blob: a5baf5611cc2954505bc8e0b2189825ccfae9934 [file] [log] [blame]
# REQUIRES: asserts
# RUN: llvm-mc -triple=x86_64-apple-macosx10.9 -filetype=obj -o %t %s
# RUN: llvm-jitlink -debug-only=jitlink -noexec -entry hook %t 2>&1 | \
# RUN: FileCheck %s
# Verify that we split C string literals on null-terminators, rather than on
# symbol boundaries. We expect four dead-stripped symbols: l_str.0, l_str.2,
# L_str.3, l_str.4, and the auto-generated symbol for the start of the "defghi"
# string. We also verify that there are only two dead-stripped blocks, since
# l_str.3 should not have split the block started at "def"... (since this is a
# C string section we should be splitting on null characters instead of
# symbols).
# CHECK: Dead-stripping defined symbols:
# CHECK-NEXT: linkage: strong, scope: local, dead
# CHECK-NEXT: linkage: strong, scope: local, dead
# CHECK-NEXT: linkage: strong, scope: local, dead
# CHECK-NEXT: linkage: strong, scope: local, dead
# CHECK-NEXT: Dead-stripping blocks:
# CHECK-NEXT: content, align = 1, align-ofs = 0, section = __TEXT,__cstring
# CHECK-NEXT: content, align = 1, align-ofs = 0, section = __TEXT,__cstring
# CHECK-NEXT: Removing unused external symbols
.section __DATA,__data
.globl hook
.p2align 2
.quad l_str.1
.section __TEXT,__cstring,cstring_literals
.asciz "abc"
.asciz ""
# anonymous start for "defghi", split in the middle by l_str.3. We expect this
# to be dead-stripped as a single block.
.byte 'd'
.byte 'e'
.byte 'f'
.asciz "ghi"