blob: c54f634dcac0468f148cff780ab64cd2445559fa [file] [log] [blame]
//===- LoopSpecialization.cpp - scf.parallel/SCR.for specialization -------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// Specializes parallel loops and for loops for easier unrolling and
// vectorization.
#include "PassDetail.h"
#include "mlir/Analysis/AffineStructures.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Affine/IR/AffineOps.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Arithmetic/IR/Arithmetic.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/SCF/Passes.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/SCF/SCF.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/SCF/Transforms.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/StandardOps/IR/Ops.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Utils/StaticValueUtils.h"
#include "mlir/IR/AffineExpr.h"
#include "mlir/IR/BlockAndValueMapping.h"
#include "mlir/IR/PatternMatch.h"
#include "mlir/Transforms/GreedyPatternRewriteDriver.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
using namespace mlir;
using scf::ForOp;
using scf::ParallelOp;
/// Rewrite a parallel loop with bounds defined by an affine.min with a constant
/// into 2 loops after checking if the bounds are equal to that constant. This
/// is beneficial if the loop will almost always have the constant bound and
/// that version can be fully unrolled and vectorized.
static void specializeParallelLoopForUnrolling(ParallelOp op) {
SmallVector<int64_t, 2> constantIndices;
for (auto bound : op.upperBound()) {
auto minOp = bound.getDefiningOp<AffineMinOp>();
if (!minOp)
int64_t minConstant = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
for (AffineExpr expr : {
if (auto constantIndex = expr.dyn_cast<AffineConstantExpr>())
minConstant = std::min(minConstant, constantIndex.getValue());
if (minConstant == std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max())
OpBuilder b(op);
BlockAndValueMapping map;
Value cond;
for (auto bound : llvm::zip(op.upperBound(), constantIndices)) {
Value constant =
b.create<arith::ConstantIndexOp>(op.getLoc(), std::get<1>(bound));
Value cmp = b.create<arith::CmpIOp>(op.getLoc(), arith::CmpIPredicate::eq,
std::get<0>(bound), constant);
cond = cond ? b.create<arith::AndIOp>(op.getLoc(), cond, cmp) : cmp;<0>(bound), constant);
auto ifOp = b.create<scf::IfOp>(op.getLoc(), cond, /*withElseRegion=*/true);
ifOp.getThenBodyBuilder().clone(*op.getOperation(), map);
/// Rewrite a for loop with bounds defined by an affine.min with a constant into
/// 2 loops after checking if the bounds are equal to that constant. This is
/// beneficial if the loop will almost always have the constant bound and that
/// version can be fully unrolled and vectorized.
static void specializeForLoopForUnrolling(ForOp op) {
auto bound = op.upperBound();
auto minOp = bound.getDefiningOp<AffineMinOp>();
if (!minOp)
int64_t minConstant = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max();
for (AffineExpr expr : {
if (auto constantIndex = expr.dyn_cast<AffineConstantExpr>())
minConstant = std::min(minConstant, constantIndex.getValue());
if (minConstant == std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max())
OpBuilder b(op);
BlockAndValueMapping map;
Value constant = b.create<arith::ConstantIndexOp>(op.getLoc(), minConstant);
Value cond = b.create<arith::CmpIOp>(op.getLoc(), arith::CmpIPredicate::eq,
bound, constant);, constant);
auto ifOp = b.create<scf::IfOp>(op.getLoc(), cond, /*withElseRegion=*/true);
ifOp.getThenBodyBuilder().clone(*op.getOperation(), map);
/// Rewrite a for loop with bounds/step that potentially do not divide evenly
/// into a for loop where the step divides the iteration space evenly, followed
/// by an scf.if for the last (partial) iteration (if any).
/// This function rewrites the given scf.for loop in-place and creates a new
/// scf.if operation for the last iteration. It replaces all uses of the
/// unpeeled loop with the results of the newly generated scf.if.
/// The newly generated scf.if operation is returned via `ifOp`. The boundary
/// at which the loop is split (new upper bound) is returned via `splitBound`.
/// The return value indicates whether the loop was rewritten or not.
static LogicalResult peelForLoop(RewriterBase &b, ForOp forOp,
ForOp &partialIteration, Value &splitBound) {
RewriterBase::InsertionGuard guard(b);
auto lbInt = getConstantIntValue(forOp.lowerBound());
auto ubInt = getConstantIntValue(forOp.upperBound());
auto stepInt = getConstantIntValue(forOp.step());
// No specialization necessary if step already divides upper bound evenly.
if (lbInt && ubInt && stepInt && (*ubInt - *lbInt) % *stepInt == 0)
return failure();
// No specialization necessary if step size is 1.
if (stepInt == static_cast<int64_t>(1))
return failure();
auto loc = forOp.getLoc();
AffineExpr sym0, sym1, sym2;
bindSymbols(b.getContext(), sym0, sym1, sym2);
// New upper bound: %ub - (%ub - %lb) mod %step
auto modMap = AffineMap::get(0, 3, {sym1 - ((sym1 - sym0) % sym2)});
splitBound = b.createOrFold<AffineApplyOp>(
loc, modMap,
ValueRange{forOp.lowerBound(), forOp.upperBound(), forOp.step()});
// Create ForOp for partial iteration.
partialIteration = cast<ForOp>(b.clone(*forOp.getOperation()));
// Set new upper loop bound.
[&]() { forOp.upperBoundMutable().assign(splitBound); });
return success();
static void unpackOptionalValues(ArrayRef<Optional<Value>> source,
SmallVector<Value> &target) {
target = llvm::to_vector<4>(llvm::map_range(source, [](Optional<Value> val) {
return val.hasValue() ? *val : Value();
/// Bound an identifier `pos` in a given FlatAffineValueConstraints with
/// constraints drawn from an affine map. Before adding the constraint, the
/// dimensions/symbols of the affine map are aligned with `constraints`.
/// `operands` are the SSA Value operands used with the affine map.
/// Note: This function adds a new symbol column to the `constraints` for each
/// dimension/symbol that exists in the affine map but not in `constraints`.
static LogicalResult alignAndAddBound(FlatAffineValueConstraints &constraints,
FlatAffineConstraints::BoundType type,
unsigned pos, AffineMap map,
ValueRange operands) {
SmallVector<Value> dims, syms, newSyms;
unpackOptionalValues(constraints.getMaybeDimValues(), dims);
unpackOptionalValues(constraints.getMaybeSymbolValues(), syms);
AffineMap alignedMap =
alignAffineMapWithValues(map, operands, dims, syms, &newSyms);
for (unsigned i = syms.size(); i < newSyms.size(); ++i)
return constraints.addBound(type, pos, alignedMap);
/// Add `val` to each result of `map`.
static AffineMap addConstToResults(AffineMap map, int64_t val) {
SmallVector<AffineExpr> newResults;
for (AffineExpr r : map.getResults())
newResults.push_back(r + val);
return AffineMap::get(map.getNumDims(), map.getNumSymbols(), newResults,
/// This function tries to canonicalize min/max operations by proving that their
/// value is bounded by the same lower and upper bound. In that case, the
/// operation can be folded away.
/// Bounds are computed by FlatAffineValueConstraints. Invariants required for
/// finding/proving bounds should be supplied via `constraints`.
/// 1. Add dimensions for `op` and `opBound` (lower or upper bound of `op`).
/// 2. Compute an upper bound of `op` (in case of `isMin`) or a lower bound (in
/// case of `!isMin`) and bind it to `opBound`. SSA values that are used in
/// `op` but are not part of `constraints`, are added as extra symbols.
/// 3. For each result of `op`: Add result as a dimension `r_i`. Prove that:
/// * If `isMin`: r_i >= opBound
/// * If `isMax`: r_i <= opBound
/// If this is the case, ub(op) == lb(op).
/// 4. Replace `op` with `opBound`.
/// In summary, the following constraints are added throughout this function.
/// Note: `invar` are dimensions added by the caller to express the invariants.
/// (Showing only the case where `isMin`.)
/// invar | op | opBound | r_i | extra syms... | const | eq/ineq
/// ------+-------+---------+-----+---------------+-------+-------------------
/// (various eq./ineq. constraining `invar`, added by the caller)
/// ... | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ... | ...
/// ------+-------+---------+-----+---------------+-------+-------------------
/// (various ineq. constraining `op` in terms of `op` operands (`invar` and
/// extra `op` operands "extra syms" that are not in `invar`)).
/// ... | -1 | 0 | 0 | ... | ... | >= 0
/// ------+-------+---------+-----+---------------+-------+-------------------
/// (set `opBound` to `op` upper bound in terms of `invar` and "extra syms")
/// ... | 0 | -1 | 0 | ... | ... | = 0
/// ------+-------+---------+-----+---------------+-------+-------------------
/// (for each `op` map result r_i: set r_i to corresponding map result,
/// prove that r_i >= minOpUb via contradiction)
/// ... | 0 | 0 | -1 | ... | ... | = 0
/// 0 | 0 | 1 | -1 | 0 | -1 | >= 0
static LogicalResult
canonicalizeMinMaxOp(RewriterBase &rewriter, Operation *op, AffineMap map,
ValueRange operands, bool isMin,
FlatAffineValueConstraints constraints) {
RewriterBase::InsertionGuard guard(rewriter);
unsigned numResults = map.getNumResults();
// Add a few extra dimensions.
unsigned dimOp = constraints.appendDimId(); // `op`
unsigned dimOpBound = constraints.appendDimId(); // `op` lower/upper bound
unsigned resultDimStart = constraints.appendDimId(/*num=*/numResults);
// Add an inequality for each result expr_i of map:
// isMin: op <= expr_i, !isMin: op >= expr_i
auto boundType =
isMin ? FlatAffineConstraints::UB : FlatAffineConstraints::LB;
// Upper bounds are exclusive, so add 1. (`affine.min` ops are inclusive.)
AffineMap mapLbUb = isMin ? addConstToResults(map, 1) : map;
if (failed(
alignAndAddBound(constraints, boundType, dimOp, mapLbUb, operands)))
return failure();
// Try to compute a lower/upper bound for op, expressed in terms of the other
// `dims` and extra symbols.
SmallVector<AffineMap> opLb(1), opUb(1);
constraints.getSliceBounds(dimOp, 1, rewriter.getContext(), &opLb, &opUb);
AffineMap sliceBound = isMin ? opUb[0] : opLb[0];
// TODO: `getSliceBounds` may return multiple bounds at the moment. This is
// a TODO of `getSliceBounds` and not handled here.
if (!sliceBound || sliceBound.getNumResults() != 1)
return failure(); // No or multiple bounds found.
// Recover the inclusive UB in the case of an `affine.min`.
AffineMap boundMap = isMin ? addConstToResults(sliceBound, -1) : sliceBound;
// Add an equality: Set dimOpBound to computed bound.
// Add back dimension for op. (Was removed by `getSliceBounds`.)
AffineMap alignedBoundMap = boundMap.shiftDims(/*shift=*/1, /*offset=*/dimOp);
if (failed(constraints.addBound(FlatAffineConstraints::EQ, dimOpBound,
return failure();
// If the constraint system is empty, there is an inconsistency. (E.g., this
// can happen if loop lb > ub.)
if (constraints.isEmpty())
return failure();
// In the case of `isMin` (`!isMin` is inversed):
// Prove that each result of `map` has a lower bound that is equal to (or
// greater than) the upper bound of `op` (`dimOpBound`). In that case, `op`
// can be replaced with the bound. I.e., prove that for each result
// expr_i (represented by dimension r_i):
// r_i >= opBound
// To prove this inequality, add its negation to the constraint set and prove
// that the constraint set is empty.
for (unsigned i = resultDimStart; i < resultDimStart + numResults; ++i) {
FlatAffineValueConstraints newConstr(constraints);
// Add an equality: r_i = expr_i
// Note: These equalities could have been added earlier and used to express
// minOp <= expr_i. However, then we run the risk that `getSliceBounds`
// computes minOpUb in terms of r_i dims, which is not desired.
if (failed(alignAndAddBound(newConstr, FlatAffineConstraints::EQ, i,
map.getSubMap({i - resultDimStart}), operands)))
return failure();
// If `isMin`: Add inequality: r_i < opBound
// equiv.: opBound - r_i - 1 >= 0
// If `!isMin`: Add inequality: r_i > opBound
// equiv.: -opBound + r_i - 1 >= 0
SmallVector<int64_t> ineq(newConstr.getNumCols(), 0);
ineq[dimOpBound] = isMin ? 1 : -1;
ineq[i] = isMin ? -1 : 1;
ineq[newConstr.getNumCols() - 1] = -1;
if (!newConstr.isEmpty())
return failure();
// Lower and upper bound of `op` are equal. Replace `minOp` with its bound.
AffineMap newMap = alignedBoundMap;
SmallVector<Value> newOperands;
unpackOptionalValues(constraints.getMaybeDimAndSymbolValues(), newOperands);
mlir::canonicalizeMapAndOperands(&newMap, &newOperands);
rewriter.replaceOpWithNewOp<AffineApplyOp>(op, newMap, newOperands);
return success();
/// Try to simplify a min/max operation `op` after loop peeling. This function
/// can simplify min/max operations such as (ub is the previous upper bound of
/// the unpeeled loop):
/// ```
/// #map = affine_map<(d0)[s0, s1] -> (s0, -d0 + s1)>
/// %r = affine.min #affine.min #map(%iv)[%step, %ub]
/// ```
/// and rewrites them into (in the case the peeled loop):
/// ```
/// %r = %step
/// ```
/// min/max operations inside the partial iteration are rewritten in a similar
/// way.
/// This function builds up a set of constraints, capable of proving that:
/// * Inside the peeled loop: min(step, ub - iv) == step
/// * Inside the partial iteration: min(step, ub - iv) == ub - iv
/// Returns `success` if the given operation was replaced by a new operation;
/// `failure` otherwise.
/// Note: `ub` is the previous upper bound of the loop (before peeling).
/// `insideLoop` must be true for min/max ops inside the loop and false for
/// affine.min ops inside the partial iteration. For an explanation of the other
/// parameters, see comment of `canonicalizeMinMaxOpInLoop`.
LogicalResult mlir::scf::rewritePeeledMinMaxOp(RewriterBase &rewriter,
Operation *op, AffineMap map,
ValueRange operands, bool isMin,
Value iv, Value ub, Value step,
bool insideLoop) {
FlatAffineValueConstraints constraints;
constraints.appendDimId({iv, ub, step});
if (auto constUb = getConstantIntValue(ub))
constraints.addBound(FlatAffineConstraints::EQ, 1, *constUb);
if (auto constStep = getConstantIntValue(step))
constraints.addBound(FlatAffineConstraints::EQ, 2, *constStep);
// Add loop peeling invariant. This is the main piece of knowledge that
// enables AffineMinOp simplification.
if (insideLoop) {
// ub - iv >= step (equiv.: -iv + ub - step + 0 >= 0)
// Intuitively: Inside the peeled loop, every iteration is a "full"
// iteration, i.e., step divides the iteration space `ub - lb` evenly.
constraints.addInequality({-1, 1, -1, 0});
} else {
// ub - iv < step (equiv.: iv + -ub + step - 1 >= 0)
// Intuitively: `iv` is the split bound here, i.e., the iteration variable
// value of the very last iteration (in the unpeeled loop). At that point,
// there are less than `step` elements remaining. (Otherwise, the peeled
// loop would run for at least one more iteration.)
constraints.addInequality({1, -1, 1, -1});
return canonicalizeMinMaxOp(rewriter, op, map, operands, isMin, constraints);
template <typename OpTy, bool IsMin>
static void rewriteAffineOpAfterPeeling(RewriterBase &rewriter, ForOp forOp,
ForOp partialIteration,
Value previousUb) {
Value mainIv = forOp.getInductionVar();
Value partialIv = partialIteration.getInductionVar();
assert(forOp.step() == partialIteration.step() &&
"expected same step in main and partial loop");
Value step = forOp.step();
forOp.walk([&](OpTy affineOp) {
AffineMap map = affineOp.getAffineMap();
(void)scf::rewritePeeledMinMaxOp(rewriter, affineOp, map,
affineOp.operands(), IsMin, mainIv,
previousUb, step,
partialIteration.walk([&](OpTy affineOp) {
AffineMap map = affineOp.getAffineMap();
(void)scf::rewritePeeledMinMaxOp(rewriter, affineOp, map,
affineOp.operands(), IsMin, partialIv,
previousUb, step, /*insideLoop=*/false);
LogicalResult mlir::scf::peelAndCanonicalizeForLoop(RewriterBase &rewriter,
ForOp forOp,
ForOp &partialIteration) {
Value previousUb = forOp.upperBound();
Value splitBound;
if (failed(peelForLoop(rewriter, forOp, partialIteration, splitBound)))
return failure();
// Rewrite affine.min and affine.max ops.
rewriteAffineOpAfterPeeling<AffineMinOp, /*IsMin=*/true>(
rewriter, forOp, partialIteration, previousUb);
rewriteAffineOpAfterPeeling<AffineMaxOp, /*IsMin=*/false>(
rewriter, forOp, partialIteration, previousUb);
return success();
/// Canonicalize min/max operations in the context of for loops with a known
/// range. Call `canonicalizeMinMaxOp` and add the following constraints to
/// the constraint system (along with the missing dimensions):
/// * iv >= lb
/// * iv < lb + step * ((ub - lb - 1) floorDiv step) + 1
/// Note: Due to limitations of FlatAffineConstraints, only constant step sizes
/// are currently supported.
mlir::scf::canonicalizeMinMaxOpInLoop(RewriterBase &rewriter, Operation *op,
AffineMap map, ValueRange operands,
bool isMin, LoopMatcherFn loopMatcher) {
FlatAffineValueConstraints constraints;
DenseSet<Value> allIvs;
// Find all iteration variables among `minOp`'s operands add constrain them.
for (Value operand : operands) {
// Skip duplicate ivs.
if (llvm::find(allIvs, operand) != allIvs.end())
// If `operand` is an iteration variable: Find corresponding loop
// bounds and step.
Value iv = operand;
Value lb, ub, step;
if (failed(loopMatcher(operand, lb, ub, step)))
// FlatAffineConstraints does not support semi-affine expressions.
// Therefore, only constant step values are supported.
auto stepInt = getConstantIntValue(step);
if (!stepInt)
unsigned dimIv = constraints.appendDimId(iv);
unsigned dimLb = constraints.appendDimId(lb);
unsigned dimUb = constraints.appendDimId(ub);
// If loop lower/upper bounds are constant: Add EQ constraint.
Optional<int64_t> lbInt = getConstantIntValue(lb);
Optional<int64_t> ubInt = getConstantIntValue(ub);
if (lbInt)
constraints.addBound(FlatAffineConstraints::EQ, dimLb, *lbInt);
if (ubInt)
constraints.addBound(FlatAffineConstraints::EQ, dimUb, *ubInt);
// iv >= lb (equiv.: iv - lb >= 0)
SmallVector<int64_t> ineqLb(constraints.getNumCols(), 0);
ineqLb[dimIv] = 1;
ineqLb[dimLb] = -1;
// iv < lb + step * ((ub - lb - 1) floorDiv step) + 1
AffineExpr exprLb = lbInt ? rewriter.getAffineConstantExpr(*lbInt)
: rewriter.getAffineDimExpr(dimLb);
AffineExpr exprUb = ubInt ? rewriter.getAffineConstantExpr(*ubInt)
: rewriter.getAffineDimExpr(dimUb);
AffineExpr ivUb =
exprLb + 1 + (*stepInt * ((exprUb - exprLb - 1).floorDiv(*stepInt)));
auto map = AffineMap::get(
/*symbolCount=*/constraints.getNumSymbolIds(), /*result=*/ivUb);
if (failed(constraints.addBound(FlatAffineConstraints::UB, dimIv, map)))
return failure();
return canonicalizeMinMaxOp(rewriter, op, map, operands, isMin, constraints);
static constexpr char kPeeledLoopLabel[] = "__peeled_loop__";
static constexpr char kPartialIterationLabel[] = "__partial_iteration__";
namespace {
struct ForLoopPeelingPattern : public OpRewritePattern<ForOp> {
ForLoopPeelingPattern(MLIRContext *ctx, bool skipPartial)
: OpRewritePattern<ForOp>(ctx), skipPartial(skipPartial) {}
LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(ForOp forOp,
PatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
// Do not peel already peeled loops.
if (forOp->hasAttr(kPeeledLoopLabel))
return failure();
if (skipPartial) {
// No peeling of loops inside the partial iteration of another peeled
// loop.
Operation *op = forOp.getOperation();
while ((op = op->getParentOfType<scf::ForOp>())) {
if (op->hasAttr(kPartialIterationLabel))
return failure();
// Apply loop peeling.
scf::ForOp partialIteration;
if (failed(peelAndCanonicalizeForLoop(rewriter, forOp, partialIteration)))
return failure();
// Apply label, so that the same loop is not rewritten a second time.
partialIteration->setAttr(kPeeledLoopLabel, rewriter.getUnitAttr());
rewriter.updateRootInPlace(forOp, [&]() {
forOp->setAttr(kPeeledLoopLabel, rewriter.getUnitAttr());
partialIteration->setAttr(kPartialIterationLabel, rewriter.getUnitAttr());
return success();
/// If set to true, loops inside partial iterations of another peeled loop
/// are not peeled. This reduces the size of the generated code. Partial
/// iterations are not usually performance critical.
/// Note: Takes into account the entire chain of parent operations, not just
/// the direct parent.
bool skipPartial;
} // namespace
namespace {
struct ParallelLoopSpecialization
: public SCFParallelLoopSpecializationBase<ParallelLoopSpecialization> {
void runOnFunction() override {
[](ParallelOp op) { specializeParallelLoopForUnrolling(op); });
struct ForLoopSpecialization
: public SCFForLoopSpecializationBase<ForLoopSpecialization> {
void runOnFunction() override {
getFunction().walk([](ForOp op) { specializeForLoopForUnrolling(op); });
struct ForLoopPeeling : public SCFForLoopPeelingBase<ForLoopPeeling> {
void runOnFunction() override {
FuncOp funcOp = getFunction();
MLIRContext *ctx = funcOp.getContext();
RewritePatternSet patterns(ctx);
patterns.add<ForLoopPeelingPattern>(ctx, skipPartial);
(void)applyPatternsAndFoldGreedily(funcOp, std::move(patterns));
// Drop the markers.
funcOp.walk([](Operation *op) {
} // namespace
std::unique_ptr<Pass> mlir::createParallelLoopSpecializationPass() {
return std::make_unique<ParallelLoopSpecialization>();
std::unique_ptr<Pass> mlir::createForLoopSpecializationPass() {
return std::make_unique<ForLoopSpecialization>();
std::unique_ptr<Pass> mlir::createForLoopPeelingPass() {
return std::make_unique<ForLoopPeeling>();