultID, varName))) {
return failure();
globalVarIDMap[varName] = resultID;
// Encode StorageClass.
// Encode initialization.
if (auto initializer = varOp.initializer()) {
auto initializerID = getVariableID(initializer.getValue());
if (!initializerID) {
return emitError(varOp.getLoc(),
"invalid usage of undefined variable as initializer");
(void)emitDebugLine(typesGlobalValues, varOp.getLoc());
if (failed(encodeInstructionInto(typesGlobalValues, spirv::Opcode::OpVariable,
operands))) {
return failure();
// Encode decorations.
for (auto attr : varOp->getAttrs()) {
if (llvm::any_of(elidedAttrs, [&](StringRef elided) {
return attr.getName() == elided;
})) {
if (failed(processDecoration(varOp.getLoc(), resultID, attr))) {
return failure();
return success();
LogicalResult Serializer::processSelectionOp(spirv::SelectionOp selectionOp) {
// Assign <id>s to all blocks so that branches inside the SelectionOp can
// resolve properly.
auto &body = selectionOp.body();
for (Block &block : body)
auto *headerBlock = selectionOp.getHeaderBlock();
auto *mergeBlock = selectionOp.getMergeBlock();
auto mergeID = getBlockID(mergeBlock);
auto loc = selectionOp.getLoc();
// Emit the selection header block, which dominates all other blocks, first.
// We need to emit an OpSelectionMerge instruction before the selection header
// block's terminator.
auto emitSelectionMerge = [&]() {
(void)emitDebugLine(functionBody, loc);
lastProcessedWasMergeInst = true;
functionBody, spirv::Opcode::OpSelectionMerge,
{mergeID, static_cast<uint32_t>(selectionOp.selection_control())});
// For structured selection, we cannot have blocks in the selection construct
// branching to the selection header block. Entering the selection (and
// reaching the selection header) must be from the block containing the
// spv.mlir.selection op. If there are ops ahead of the spv.mlir.selection op
// in the block, we can "merge" them into the selection header. So here we
// don't need to emit a separate block; just continue with the existing block.
if (failed(processBlock(headerBlock, /*omitLabel=*/true, emitSelectionMerge)))
return failure();
// Process all blocks with a depth-first visitor starting from the header
// block. The selection header block and merge block are skipped by this
// visitor.
if (failed(visitInPrettyBlockOrder(
headerBlock, [&](Block *block) { return processBlock(block); },
/*skipHeader=*/true, /*skipBlocks=*/{mergeBlock})))
return failure();
// There is nothing to do for the merge block in the selection, which just
// contains a spv.mlir.merge op, itself. But we need to have an OpLabel
// instruction to start a new SPIR-V block for ops following this SelectionOp.
// The block should use the <id> for the merge block.
return encodeInstructionInto(functionBody, spirv::Opcode::OpLabel, {mergeID});
LogicalResult Serializer::processLoopOp(spirv::LoopOp loopOp) {
// Assign <id>s to all blocks so that branches inside the LoopOp can resolve
// properly. We don't need to assign for the entry block, which is just for
// satisfying MLIR region's structural requirement.
auto &body = loopOp.body();
for (Block &block :
llvm::make_range(std::next(body.begin(), 1), body.end())) {
auto *headerBlock = loopOp.getHeaderBlock();
auto *continueBlock = loopOp.getContinueBlock();
auto *mergeBlock = loopOp.getMergeBlock();
auto headerID = getBlockID(headerBlock);
auto continueID = getBlockID(continueBlock);
auto mergeID = getBlockID(mergeBlock);
auto loc = loopOp.getLoc();
// This LoopOp is in some MLIR block with preceding and following ops. In the
// binary format, it should reside in separate SPIR-V blocks from its
// preceding and following ops. So we need to emit unconditional branches to
// jump to this LoopOp's SPIR-V blocks and jumping back to the normal flow
// afterwards.
(void)encodeInstructionInto(functionBody, spirv::Opcode::OpBranch,
// LoopOp's entry block is just there for satisfying MLIR's structural
// requirements so we omit it and start serialization from the loop header
// block.
// Emit the loop header block, which dominates all other blocks, first. We
// need to emit an OpLoopMerge instruction before the loop header block's
// terminator.
auto emitLoopMerge = [&]() {
(void)emitDebugLine(functionBody, loc);
lastProcessedWasMergeInst = true;
functionBody, spirv::Opcode::OpLoopMerge,
{mergeID, continueID, static_cast<uint32_t>(loopOp.loop_control())});
if (failed(processBlock(headerBlock, /*omitLabel=*/false, emitLoopMerge)))
return failure();
// Process all blocks with a depth-first visitor starting from the header
// block. The loop header block, loop continue block, and loop merge block are
// skipped by this visitor and handled later in this function.
if (failed(visitInPrettyBlockOrder(
headerBlock, [&](Block *block) { return processBlock(block); },
/*skipHeader=*/true, /*skipBlocks=*/{continueBlock, mergeBlock})))
return failure();
// We have handled all other blocks. Now get to the loop continue block.
if (failed(processBlock(continueBlock)))
return failure();
// There is nothing to do for the merge block in the loop, which just contains
// a spv.mlir.merge op, itself. But we need to have an OpLabel instruction to
// start a new SPIR-V block for ops following this LoopOp. The block should
// use the <id> for the merge block.
return encodeInstructionInto(functionBody, spirv::Opcode::OpLabel, {mergeID});
LogicalResult Serializer::processBranchConditionalOp(
spirv::BranchConditionalOp condBranchOp) {
auto conditionID = getValueID(condBranchOp.condition());
auto trueLabelID = getOrCreateBlockID(condBranchOp.getTrueBlock());
auto falseLabelID = getOrCreateBlockID(condBranchOp.getFalseBlock());
SmallVector<uint32_t, 5> arguments{conditionID, trueLabelID, falseLabelID};
if (auto weights = condBranchOp.branch_weights()) {
for (auto val : weights->getValue())
(void)emitDebugLine(functionBody, condBranchOp.getLoc());
return encodeInstructionInto(functionBody, spirv::Opcode::OpBranchConditional,
LogicalResult Serializer::processBranchOp(spirv::BranchOp branchOp) {
(void)emitDebugLine(functionBody, branchOp.getLoc());
return encodeInstructionInto(functionBody, spirv::Opcode::OpBranch,
LogicalResult Serializer::processAddressOfOp(spirv::AddressOfOp addressOfOp) {
auto varName = addressOfOp.variable();
auto variableID = getVariableID(varName);
if (!variableID) {
return addressOfOp.emitError("unknown result <id> for variable ")
<< varName;
valueIDMap[addressOfOp.pointer()] = variableID;
return success();
Serializer::processReferenceOfOp(spirv::ReferenceOfOp referenceOfOp) {
auto constName = referenceOfOp.spec_const();
auto constID = getSpecConstID(constName);
if (!constID) {
return referenceOfOp.emitError(
"unknown result <id> for specialization constant ")
<< constName;
valueIDMap[referenceOfOp.reference()] = constID;
return success();
template <>
Serializer::processOp<spirv::EntryPointOp>(spirv::EntryPointOp op) {
SmallVector<uint32_t, 4> operands;
// Add the ExecutionModel.
// Add the function <id>.
auto funcID = getFunctionID(op.fn());
if (!funcID) {
return op.emitError("missing <id> for function ")
<< op.fn()
<< "; function needs to be defined before spv.EntryPoint is "
// Add the name of the function.
(void)spirv::encodeStringLiteralInto(operands, op.fn());
// Add the interface values.
if (auto interface = op.interface()) {
for (auto var : interface.getValue()) {
auto id = getVariableID(var.cast<FlatSymbolRefAttr>().getValue());
if (!id) {
return op.emitError("referencing undefined global variable."
"spv.EntryPoint is at the end of spv.module. All "
"referenced variables should already be defined");
return encodeInstructionInto(entryPoints, spirv::Opcode::OpEntryPoint,
template <>
Serializer::processOp<spirv::ControlBarrierOp>(spirv::ControlBarrierOp op) {
StringRef argNames[] = {"execution_scope", "memory_scope",
SmallVector<uint32_t, 3> operands;
for (auto argName : argNames) {
auto argIntAttr = op->getAttrOfType<IntegerAttr>(argName);
auto operand = prepareConstantInt(op.getLoc(), argIntAttr);
if (!operand) {
return failure();
return encodeInstructionInto(functionBody, spirv::Opcode::OpControlBarrier,
template <>
Serializer::processOp<spirv::ExecutionModeOp>(spirv::ExecutionModeOp op) {
SmallVector<uint32_t, 4> operands;
// Add the function <id>.
auto funcID = getFunctionID(op.fn());
if (!funcID) {
return op.emitError("missing <id> for function ")
<< op.fn()
<< "; function needs to be serialized before ExecutionModeOp is "
// Add the ExecutionMode.
// Serialize values if any.
auto values = op.values();
if (values) {
for (auto &intVal : values.getValue()) {
return encodeInstructionInto(executionModes, spirv::Opcode::OpExecutionMode,
template <>
Serializer::processOp<spirv::MemoryBarrierOp>(spirv::MemoryBarrierOp op) {
StringRef argNames[] = {"memory_scope", "memory_semantics"};
SmallVector<uint32_t, 2> operands;
for (auto argName : argNames) {
auto argIntAttr = op->getAttrOfType<IntegerAttr>(argName);
auto operand = prepareConstantInt(op.getLoc(), argIntAttr);
if (!operand) {
return failure();
return encodeInstructionInto(functionBody, spirv::Opcode::OpMemoryBarrier,
template <>
Serializer::processOp<spirv::FunctionCallOp>(spirv::FunctionCallOp op) {
auto funcName = op.callee();
uint32_t resTypeID = 0;
Type resultTy = op.getNumResults() ? *op.result_type_begin() : getVoidType();
if (failed(processType(op.getLoc(), resultTy, resTypeID)))
return failure();
auto funcID = getOrCreateFunctionID(funcName);
auto funcCallID = getNextID();
SmallVector<uint32_t, 8> operands{resTypeID, funcCallID, funcID};
for (auto value : op.arguments()) {
auto valueID = getValueID(value);
assert(valueID && "cannot find a value for spv.FunctionCall");
if (!resultTy.isa<NoneType>())
valueIDMap[op.getResult(0)] = funcCallID;
return encodeInstructionInto(functionBody, spirv::Opcode::OpFunctionCall,
template <>
Serializer::processOp<spirv::CopyMemoryOp>(spirv::CopyMemoryOp op) {
SmallVector<uint32_t, 4> operands;
SmallVector<StringRef, 2> elidedAttrs;
for (Value operand : op->getOperands()) {
auto id = getValueID(operand);
assert(id && "use before def!");
if (auto attr = op->getAttr("memory_access")) {
if (auto attr = op->getAttr("alignment")) {
if (auto attr = op->getAttr("source_memory_access")) {
if (auto attr = op->getAttr("source_alignment")) {
(void)emitDebugLine(functionBody, op.getLoc());
(void)encodeInstructionInto(functionBody, spirv::Opcode::OpCopyMemory,
return success();
// Pull in auto-generated Serializer::dispatchToAutogenSerialization() and
// various Serializer::processOp<...>() specializations.
#include "mlir/Dialect/SPIRV/IR/"
} // namespace spirv
} // namespace mlir