blob: 760a1c9466e79578e6e10318dae6f163f6143dd1 [file] [log] [blame]
# NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/
# RUN: llvm-mca -mtriple=aarch64 -mcpu=cortex-a55 --all-stats --iterations=2 < %s | FileCheck %s
ldr w4, [x2], #4
ldr w5, [x3]
madd w0, w5, w4, w0
add x3, x3, x13
subs x1, x1, #1
str w0, [x21, x18, lsl #2]
# CHECK: Iterations: 2
# CHECK-NEXT: Instructions: 12
# CHECK-NEXT: Total Cycles: 17
# CHECK-NEXT: Total uOps: 14
# CHECK: Dispatch Width: 2
# CHECK-NEXT: uOps Per Cycle: 0.82
# CHECK-NEXT: Block RThroughput: 3.5
# CHECK: Instruction Info:
# CHECK-NEXT: [1]: #uOps
# CHECK-NEXT: [2]: Latency
# CHECK-NEXT: [3]: RThroughput
# CHECK-NEXT: [4]: MayLoad
# CHECK-NEXT: [5]: MayStore
# CHECK-NEXT: [6]: HasSideEffects (U)
# CHECK: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] Instructions:
# CHECK-NEXT: 2 3 1.00 * ldr w4, [x2], #4
# CHECK-NEXT: 1 3 1.00 * ldr w5, [x3]
# CHECK-NEXT: 1 4 1.00 madd w0, w5, w4, w0
# CHECK-NEXT: 1 3 0.50 add x3, x3, x13
# CHECK-NEXT: 1 3 0.50 subs x1, x1, #1
# CHECK-NEXT: 1 1 1.00 * str w0, [x21, x18, lsl #2]
# CHECK: Dynamic Dispatch Stall Cycles:
# CHECK-NEXT: RAT - Register unavailable: 8 (47.1%)
# CHECK-NEXT: RCU - Retire tokens unavailable: 0
# CHECK-NEXT: SCHEDQ - Scheduler full: 0
# CHECK-NEXT: LQ - Load queue full: 0
# CHECK-NEXT: SQ - Store queue full: 0
# CHECK-NEXT: GROUP - Static restrictions on the dispatch group: 0
# CHECK-NEXT: USH - Uncategorised Structural Hazard: 0
# CHECK: Dispatch Logic - number of cycles where we saw N micro opcodes dispatched:
# CHECK-NEXT: [# dispatched], [# cycles]
# CHECK-NEXT: 0, 7 (41.2%)
# CHECK-NEXT: 1, 6 (35.3%)
# CHECK-NEXT: 2, 4 (23.5%)
# CHECK: Schedulers - number of cycles where we saw N micro opcodes issued:
# CHECK-NEXT: [# issued], [# cycles]
# CHECK-NEXT: 0, 7 (41.2%)
# CHECK-NEXT: 1, 6 (35.3%)
# CHECK-NEXT: 2, 4 (23.5%)
# CHECK: Scheduler's queue usage:
# CHECK-NEXT: No scheduler resources used.
# CHECK: Register File statistics:
# CHECK-NEXT: Total number of mappings created: 14
# CHECK-NEXT: Max number of mappings used: 4
# CHECK: Resources:
# CHECK-NEXT: [0.0] - CortexA55UnitALU
# CHECK-NEXT: [0.1] - CortexA55UnitALU
# CHECK-NEXT: [1] - CortexA55UnitB
# CHECK-NEXT: [2] - CortexA55UnitDiv
# CHECK-NEXT: [3.0] - CortexA55UnitFPALU
# CHECK-NEXT: [3.1] - CortexA55UnitFPALU
# CHECK-NEXT: [4] - CortexA55UnitFPDIV
# CHECK-NEXT: [5.0] - CortexA55UnitFPMAC
# CHECK-NEXT: [5.1] - CortexA55UnitFPMAC
# CHECK-NEXT: [6] - CortexA55UnitLd
# CHECK-NEXT: [7] - CortexA55UnitMAC
# CHECK-NEXT: [8] - CortexA55UnitSt
# CHECK: Resource pressure per iteration:
# CHECK-NEXT: [0.0] [0.1] [1] [2] [3.0] [3.1] [4] [5.0] [5.1] [6] [7] [8]
# CHECK-NEXT: 1.00 1.00 - - - - - - - 2.00 1.00 1.00
# CHECK: Resource pressure by instruction:
# CHECK-NEXT: [0.0] [0.1] [1] [2] [3.0] [3.1] [4] [5.0] [5.1] [6] [7] [8] Instructions:
# CHECK-NEXT: - - - - - - - - - 1.00 - - ldr w4, [x2], #4
# CHECK-NEXT: - - - - - - - - - 1.00 - - ldr w5, [x3]
# CHECK-NEXT: - - - - - - - - - - 1.00 - madd w0, w5, w4, w0
# CHECK-NEXT: - 1.00 - - - - - - - - - - add x3, x3, x13
# CHECK-NEXT: 1.00 - - - - - - - - - - - subs x1, x1, #1
# CHECK-NEXT: - - - - - - - - - - - 1.00 str w0, [x21, x18, lsl #2]