blob: 57442e76360f13309a8a69990313ea5b5f151e2d [file] [log] [blame]
//===- TypeParser.cpp - MLIR Type Parser Implementation -------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file implements the parser for the MLIR Types.
#include "Parser.h"
#include "mlir/IR/AffineMap.h"
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinTypes.h"
#include "mlir/IR/TensorEncoding.h"
using namespace mlir;
using namespace mlir::detail;
/// Optionally parse a type.
OptionalParseResult Parser::parseOptionalType(Type &type) {
// There are many different starting tokens for a type, check them here.
switch (getToken().getKind()) {
case Token::l_paren:
case Token::kw_memref:
case Token::kw_tensor:
case Token::kw_complex:
case Token::kw_tuple:
case Token::kw_vector:
case Token::inttype:
case Token::kw_bf16:
case Token::kw_f16:
case Token::kw_f32:
case Token::kw_f64:
case Token::kw_index:
case Token::kw_none:
case Token::exclamation_identifier:
return failure(!(type = parseType()));
return llvm::None;
/// Parse an arbitrary type.
/// type ::= function-type
/// | non-function-type
Type Parser::parseType() {
if (getToken().is(Token::l_paren))
return parseFunctionType();
return parseNonFunctionType();
/// Parse a function result type.
/// function-result-type ::= type-list-parens
/// | non-function-type
ParseResult Parser::parseFunctionResultTypes(SmallVectorImpl<Type> &elements) {
if (getToken().is(Token::l_paren))
return parseTypeListParens(elements);
Type t = parseNonFunctionType();
if (!t)
return failure();
return success();
/// Parse a list of types without an enclosing parenthesis. The list must have
/// at least one member.
/// type-list-no-parens ::= type (`,` type)*
ParseResult Parser::parseTypeListNoParens(SmallVectorImpl<Type> &elements) {
auto parseElt = [&]() -> ParseResult {
auto elt = parseType();
return elt ? success() : failure();
return parseCommaSeparatedList(parseElt);
/// Parse a parenthesized list of types.
/// type-list-parens ::= `(` `)`
/// | `(` type-list-no-parens `)`
ParseResult Parser::parseTypeListParens(SmallVectorImpl<Type> &elements) {
if (parseToken(Token::l_paren, "expected '('"))
return failure();
// Handle empty lists.
if (getToken().is(Token::r_paren))
return consumeToken(), success();
if (parseTypeListNoParens(elements) ||
parseToken(Token::r_paren, "expected ')'"))
return failure();
return success();
/// Parse a complex type.
/// complex-type ::= `complex` `<` type `>`
Type Parser::parseComplexType() {
// Parse the '<'.
if (parseToken(Token::less, "expected '<' in complex type"))
return nullptr;
llvm::SMLoc elementTypeLoc = getToken().getLoc();
auto elementType = parseType();
if (!elementType ||
parseToken(Token::greater, "expected '>' in complex type"))
return nullptr;
if (!elementType.isa<FloatType>() && !elementType.isa<IntegerType>())
return emitError(elementTypeLoc, "invalid element type for complex"),
return ComplexType::get(elementType);
/// Parse a function type.
/// function-type ::= type-list-parens `->` function-result-type
Type Parser::parseFunctionType() {
SmallVector<Type, 4> arguments, results;
if (parseTypeListParens(arguments) ||
parseToken(Token::arrow, "expected '->' in function type") ||
return nullptr;
return builder.getFunctionType(arguments, results);
/// Parse the offset and strides from a strided layout specification.
/// strided-layout ::= `offset:` dimension `,` `strides: ` stride-list
ParseResult Parser::parseStridedLayout(int64_t &offset,
SmallVectorImpl<int64_t> &strides) {
// Parse offset.
if (!consumeIf(Token::colon))
return emitError("expected colon after `offset` keyword");
auto maybeOffset = getToken().getUnsignedIntegerValue();
bool question = getToken().is(Token::question);
if (!maybeOffset && !question)
return emitError("invalid offset");
offset = maybeOffset ? static_cast<int64_t>(maybeOffset.getValue())
: MemRefType::getDynamicStrideOrOffset();
if (!consumeIf(Token::comma))
return emitError("expected comma after offset value");
// Parse stride list.
if (parseToken(Token::kw_strides,
"expected `strides` keyword after offset specification") ||
parseToken(Token::colon, "expected colon after `strides` keyword") ||
return failure();
return success();
/// Parse a memref type.
/// memref-type ::= ranked-memref-type | unranked-memref-type
/// ranked-memref-type ::= `memref` `<` dimension-list-ranked type
/// (`,` layout-specification)? (`,` memory-space)? `>`
/// unranked-memref-type ::= `memref` `<*x` type (`,` memory-space)? `>`
/// stride-list ::= `[` (dimension (`,` dimension)*)? `]`
/// strided-layout ::= `offset:` dimension `,` `strides: ` stride-list
/// layout-specification ::= semi-affine-map | strided-layout | attribute
/// memory-space ::= integer-literal | attribute
Type Parser::parseMemRefType() {
llvm::SMLoc loc = getToken().getLoc();
if (parseToken(Token::less, "expected '<' in memref type"))
return nullptr;
bool isUnranked;
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> dimensions;
if (consumeIf(Token::star)) {
// This is an unranked memref type.
isUnranked = true;
if (parseXInDimensionList())
return nullptr;
} else {
isUnranked = false;
if (parseDimensionListRanked(dimensions))
return nullptr;
// Parse the element type.
auto typeLoc = getToken().getLoc();
auto elementType = parseType();
if (!elementType)
return nullptr;
// Check that memref is formed from allowed types.
if (!BaseMemRefType::isValidElementType(elementType))
return emitError(typeLoc, "invalid memref element type"), nullptr;
MemRefLayoutAttrInterface layout;
Attribute memorySpace;
auto parseElt = [&]() -> ParseResult {
// Check for AffineMap as offset/strides.
if (getToken().is(Token::kw_offset)) {
int64_t offset;
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> strides;
if (failed(parseStridedLayout(offset, strides)))
return failure();
// Construct strided affine map.
AffineMap map =
makeStridedLinearLayoutMap(strides, offset, state.context);
layout = AffineMapAttr::get(map);
} else {
// Either it is MemRefLayoutAttrInterface or memory space attribute.
Attribute attr = parseAttribute();
if (!attr)
return failure();
if (attr.isa<MemRefLayoutAttrInterface>()) {
layout = attr.cast<MemRefLayoutAttrInterface>();
} else if (memorySpace) {
return emitError("multiple memory spaces specified in memref type");
} else {
memorySpace = attr;
return success();
if (isUnranked)
return emitError("cannot have affine map for unranked memref type");
if (memorySpace)
return emitError("expected memory space to be last in memref type");
return success();
// Parse a list of mappings and address space if present.
if (!consumeIf(Token::greater)) {
// Parse comma separated list of affine maps, followed by memory space.
if (parseToken(Token::comma, "expected ',' or '>' in memref type") ||
parseCommaSeparatedListUntil(Token::greater, parseElt,
/*allowEmptyList=*/false)) {
return nullptr;
if (isUnranked)
return getChecked<UnrankedMemRefType>(loc, elementType, memorySpace);
return getChecked<MemRefType>(loc, dimensions, elementType, layout,
/// Parse any type except the function type.
/// non-function-type ::= integer-type
/// | index-type
/// | float-type
/// | extended-type
/// | vector-type
/// | tensor-type
/// | memref-type
/// | complex-type
/// | tuple-type
/// | none-type
/// index-type ::= `index`
/// float-type ::= `f16` | `bf16` | `f32` | `f64` | `f80` | `f128`
/// none-type ::= `none`
Type Parser::parseNonFunctionType() {
switch (getToken().getKind()) {
return (emitError("expected non-function type"), nullptr);
case Token::kw_memref:
return parseMemRefType();
case Token::kw_tensor:
return parseTensorType();
case Token::kw_complex:
return parseComplexType();
case Token::kw_tuple:
return parseTupleType();
case Token::kw_vector:
return parseVectorType();
// integer-type
case Token::inttype: {
auto width = getToken().getIntTypeBitwidth();
if (!width.hasValue())
return (emitError("invalid integer width"), nullptr);
if (width.getValue() > IntegerType::kMaxWidth) {
emitError(getToken().getLoc(), "integer bitwidth is limited to ")
<< IntegerType::kMaxWidth << " bits";
return nullptr;
IntegerType::SignednessSemantics signSemantics = IntegerType::Signless;
if (Optional<bool> signedness = getToken().getIntTypeSignedness())
signSemantics = *signedness ? IntegerType::Signed : IntegerType::Unsigned;
return IntegerType::get(getContext(), width.getValue(), signSemantics);
// float-type
case Token::kw_bf16:
return builder.getBF16Type();
case Token::kw_f16:
return builder.getF16Type();
case Token::kw_f32:
return builder.getF32Type();
case Token::kw_f64:
return builder.getF64Type();
case Token::kw_f80:
return builder.getF80Type();
case Token::kw_f128:
return builder.getF128Type();
// index-type
case Token::kw_index:
return builder.getIndexType();
// none-type
case Token::kw_none:
return builder.getNoneType();
// extended type
case Token::exclamation_identifier:
return parseExtendedType();
/// Parse a tensor type.
/// tensor-type ::= `tensor` `<` dimension-list type `>`
/// dimension-list ::= dimension-list-ranked | `*x`
Type Parser::parseTensorType() {
if (parseToken(Token::less, "expected '<' in tensor type"))
return nullptr;
bool isUnranked;
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> dimensions;
if (consumeIf(Token::star)) {
// This is an unranked tensor type.
isUnranked = true;
if (parseXInDimensionList())
return nullptr;
} else {
isUnranked = false;
if (parseDimensionListRanked(dimensions))
return nullptr;
// Parse the element type.
auto elementTypeLoc = getToken().getLoc();
auto elementType = parseType();
// Parse an optional encoding attribute.
Attribute encoding;
if (consumeIf(Token::comma)) {
encoding = parseAttribute();
if (auto v = encoding.dyn_cast_or_null<VerifiableTensorEncoding>()) {
if (failed(v.verifyEncoding(dimensions, elementType,
[&] { return emitError(); })))
return nullptr;
if (!elementType || parseToken(Token::greater, "expected '>' in tensor type"))
return nullptr;
if (!TensorType::isValidElementType(elementType))
return emitError(elementTypeLoc, "invalid tensor element type"), nullptr;
if (isUnranked) {
if (encoding)
return emitError("cannot apply encoding to unranked tensor"), nullptr;
return UnrankedTensorType::get(elementType);
return RankedTensorType::get(dimensions, elementType, encoding);
/// Parse a tuple type.
/// tuple-type ::= `tuple` `<` (type (`,` type)*)? `>`
Type Parser::parseTupleType() {
// Parse the '<'.
if (parseToken(Token::less, "expected '<' in tuple type"))
return nullptr;
// Check for an empty tuple by directly parsing '>'.
if (consumeIf(Token::greater))
return TupleType::get(getContext());
// Parse the element types and the '>'.
SmallVector<Type, 4> types;
if (parseTypeListNoParens(types) ||
parseToken(Token::greater, "expected '>' in tuple type"))
return nullptr;
return TupleType::get(getContext(), types);
/// Parse a vector type.
/// vector-type ::= `vector` `<` static-dimension-list type `>`
/// static-dimension-list ::= (decimal-literal `x`)*
VectorType Parser::parseVectorType() {
if (parseToken(Token::less, "expected '<' in vector type"))
return nullptr;
SmallVector<int64_t, 4> dimensions;
if (parseDimensionListRanked(dimensions, /*allowDynamic=*/false))
return nullptr;
if (any_of(dimensions, [](int64_t i) { return i <= 0; }))
return emitError(getToken().getLoc(),
"vector types must have positive constant sizes"),
// Parse the element type.
auto typeLoc = getToken().getLoc();
auto elementType = parseType();
if (!elementType || parseToken(Token::greater, "expected '>' in vector type"))
return nullptr;
if (!VectorType::isValidElementType(elementType))
return emitError(typeLoc, "vector elements must be int/index/float type"),
return VectorType::get(dimensions, elementType);
/// Parse a dimension list of a tensor or memref type. This populates the
/// dimension list, using -1 for the `?` dimensions if `allowDynamic` is set and
/// errors out on `?` otherwise.
/// dimension-list-ranked ::= (dimension `x`)*
/// dimension ::= `?` | decimal-literal
/// When `allowDynamic` is not set, this is used to parse:
/// static-dimension-list ::= (decimal-literal `x`)*
Parser::parseDimensionListRanked(SmallVectorImpl<int64_t> &dimensions,
bool allowDynamic) {
while (getToken().isAny(Token::integer, Token::question)) {
if (consumeIf(Token::question)) {
if (!allowDynamic)
return emitError("expected static shape");
} else {
// Hexadecimal integer literals (starting with `0x`) are not allowed in
// aggregate type declarations. Therefore, `0xf32` should be processed as
// a sequence of separate elements `0`, `x`, `f32`.
if (getTokenSpelling().size() > 1 && getTokenSpelling()[1] == 'x') {
// We can get here only if the token is an integer literal. Hexadecimal
// integer literals can only start with `0x` (`1x` wouldn't lex as a
// literal, just `1` would, at which point we don't get into this
// branch).
assert(getTokenSpelling()[0] == '0' && "invalid integer literal");
state.lex.resetPointer(getTokenSpelling().data() + 1);
} else {
// Make sure this integer value is in bound and valid.
auto dimension = getToken().getUnsignedIntegerValue();
if (!dimension.hasValue())
return emitError("invalid dimension");
// Make sure we have an 'x' or something like 'xbf32'.
if (parseXInDimensionList())
return failure();
return success();
/// Parse an 'x' token in a dimension list, handling the case where the x is
/// juxtaposed with an element type, as in "xf32", leaving the "f32" as the next
/// token.
ParseResult Parser::parseXInDimensionList() {
if (getToken().isNot(Token::bare_identifier) || getTokenSpelling()[0] != 'x')
return emitError("expected 'x' in dimension list");
// If we had a prefix of 'x', lex the next token immediately after the 'x'.
if (getTokenSpelling().size() != 1)
state.lex.resetPointer(getTokenSpelling().data() + 1);
// Consume the 'x'.
return success();
// Parse a comma-separated list of dimensions, possibly empty:
// stride-list ::= `[` (dimension (`,` dimension)*)? `]`
ParseResult Parser::parseStrideList(SmallVectorImpl<int64_t> &dimensions) {
return parseCommaSeparatedList(
[&]() -> ParseResult {
if (consumeIf(Token::question)) {
} else {
// This must be an integer value.
int64_t val;
if (getToken().getSpelling().getAsInteger(10, val))
return emitError("invalid integer value: ")
<< getToken().getSpelling();
// Make sure it is not the one value for `?`.
if (ShapedType::isDynamic(val))
return emitError("invalid integer value: ")
<< getToken().getSpelling()
<< ", use `?` to specify a dynamic dimension";
if (val == 0)
return emitError("invalid memref stride");
return success();
" in stride list");