blob: ab07f07e4984558dc45f529c6b41b16a1c628e48 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- bolt/Core/MCPlusBuilder.h - Interface for MCPlus ---------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file contains the declaration of MCPlusBuilder class, which provides
// means to create/analyze/modify instructions at MCPlus level.
#include "bolt/Core/MCPlus.h"
#include "bolt/Core/Relocation.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/BitVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/TargetOpcodes.h"
#include "llvm/MC/MCAsmBackend.h"
#include "llvm/MC/MCDisassembler/MCSymbolizer.h"
#include "llvm/MC/MCExpr.h"
#include "llvm/MC/MCInst.h"
#include "llvm/MC/MCInstrAnalysis.h"
#include "llvm/MC/MCInstrDesc.h"
#include "llvm/MC/MCInstrInfo.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Allocator.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorOr.h"
#include "llvm/Support/RWMutex.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <map>
#include <optional>
#include <system_error>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
namespace llvm {
class MCContext;
class MCFixup;
class MCRegisterInfo;
class MCSymbol;
class raw_ostream;
namespace bolt {
class BinaryFunction;
/// Different types of indirect branches encountered during disassembly.
enum class IndirectBranchType : char {
UNKNOWN = 0, /// Unable to determine type.
POSSIBLE_TAIL_CALL, /// Possibly a tail call.
POSSIBLE_JUMP_TABLE, /// Possibly a switch/jump table.
POSSIBLE_PIC_JUMP_TABLE, /// Possibly a jump table for PIC.
POSSIBLE_GOTO, /// Possibly a gcc's computed goto.
POSSIBLE_FIXED_BRANCH, /// Possibly an indirect branch to a fixed location.
class MCPlusBuilder {
using AllocatorIdTy = uint16_t;
/// A struct that represents a single annotation allocator
struct AnnotationAllocator {
BumpPtrAllocator ValueAllocator;
std::unordered_set<MCPlus::MCAnnotation *> AnnotationPool;
/// A set of annotation allocators
std::unordered_map<AllocatorIdTy, AnnotationAllocator> AnnotationAllocators;
/// A variable that is used to generate unique ids for annotation allocators
AllocatorIdTy MaxAllocatorId = 0;
/// We encode Index and Value into a 64-bit immediate operand value.
static int64_t encodeAnnotationImm(uint8_t Index, int64_t Value) {
if (LLVM_UNLIKELY(Value != extractAnnotationValue(Value)))
report_fatal_error("annotation value out of range");
Value &= 0xff'ffff'ffff'ffff;
Value |= (int64_t)Index << 56;
return Value;
/// Extract annotation index from immediate operand value.
static uint8_t extractAnnotationIndex(int64_t ImmValue) {
return ImmValue >> 56;
/// Extract annotation value from immediate operand value.
static int64_t extractAnnotationValue(int64_t ImmValue) {
return SignExtend64<56>(ImmValue & 0xff'ffff'ffff'ffffULL);
std::optional<unsigned> getFirstAnnotationOpIndex(const MCInst &Inst) const {
const unsigned NumPrimeOperands = MCPlus::getNumPrimeOperands(Inst);
if (Inst.getNumOperands() == NumPrimeOperands)
return std::nullopt;
assert(Inst.getOperand(NumPrimeOperands).getInst() == nullptr &&
"Empty instruction expected.");
return NumPrimeOperands + 1;
MCInst::iterator getAnnotationInstOp(MCInst &Inst) const {
for (MCInst::iterator Iter = Inst.begin(); Iter != Inst.end(); ++Iter) {
if (Iter->isInst()) {
assert(Iter->getInst() == nullptr && "Empty instruction expected.");
return Iter;
return Inst.end();
void removeAnnotations(MCInst &Inst) const {
Inst.erase(getAnnotationInstOp(Inst), Inst.end());
void setAnnotationOpValue(MCInst &Inst, unsigned Index, int64_t Value) const {
const int64_t AnnotationValue = encodeAnnotationImm(Index, Value);
const std::optional<unsigned> FirstAnnotationOp =
if (!FirstAnnotationOp) {
for (unsigned I = *FirstAnnotationOp; I < Inst.getNumOperands(); ++I) {
const int64_t ImmValue = Inst.getOperand(I).getImm();
if (extractAnnotationIndex(ImmValue) == Index) {
std::optional<int64_t> getAnnotationOpValue(const MCInst &Inst,
unsigned Index) const {
std::optional<unsigned> FirstAnnotationOp = getFirstAnnotationOpIndex(Inst);
if (!FirstAnnotationOp)
return std::nullopt;
for (unsigned I = *FirstAnnotationOp; I < Inst.getNumOperands(); ++I) {
const int64_t ImmValue = Inst.getOperand(I).getImm();
if (extractAnnotationIndex(ImmValue) == Index)
return extractAnnotationValue(ImmValue);
return std::nullopt;
const MCInstrAnalysis *Analysis;
const MCInstrInfo *Info;
const MCRegisterInfo *RegInfo;
const MCSubtargetInfo *STI;
/// Map annotation name into an annotation index.
StringMap<uint64_t> AnnotationNameIndexMap;
/// Names of non-standard annotations.
SmallVector<std::string, 8> AnnotationNames;
/// A mutex that is used to control parallel accesses to
/// AnnotationNameIndexMap and AnnotationsNames.
mutable llvm::sys::RWMutex AnnotationNameMutex;
/// Set TailCall annotation value to true. Clients of the target-specific
/// MCPlusBuilder classes must use convert/lower/create* interfaces instead.
void setTailCall(MCInst &Inst) const;
/// Transfer annotations from \p SrcInst to \p DstInst.
void moveAnnotations(MCInst &&SrcInst, MCInst &DstInst) const {
MCInst::iterator AnnotationOp = getAnnotationInstOp(SrcInst);
for (MCInst::iterator Iter = AnnotationOp; Iter != SrcInst.end(); ++Iter)
SrcInst.erase(AnnotationOp, SrcInst.end());
/// Return iterator range covering def operands.
iterator_range<MCInst::iterator> defOperands(MCInst &Inst) const {
return make_range(Inst.begin(),
Inst.begin() + Info->get(Inst.getOpcode()).getNumDefs());
iterator_range<MCInst::const_iterator> defOperands(const MCInst &Inst) const {
return make_range(Inst.begin(),
Inst.begin() + Info->get(Inst.getOpcode()).getNumDefs());
/// Return iterator range covering prime use operands.
iterator_range<MCInst::iterator> useOperands(MCInst &Inst) const {
return make_range(Inst.begin() + Info->get(Inst.getOpcode()).getNumDefs(),
Inst.begin() + MCPlus::getNumPrimeOperands(Inst));
iterator_range<MCInst::const_iterator> useOperands(const MCInst &Inst) const {
return make_range(Inst.begin() + Info->get(Inst.getOpcode()).getNumDefs(),
Inst.begin() + MCPlus::getNumPrimeOperands(Inst));
class InstructionIterator {
using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag;
using value_type = MCInst;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using pointer = value_type *;
using reference = value_type &;
class Impl {
virtual Impl *Copy() const = 0;
virtual void Next() = 0;
virtual void Prev() = 0;
virtual MCInst &Deref() = 0;
virtual bool Compare(const Impl &Other) const = 0;
virtual ~Impl() {}
template <typename T> class SeqImpl : public Impl {
virtual Impl *Copy() const override { return new SeqImpl(Itr); }
virtual void Next() override { ++Itr; }
virtual void Prev() override { --Itr; }
virtual MCInst &Deref() override { return const_cast<MCInst &>(*Itr); }
virtual bool Compare(const Impl &Other) const override {
// assumes that Other is same underlying type
return Itr == static_cast<const SeqImpl<T> &>(Other).Itr;
explicit SeqImpl(T &&Itr) : Itr(std::move(Itr)) {}
explicit SeqImpl(const T &Itr) : Itr(Itr) {}
T Itr;
template <typename T> class MapImpl : public Impl {
virtual Impl *Copy() const override { return new MapImpl(Itr); }
virtual void Next() override { ++Itr; }
virtual void Prev() override { --Itr; }
virtual MCInst &Deref() override {
return const_cast<MCInst &>(Itr->second);
virtual bool Compare(const Impl &Other) const override {
// assumes that Other is same underlying type
return Itr == static_cast<const MapImpl<T> &>(Other).Itr;
explicit MapImpl(T &&Itr) : Itr(std::move(Itr)) {}
explicit MapImpl(const T &Itr) : Itr(Itr) {}
T Itr;
InstructionIterator &operator++() {
return *this;
InstructionIterator &operator--() {
return *this;
InstructionIterator operator++(int) {
std::unique_ptr<Impl> Tmp(Itr->Copy());
return InstructionIterator(std::move(Tmp));
InstructionIterator operator--(int) {
std::unique_ptr<Impl> Tmp(Itr->Copy());
return InstructionIterator(std::move(Tmp));
bool operator==(const InstructionIterator &Other) const {
return Itr->Compare(*Other.Itr);
bool operator!=(const InstructionIterator &Other) const {
return !Itr->Compare(*Other.Itr);
MCInst &operator*() { return Itr->Deref(); }
MCInst *operator->() { return &Itr->Deref(); }
InstructionIterator &operator=(InstructionIterator &&Other) {
Itr = std::move(Other.Itr);
return *this;
InstructionIterator &operator=(const InstructionIterator &Other) {
if (this != &Other)
return *this;
InstructionIterator() {}
InstructionIterator(const InstructionIterator &Other)
: Itr(Other.Itr->Copy()) {}
InstructionIterator(InstructionIterator &&Other)
: Itr(std::move(Other.Itr)) {}
explicit InstructionIterator(std::unique_ptr<Impl> Itr)
: Itr(std::move(Itr)) {}
InstructionIterator(InstructionListType::iterator Itr)
: Itr(new SeqImpl<InstructionListType::iterator>(Itr)) {}
template <typename T>
InstructionIterator(T *Itr) : Itr(new SeqImpl<T *>(Itr)) {}
InstructionIterator(ArrayRef<MCInst>::iterator Itr)
: Itr(new SeqImpl<ArrayRef<MCInst>::iterator>(Itr)) {}
InstructionIterator(MutableArrayRef<MCInst>::iterator Itr)
: Itr(new SeqImpl<MutableArrayRef<MCInst>::iterator>(Itr)) {}
// TODO: it would be nice to templatize this on the key type.
InstructionIterator(std::map<uint32_t, MCInst>::iterator Itr)
: Itr(new MapImpl<std::map<uint32_t, MCInst>::iterator>(Itr)) {}
std::unique_ptr<Impl> Itr;
MCPlusBuilder(const MCInstrAnalysis *Analysis, const MCInstrInfo *Info,
const MCRegisterInfo *RegInfo, const MCSubtargetInfo *STI)
: Analysis(Analysis), Info(Info), RegInfo(RegInfo), STI(STI) {
// Initialize the default annotation allocator with id 0
AnnotationAllocators.emplace(0, AnnotationAllocator());
// Build alias map
/// Create and return a target-specific MC symbolizer for the \p Function.
/// When \p CreateNewSymbols is set, the symbolizer can create new symbols
/// e.g. for jump table references.
virtual std::unique_ptr<MCSymbolizer>
createTargetSymbolizer(BinaryFunction &Function,
bool CreateNewSymbols = true) const {
return nullptr;
/// Initialize a new annotation allocator and return its id
AllocatorIdTy initializeNewAnnotationAllocator() {
AnnotationAllocators.emplace(MaxAllocatorId, AnnotationAllocator());
return MaxAllocatorId++;
/// Return the annotation allocator of a given id
AnnotationAllocator &getAnnotationAllocator(AllocatorIdTy AllocatorId) {
assert(AnnotationAllocators.count(AllocatorId) &&
"allocator not initialized");
return AnnotationAllocators.find(AllocatorId)->second;
// Check if an annotation allocator with the given id exists
bool checkAllocatorExists(AllocatorIdTy AllocatorId) {
return AnnotationAllocators.count(AllocatorId);
/// Free the values allocator within the annotation allocator
void freeValuesAllocator(AllocatorIdTy AllocatorId) {
AnnotationAllocator &Allocator = getAnnotationAllocator(AllocatorId);
for (MCPlus::MCAnnotation *Annotation : Allocator.AnnotationPool)
virtual ~MCPlusBuilder() { freeAnnotations(); }
/// Free all memory allocated for annotations
void freeAnnotations() {
for (auto &Element : AnnotationAllocators) {
AnnotationAllocator &Allocator = Element.second;
for (MCPlus::MCAnnotation *Annotation : Allocator.AnnotationPool)
using CompFuncTy = std::function<bool(const MCSymbol *, const MCSymbol *)>;
bool equals(const MCInst &A, const MCInst &B, CompFuncTy Comp) const;
bool equals(const MCOperand &A, const MCOperand &B, CompFuncTy Comp) const;
bool equals(const MCExpr &A, const MCExpr &B, CompFuncTy Comp) const;
virtual bool equals(const MCTargetExpr &A, const MCTargetExpr &B,
CompFuncTy Comp) const;
virtual bool isBranch(const MCInst &Inst) const {
return Analysis->isBranch(Inst);
virtual bool isConditionalBranch(const MCInst &Inst) const {
return Analysis->isConditionalBranch(Inst);
/// Returns true if Inst is a condtional move instruction
virtual bool isConditionalMove(const MCInst &Inst) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
virtual bool isUnconditionalBranch(const MCInst &Inst) const {
return Analysis->isUnconditionalBranch(Inst) && !isTailCall(Inst);
virtual bool isIndirectBranch(const MCInst &Inst) const {
return Analysis->isIndirectBranch(Inst);
/// Returns true if the instruction is memory indirect call or jump
virtual bool isBranchOnMem(const MCInst &Inst) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
/// Returns true if the instruction is register indirect call or jump
virtual bool isBranchOnReg(const MCInst &Inst) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
/// Check whether this conditional branch can be reversed
virtual bool isReversibleBranch(const MCInst &Inst) const {
assert(!isUnsupportedInstruction(Inst) && isConditionalBranch(Inst) &&
"Instruction is not known conditional branch");
if (isDynamicBranch(Inst))
return false;
return true;
/// Return true if this instruction inhibits analysis of the containing
/// function.
virtual bool isUnsupportedInstruction(const MCInst &Inst) const {
return false;
/// Return true of the instruction is of pseudo kind.
virtual bool isPseudo(const MCInst &Inst) const {
return Info->get(Inst.getOpcode()).isPseudo();
/// Return true if the relocation type needs to be registered in the function.
/// These code relocations are used in disassembly to better understand code.
/// For ARM, they help us decode instruction operands unambiguously, but
/// sometimes we might discard them because we already have the necessary
/// information in the instruction itself (e.g. we don't need to record CALL
/// relocs in ARM because we can fully decode the target from the call
/// operand).
/// For X86, they might be used in scanExternalRefs when we want to skip
/// a function but still patch references inside it.
virtual bool shouldRecordCodeRelocation(uint64_t RelType) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
/// Creates x86 pause instruction.
virtual void createPause(MCInst &Inst) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
virtual void createLfence(MCInst &Inst) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
virtual void createPushRegister(MCInst &Inst, MCPhysReg Reg,
unsigned Size) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
virtual void createPopRegister(MCInst &Inst, MCPhysReg Reg,
unsigned Size) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
virtual void createPushFlags(MCInst &Inst, unsigned Size) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
virtual void createPopFlags(MCInst &Inst, unsigned Size) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
virtual void createDirectCall(MCInst &Inst, const MCSymbol *Target,
MCContext *Ctx, bool IsTailCall) {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
virtual MCPhysReg getX86R11() const { llvm_unreachable("not implemented"); }
virtual unsigned getShortBranchOpcode(unsigned Opcode) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return 0;
/// Create increment contents of target by 1 for Instrumentation
virtual InstructionListType
createInstrIncMemory(const MCSymbol *Target, MCContext *Ctx, bool IsLeaf,
unsigned CodePointerSize) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return InstructionListType();
/// Return a register number that is guaranteed to not match with
/// any real register on the underlying architecture.
MCPhysReg getNoRegister() const { return MCRegister::NoRegister; }
/// Return a register corresponding to a function integer argument \p ArgNo
/// if the argument is passed in a register. Or return the result of
/// getNoRegister() otherwise. The enumeration starts at 0.
/// Note: this should depend on a used calling convention.
virtual MCPhysReg getIntArgRegister(unsigned ArgNo) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
virtual bool isIndirectCall(const MCInst &Inst) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
virtual bool isCall(const MCInst &Inst) const {
return Analysis->isCall(Inst) || isTailCall(Inst);
virtual bool isReturn(const MCInst &Inst) const {
return Analysis->isReturn(Inst);
virtual bool isTerminator(const MCInst &Inst) const;
virtual bool isNoop(const MCInst &Inst) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
virtual bool isBreakpoint(const MCInst &Inst) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
virtual bool isPrefix(const MCInst &Inst) const { return false; }
virtual bool isRep(const MCInst &Inst) const { return false; }
virtual bool deleteREPPrefix(MCInst &Inst) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
virtual bool isPop(const MCInst &Inst) const { return false; }
/// Return true if the instruction is used to terminate an indirect branch.
virtual bool isTerminateBranch(const MCInst &Inst) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
/// Return the width, in bytes, of the memory access performed by \p Inst, if
/// this is a pop instruction. Return zero otherwise.
virtual int getPopSize(const MCInst &Inst) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return 0;
virtual bool isPush(const MCInst &Inst) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
/// Return the width, in bytes, of the memory access performed by \p Inst, if
/// this is a push instruction. Return zero otherwise.
virtual int getPushSize(const MCInst &Inst) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return 0;
virtual bool isSUB(const MCInst &Inst) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
virtual bool isLEA64r(const MCInst &Inst) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
virtual bool isLeave(const MCInst &Inst) const { return false; }
virtual bool isADRP(const MCInst &Inst) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
virtual bool isADR(const MCInst &Inst) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
virtual void getADRReg(const MCInst &Inst, MCPhysReg &RegName) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
virtual bool isMoveMem2Reg(const MCInst &Inst) const { return false; }
virtual bool mayLoad(const MCInst &Inst) const {
return Info->get(Inst.getOpcode()).mayLoad();
virtual bool mayStore(const MCInst &Inst) const {
return Info->get(Inst.getOpcode()).mayStore();
virtual bool isAArch64ExclusiveLoad(const MCInst &Inst) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
virtual bool isAArch64ExclusiveStore(const MCInst &Inst) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
virtual bool isAArch64ExclusiveClear(const MCInst &Inst) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
virtual bool isCleanRegXOR(const MCInst &Inst) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
virtual bool isPacked(const MCInst &Inst) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
/// Returns true if First/Second is a AUIPC/JALR call pair.
virtual bool isRISCVCall(const MCInst &First, const MCInst &Second) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
/// Used to fill the executable space with instructions
/// that will trap.
virtual StringRef getTrapFillValue() const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return StringRef();
/// Interface and basic functionality of a MCInstMatcher. The idea is to make
/// it easy to match one or more MCInsts against a tree-like pattern and
/// extract the fragment operands. Example:
/// auto IndJmpMatcher =
/// matchIndJmp(matchAdd(matchAnyOperand(), matchAnyOperand()));
/// if (!IndJmpMatcher->match(...))
/// return false;
/// This matches an indirect jump whose target register is defined by an
/// add to form the target address. Matchers should also allow extraction
/// of operands, for example:
/// uint64_t Scale;
/// auto IndJmpMatcher = BC.MIA->matchIndJmp(
/// BC.MIA->matchAnyOperand(), BC.MIA->matchImm(Scale),
/// BC.MIA->matchReg(), BC.MIA->matchAnyOperand());
/// if (!IndJmpMatcher->match(...))
/// return false;
/// Here we are interesting in extracting the scale immediate in an indirect
/// jump fragment.
struct MCInstMatcher {
MutableArrayRef<MCInst> InstrWindow;
MutableArrayRef<MCInst>::iterator CurInst;
virtual ~MCInstMatcher() {}
/// Returns true if the pattern is matched. Needs MCRegisterInfo and
/// MCInstrAnalysis for analysis. InstrWindow contains an array
/// where the last instruction is always the instruction to start matching
/// against a fragment, potentially matching more instructions before it.
/// If OpNum is greater than 0, we will not match against the last
/// instruction itself but against an operand of the last instruction given
/// by the index OpNum. If this operand is a register, we will immediately
/// look for a previous instruction defining this register and match against
/// it instead. This parent member function contains common bookkeeping
/// required to implement this behavior.
virtual bool match(const MCRegisterInfo &MRI, MCPlusBuilder &MIA,
MutableArrayRef<MCInst> InInstrWindow, int OpNum) {
InstrWindow = InInstrWindow;
CurInst = InstrWindow.end();
if (!next())
return false;
if (OpNum < 0)
return true;
if (static_cast<unsigned int>(OpNum) >=
return false;
const MCOperand &Op = CurInst->getOperand(OpNum);
if (!Op.isReg())
return true;
MCPhysReg Reg = Op.getReg();
while (next()) {
const MCInstrDesc &InstrDesc = MIA.Info->get(CurInst->getOpcode());
if (InstrDesc.hasDefOfPhysReg(*CurInst, Reg, MRI)) {
InstrWindow = InstrWindow.slice(0, CurInst - InstrWindow.begin() + 1);
return true;
return false;
/// If successfully matched, calling this function will add an annotation
/// to all instructions that were matched. This is used to easily tag
/// instructions for deletion and implement match-and-replace operations.
virtual void annotate(MCPlusBuilder &MIA, StringRef Annotation) {}
/// Moves internal instruction iterator to the next instruction, walking
/// backwards for pattern matching (effectively the previous instruction in
/// regular order).
bool next() {
if (CurInst == InstrWindow.begin())
return false;
return true;
/// Matches any operand
struct AnyOperandMatcher : MCInstMatcher {
MCOperand &Op;
AnyOperandMatcher(MCOperand &Op) : Op(Op) {}
bool match(const MCRegisterInfo &MRI, MCPlusBuilder &MIA,
MutableArrayRef<MCInst> InInstrWindow, int OpNum) override {
auto I = InInstrWindow.end();
if (I == InInstrWindow.begin())
return false;
if (OpNum < 0 ||
static_cast<unsigned int>(OpNum) >= MCPlus::getNumPrimeOperands(*I))
return false;
Op = I->getOperand(OpNum);
return true;
/// Matches operands that are immediates
struct ImmMatcher : MCInstMatcher {
uint64_t &Imm;
ImmMatcher(uint64_t &Imm) : Imm(Imm) {}
bool match(const MCRegisterInfo &MRI, MCPlusBuilder &MIA,
MutableArrayRef<MCInst> InInstrWindow, int OpNum) override {
if (!MCInstMatcher::match(MRI, MIA, InInstrWindow, OpNum))
return false;
if (OpNum < 0)
return false;
const MCOperand &Op = CurInst->getOperand(OpNum);
if (!Op.isImm())
return false;
Imm = Op.getImm();
return true;
/// Matches operands that are MCSymbols
struct SymbolMatcher : MCInstMatcher {
const MCSymbol *&Sym;
SymbolMatcher(const MCSymbol *&Sym) : Sym(Sym) {}
bool match(const MCRegisterInfo &MRI, MCPlusBuilder &MIA,
MutableArrayRef<MCInst> InInstrWindow, int OpNum) override {
if (!MCInstMatcher::match(MRI, MIA, InInstrWindow, OpNum))
return false;
if (OpNum < 0)
return false;
Sym = MIA.getTargetSymbol(*CurInst, OpNum);
return Sym != nullptr;
/// Matches operands that are registers
struct RegMatcher : MCInstMatcher {
MCPhysReg &Reg;
RegMatcher(MCPhysReg &Reg) : Reg(Reg) {}
bool match(const MCRegisterInfo &MRI, MCPlusBuilder &MIA,
MutableArrayRef<MCInst> InInstrWindow, int OpNum) override {
auto I = InInstrWindow.end();
if (I == InInstrWindow.begin())
return false;
if (OpNum < 0 ||
static_cast<unsigned int>(OpNum) >= MCPlus::getNumPrimeOperands(*I))
return false;
const MCOperand &Op = I->getOperand(OpNum);
if (!Op.isReg())
return false;
Reg = Op.getReg();
return true;
std::unique_ptr<MCInstMatcher> matchAnyOperand(MCOperand &Op) const {
return std::unique_ptr<MCInstMatcher>(new AnyOperandMatcher(Op));
std::unique_ptr<MCInstMatcher> matchAnyOperand() const {
static MCOperand Unused;
return std::unique_ptr<MCInstMatcher>(new AnyOperandMatcher(Unused));
std::unique_ptr<MCInstMatcher> matchReg(MCPhysReg &Reg) const {
return std::unique_ptr<MCInstMatcher>(new RegMatcher(Reg));
std::unique_ptr<MCInstMatcher> matchReg() const {
static MCPhysReg Unused;
return std::unique_ptr<MCInstMatcher>(new RegMatcher(Unused));
std::unique_ptr<MCInstMatcher> matchImm(uint64_t &Imm) const {
return std::unique_ptr<MCInstMatcher>(new ImmMatcher(Imm));
std::unique_ptr<MCInstMatcher> matchImm() const {
static uint64_t Unused;
return std::unique_ptr<MCInstMatcher>(new ImmMatcher(Unused));
std::unique_ptr<MCInstMatcher> matchSymbol(const MCSymbol *&Sym) const {
return std::unique_ptr<MCInstMatcher>(new SymbolMatcher(Sym));
std::unique_ptr<MCInstMatcher> matchSymbol() const {
static const MCSymbol *Unused;
return std::unique_ptr<MCInstMatcher>(new SymbolMatcher(Unused));
virtual std::unique_ptr<MCInstMatcher>
matchIndJmp(std::unique_ptr<MCInstMatcher> Target) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return nullptr;
virtual std::unique_ptr<MCInstMatcher>
matchIndJmp(std::unique_ptr<MCInstMatcher> Base,
std::unique_ptr<MCInstMatcher> Scale,
std::unique_ptr<MCInstMatcher> Index,
std::unique_ptr<MCInstMatcher> Offset) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return nullptr;
virtual std::unique_ptr<MCInstMatcher>
matchAdd(std::unique_ptr<MCInstMatcher> A,
std::unique_ptr<MCInstMatcher> B) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return nullptr;
virtual std::unique_ptr<MCInstMatcher>
matchLoadAddr(std::unique_ptr<MCInstMatcher> Target) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return nullptr;
virtual std::unique_ptr<MCInstMatcher>
matchLoad(std::unique_ptr<MCInstMatcher> Base,
std::unique_ptr<MCInstMatcher> Scale,
std::unique_ptr<MCInstMatcher> Index,
std::unique_ptr<MCInstMatcher> Offset) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return nullptr;
/// \brief Given a branch instruction try to get the address the branch
/// targets. Return true on success, and the address in Target.
virtual bool evaluateBranch(const MCInst &Inst, uint64_t Addr, uint64_t Size,
uint64_t &Target) const {
return Analysis->evaluateBranch(Inst, Addr, Size, Target);
/// Return true if one of the operands of the \p Inst instruction uses
/// PC-relative addressing.
/// Note that PC-relative branches do not fall into this category.
virtual bool hasPCRelOperand(const MCInst &Inst) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
/// Return a number of the operand representing a memory.
/// Return -1 if the instruction doesn't have an explicit memory field.
virtual int getMemoryOperandNo(const MCInst &Inst) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return -1;
/// Return true if the instruction is encoded using EVEX (AVX-512).
virtual bool hasEVEXEncoding(const MCInst &Inst) const { return false; }
struct X86MemOperand {
unsigned BaseRegNum;
int64_t ScaleImm;
unsigned IndexRegNum;
int64_t DispImm;
unsigned SegRegNum;
const MCExpr *DispExpr = nullptr;
/// Given an instruction with (compound) memory operand, evaluate and return
/// the corresponding values. Note that the operand could be in any position,
/// but there is an assumption there's only one compound memory operand.
/// Return true upon success, return false if the instruction does not have
/// a memory operand.
/// Since a Displacement field could be either an immediate or an expression,
/// the function sets either \p DispImm or \p DispExpr value.
virtual std::optional<X86MemOperand>
evaluateX86MemoryOperand(const MCInst &Inst) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return std::nullopt;
/// Given an instruction with memory addressing attempt to statically compute
/// the address being accessed. Return true on success, and the address in
/// \p Target.
/// For RIP-relative addressing the caller is required to pass instruction
/// \p Address and \p Size.
virtual bool evaluateMemOperandTarget(const MCInst &Inst, uint64_t &Target,
uint64_t Address = 0,
uint64_t Size = 0) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
/// Return operand iterator pointing to displacement in the compound memory
/// operand if such exists. Return Inst.end() otherwise.
virtual MCInst::iterator getMemOperandDisp(MCInst &Inst) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return Inst.end();
/// Analyze \p Inst and return true if this instruction accesses \p Size
/// bytes of the stack frame at position \p StackOffset. \p IsLoad and
/// \p IsStore are set accordingly. If both are set, it means it is a
/// instruction that reads and updates the same memory location. \p Reg is set
/// to the source register in case of a store or destination register in case
/// of a load. If the store does not use a source register, \p SrcImm will
/// contain the source immediate and \p IsStoreFromReg will be set to false.
/// \p Simple is false if the instruction is not fully understood by
/// companion functions "replaceMemOperandWithImm" or
/// "replaceMemOperandWithReg".
virtual bool isStackAccess(const MCInst &Inst, bool &IsLoad, bool &IsStore,
bool &IsStoreFromReg, MCPhysReg &Reg,
int32_t &SrcImm, uint16_t &StackPtrReg,
int64_t &StackOffset, uint8_t &Size,
bool &IsSimple, bool &IsIndexed) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
/// Convert a stack accessing load/store instruction in \p Inst to a PUSH
/// or POP saving/restoring the source/dest reg in \p Inst. The original
/// stack offset in \p Inst is ignored.
virtual void changeToPushOrPop(MCInst &Inst) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
/// Identify stack adjustment instructions -- those that change the stack
/// pointer by adding or subtracting an immediate.
virtual bool isStackAdjustment(const MCInst &Inst) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
/// Use \p Input1 or Input2 as the current value for the input
/// register and put in \p Output the changes incurred by executing
/// \p Inst. Return false if it was not possible to perform the
/// evaluation. evaluateStackOffsetExpr is restricted to operations
/// that have associativity with addition. Its intended usage is for
/// evaluating stack offset changes. In these cases, expressions
/// appear in the form of (x + offset) OP constant, where x is an
/// unknown base (such as stack base) but offset and constant are
/// known. In these cases, \p Output represents the new stack offset
/// after executing \p Inst. Because we don't know x, we can't
/// evaluate operations such as multiply or AND/OR, e.g. (x +
/// offset) OP constant is not the same as x + (offset OP constant).
virtual bool
evaluateStackOffsetExpr(const MCInst &Inst, int64_t &Output,
std::pair<MCPhysReg, int64_t> Input1,
std::pair<MCPhysReg, int64_t> Input2) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
virtual bool isRegToRegMove(const MCInst &Inst, MCPhysReg &From,
MCPhysReg &To) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
virtual MCPhysReg getStackPointer() const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return 0;
virtual MCPhysReg getFramePointer() const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return 0;
virtual MCPhysReg getFlagsReg() const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return 0;
/// Return true if \p Inst is a instruction that copies either the frame
/// pointer or the stack pointer to another general purpose register or
/// writes it to a memory location.
virtual bool escapesVariable(const MCInst &Inst, bool HasFramePointer) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
/// Discard operand \p OpNum replacing it by a new MCOperand that is a
/// MCExpr referencing \p Symbol + \p Addend.
virtual bool setOperandToSymbolRef(MCInst &Inst, int OpNum,
const MCSymbol *Symbol, int64_t Addend,
MCContext *Ctx, uint64_t RelType) const;
/// Replace an immediate operand in the instruction \p Inst with a reference
/// of the passed \p Symbol plus \p Addend. If the instruction does not have
/// an immediate operand or has more than one - then return false. Otherwise
/// return true.
virtual bool replaceImmWithSymbolRef(MCInst &Inst, const MCSymbol *Symbol,
int64_t Addend, MCContext *Ctx,
int64_t &Value, uint64_t RelType) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
// Replace Register in Inst with Imm. Returns true if successful
virtual bool replaceRegWithImm(MCInst &Inst, unsigned Register,
int64_t Imm) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
// Replace ToReplace in Inst with ReplaceWith. Returns true if successful
virtual bool replaceRegWithReg(MCInst &Inst, unsigned ToReplace,
unsigned ReplaceWith) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
/// Add \p NewImm to the current immediate operand of \p Inst. If it is a
/// memory accessing instruction, this immediate is the memory address
/// displacement. Otherwise, the target operand is the first immediate
/// operand found in \p Inst. Return false if no imm operand found.
virtual bool addToImm(MCInst &Inst, int64_t &Amt, MCContext *Ctx) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
/// Replace the compound memory operand of Inst with an immediate operand.
/// The value of the immediate operand is computed by reading the \p
/// ConstantData array starting from \p offset and assuming little-endianness.
/// Return true on success. The given instruction is modified in place.
virtual bool replaceMemOperandWithImm(MCInst &Inst, StringRef ConstantData,
uint64_t Offset) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
/// Same as replaceMemOperandWithImm, but for registers.
virtual bool replaceMemOperandWithReg(MCInst &Inst, MCPhysReg RegNum) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
/// Return true if a move instruction moves a register to itself.
virtual bool isRedundantMove(const MCInst &Inst) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
/// Return true if the instruction is a tail call.
bool isTailCall(const MCInst &Inst) const;
/// Return true if the instruction is a call with an exception handling info.
virtual bool isInvoke(const MCInst &Inst) const {
return isCall(Inst) && getEHInfo(Inst);
/// Return true if \p Inst is an instruction that potentially traps when
/// working with addresses not aligned to the size of the operand.
virtual bool requiresAlignedAddress(const MCInst &Inst) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
/// Return handler and action info for invoke instruction if present.
std::optional<MCPlus::MCLandingPad> getEHInfo(const MCInst &Inst) const;
/// Add handler and action info for call instruction.
void addEHInfo(MCInst &Inst, const MCPlus::MCLandingPad &LP) const;
/// Update exception-handling info for the invoke instruction \p Inst.
/// Return true on success and false otherwise, e.g. if the instruction is
/// not an invoke.
bool updateEHInfo(MCInst &Inst, const MCPlus::MCLandingPad &LP) const;
/// Return non-negative GNU_args_size associated with the instruction
/// or -1 if there's no associated info.
int64_t getGnuArgsSize(const MCInst &Inst) const;
/// Add the value of GNU_args_size to Inst if it already has EH info.
void addGnuArgsSize(MCInst &Inst, int64_t GnuArgsSize) const;
/// Return jump table addressed by this instruction.
uint64_t getJumpTable(const MCInst &Inst) const;
/// Return index register for instruction that uses a jump table.
uint16_t getJumpTableIndexReg(const MCInst &Inst) const;
/// Set jump table addressed by this instruction.
bool setJumpTable(MCInst &Inst, uint64_t Value, uint16_t IndexReg,
AllocatorIdTy AllocId = 0);
/// Disassociate instruction with a jump table.
bool unsetJumpTable(MCInst &Inst) const;
/// Return destination of conditional tail call instruction if \p Inst is one.
std::optional<uint64_t> getConditionalTailCall(const MCInst &Inst) const;
/// Mark the \p Instruction as a conditional tail call, and set its
/// destination address if it is known. If \p Instruction was already marked,
/// update its destination with \p Dest.
bool setConditionalTailCall(MCInst &Inst, uint64_t Dest = 0) const;
/// If \p Inst was marked as a conditional tail call convert it to a regular
/// branch. Return true if the instruction was converted.
bool unsetConditionalTailCall(MCInst &Inst) const;
/// Return offset of \p Inst in the original function, if available.
std::optional<uint32_t> getOffset(const MCInst &Inst) const;
/// Return the offset if the annotation is present, or \p Default otherwise.
uint32_t getOffsetWithDefault(const MCInst &Inst, uint32_t Default) const;
/// Set offset of \p Inst in the original function.
bool setOffset(MCInst &Inst, uint32_t Offset) const;
/// Remove offset annotation.
bool clearOffset(MCInst &Inst) const;
/// Return the label of \p Inst, if available.
MCSymbol *getInstLabel(const MCInst &Inst) const;
/// Set the label of \p Inst or return the existing label for the instruction.
/// This label will be emitted right before \p Inst is emitted to MCStreamer.
MCSymbol *getOrCreateInstLabel(MCInst &Inst, const Twine &Name,
MCContext *Ctx) const;
/// Set the label of \p Inst. This label will be emitted right before \p Inst
/// is emitted to MCStreamer.
void setInstLabel(MCInst &Inst, MCSymbol *Label) const;
/// Get instruction size specified via annotation.
std::optional<uint32_t> getSize(const MCInst &Inst) const;
/// Set instruction size.
void setSize(MCInst &Inst, uint32_t Size) const;
/// Check if the branch instruction could be modified at runtime.
bool isDynamicBranch(const MCInst &Inst) const;
/// Return ID for runtime-modifiable instruction.
std::optional<uint32_t> getDynamicBranchID(const MCInst &Inst) const;
/// Mark instruction as a dynamic branch, i.e. a branch that can be
/// overwritten at runtime.
void setDynamicBranch(MCInst &Inst, uint32_t ID) const;
/// Return MCSymbol that represents a target of this instruction at a given
/// operand number \p OpNum. If there's no symbol associated with
/// the operand - return nullptr.
virtual const MCSymbol *getTargetSymbol(const MCInst &Inst,
unsigned OpNum = 0) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return nullptr;
/// Return MCSymbol extracted from a target expression
virtual const MCSymbol *getTargetSymbol(const MCExpr *Expr) const {
return &cast<const MCSymbolRefExpr>(Expr)->getSymbol();
/// Return addend that represents an offset from MCSymbol target
/// of this instruction at a given operand number \p OpNum.
/// If there's no symbol associated with the operand - return 0
virtual int64_t getTargetAddend(const MCInst &Inst,
unsigned OpNum = 0) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return 0;
/// Return MCSymbol addend extracted from a target expression
virtual int64_t getTargetAddend(const MCExpr *Expr) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return 0;
/// Return MCSymbol/offset extracted from a target expression
virtual std::pair<const MCSymbol *, uint64_t>
getTargetSymbolInfo(const MCExpr *Expr) const {
if (auto *SymExpr = dyn_cast<MCSymbolRefExpr>(Expr)) {
return std::make_pair(&SymExpr->getSymbol(), 0);
} else if (auto *BinExpr = dyn_cast<MCBinaryExpr>(Expr)) {
const auto *SymExpr = dyn_cast<MCSymbolRefExpr>(BinExpr->getLHS());
const auto *ConstExpr = dyn_cast<MCConstantExpr>(BinExpr->getRHS());
if (BinExpr->getOpcode() == MCBinaryExpr::Add && SymExpr && ConstExpr)
return std::make_pair(&SymExpr->getSymbol(), ConstExpr->getValue());
return std::make_pair(nullptr, 0);
/// Replace displacement in compound memory operand with given \p Operand.
virtual bool replaceMemOperandDisp(MCInst &Inst, MCOperand Operand) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
/// Return the MCExpr used for absolute references in this target
virtual const MCExpr *getTargetExprFor(MCInst &Inst, const MCExpr *Expr,
MCContext &Ctx,
uint64_t RelType) const {
return Expr;
/// Return a BitVector marking all sub or super registers of \p Reg, including
/// itself.
virtual const BitVector &getAliases(MCPhysReg Reg,
bool OnlySmaller = false) const;
/// Initialize aliases tables.
void initAliases();
/// Initialize register size table.
void initSizeMap();
/// Change \p Regs setting all registers used to pass parameters according
/// to the host abi. Do nothing if not implemented.
virtual BitVector getRegsUsedAsParams() const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return BitVector();
/// Change \p Regs setting all registers used as callee-saved according
/// to the host abi. Do nothing if not implemented.
virtual void getCalleeSavedRegs(BitVector &Regs) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
/// Get the default def_in and live_out registers for the function
/// Currently only used for the Stoke optimzation
virtual void getDefaultDefIn(BitVector &Regs) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
/// Similar to getDefaultDefIn
virtual void getDefaultLiveOut(BitVector &Regs) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
/// Change \p Regs with a bitmask with all general purpose regs
virtual void getGPRegs(BitVector &Regs, bool IncludeAlias = true) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
/// Change \p Regs with a bitmask with all general purpose regs that can be
/// encoded without extra prefix bytes. For x86 only.
virtual void getClassicGPRegs(BitVector &Regs) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
/// Set of Registers used by the Rep instruction
virtual void getRepRegs(BitVector &Regs) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
/// Return the register width in bytes (1, 2, 4 or 8)
uint8_t getRegSize(MCPhysReg Reg) const { return SizeMap[Reg]; }
/// For aliased registers, return an alias of \p Reg that has the width of
/// \p Size bytes
virtual MCPhysReg getAliasSized(MCPhysReg Reg, uint8_t Size) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return 0;
/// For X86, return whether this register is an upper 8-bit register, such as
/// AH, BH, etc.
virtual bool isUpper8BitReg(MCPhysReg Reg) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
/// For X86, return whether this instruction has special constraints that
/// prevents it from encoding registers that require a REX prefix.
virtual bool cannotUseREX(const MCInst &Inst) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
/// Modifies the set \p Regs by adding registers \p Inst may rewrite. Caller
/// is responsible for passing a valid BitVector with the size equivalent to
/// the number of registers in the target.
/// Since this function is called many times during clobber analysis, it
/// expects the caller to manage BitVector creation to avoid extra overhead.
virtual void getClobberedRegs(const MCInst &Inst, BitVector &Regs) const;
/// Set of all registers touched by this instruction, including implicit uses
/// and defs.
virtual void getTouchedRegs(const MCInst &Inst, BitVector &Regs) const;
/// Set of all registers being written to by this instruction -- includes
/// aliases but only if they are strictly smaller than the actual reg
virtual void getWrittenRegs(const MCInst &Inst, BitVector &Regs) const;
/// Set of all registers being read by this instruction -- includes aliases
/// but only if they are strictly smaller than the actual reg
virtual void getUsedRegs(const MCInst &Inst, BitVector &Regs) const;
/// Set of all src registers -- includes aliases but
/// only if they are strictly smaller than the actual reg
virtual void getSrcRegs(const MCInst &Inst, BitVector &Regs) const;
/// Return true if this instruction defines the specified physical
/// register either explicitly or implicitly.
virtual bool hasDefOfPhysReg(const MCInst &MI, unsigned Reg) const;
/// Return true if this instruction uses the specified physical
/// register either explicitly or implicitly.
virtual bool hasUseOfPhysReg(const MCInst &MI, unsigned Reg) const;
/// Replace displacement in compound memory operand with given \p Label.
bool replaceMemOperandDisp(MCInst &Inst, const MCSymbol *Label,
MCContext *Ctx) const {
return replaceMemOperandDisp(Inst, Label, 0, Ctx);
/// Replace displacement in compound memory operand with given \p Label
/// plus addend.
bool replaceMemOperandDisp(MCInst &Inst, const MCSymbol *Label,
int64_t Addend, MCContext *Ctx) const {
MCInst::iterator MemOpI = getMemOperandDisp(Inst);
if (MemOpI == Inst.end())
return false;
return setOperandToSymbolRef(Inst, MemOpI - Inst.begin(), Label, Addend,
Ctx, 0);
/// Returns how many bits we have in this instruction to encode a PC-rel
/// imm.
virtual int getPCRelEncodingSize(const MCInst &Inst) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return 0;
/// Replace instruction opcode to be a tail call instead of jump.
virtual bool convertJmpToTailCall(MCInst &Inst) {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
/// Perform any additional actions to transform a (conditional) tail call
/// into a (conditional) jump. Assume the target was already replaced with
/// a local one, so the default is to do nothing more.
virtual bool convertTailCallToJmp(MCInst &Inst) { return true; }
/// Replace instruction opcode to be a regural call instead of tail call.
virtual bool convertTailCallToCall(MCInst &Inst) {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
/// Creates an indirect call to the function within the \p DirectCall PLT
/// stub. The function's memory location is pointed by the \p TargetLocation
/// symbol.
virtual InstructionListType
createIndirectPltCall(const MCInst &DirectCall,
const MCSymbol *TargetLocation, MCContext *Ctx) {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return {};
/// Morph an indirect call into a load where \p Reg holds the call target.
virtual void convertIndirectCallToLoad(MCInst &Inst, MCPhysReg Reg) {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
/// Replace instruction with a shorter version that could be relaxed later
/// if needed.
virtual bool shortenInstruction(MCInst &Inst,
const MCSubtargetInfo &STI) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
/// Convert a move instruction into a conditional move instruction, given a
/// condition code.
virtual bool
convertMoveToConditionalMove(MCInst &Inst, unsigned CC,
bool AllowStackMemOp = false,
bool AllowBasePtrStackMemOp = false) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
/// Lower a tail call instruction \p Inst if required by target.
virtual bool lowerTailCall(MCInst &Inst) {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
/// Receives a list of MCInst of the basic block to analyze and interpret the
/// terminators of this basic block. TBB must be initialized with the original
/// fall-through for this BB.
virtual bool analyzeBranch(InstructionIterator Begin, InstructionIterator End,
const MCSymbol *&TBB, const MCSymbol *&FBB,
MCInst *&CondBranch, MCInst *&UncondBranch) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
/// Analyze \p Instruction to try and determine what type of indirect branch
/// it is. It is assumed that \p Instruction passes isIndirectBranch().
/// \p BB is an array of instructions immediately preceding \p Instruction.
/// If \p Instruction can be successfully analyzed, the output parameters
/// will be set to the different components of the branch. \p MemLocInstr
/// is the instruction that loads up the indirect function pointer. It may
/// or may not be same as \p Instruction.
virtual IndirectBranchType
analyzeIndirectBranch(MCInst &Instruction, InstructionIterator Begin,
InstructionIterator End, const unsigned PtrSize,
MCInst *&MemLocInstr, unsigned &BaseRegNum,
unsigned &IndexRegNum, int64_t &DispValue,
const MCExpr *&DispExpr, MCInst *&PCRelBaseOut) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return IndirectBranchType::UNKNOWN;
/// Analyze branch \p Instruction in PLT section and try to determine
/// associated got entry address.
virtual uint64_t analyzePLTEntry(MCInst &Instruction,
InstructionIterator Begin,
InstructionIterator End,
uint64_t BeginPC) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return 0;
virtual bool analyzeVirtualMethodCall(InstructionIterator Begin,
InstructionIterator End,
std::vector<MCInst *> &MethodFetchInsns,
unsigned &VtableRegNum,
unsigned &BaseRegNum,
uint64_t &MethodOffset) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
virtual void createLongJmp(InstructionListType &Seq, const MCSymbol *Target,
MCContext *Ctx, bool IsTailCall = false) {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
virtual void createShortJmp(InstructionListType &Seq, const MCSymbol *Target,
MCContext *Ctx, bool IsTailCall = false) {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
/// Return not 0 if the instruction CurInst, in combination with the recent
/// history of disassembled instructions supplied by [Begin, End), is a linker
/// generated veneer/stub that needs patching. This happens in AArch64 when
/// the code is large and the linker needs to generate stubs, but it does
/// not put any extra relocation information that could help us to easily
/// extract the real target. This function identifies and extract the real
/// target in Tgt. The instruction that loads the lower bits of the target
/// is put in TgtLowBits, and its pair in TgtHiBits. If the instruction in
/// TgtHiBits does not have an immediate operand, but an expression, then
/// this expression is put in TgtHiSym and Tgt only contains the lower bits.
/// Return value is a total number of instructions that were used to create
/// a veneer.
virtual uint64_t matchLinkerVeneer(InstructionIterator Begin,
InstructionIterator End, uint64_t Address,
const MCInst &CurInst,
MCInst *&TargetHiBits,
MCInst *&TargetLowBits,
uint64_t &Target) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
virtual bool matchAdrpAddPair(const MCInst &Adrp, const MCInst &Add) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
virtual int getShortJmpEncodingSize() const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
virtual int getUncondBranchEncodingSize() const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return 0;
/// Create a no-op instruction.
virtual void createNoop(MCInst &Inst) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
/// Create a return instruction.
virtual void createReturn(MCInst &Inst) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
/// Store \p Target absolute address to \p RegName
virtual InstructionListType materializeAddress(const MCSymbol *Target,
MCContext *Ctx,
MCPhysReg RegName,
int64_t Addend = 0) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return {};
/// Creates a new unconditional branch instruction in Inst and set its operand
/// to TBB.
virtual void createUncondBranch(MCInst &Inst, const MCSymbol *TBB,
MCContext *Ctx) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
/// Create a version of unconditional jump that has the largest span for a
/// single instruction with direct target.
virtual void createLongUncondBranch(MCInst &Inst, const MCSymbol *Target,
MCContext *Ctx) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
/// Creates a new call instruction in Inst and sets its operand to
/// Target.
virtual void createCall(MCInst &Inst, const MCSymbol *Target,
MCContext *Ctx) {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
/// Creates a new tail call instruction in Inst and sets its operand to
/// Target.
virtual void createTailCall(MCInst &Inst, const MCSymbol *Target,
MCContext *Ctx) {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
virtual void createLongTailCall(InstructionListType &Seq,
const MCSymbol *Target, MCContext *Ctx) {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
/// Creates a trap instruction in Inst.
virtual void createTrap(MCInst &Inst) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
/// Creates an instruction to bump the stack pointer just like a call.
virtual void createStackPointerIncrement(MCInst &Inst, int Size = 8,
bool NoFlagsClobber = false) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
/// Creates an instruction to move the stack pointer just like a ret.
virtual void createStackPointerDecrement(MCInst &Inst, int Size = 8,
bool NoFlagsClobber = false) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
/// Create a store instruction using \p StackReg as the base register
/// and \p Offset as the displacement.
virtual void createSaveToStack(MCInst &Inst, const MCPhysReg &StackReg,
int Offset, const MCPhysReg &SrcReg,
int Size) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
virtual void createLoad(MCInst &Inst, const MCPhysReg &BaseReg, int64_t Scale,
const MCPhysReg &IndexReg, int64_t Offset,
const MCExpr *OffsetExpr,
const MCPhysReg &AddrSegmentReg,
const MCPhysReg &DstReg, int Size) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
virtual InstructionListType createLoadImmediate(const MCPhysReg Dest,
uint64_t Imm) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
/// Create a fragment of code (sequence of instructions) that load a 32-bit
/// address from memory, zero-extends it to 64 and jump to it (indirect jump).
virtual void
createIJmp32Frag(SmallVectorImpl<MCInst> &Insts, const MCOperand &BaseReg,
const MCOperand &Scale, const MCOperand &IndexReg,
const MCOperand &Offset, const MCOperand &TmpReg) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
/// Create a load instruction using \p StackReg as the base register
/// and \p Offset as the displacement.
virtual void createRestoreFromStack(MCInst &Inst, const MCPhysReg &StackReg,
int Offset, const MCPhysReg &DstReg,
int Size) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
/// Creates a call frame pseudo instruction. A single operand identifies which
/// MCCFIInstruction this MCInst is referring to.
virtual void createCFI(MCInst &Inst, int64_t Offset) const {
/// Create an inline version of memcpy(dest, src, 1).
virtual InstructionListType createOneByteMemcpy() const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return {};
/// Create a sequence of instructions to compare contents of a register
/// \p RegNo to immediate \Imm and jump to \p Target if they are equal.
virtual InstructionListType createCmpJE(MCPhysReg RegNo, int64_t Imm,
const MCSymbol *Target,
MCContext *Ctx) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return {};
/// Creates inline memcpy instruction. If \p ReturnEnd is true, then return
/// (dest + n) instead of dest.
virtual InstructionListType createInlineMemcpy(bool ReturnEnd) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return {};
/// Create a target-specific relocation out of the \p Fixup.
/// Note that not every fixup could be converted into a relocation.
virtual std::optional<Relocation>
createRelocation(const MCFixup &Fixup, const MCAsmBackend &MAB) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return Relocation();
/// Returns true if instruction is a call frame pseudo instruction.
virtual bool isCFI(const MCInst &Inst) const {
return Inst.getOpcode() == TargetOpcode::CFI_INSTRUCTION;
/// Create a conditional branch with a target-specific conditional code \p CC.
virtual void createCondBranch(MCInst &Inst, const MCSymbol *Target,
unsigned CC, MCContext *Ctx) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
/// Create long conditional branch with a target-specific conditional code
/// \p CC.
virtual void createLongCondBranch(MCInst &Inst, const MCSymbol *Target,
unsigned CC, MCContext *Ctx) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
/// Reverses the branch condition in Inst and update its taken target to TBB.
virtual void reverseBranchCondition(MCInst &Inst, const MCSymbol *TBB,
MCContext *Ctx) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
virtual bool replaceBranchCondition(MCInst &Inst, const MCSymbol *TBB,
MCContext *Ctx, unsigned CC) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
virtual unsigned getInvertedCondCode(unsigned CC) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
virtual unsigned getCondCodesLogicalOr(unsigned CC1, unsigned CC2) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
virtual bool isValidCondCode(unsigned CC) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
/// Return the conditional code used in a conditional jump instruction.
/// Returns invalid code if not conditional jump.
virtual unsigned getCondCode(const MCInst &Inst) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
/// Return canonical branch opcode for a reversible branch opcode. For every
/// opposite branch opcode pair Op <-> OpR this function returns one of the
/// opcodes which is considered a canonical.
virtual unsigned getCanonicalBranchCondCode(unsigned CC) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return false;
/// Sets the taken target of the branch instruction to Target.
virtual void replaceBranchTarget(MCInst &Inst, const MCSymbol *TBB,
MCContext *Ctx) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
/// Extract a symbol and an addend out of the fixup value expression.
/// Only the following limited expression types are supported:
/// Symbol + Addend
/// Symbol + Constant + Addend
/// Const + Addend
/// Symbol
std::pair<MCSymbol *, uint64_t> extractFixupExpr(const MCFixup &Fixup) const {
uint64_t Addend = 0;
MCSymbol *Symbol = nullptr;
const MCExpr *ValueExpr = Fixup.getValue();
if (ValueExpr->getKind() == MCExpr::Binary) {
const auto *BinaryExpr = cast<MCBinaryExpr>(ValueExpr);
assert(BinaryExpr->getOpcode() == MCBinaryExpr::Add &&
"unexpected binary expression");
const MCExpr *LHS = BinaryExpr->getLHS();
if (LHS->getKind() == MCExpr::Constant) {
Addend = cast<MCConstantExpr>(LHS)->getValue();
} else if (LHS->getKind() == MCExpr::Binary) {
const auto *LHSBinaryExpr = cast<MCBinaryExpr>(LHS);
assert(LHSBinaryExpr->getOpcode() == MCBinaryExpr::Add &&
"unexpected binary expression");
const MCExpr *LLHS = LHSBinaryExpr->getLHS();
assert(LLHS->getKind() == MCExpr::SymbolRef && "unexpected LLHS");
Symbol = const_cast<MCSymbol *>(this->getTargetSymbol(LLHS));
const MCExpr *RLHS = LHSBinaryExpr->getRHS();
assert(RLHS->getKind() == MCExpr::Constant && "unexpected RLHS");
Addend = cast<MCConstantExpr>(RLHS)->getValue();
} else {
assert(LHS->getKind() == MCExpr::SymbolRef && "unexpected LHS");
Symbol = const_cast<MCSymbol *>(this->getTargetSymbol(LHS));
const MCExpr *RHS = BinaryExpr->getRHS();
assert(RHS->getKind() == MCExpr::Constant && "unexpected RHS");
Addend += cast<MCConstantExpr>(RHS)->getValue();
} else {
assert(ValueExpr->getKind() == MCExpr::SymbolRef && "unexpected value");
Symbol = const_cast<MCSymbol *>(this->getTargetSymbol(ValueExpr));
return std::make_pair(Symbol, Addend);
/// Return annotation index matching the \p Name.
std::optional<unsigned> getAnnotationIndex(StringRef Name) const {
std::shared_lock<llvm::sys::RWMutex> Lock(AnnotationNameMutex);
auto AI = AnnotationNameIndexMap.find(Name);
if (AI != AnnotationNameIndexMap.end())
return AI->second;
return std::nullopt;
/// Return annotation index matching the \p Name. Create a new index if the
/// \p Name wasn't registered previously.
unsigned getOrCreateAnnotationIndex(StringRef Name) {
if (std::optional<unsigned> Index = getAnnotationIndex(Name))
return *Index;
std::unique_lock<llvm::sys::RWMutex> Lock(AnnotationNameMutex);
const unsigned Index =
AnnotationNameIndexMap.size() + MCPlus::MCAnnotation::kGeneric;
AnnotationNameIndexMap.insert(std::make_pair(Name, Index));
return Index;
/// Store an annotation value on an MCInst. This assumes the annotation
/// is not already present.
template <typename ValueType>
const ValueType &addAnnotation(MCInst &Inst, unsigned Index,
const ValueType &Val,
AllocatorIdTy AllocatorId = 0) {
assert(Index >= MCPlus::MCAnnotation::kGeneric &&
"Generic annotation type expected.");
assert(!hasAnnotation(Inst, Index));
AnnotationAllocator &Allocator = getAnnotationAllocator(AllocatorId);
auto *A = new (Allocator.ValueAllocator)
if (!std::is_trivial<ValueType>::value)
setAnnotationOpValue(Inst, Index, reinterpret_cast<int64_t>(A));
return A->getValue();
/// Store an annotation value on an MCInst. This assumes the annotation
/// is not already present.
template <typename ValueType>
const ValueType &addAnnotation(MCInst &Inst, StringRef Name,
const ValueType &Val,
AllocatorIdTy AllocatorId = 0) {
return addAnnotation(Inst, getOrCreateAnnotationIndex(Name), Val,
/// Get an annotation as a specific value, but if the annotation does not
/// exist, create a new annotation with the default constructor for that type.
/// Return a non-const ref so caller can freely modify its contents
/// afterwards.
template <typename ValueType>
ValueType &getOrCreateAnnotationAs(MCInst &Inst, unsigned Index,
AllocatorIdTy AllocatorId = 0) {
auto Val =
tryGetAnnotationAs<ValueType>(const_cast<const MCInst &>(Inst), Index);
if (!Val)
Val = addAnnotation(Inst, Index, ValueType(), AllocatorId);
return const_cast<ValueType &>(*Val);
/// Get an annotation as a specific value, but if the annotation does not
/// exist, create a new annotation with the default constructor for that type.
/// Return a non-const ref so caller can freely modify its contents
/// afterwards.
template <typename ValueType>
ValueType &getOrCreateAnnotationAs(MCInst &Inst, StringRef Name,
AllocatorIdTy AllocatorId = 0) {
const unsigned Index = getOrCreateAnnotationIndex(Name);
return getOrCreateAnnotationAs<ValueType>(Inst, Index, AllocatorId);
/// Get an annotation as a specific value. Assumes that the annotation exists.
/// Use hasAnnotation() if the annotation may not exist.
template <typename ValueType>
ValueType &getAnnotationAs(const MCInst &Inst, unsigned Index) const {
std::optional<int64_t> Value = getAnnotationOpValue(Inst, Index);
assert(Value && "annotation should exist");
return reinterpret_cast<MCPlus::MCSimpleAnnotation<ValueType> *>(*Value)
/// Get an annotation as a specific value. Assumes that the annotation exists.
/// Use hasAnnotation() if the annotation may not exist.
template <typename ValueType>
ValueType &getAnnotationAs(const MCInst &Inst, StringRef Name) const {
const auto Index = getAnnotationIndex(Name);
assert(Index && "annotation should exist");
return getAnnotationAs<ValueType>(Inst, *Index);
/// Get an annotation as a specific value. If the annotation does not exist,
/// return the \p DefaultValue.
template <typename ValueType>
const ValueType &
getAnnotationWithDefault(const MCInst &Inst, unsigned Index,
const ValueType &DefaultValue = ValueType()) {
if (!hasAnnotation(Inst, Index))
return DefaultValue;
return getAnnotationAs<ValueType>(Inst, Index);
/// Get an annotation as a specific value. If the annotation does not exist,
/// return the \p DefaultValue.
template <typename ValueType>
const ValueType &
getAnnotationWithDefault(const MCInst &Inst, StringRef Name,
const ValueType &DefaultValue = ValueType()) {
const unsigned Index = getOrCreateAnnotationIndex(Name);
return getAnnotationWithDefault<ValueType>(Inst, Index, DefaultValue);
/// Check if the specified annotation exists on this instruction.
bool hasAnnotation(const MCInst &Inst, unsigned Index) const;
/// Check if an annotation with a specified \p Name exists on \p Inst.
bool hasAnnotation(const MCInst &Inst, StringRef Name) const {
const auto Index = getAnnotationIndex(Name);
if (!Index)
return false;
return hasAnnotation(Inst, *Index);
/// Get an annotation as a specific value, but if the annotation does not
/// exist, return errc::result_out_of_range.
template <typename ValueType>
ErrorOr<const ValueType &> tryGetAnnotationAs(const MCInst &Inst,
unsigned Index) const {
if (!hasAnnotation(Inst, Index))
return make_error_code(std::errc::result_out_of_range);
return getAnnotationAs<ValueType>(Inst, Index);
/// Get an annotation as a specific value, but if the annotation does not
/// exist, return errc::result_out_of_range.
template <typename ValueType>
ErrorOr<const ValueType &> tryGetAnnotationAs(const MCInst &Inst,
StringRef Name) const {
const auto Index = getAnnotationIndex(Name);
if (!Index)
return make_error_code(std::errc::result_out_of_range);
return tryGetAnnotationAs<ValueType>(Inst, *Index);
template <typename ValueType>
ErrorOr<ValueType &> tryGetAnnotationAs(MCInst &Inst, unsigned Index) const {
if (!hasAnnotation(Inst, Index))
return make_error_code(std::errc::result_out_of_range);
return const_cast<ValueType &>(getAnnotationAs<ValueType>(Inst, Index));
template <typename ValueType>
ErrorOr<ValueType &> tryGetAnnotationAs(MCInst &Inst, StringRef Name) const {
const auto Index = getAnnotationIndex(Name);
if (!Index)
return make_error_code(std::errc::result_out_of_range);
return tryGetAnnotationAs<ValueType>(Inst, *Index);
/// Print each annotation attached to \p Inst.
void printAnnotations(const MCInst &Inst, raw_ostream &OS) const;
/// Remove annotation with a given \p Index.
/// Return true if the annotation was removed, false if the annotation
/// was not present.
bool removeAnnotation(MCInst &Inst, unsigned Index) const;
/// Remove annotation associated with \p Name.
/// Return true if the annotation was removed, false if the annotation
/// was not present.
bool removeAnnotation(MCInst &Inst, StringRef Name) const {
const auto Index = getAnnotationIndex(Name);
if (!Index)
return false;
return removeAnnotation(Inst, *Index);
/// Remove meta-data from the instruction, but don't destroy it.
void stripAnnotations(MCInst &Inst, bool KeepTC = false) const;
virtual InstructionListType
createInstrumentedIndirectCall(MCInst &&CallInst, MCSymbol *HandlerFuncAddr,
int CallSiteID, MCContext *Ctx) {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return InstructionListType();
virtual InstructionListType createInstrumentedIndCallHandlerExitBB() const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return InstructionListType();
virtual InstructionListType
createInstrumentedIndTailCallHandlerExitBB() const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return InstructionListType();
virtual InstructionListType
createInstrumentedIndCallHandlerEntryBB(const MCSymbol *InstrTrampoline,
const MCSymbol *IndCallHandler,
MCContext *Ctx) {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return InstructionListType();
virtual InstructionListType createNumCountersGetter(MCContext *Ctx) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return {};
virtual InstructionListType createInstrLocationsGetter(MCContext *Ctx) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return {};
virtual InstructionListType createInstrTablesGetter(MCContext *Ctx) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return {};
virtual InstructionListType createInstrNumFuncsGetter(MCContext *Ctx) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return {};
virtual InstructionListType createSymbolTrampoline(const MCSymbol *TgtSym,
MCContext *Ctx) {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return InstructionListType();
virtual InstructionListType createDummyReturnFunction(MCContext *Ctx) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return InstructionListType();
/// This method takes an indirect call instruction and splits it up into an
/// equivalent set of instructions that use direct calls for target
/// symbols/addresses that are contained in the Targets vector. This is done
/// by guarding each direct call with a compare instruction to verify that
/// the target is correct.
/// If the VtableAddrs vector is not empty, the call will have the extra
/// load of the method pointer from the vtable eliminated. When non-empty
/// the VtableAddrs vector must be the same size as Targets and include the
/// address of a vtable for each corresponding method call in Targets. The
/// MethodFetchInsns vector holds instructions that are used to load the
/// correct method for the cold call case.
/// The return value is a vector of code snippets (essentially basic blocks).
/// There is a symbol associated with each snippet except for the first.
/// If the original call is not a tail call, the last snippet will have an
/// empty vector of instructions. The label is meant to indicate the basic
/// block where all previous snippets are joined, i.e. the instructions that
/// would immediate follow the original call.
using BlocksVectorTy =
std::vector<std::pair<MCSymbol *, InstructionListType>>;
struct MultiBlocksCode {
BlocksVectorTy Blocks;
std::vector<MCSymbol *> Successors;
virtual BlocksVectorTy indirectCallPromotion(
const MCInst &CallInst,
const std::vector<std::pair<MCSymbol *, uint64_t>> &Targets,
const std::vector<std::pair<MCSymbol *, uint64_t>> &VtableSyms,
const std::vector<MCInst *> &MethodFetchInsns,
const bool MinimizeCodeSize, MCContext *Ctx) {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return BlocksVectorTy();
virtual BlocksVectorTy jumpTablePromotion(
const MCInst &IJmpInst,
const std::vector<std::pair<MCSymbol *, uint64_t>> &Targets,
const std::vector<MCInst *> &TargetFetchInsns, MCContext *Ctx) const {
llvm_unreachable("not implemented");
return BlocksVectorTy();
virtual uint16_t getMinFunctionAlignment() const {
// We have to use at least 2-byte alignment for functions because of C++
// ABI.
return 2;
// AliasMap caches a mapping of registers to the set of registers that
// alias (are sub or superregs of itself, including itself).
std::vector<BitVector> AliasMap;
std::vector<BitVector> SmallerAliasMap;
// SizeMap caches a mapping of registers to their sizes.
std::vector<uint8_t> SizeMap;
MCPlusBuilder *createX86MCPlusBuilder(const MCInstrAnalysis *,
const MCInstrInfo *,
const MCRegisterInfo *,
const MCSubtargetInfo *);
MCPlusBuilder *createAArch64MCPlusBuilder(const MCInstrAnalysis *,
const MCInstrInfo *,
const MCRegisterInfo *,
const MCSubtargetInfo *);
MCPlusBuilder *createRISCVMCPlusBuilder(const MCInstrAnalysis *,
const MCInstrInfo *,
const MCRegisterInfo *,
const MCSubtargetInfo *);
} // namespace bolt
} // namespace llvm