blob: f3eaa48485c5b082b684ab06e94f2b34fd652893 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- KernelOutlining.cpp - Implementation of GPU kernel outlining -------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file implements the GPU dialect kernel outlining pass.
#include "PassDetail.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Arithmetic/IR/Arithmetic.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/GPU/GPUDialect.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/GPU/Passes.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/GPU/Utils.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/MemRef/IR/MemRef.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/StandardOps/IR/Ops.h"
#include "mlir/IR/BlockAndValueMapping.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Builders.h"
#include "mlir/IR/SymbolTable.h"
#include "mlir/Support/LLVM.h"
#include "mlir/Transforms/RegionUtils.h"
using namespace mlir;
template <typename OpTy>
static void createForAllDimensions(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
SmallVectorImpl<Value> &values) {
for (StringRef dim : {"x", "y", "z"}) {
Value v = builder.create<OpTy>(loc, builder.getIndexType(),
/// Adds operations generating block/thread ids and grid/block dimensions at the
/// beginning of the `launchFuncOpBody` region. Add mapping from argument in
/// entry block of `launchOpBody`, to the corresponding result value of the
/// added operations.
static void injectGpuIndexOperations(Location loc, Region &launchFuncOpBody,
Region &launchOpBody,
BlockAndValueMapping &map) {
OpBuilder builder(loc->getContext());
Block &firstBlock = launchOpBody.front();
SmallVector<Value, 12> indexOps;
createForAllDimensions<gpu::BlockIdOp>(builder, loc, indexOps);
createForAllDimensions<gpu::ThreadIdOp>(builder, loc, indexOps);
createForAllDimensions<gpu::GridDimOp>(builder, loc, indexOps);
createForAllDimensions<gpu::BlockDimOp>(builder, loc, indexOps);
// Replace the leading 12 function args with the respective thread/block index
// operations. Iterate backwards since args are erased and indices change.
for (auto indexOp : enumerate(indexOps)), indexOp.value());
/// Identifies operations that are beneficial to sink into kernels. These
/// operations may not have side-effects, as otherwise sinking (and hence
/// duplicating them) is not legal.
static bool isSinkingBeneficiary(Operation *op) {
return isa<arith::ConstantOp, ConstantOp, memref::DimOp, SelectOp,
/// For a given operation `op`, computes whether it is beneficial to sink the
/// operation into the kernel. An operation can be sunk if doing so does not
/// introduce new kernel arguments. Whether a value is already available in the
/// kernel (and hence does not introduce new arguments) is checked by
/// querying `existingDependencies` and `availableValues`.
/// If an operand is not yet available, we recursively check whether it can be
/// made available by siking its defining op.
/// Operations that are indentified for sinking are added to `beneficiaryOps` in
/// the order they should appear in the kernel. Furthermore, `availableValues`
/// is updated with results that will be available after sinking the identified
/// ops.
static bool
extractBeneficiaryOps(Operation *op, SetVector<Value> existingDependencies,
SetVector<Operation *> &beneficiaryOps,
llvm::SmallPtrSetImpl<Value> &availableValues) {
if (beneficiaryOps.count(op))
return true;
if (!isSinkingBeneficiary(op))
return false;
for (Value operand : op->getOperands()) {
// It is already visible in the kernel, keep going.
if (availableValues.count(operand))
// Else check whether it can be made available via sinking or already is a
// dependency.
Operation *definingOp = operand.getDefiningOp();
if ((!definingOp ||
!extractBeneficiaryOps(definingOp, existingDependencies,
beneficiaryOps, availableValues)) &&
return false;
// We will sink the operation, mark its results as now available.
for (Value result : op->getResults())
return true;
LogicalResult mlir::sinkOperationsIntoLaunchOp(gpu::LaunchOp launchOp) {
Region &launchOpBody = launchOp.body();
// Identify uses from values defined outside of the scope of the launch
// operation.
SetVector<Value> sinkCandidates;
getUsedValuesDefinedAbove(launchOpBody, sinkCandidates);
SetVector<Operation *> toBeSunk;
llvm::SmallPtrSet<Value, 4> availableValues;
for (Value operand : sinkCandidates) {
Operation *operandOp = operand.getDefiningOp();
if (!operandOp)
extractBeneficiaryOps(operandOp, sinkCandidates, toBeSunk, availableValues);
// Insert operations so that the defs get cloned before uses.
BlockAndValueMapping map;
OpBuilder builder(launchOpBody);
for (Operation *op : toBeSunk) {
Operation *clonedOp = builder.clone(*op, map);
// Only replace uses within the launch op.
for (auto pair : llvm::zip(op->getResults(), clonedOp->getResults()))
replaceAllUsesInRegionWith(std::get<0>(pair), std::get<1>(pair),
return success();
/// Outline the `gpu.launch` operation body into a kernel function. Replace
/// `gpu.terminator` operations by `gpu.return` in the generated function.
static gpu::GPUFuncOp outlineKernelFuncImpl(gpu::LaunchOp launchOp,
StringRef kernelFnName,
SetVector<Value> &operands) {
Location loc = launchOp.getLoc();
// Create a builder with no insertion point, insertion will happen separately
// due to symbol table manipulation.
OpBuilder builder(launchOp.getContext());
Region &launchOpBody = launchOp.body();
// Identify uses from values defined outside of the scope of the launch
// operation.
getUsedValuesDefinedAbove(launchOpBody, operands);
// Create the gpu.func operation.
SmallVector<Type, 4> kernelOperandTypes;
for (Value operand : operands) {
FunctionType type =
FunctionType::get(launchOp.getContext(), kernelOperandTypes, {});
auto outlinedFunc = builder.create<gpu::GPUFuncOp>(loc, kernelFnName, type);
BlockAndValueMapping map;
// Map the arguments corresponding to the launch parameters like blockIdx,
// threadIdx, etc.
Region &outlinedFuncBody = outlinedFunc.body();
injectGpuIndexOperations(loc, outlinedFuncBody, launchOpBody, map);
// Map arguments from gpu.launch region to the arguments of the gpu.func
// operation.
Block &entryBlock = outlinedFuncBody.front();
for (auto operand : enumerate(operands)), entryBlock.getArgument(operand.index()));
// Clone the region of the gpu.launch operation into the gpu.func operation.
// TODO: If cloneInto can be modified such that if a mapping for
// a block exists, that block will be used to clone operations into (at the
// end of the block), instead of creating a new block, this would be much
// cleaner.
launchOpBody.cloneInto(&outlinedFuncBody, map);
// Branch from entry of the gpu.func operation to the block that is cloned
// from the entry block of the gpu.launch operation.
Block &launchOpEntry = launchOpBody.front();
Block *clonedLaunchOpEntry = map.lookup(&launchOpEntry);
builder.create<BranchOp>(loc, clonedLaunchOpEntry);
outlinedFunc.walk([](gpu::TerminatorOp op) {
OpBuilder replacer(op);
return outlinedFunc;
gpu::GPUFuncOp mlir::outlineKernelFunc(gpu::LaunchOp launchOp,
StringRef kernelFnName,
llvm::SmallVectorImpl<Value> &operands) {
DenseSet<Value> inputOperandSet;
inputOperandSet.insert(operands.begin(), operands.end());
SetVector<Value> operandSet(operands.begin(), operands.end());
auto funcOp = outlineKernelFuncImpl(launchOp, kernelFnName, operandSet);
for (auto operand : operandSet) {
if (!inputOperandSet.count(operand))
return funcOp;
/// Replace `gpu.launch` operations with an `gpu.launch_func` operation
/// launching `kernelFunc`. The kernel func contains the body of the
/// `gpu.launch` with constant region arguments inlined.
static void convertToLaunchFuncOp(gpu::LaunchOp launchOp,
gpu::GPUFuncOp kernelFunc,
ValueRange operands) {
OpBuilder builder(launchOp);
// The launch op has an optional dynamic shared memory size. If it doesn't
// exist, we use zero.
launchOp.getLoc(), kernelFunc, launchOp.getGridSizeOperandValues(),
launchOp.getBlockSizeOperandValues(), launchOp.dynamicSharedMemorySize(),
namespace {
/// Pass that moves the kernel of each LaunchOp into its separate nested module.
/// This pass moves the kernel code of each LaunchOp into a function created
/// inside a nested module. It also creates an external function of the same
/// name in the parent module.
/// The gpu.modules are intended to be compiled to a cubin blob independently in
/// a separate pass. The external functions can then be annotated with the
/// symbol of the cubin accessor function.
class GpuKernelOutliningPass
: public GpuKernelOutliningBase<GpuKernelOutliningPass> {
void runOnOperation() override {
SymbolTable symbolTable(getOperation());
bool modified = false;
for (auto func : getOperation().getOps<FuncOp>()) {
// Insert just after the function.
Block::iterator insertPt(func->getNextNode());
auto funcWalkResult = func.walk([&](gpu::LaunchOp op) {
SetVector<Value> operands;
std::string kernelFnName =
Twine(op->getParentOfType<FuncOp>().getName(), "_kernel").str();
// Pull in instructions that can be sunk
if (failed(sinkOperationsIntoLaunchOp(op)))
return WalkResult::interrupt();
gpu::GPUFuncOp outlinedFunc =
outlineKernelFuncImpl(op, kernelFnName, operands);
// Create nested module and insert outlinedFunc. The module will
// originally get the same name as the function, but may be renamed on
// insertion into the parent module.
auto kernelModule = createKernelModule(outlinedFunc, symbolTable);
symbolTable.insert(kernelModule, insertPt);
// Potentially changes signature, pulling in constants.
convertToLaunchFuncOp(op, outlinedFunc, operands.getArrayRef());
modified = true;
return WalkResult::advance();
if (funcWalkResult.wasInterrupted())
return signalPassFailure();
// If any new module was inserted in this module, annotate this module as
// a container module.
if (modified)
/// Returns a gpu.module containing kernelFunc and all callees (recursive).
gpu::GPUModuleOp createKernelModule(gpu::GPUFuncOp kernelFunc,
const SymbolTable &parentSymbolTable) {
// TODO: This code cannot use an OpBuilder because it must be inserted into
// a SymbolTable by the caller. SymbolTable needs to be refactored to
// prevent manual building of Ops with symbols in code using SymbolTables
// and then this needs to use the OpBuilder.
auto context = getOperation().getContext();
OpBuilder builder(context);
auto kernelModule = builder.create<gpu::GPUModuleOp>(kernelFunc.getLoc(),
SymbolTable symbolTable(kernelModule);
SmallVector<Operation *, 8> symbolDefWorklist = {kernelFunc};
while (!symbolDefWorklist.empty()) {
if (Optional<SymbolTable::UseRange> symbolUses =
SymbolTable::getSymbolUses(symbolDefWorklist.pop_back_val())) {
for (SymbolTable::SymbolUse symbolUse : *symbolUses) {
StringRef symbolName =
if (symbolTable.lookup(symbolName))
Operation *symbolDefClone =
return kernelModule;
} // namespace
std::unique_ptr<OperationPass<ModuleOp>> mlir::createGpuKernelOutliningPass() {
return std::make_unique<GpuKernelOutliningPass>();