blob: 6311b781922333a98255ecc740de3e135b8377dd [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- Transport.h - Sending and Receiving LSP messages -------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// The language server protocol is usually implemented by writing messages as
// JSON-RPC over the stdin/stdout of a subprocess. This file contains a JSON
// transport interface that handles this communication.
#include "Logging.h"
#include "Protocol.h"
#include "mlir/Support/LLVM.h"
#include "mlir/Support/LogicalResult.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/FunctionExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FormatAdapters.h"
#include "llvm/Support/JSON.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <atomic>
namespace mlir {
namespace lsp {
class MessageHandler;
// JSONTransport
/// The encoding style of the JSON-RPC messages (both input and output).
enum JSONStreamStyle {
/// Encoding per the LSP specification, with mandatory Content-Length header.
/// Messages are delimited by a '// -----' line. Comment lines start with //.
/// A transport class that performs the JSON-RPC communication with the LSP
/// client.
class JSONTransport {
JSONTransport(std::FILE *in, raw_ostream &out,
JSONStreamStyle style = JSONStreamStyle::Standard,
bool prettyOutput = false)
: in(in), out(out), style(style), prettyOutput(prettyOutput) {}
/// The following methods are used to send a message to the LSP client.
void notify(StringRef method, llvm::json::Value params);
void call(StringRef method, llvm::json::Value params, llvm::json::Value id);
void reply(llvm::json::Value id, llvm::Expected<llvm::json::Value> result);
/// Start executing the JSON-RPC transport.
llvm::Error run(MessageHandler &handler);
/// Dispatches the given incoming json message to the message handler.
bool handleMessage(llvm::json::Value msg, MessageHandler &handler);
/// Writes the given message to the output stream.
void sendMessage(llvm::json::Value msg);
/// Read in a message from the input stream.
LogicalResult readMessage(std::string &json) {
return style == JSONStreamStyle::Delimited ? readDelimitedMessage(json)
: readStandardMessage(json);
LogicalResult readDelimitedMessage(std::string &json);
LogicalResult readStandardMessage(std::string &json);
/// An output buffer used when building output messages.
SmallVector<char, 0> outputBuffer;
/// The input file stream.
std::FILE *in;
/// The output file stream.
raw_ostream &out;
/// The JSON stream style to use.
JSONStreamStyle style;
/// If the output JSON should be formatted for easier readability.
bool prettyOutput;
// MessageHandler
/// A Callback<T> is a void function that accepts Expected<T>. This is
/// accepted by functions that logically return T.
template <typename T>
using Callback = llvm::unique_function<void(llvm::Expected<T>)>;
/// An OutgoingNotification<T> is a function used for outgoing notifications
/// send to the client.
template <typename T>
using OutgoingNotification = llvm::unique_function<void(const T &)>;
/// A handler used to process the incoming transport messages.
class MessageHandler {
MessageHandler(JSONTransport &transport) : transport(transport) {}
bool onNotify(StringRef method, llvm::json::Value value);
bool onCall(StringRef method, llvm::json::Value params, llvm::json::Value id);
bool onReply(llvm::json::Value id, llvm::Expected<llvm::json::Value> result);
template <typename T>
static llvm::Expected<T> parse(const llvm::json::Value &raw,
StringRef payloadName, StringRef payloadKind) {
T result;
llvm::json::Path::Root root;
if (fromJSON(raw, result, root))
return std::move(result);
// Dump the relevant parts of the broken message.
std::string context;
llvm::raw_string_ostream os(context);
root.printErrorContext(raw, os);
// Report the error (e.g. to the client).
return llvm::make_error<LSPError>(
llvm::formatv("failed to decode {0} {1}: {2}", payloadName, payloadKind,
template <typename Param, typename Result, typename ThisT>
void method(llvm::StringLiteral method, ThisT *thisPtr,
void (ThisT::*handler)(const Param &, Callback<Result>)) {
methodHandlers[method] = [method, handler,
thisPtr](llvm::json::Value rawParams,
Callback<llvm::json::Value> reply) {
llvm::Expected<Param> param = parse<Param>(rawParams, method, "request");
if (!param)
return reply(param.takeError());
(thisPtr->*handler)(*param, std::move(reply));
template <typename Param, typename ThisT>
void notification(llvm::StringLiteral method, ThisT *thisPtr,
void (ThisT::*handler)(const Param &)) {
notificationHandlers[method] = [method, handler,
thisPtr](llvm::json::Value rawParams) {
llvm::Expected<Param> param = parse<Param>(rawParams, method, "request");
if (!param)
return llvm::consumeError(param.takeError());
/// Create an OutgoingNotification object used for the given method.
template <typename T>
OutgoingNotification<T> outgoingNotification(llvm::StringLiteral method) {
return [&, method](const T &params) {
Logger::info("--> {0}", method);
transport.notify(method, llvm::json::Value(params));
template <typename HandlerT>
using HandlerMap = llvm::StringMap<llvm::unique_function<HandlerT>>;
HandlerMap<void(llvm::json::Value)> notificationHandlers;
HandlerMap<void(llvm::json::Value, Callback<llvm::json::Value>)>
JSONTransport &transport;
} // namespace lsp
} // namespace mlir