blob: 38b884e9eb0ac9e512acb5fb51b7b286e9ae9e92 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- include/flang/Semantics/scope.h -------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "attr.h"
#include "symbol.h"
#include "flang/Common/Fortran.h"
#include "flang/Common/idioms.h"
#include "flang/Common/reference.h"
#include "flang/Parser/message.h"
#include "flang/Parser/provenance.h"
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <optional>
#include <set>
#include <string>
namespace llvm {
class raw_ostream;
namespace Fortran::semantics {
using namespace parser::literals;
using common::ConstantSubscript;
class SemanticsContext;
// An equivalence object is represented by a symbol for the variable name,
// the indices for an array element, and the lower bound for a substring.
struct EquivalenceObject {
EquivalenceObject(Symbol &symbol, std::vector<ConstantSubscript> subscripts,
std::optional<ConstantSubscript> substringStart)
: symbol{symbol}, subscripts{subscripts}, substringStart{substringStart} {
bool operator==(const EquivalenceObject &) const;
bool operator<(const EquivalenceObject &) const;
std::string AsFortran() const;
Symbol &symbol;
std::vector<ConstantSubscript> subscripts; // for array elem
std::optional<ConstantSubscript> substringStart;
using EquivalenceSet = std::vector<EquivalenceObject>;
class Scope {
using mapType = std::map<SourceName, common::Reference<Symbol>>;
ENUM_CLASS(Kind, Global, Module, MainProgram, Subprogram, BlockData,
DerivedType, Block, Forall, ImpliedDos)
using ImportKind = common::ImportKind;
// Create the Global scope -- the root of the scope tree
Scope() : Scope{*this, Kind::Global, nullptr} {}
Scope(Scope &parent, Kind kind, Symbol *symbol)
: parent_{parent}, kind_{kind}, symbol_{symbol} {
if (symbol) {
Scope(const Scope &) = delete;
bool operator==(const Scope &that) const { return this == &that; }
bool operator!=(const Scope &that) const { return this != &that; }
Scope &parent() {
CHECK(&parent_ != this);
return parent_;
const Scope &parent() const {
CHECK(&parent_ != this);
return parent_;
Kind kind() const { return kind_; }
bool IsGlobal() const { return kind_ == Kind::Global; }
bool IsModule() const; // only module, not submodule
bool IsSubmodule() const;
bool IsDerivedType() const { return kind_ == Kind::DerivedType; }
bool IsParameterizedDerivedType() const;
Symbol *symbol() { return symbol_; }
const Symbol *symbol() const { return symbol_; }
const Symbol *GetSymbol() const;
const Scope *GetDerivedTypeParent() const;
const Scope &GetDerivedTypeBase() const;
std::optional<SourceName> GetName() const;
bool Contains(const Scope &) const;
/// Make a scope nested in this one
Scope &MakeScope(Kind kind, Symbol *symbol = nullptr);
using size_type = mapType::size_type;
using iterator = mapType::iterator;
using const_iterator = mapType::const_iterator;
iterator begin() { return symbols_.begin(); }
iterator end() { return symbols_.end(); }
const_iterator begin() const { return symbols_.begin(); }
const_iterator end() const { return symbols_.end(); }
const_iterator cbegin() const { return symbols_.cbegin(); }
const_iterator cend() const { return symbols_.cend(); }
iterator find(const SourceName &name);
const_iterator find(const SourceName &name) const {
return symbols_.find(name);
size_type erase(const SourceName &);
size_type size() const { return symbols_.size(); }
bool empty() const { return symbols_.empty(); }
// Look for symbol by name in this scope and host (depending on imports).
Symbol *FindSymbol(const SourceName &) const;
// Look for component symbol by name in a derived type's scope and
// parents'.
Symbol *FindComponent(SourceName) const;
/// Make a Symbol with unknown details.
std::pair<iterator, bool> try_emplace(
const SourceName &name, Attrs attrs = Attrs()) {
return try_emplace(name, attrs, UnknownDetails());
/// Make a Symbol with provided details.
template <typename D>
common::IfNoLvalue<std::pair<iterator, bool>, D> try_emplace(
const SourceName &name, D &&details) {
return try_emplace(name, Attrs(), std::move(details));
/// Make a Symbol with attrs and details
template <typename D>
common::IfNoLvalue<std::pair<iterator, bool>, D> try_emplace(
const SourceName &name, Attrs attrs, D &&details) {
Symbol &symbol{MakeSymbol(name, attrs, std::move(details))};
return symbols_.emplace(name, symbol);
// Make a copy of a symbol in this scope; nullptr if one is already there
Symbol *CopySymbol(const Symbol &);
const std::list<EquivalenceSet> &equivalenceSets() const;
void add_equivalenceSet(EquivalenceSet &&);
// Cray pointers are saved as map of pointee name -> pointer symbol
const mapType &crayPointers() const { return crayPointers_; }
void add_crayPointer(const SourceName &, Symbol &);
mapType &commonBlocks() { return commonBlocks_; }
const mapType &commonBlocks() const { return commonBlocks_; }
Symbol &MakeCommonBlock(const SourceName &);
Symbol *FindCommonBlock(const SourceName &);
/// Make a Symbol but don't add it to the scope.
template <typename D>
common::IfNoLvalue<Symbol &, D> MakeSymbol(
const SourceName &name, Attrs attrs, D &&details) {
return allSymbols.Make(*this, name, attrs, std::move(details));
std::list<Scope> &children() { return children_; }
const std::list<Scope> &children() const { return children_; }
// For Module scope, maintain a mapping of all submodule scopes with this
// module as its ancestor module. AddSubmodule returns false if already there.
Scope *FindSubmodule(const SourceName &) const;
bool AddSubmodule(const SourceName &, Scope &);
const DeclTypeSpec *FindType(const DeclTypeSpec &) const;
const DeclTypeSpec &MakeNumericType(TypeCategory, KindExpr &&kind);
const DeclTypeSpec &MakeLogicalType(KindExpr &&kind);
const DeclTypeSpec &MakeCharacterType(
ParamValue &&length, KindExpr &&kind = KindExpr{0});
DeclTypeSpec &MakeDerivedType(DeclTypeSpec::Category, DerivedTypeSpec &&);
const DeclTypeSpec &MakeTypeStarType();
const DeclTypeSpec &MakeClassStarType();
// For modules read from module files, this is the stream of characters
// that are referenced by SourceName objects.
void set_chars(parser::CookedSource &);
ImportKind GetImportKind() const;
// Names appearing in IMPORT statements in this scope
std::set<SourceName> importNames() const { return importNames_; }
// Set the kind of imports from host into this scope.
// Return an error message for incompatible kinds.
std::optional<parser::MessageFixedText> SetImportKind(ImportKind);
void add_importName(const SourceName &);
const DerivedTypeSpec *derivedTypeSpec() const { return derivedTypeSpec_; }
DerivedTypeSpec *derivedTypeSpec() { return derivedTypeSpec_; }
void set_derivedTypeSpec(DerivedTypeSpec &spec) { derivedTypeSpec_ = &spec; }
// The range of the source of this and nested scopes.
const parser::CharBlock &sourceRange() const { return sourceRange_; }
void AddSourceRange(const parser::CharBlock &);
// Find the smallest scope under this one that contains source
const Scope *FindScope(parser::CharBlock) const;
Scope *FindScope(parser::CharBlock);
// Attempts to find a match for a derived type instance
const DeclTypeSpec *FindInstantiatedDerivedType(const DerivedTypeSpec &,
DeclTypeSpec::Category = DeclTypeSpec::TypeDerived) const;
bool IsModuleFile() const {
return kind_ == Kind::Module && symbol_ &&
void InstantiateDerivedTypes(SemanticsContext &);
Scope &parent_; // this is enclosing scope, not extended derived type base
const Kind kind_;
parser::CharBlock sourceRange_;
Symbol *const symbol_; // if not null, symbol_->scope() == this
std::list<Scope> children_;
mapType symbols_;
mapType commonBlocks_;
std::list<EquivalenceSet> equivalenceSets_;
mapType crayPointers_;
std::map<SourceName, common::Reference<Scope>> submodules_;
std::list<DeclTypeSpec> declTypeSpecs_;
std::string chars_;
std::optional<ImportKind> importKind_;
std::set<SourceName> importNames_;
DerivedTypeSpec *derivedTypeSpec_{nullptr}; // dTS->scope() == this
// When additional data members are added to Scope, remember to
// copy them, if appropriate, in InstantiateDerivedType().
// Storage for all Symbols. Every Symbol is in allSymbols and every Symbol*
// or Symbol& points to one in there.
static Symbols<1024> allSymbols;
bool CanImport(const SourceName &) const;
const DeclTypeSpec &MakeLengthlessType(DeclTypeSpec &&);
friend llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &, const Scope &);
} // namespace Fortran::semantics