blob: ff224b708eab8b495575f108456903ad290b4f00 [file] [log] [blame]
; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=sparc -relocation-model=static -code-model=small | FileCheck --check-prefix=abs32 %s
; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=sparcv9 -relocation-model=static -code-model=small | FileCheck --check-prefix=abs32 %s
; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=sparcv9 -relocation-model=static -code-model=medium | FileCheck --check-prefix=abs44 %s
; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=sparcv9 -relocation-model=static -code-model=large | FileCheck --check-prefix=abs64 %s
; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=sparc -relocation-model=pic -code-model=medium | FileCheck --check-prefix=v8pic32 %s
; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=sparcv9 -relocation-model=pic -code-model=medium | FileCheck --check-prefix=v9pic32 %s
define void @func1() #0 {
ret void
define void @test() #0 {
%pFunc = alloca void (...)*, align 4
store void (...)* bitcast (void ()* @func1 to void (...)*), void (...)** %pFunc, align 4
%0 = load void (...)*, void (...)** %pFunc, align 4
%callee.knr.cast = bitcast void (...)* %0 to void ()*
call void %callee.knr.cast()
; abs32-LABEL: test
; abs32: sethi %hi(func1), %i0
; abs32: add %i0, %lo(func1), %i1
; abs32: call %i0+%lo(func1)
; abs44-LABEL: test
; abs44: sethi %h44(func1), %i0
; abs44: add %i0, %m44(func1), %i0
; abs44: sllx %i0, 12, %i0
; abs44: add %i0, %l44(func1), %i1
; abs44: call %i0+%l44(func1)
; abs64-LABEL: test
; abs64: sethi %hi(func1), %i0
; abs64: add %i0, %lo(func1), %i0
; abs64: sethi %hh(func1), %i1
; abs64: add %i1, %hm(func1), %i1
; v8pic32-LABEL: test
; v8pic32: sethi %hi(func1), %i1
; v8pic32: add %i1, %lo(func1), %i1
; v8pic32: ld [%i0+%i1], %i0
; v9pic32-LABEL: test
; v9pic32: sethi %hi(func1), %i1
; v9pic32: add %i1, %lo(func1), %i1
; v9pic32: ldx [%i0+%i1], %i0
; v9pic32: call %i0
ret void