blob: 83c00f05c45ddafa594d1c85ca97b1c66a934934 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- MLIRServer.cpp - MLIR Generic Language Server ----------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "MLIRServer.h"
#include "lsp/Logging.h"
#include "lsp/Protocol.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Operation.h"
#include "mlir/Parser.h"
#include "mlir/Parser/AsmParserState.h"
#include "llvm/Support/SourceMgr.h"
using namespace mlir;
/// Returns a language server position for the given source location.
static lsp::Position getPosFromLoc(llvm::SourceMgr &mgr, llvm::SMLoc loc) {
std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> lineAndCol = mgr.getLineAndColumn(loc);
lsp::Position pos;
pos.line = lineAndCol.first - 1;
pos.character = lineAndCol.second - 1;
return pos;
/// Returns a source location from the given language server position.
static llvm::SMLoc getPosFromLoc(llvm::SourceMgr &mgr, lsp::Position pos) {
return mgr.FindLocForLineAndColumn(mgr.getMainFileID(), pos.line + 1,
/// Returns a language server range for the given source range.
static lsp::Range getRangeFromLoc(llvm::SourceMgr &mgr, llvm::SMRange range) {
return {getPosFromLoc(mgr, range.Start), getPosFromLoc(mgr, range.End)};
/// Returns a language server location from the given source range.
static lsp::Location getLocationFromLoc(llvm::SourceMgr &mgr,
llvm::SMRange range,
const lsp::URIForFile &uri) {
return lsp::Location{uri, getRangeFromLoc(mgr, range)};
/// Returns a language server location from the given MLIR file location.
static Optional<lsp::Location> getLocationFromLoc(FileLineColLoc loc) {
llvm::Expected<lsp::URIForFile> sourceURI =
if (!sourceURI) {
lsp::Logger::error("Failed to create URI for file `{0}`: {1}",
return llvm::None;
lsp::Position position;
position.line = loc.getLine() - 1;
position.character = loc.getColumn();
return lsp::Location{*sourceURI, lsp::Range(position)};
/// Returns a language server location from the given MLIR location, or None if
/// one couldn't be created. `uri` is an optional additional filter that, when
/// present, is used to filter sub locations that do not share the same uri.
static Optional<lsp::Location>
getLocationFromLoc(llvm::SourceMgr &sourceMgr, Location loc,
const lsp::URIForFile *uri = nullptr) {
Optional<lsp::Location> location;
loc->walk([&](Location nestedLoc) {
FileLineColLoc fileLoc = nestedLoc.dyn_cast<FileLineColLoc>();
if (!fileLoc)
return WalkResult::advance();
Optional<lsp::Location> sourceLoc = getLocationFromLoc(fileLoc);
if (sourceLoc && (!uri || sourceLoc->uri == *uri)) {
location = *sourceLoc;
llvm::SMLoc loc = sourceMgr.FindLocForLineAndColumn(
sourceMgr.getMainFileID(), fileLoc.getLine(), fileLoc.getColumn());
// Use range of potential identifier starting at location, else length 1
// range.
location->range.end.character += 1;
if (Optional<llvm::SMRange> range =
AsmParserState::convertIdLocToRange(loc)) {
auto lineCol = sourceMgr.getLineAndColumn(range->End);
location->range.end.character =
std::max(fileLoc.getColumn() + 1, lineCol.second - 1);
return WalkResult::interrupt();
return WalkResult::advance();
return location;
/// Collect all of the locations from the given MLIR location that are not
/// contained within the given URI.
static void collectLocationsFromLoc(Location loc,
std::vector<lsp::Location> &locations,
const lsp::URIForFile &uri) {
SetVector<Location> visitedLocs;
loc->walk([&](Location nestedLoc) {
FileLineColLoc fileLoc = nestedLoc.dyn_cast<FileLineColLoc>();
if (!fileLoc || !visitedLocs.insert(nestedLoc))
return WalkResult::advance();
Optional<lsp::Location> sourceLoc = getLocationFromLoc(fileLoc);
if (sourceLoc && sourceLoc->uri != uri)
return WalkResult::advance();
/// Returns true if the given range contains the given source location. Note
/// that this has slightly different behavior than SMRange because it is
/// inclusive of the end location.
static bool contains(llvm::SMRange range, llvm::SMLoc loc) {
return range.Start.getPointer() <= loc.getPointer() &&
loc.getPointer() <= range.End.getPointer();
/// Returns true if the given location is contained by the definition or one of
/// the uses of the given SMDefinition. If provided, `overlappedRange` is set to
/// the range within `def` that the provided `loc` overlapped with.
static bool isDefOrUse(const AsmParserState::SMDefinition &def, llvm::SMLoc loc,
llvm::SMRange *overlappedRange = nullptr) {
// Check the main definition.
if (contains(def.loc, loc)) {
if (overlappedRange)
*overlappedRange = def.loc;
return true;
// Check the uses.
auto useIt = llvm::find_if(def.uses, [&](const llvm::SMRange &range) {
return contains(range, loc);
if (useIt != def.uses.end()) {
if (overlappedRange)
*overlappedRange = *useIt;
return true;
return false;
/// Given a location pointing to a result, return the result number it refers
/// to or None if it refers to all of the results.
static Optional<unsigned> getResultNumberFromLoc(llvm::SMLoc loc) {
// Skip all of the identifier characters.
auto isIdentifierChar = [](char c) {
return isalnum(c) || c == '%' || c == '$' || c == '.' || c == '_' ||
c == '-';
const char *curPtr = loc.getPointer();
while (isIdentifierChar(*curPtr))
// Check to see if this location indexes into the result group, via `#`. If it
// doesn't, we can't extract a sub result number.
if (*curPtr != '#')
return llvm::None;
// Compute the sub result number from the remaining portion of the string.
const char *numberStart = ++curPtr;
while (llvm::isDigit(*curPtr))
StringRef numberStr(numberStart, curPtr - numberStart);
unsigned resultNumber = 0;
return numberStr.consumeInteger(10, resultNumber) ? Optional<unsigned>()
: resultNumber;
/// Given a source location range, return the text covered by the given range.
/// If the range is invalid, returns None.
static Optional<StringRef> getTextFromRange(llvm::SMRange range) {
if (!range.isValid())
return None;
const char *startPtr = range.Start.getPointer();
return StringRef(startPtr, range.End.getPointer() - startPtr);
/// Given a block, return its position in its parent region.
static unsigned getBlockNumber(Block *block) {
return std::distance(block->getParent()->begin(), block->getIterator());
/// Given a block and source location, print the source name of the block to the
/// given output stream.
static void printDefBlockName(raw_ostream &os, Block *block,
llvm::SMRange loc = {}) {
// Try to extract a name from the source location.
Optional<StringRef> text = getTextFromRange(loc);
if (text && text->startswith("^")) {
os << *text;
// Otherwise, we don't have a name so print the block number.
os << "<Block #" << getBlockNumber(block) << ">";
static void printDefBlockName(raw_ostream &os,
const AsmParserState::BlockDefinition &def) {
printDefBlockName(os, def.block, def.definition.loc);
/// Convert the given MLIR diagnostic to the LSP form.
static lsp::Diagnostic getLspDiagnoticFromDiag(llvm::SourceMgr &sourceMgr,
Diagnostic &diag,
const lsp::URIForFile &uri) {
lsp::Diagnostic lspDiag;
lspDiag.source = "mlir";
// Note: Right now all of the diagnostics are treated as parser issues, but
// some are parser and some are verifier.
lspDiag.category = "Parse Error";
// Try to grab a file location for this diagnostic.
// TODO: For simplicity, we just grab the first one. It may be likely that we
// will need a more interesting heuristic here.'
Optional<lsp::Location> lspLocation =
getLocationFromLoc(sourceMgr, diag.getLocation(), &uri);
if (lspLocation)
lspDiag.range = lspLocation->range;
// Convert the severity for the diagnostic.
switch (diag.getSeverity()) {
case DiagnosticSeverity::Note:
llvm_unreachable("expected notes to be handled separately");
case DiagnosticSeverity::Warning:
lspDiag.severity = lsp::DiagnosticSeverity::Warning;
case DiagnosticSeverity::Error:
lspDiag.severity = lsp::DiagnosticSeverity::Error;
case DiagnosticSeverity::Remark:
lspDiag.severity = lsp::DiagnosticSeverity::Information;
lspDiag.message = diag.str();
// Attach any notes to the main diagnostic as related information.
std::vector<lsp::DiagnosticRelatedInformation> relatedDiags;
for (Diagnostic &note : diag.getNotes()) {
lsp::Location noteLoc;
if (Optional<lsp::Location> loc =
getLocationFromLoc(sourceMgr, note.getLocation()))
noteLoc = *loc;
noteLoc.uri = uri;
relatedDiags.emplace_back(noteLoc, note.str());
if (!relatedDiags.empty())
lspDiag.relatedInformation = std::move(relatedDiags);
return lspDiag;
// MLIRDocument
namespace {
/// This class represents all of the information pertaining to a specific MLIR
/// document.
struct MLIRDocument {
MLIRDocument(MLIRContext &context, const lsp::URIForFile &uri,
StringRef contents, std::vector<lsp::Diagnostic> &diagnostics);
MLIRDocument(const MLIRDocument &) = delete;
MLIRDocument &operator=(const MLIRDocument &) = delete;
// Definitions and References
void getLocationsOf(const lsp::URIForFile &uri, const lsp::Position &defPos,
std::vector<lsp::Location> &locations);
void findReferencesOf(const lsp::URIForFile &uri, const lsp::Position &pos,
std::vector<lsp::Location> &references);
// Hover
Optional<lsp::Hover> findHover(const lsp::URIForFile &uri,
const lsp::Position &hoverPos);
buildHoverForOperation(llvm::SMRange hoverRange,
const AsmParserState::OperationDefinition &op);
lsp::Hover buildHoverForOperationResult(llvm::SMRange hoverRange,
Operation *op, unsigned resultStart,
unsigned resultEnd,
llvm::SMLoc posLoc);
lsp::Hover buildHoverForBlock(llvm::SMRange hoverRange,
const AsmParserState::BlockDefinition &block);
buildHoverForBlockArgument(llvm::SMRange hoverRange, BlockArgument arg,
const AsmParserState::BlockDefinition &block);
// Document Symbols
void findDocumentSymbols(std::vector<lsp::DocumentSymbol> &symbols);
void findDocumentSymbols(Operation *op,
std::vector<lsp::DocumentSymbol> &symbols);
// Fields
/// The high level parser state used to find definitions and references within
/// the source file.
AsmParserState asmState;
/// The container for the IR parsed from the input file.
Block parsedIR;
/// The source manager containing the contents of the input file.
llvm::SourceMgr sourceMgr;
} // namespace
MLIRDocument::MLIRDocument(MLIRContext &context, const lsp::URIForFile &uri,
StringRef contents,
std::vector<lsp::Diagnostic> &diagnostics) {
ScopedDiagnosticHandler handler(&context, [&](Diagnostic &diag) {
diagnostics.push_back(getLspDiagnoticFromDiag(sourceMgr, diag, uri));
// Try to parsed the given IR string.
auto memBuffer = llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBufferCopy(contents, uri.file());
if (!memBuffer) {
lsp::Logger::error("Failed to create memory buffer for file", uri.file());
sourceMgr.AddNewSourceBuffer(std::move(memBuffer), llvm::SMLoc());
if (failed(parseSourceFile(sourceMgr, &parsedIR, &context, nullptr,
&asmState))) {
// If parsing failed, clear out any of the current state.
asmState = AsmParserState();
// MLIRDocument: Definitions and References
void MLIRDocument::getLocationsOf(const lsp::URIForFile &uri,
const lsp::Position &defPos,
std::vector<lsp::Location> &locations) {
llvm::SMLoc posLoc = getPosFromLoc(sourceMgr, defPos);
// Functor used to check if an SM definition contains the position.
auto containsPosition = [&](const AsmParserState::SMDefinition &def) {
if (!isDefOrUse(def, posLoc))
return false;
locations.push_back(getLocationFromLoc(sourceMgr, def.loc, uri));
return true;
// Check all definitions related to operations.
for (const AsmParserState::OperationDefinition &op : asmState.getOpDefs()) {
if (contains(op.loc, posLoc))
return collectLocationsFromLoc(op.op->getLoc(), locations, uri);
for (const auto &result : op.resultGroups)
if (containsPosition(result.definition))
return collectLocationsFromLoc(op.op->getLoc(), locations, uri);
for (const auto &symUse : op.symbolUses) {
if (contains(symUse, posLoc)) {
locations.push_back(getLocationFromLoc(sourceMgr, op.loc, uri));
return collectLocationsFromLoc(op.op->getLoc(), locations, uri);
// Check all definitions related to blocks.
for (const AsmParserState::BlockDefinition &block : asmState.getBlockDefs()) {
if (containsPosition(block.definition))
for (const AsmParserState::SMDefinition &arg : block.arguments)
if (containsPosition(arg))
void MLIRDocument::findReferencesOf(const lsp::URIForFile &uri,
const lsp::Position &pos,
std::vector<lsp::Location> &references) {
// Functor used to append all of the definitions/uses of the given SM
// definition to the reference list.
auto appendSMDef = [&](const AsmParserState::SMDefinition &def) {
references.push_back(getLocationFromLoc(sourceMgr, def.loc, uri));
for (const llvm::SMRange &use : def.uses)
references.push_back(getLocationFromLoc(sourceMgr, use, uri));
llvm::SMLoc posLoc = getPosFromLoc(sourceMgr, pos);
// Check all definitions related to operations.
for (const AsmParserState::OperationDefinition &op : asmState.getOpDefs()) {
if (contains(op.loc, posLoc)) {
for (const auto &result : op.resultGroups)
for (const auto &symUse : op.symbolUses)
if (contains(symUse, posLoc))
references.push_back(getLocationFromLoc(sourceMgr, symUse, uri));
for (const auto &result : op.resultGroups)
if (isDefOrUse(result.definition, posLoc))
return appendSMDef(result.definition);
for (const auto &symUse : op.symbolUses) {
if (!contains(symUse, posLoc))
for (const auto &symUse : op.symbolUses)
references.push_back(getLocationFromLoc(sourceMgr, symUse, uri));
// Check all definitions related to blocks.
for (const AsmParserState::BlockDefinition &block : asmState.getBlockDefs()) {
if (isDefOrUse(block.definition, posLoc))
return appendSMDef(block.definition);
for (const AsmParserState::SMDefinition &arg : block.arguments)
if (isDefOrUse(arg, posLoc))
return appendSMDef(arg);
// MLIRDocument: Hover
Optional<lsp::Hover> MLIRDocument::findHover(const lsp::URIForFile &uri,
const lsp::Position &hoverPos) {
llvm::SMLoc posLoc = getPosFromLoc(sourceMgr, hoverPos);
llvm::SMRange hoverRange;
// Check for Hovers on operations and results.
for (const AsmParserState::OperationDefinition &op : asmState.getOpDefs()) {
// Check if the position points at this operation.
if (contains(op.loc, posLoc))
return buildHoverForOperation(op.loc, op);
// Check if the position points at the symbol name.
for (auto &use : op.symbolUses)
if (contains(use, posLoc))
return buildHoverForOperation(use, op);
// Check if the position points at a result group.
for (unsigned i = 0, e = op.resultGroups.size(); i < e; ++i) {
const auto &result = op.resultGroups[i];
if (!isDefOrUse(result.definition, posLoc, &hoverRange))
// Get the range of results covered by the over position.
unsigned resultStart = result.startIndex;
unsigned resultEnd = (i == e - 1) ? op.op->getNumResults()
: op.resultGroups[i + 1].startIndex;
return buildHoverForOperationResult(hoverRange, op.op, resultStart,
resultEnd, posLoc);
// Check to see if the hover is over a block argument.
for (const AsmParserState::BlockDefinition &block : asmState.getBlockDefs()) {
if (isDefOrUse(block.definition, posLoc, &hoverRange))
return buildHoverForBlock(hoverRange, block);
for (const auto &arg : llvm::enumerate(block.arguments)) {
if (!isDefOrUse(arg.value(), posLoc, &hoverRange))
return buildHoverForBlockArgument(
hoverRange, block.block->getArgument(arg.index()), block);
return llvm::None;
Optional<lsp::Hover> MLIRDocument::buildHoverForOperation(
llvm::SMRange hoverRange, const AsmParserState::OperationDefinition &op) {
lsp::Hover hover(getRangeFromLoc(sourceMgr, hoverRange));
llvm::raw_string_ostream os(hover.contents.value);
// Add the operation name to the hover.
os << "\"" << op.op->getName() << "\"";
if (SymbolOpInterface symbol = dyn_cast<SymbolOpInterface>(op.op))
os << " : " << symbol.getVisibility() << " @" << symbol.getName() << "";
os << "\n\n";
os << "Generic Form:\n\n```mlir\n";
// Temporary drop the regions of this operation so that they don't get
// printed in the output. This helps keeps the size of the output hover
// small.
SmallVector<std::unique_ptr<Region>> regions;
for (Region &region : op.op->getRegions()) {
os, OpPrintingFlags().printGenericOpForm().elideLargeElementsAttrs());
os << "\n```\n";
// Move the regions back to the current operation.
for (Region &region : op.op->getRegions())
return hover;
lsp::Hover MLIRDocument::buildHoverForOperationResult(llvm::SMRange hoverRange,
Operation *op,
unsigned resultStart,
unsigned resultEnd,
llvm::SMLoc posLoc) {
lsp::Hover hover(getRangeFromLoc(sourceMgr, hoverRange));
llvm::raw_string_ostream os(hover.contents.value);
// Add the parent operation name to the hover.
os << "Operation: \"" << op->getName() << "\"\n\n";
// Check to see if the location points to a specific result within the
// group.
if (Optional<unsigned> resultNumber = getResultNumberFromLoc(posLoc)) {
if ((resultStart + *resultNumber) < resultEnd) {
resultStart += *resultNumber;
resultEnd = resultStart + 1;
// Add the range of results and their types to the hover info.
if ((resultStart + 1) == resultEnd) {
os << "Result #" << resultStart << "\n\n"
<< "Type: `" << op->getResult(resultStart).getType() << "`\n\n";
} else {
os << "Result #[" << resultStart << ", " << (resultEnd - 1) << "]\n\n"
<< "Types: ";
op->getResults().slice(resultStart, resultEnd), os,
[&](Value result) { os << "`" << result.getType() << "`"; });
return hover;
MLIRDocument::buildHoverForBlock(llvm::SMRange hoverRange,
const AsmParserState::BlockDefinition &block) {
lsp::Hover hover(getRangeFromLoc(sourceMgr, hoverRange));
llvm::raw_string_ostream os(hover.contents.value);
// Print the given block to the hover output stream.
auto printBlockToHover = [&](Block *newBlock) {
if (const auto *def = asmState.getBlockDef(newBlock))
printDefBlockName(os, *def);
printDefBlockName(os, newBlock);
// Display the parent operation, block number, predecessors, and successors.
os << "Operation: \"" << block.block->getParentOp()->getName() << "\"\n\n"
<< "Block #" << getBlockNumber(block.block) << "\n\n";
if (!block.block->hasNoPredecessors()) {
os << "Predecessors: ";
llvm::interleaveComma(block.block->getPredecessors(), os,
os << "\n\n";
if (!block.block->hasNoSuccessors()) {
os << "Successors: ";
llvm::interleaveComma(block.block->getSuccessors(), os, printBlockToHover);
os << "\n\n";
return hover;
lsp::Hover MLIRDocument::buildHoverForBlockArgument(
llvm::SMRange hoverRange, BlockArgument arg,
const AsmParserState::BlockDefinition &block) {
lsp::Hover hover(getRangeFromLoc(sourceMgr, hoverRange));
llvm::raw_string_ostream os(hover.contents.value);
// Display the parent operation, block, the argument number, and the type.
os << "Operation: \"" << block.block->getParentOp()->getName() << "\"\n\n"
<< "Block: ";
printDefBlockName(os, block);
os << "\n\nArgument #" << arg.getArgNumber() << "\n\n"
<< "Type: `" << arg.getType() << "`\n\n";
return hover;
// MLIRDocument: Document Symbols
void MLIRDocument::findDocumentSymbols(
std::vector<lsp::DocumentSymbol> &symbols) {
for (Operation &op : parsedIR)
findDocumentSymbols(&op, symbols);
void MLIRDocument::findDocumentSymbols(
Operation *op, std::vector<lsp::DocumentSymbol> &symbols) {
std::vector<lsp::DocumentSymbol> *childSymbols = &symbols;
// Check for the source information of this operation.
if (const AsmParserState::OperationDefinition *def = asmState.getOpDef(op)) {
// If this operation defines a symbol, record it.
if (SymbolOpInterface symbol = dyn_cast<SymbolOpInterface>(op)) {
? lsp::SymbolKind::Function
: lsp::SymbolKind::Class,
getRangeFromLoc(sourceMgr, def->scopeLoc),
getRangeFromLoc(sourceMgr, def->loc));
childSymbols = &symbols.back().children;
} else if (op->hasTrait<OpTrait::SymbolTable>()) {
// Otherwise, if this is a symbol table push an anonymous document symbol.
symbols.emplace_back("<" + op->getName().getStringRef() + ">",
getRangeFromLoc(sourceMgr, def->scopeLoc),
getRangeFromLoc(sourceMgr, def->loc));
childSymbols = &symbols.back().children;
// Recurse into the regions of this operation.
if (!op->getNumRegions())
for (Region &region : op->getRegions())
for (Operation &childOp : region.getOps())
findDocumentSymbols(&childOp, *childSymbols);
// MLIRTextFileChunk
namespace {
/// This class represents a single chunk of an MLIR text file.
struct MLIRTextFileChunk {
MLIRTextFileChunk(MLIRContext &context, uint64_t lineOffset,
const lsp::URIForFile &uri, StringRef contents,
std::vector<lsp::Diagnostic> &diagnostics)
: lineOffset(lineOffset), document(context, uri, contents, diagnostics) {}
/// Adjust the line number of the given range to anchor at the beginning of
/// the file, instead of the beginning of this chunk.
void adjustLocForChunkOffset(lsp::Range &range) {
/// Adjust the line number of the given position to anchor at the beginning of
/// the file, instead of the beginning of this chunk.
void adjustLocForChunkOffset(lsp::Position &pos) { pos.line += lineOffset; }
/// The line offset of this chunk from the beginning of the file.
uint64_t lineOffset;
/// The document referred to by this chunk.
MLIRDocument document;
} // namespace
// MLIRTextFile
namespace {
/// This class represents a text file containing one or more MLIR documents.
class MLIRTextFile {
MLIRTextFile(const lsp::URIForFile &uri, StringRef fileContents,
int64_t version, DialectRegistry &registry,
std::vector<lsp::Diagnostic> &diagnostics);
/// Return the current version of this text file.
int64_t getVersion() const { return version; }
// LSP Queries
void getLocationsOf(const lsp::URIForFile &uri, lsp::Position defPos,
std::vector<lsp::Location> &locations);
void findReferencesOf(const lsp::URIForFile &uri, lsp::Position pos,
std::vector<lsp::Location> &references);
Optional<lsp::Hover> findHover(const lsp::URIForFile &uri,
lsp::Position hoverPos);
void findDocumentSymbols(std::vector<lsp::DocumentSymbol> &symbols);
/// Find the MLIR document that contains the given position, and update the
/// position to be anchored at the start of the found chunk instead of the
/// beginning of the file.
MLIRTextFileChunk &getChunkFor(lsp::Position &pos);
/// The context used to hold the state contained by the parsed document.
MLIRContext context;
/// The full string contents of the file.
std::string contents;
/// The version of this file.
int64_t version;
/// The number of lines in the file.
int64_t totalNumLines;
/// The chunks of this file. The order of these chunks is the order in which
/// they appear in the text file.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<MLIRTextFileChunk>> chunks;
} // namespace
MLIRTextFile::MLIRTextFile(const lsp::URIForFile &uri, StringRef fileContents,
int64_t version, DialectRegistry &registry,
std::vector<lsp::Diagnostic> &diagnostics)
: context(registry, MLIRContext::Threading::DISABLED),
contents(fileContents.str()), version(version), totalNumLines(0) {
// Split the file into separate MLIR documents.
// TODO: Find a way to share the split file marker with other tools. We don't
// want to use `splitAndProcessBuffer` here, but we do want to make sure this
// marker doesn't go out of sync.
SmallVector<StringRef, 8> subContents;
StringRef(contents).split(subContents, "// -----");
context, /*lineOffset=*/0, uri, subContents.front(), diagnostics));
uint64_t lineOffset = subContents.front().count('\n');
for (StringRef docContents : llvm::drop_begin(subContents)) {
unsigned currentNumDiags = diagnostics.size();
auto chunk = std::make_unique<MLIRTextFileChunk>(context, lineOffset, uri,
docContents, diagnostics);
lineOffset += docContents.count('\n');
// Adjust locations used in diagnostics to account for the offset from the
// beginning of the file.
for (lsp::Diagnostic &diag :
llvm::drop_begin(diagnostics, currentNumDiags)) {
if (!diag.relatedInformation)
for (auto &it : *diag.relatedInformation)
if (it.location.uri == uri)
totalNumLines = lineOffset;
void MLIRTextFile::getLocationsOf(const lsp::URIForFile &uri,
lsp::Position defPos,
std::vector<lsp::Location> &locations) {
MLIRTextFileChunk &chunk = getChunkFor(defPos);
chunk.document.getLocationsOf(uri, defPos, locations);
// Adjust any locations within this file for the offset of this chunk.
if (chunk.lineOffset == 0)
for (lsp::Location &loc : locations)
if (loc.uri == uri)
void MLIRTextFile::findReferencesOf(const lsp::URIForFile &uri,
lsp::Position pos,
std::vector<lsp::Location> &references) {
MLIRTextFileChunk &chunk = getChunkFor(pos);
chunk.document.findReferencesOf(uri, pos, references);
// Adjust any locations within this file for the offset of this chunk.
if (chunk.lineOffset == 0)
for (lsp::Location &loc : references)
if (loc.uri == uri)
Optional<lsp::Hover> MLIRTextFile::findHover(const lsp::URIForFile &uri,
lsp::Position hoverPos) {
MLIRTextFileChunk &chunk = getChunkFor(hoverPos);
Optional<lsp::Hover> hoverInfo = chunk.document.findHover(uri, hoverPos);
// Adjust any locations within this file for the offset of this chunk.
if (chunk.lineOffset != 0 && hoverInfo && hoverInfo->range)
return hoverInfo;
void MLIRTextFile::findDocumentSymbols(
std::vector<lsp::DocumentSymbol> &symbols) {
if (chunks.size() == 1)
return chunks.front()->document.findDocumentSymbols(symbols);
// If there are multiple chunks in this file, we create top-level symbols for
// each chunk.
for (unsigned i = 0, e = chunks.size(); i < e; ++i) {
MLIRTextFileChunk &chunk = *chunks[i];
lsp::Position startPos(chunk.lineOffset);
lsp::Position endPos((i == e - 1) ? totalNumLines - 1
: chunks[i + 1]->lineOffset);
lsp::DocumentSymbol symbol("<file-split-" + Twine(i) + ">",
/*range=*/lsp::Range(startPos, endPos),
// Fixup the locations of document symbols within this chunk.
if (i != 0) {
SmallVector<lsp::DocumentSymbol *> symbolsToFix;
for (lsp::DocumentSymbol &childSymbol : symbol.children)
while (!symbolsToFix.empty()) {
lsp::DocumentSymbol *symbol = symbolsToFix.pop_back_val();
for (lsp::DocumentSymbol &childSymbol : symbol->children)
// Push the symbol for this chunk.
MLIRTextFileChunk &MLIRTextFile::getChunkFor(lsp::Position &pos) {
if (chunks.size() == 1)
return *chunks.front();
// Search for the first chunk with a greater line offset, the previous chunk
// is the one that contains `pos`.
auto it = llvm::upper_bound(
chunks, pos, [](const lsp::Position &pos, const auto &chunk) {
return static_cast<uint64_t>(pos.line) < chunk->lineOffset;
MLIRTextFileChunk &chunk = it == chunks.end() ? *chunks.back() : **(--it);
pos.line -= chunk.lineOffset;
return chunk;
// MLIRServer::Impl
struct lsp::MLIRServer::Impl {
Impl(DialectRegistry &registry) : registry(registry) {}
/// The registry containing dialects that can be recognized in parsed .mlir
/// files.
DialectRegistry &registry;
/// The files held by the server, mapped by their URI file name.
llvm::StringMap<std::unique_ptr<MLIRTextFile>> files;
// MLIRServer
lsp::MLIRServer::MLIRServer(DialectRegistry &registry)
: impl(std::make_unique<Impl>(registry)) {}
lsp::MLIRServer::~MLIRServer() {}
void lsp::MLIRServer::addOrUpdateDocument(
const URIForFile &uri, StringRef contents, int64_t version,
std::vector<Diagnostic> &diagnostics) {
impl->files[uri.file()] = std::make_unique<MLIRTextFile>(
uri, contents, version, impl->registry, diagnostics);
Optional<int64_t> lsp::MLIRServer::removeDocument(const URIForFile &uri) {
auto it = impl->files.find(uri.file());
if (it == impl->files.end())
return llvm::None;
int64_t version = it->second->getVersion();
return version;
void lsp::MLIRServer::getLocationsOf(const URIForFile &uri,
const Position &defPos,
std::vector<Location> &locations) {
auto fileIt = impl->files.find(uri.file());
if (fileIt != impl->files.end())
fileIt->second->getLocationsOf(uri, defPos, locations);
void lsp::MLIRServer::findReferencesOf(const URIForFile &uri,
const Position &pos,
std::vector<Location> &references) {
auto fileIt = impl->files.find(uri.file());
if (fileIt != impl->files.end())
fileIt->second->findReferencesOf(uri, pos, references);
Optional<lsp::Hover> lsp::MLIRServer::findHover(const URIForFile &uri,
const Position &hoverPos) {
auto fileIt = impl->files.find(uri.file());
if (fileIt != impl->files.end())
return fileIt->second->findHover(uri, hoverPos);
return llvm::None;
void lsp::MLIRServer::findDocumentSymbols(
const URIForFile &uri, std::vector<DocumentSymbol> &symbols) {
auto fileIt = impl->files.find(uri.file());
if (fileIt != impl->files.end())