blob: d7016c88d967cf2178d763587f6cde686334a456 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- AsyncToAsyncRuntime.cpp - Lower from Async to Async Runtime --------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file implements lowering from high level async operations to async.coro
// and async.runtime operations.
#include "PassDetail.h"
#include "mlir/Conversion/SCFToStandard/SCFToStandard.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Arithmetic/IR/Arithmetic.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Async/IR/Async.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Async/Passes.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/SCF/SCF.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/StandardOps/IR/Ops.h"
#include "mlir/IR/BlockAndValueMapping.h"
#include "mlir/IR/ImplicitLocOpBuilder.h"
#include "mlir/IR/PatternMatch.h"
#include "mlir/Transforms/DialectConversion.h"
#include "mlir/Transforms/RegionUtils.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SetVector.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
using namespace mlir;
using namespace mlir::async;
#define DEBUG_TYPE "async-to-async-runtime"
// Prefix for functions outlined from `async.execute` op regions.
static constexpr const char kAsyncFnPrefix[] = "async_execute_fn";
namespace {
class AsyncToAsyncRuntimePass
: public AsyncToAsyncRuntimeBase<AsyncToAsyncRuntimePass> {
AsyncToAsyncRuntimePass() = default;
void runOnOperation() override;
} // namespace
// async.execute op outlining to the coroutine functions.
/// Function targeted for coroutine transformation has two additional blocks at
/// the end: coroutine cleanup and coroutine suspension.
/// async.await op lowering additionaly creates a resume block for each
/// operation to enable non-blocking waiting via coroutine suspension.
namespace {
struct CoroMachinery {
FuncOp func;
// Async execute region returns a completion token, and an async value for
// each yielded value.
// %token, %result = async.execute -> !async.value<T> {
// %0 = arith.constant ... : T
// async.yield %0 : T
// }
Value asyncToken; // token representing completion of the async region
llvm::SmallVector<Value, 4> returnValues; // returned async values
Value coroHandle; // coroutine handle (!async.coro.handle value)
Block *entry; // coroutine entry block
Block *setError; // switch completion token and all values to error state
Block *cleanup; // coroutine cleanup block
Block *suspend; // coroutine suspension block
} // namespace
/// Utility to partially update the regular function CFG to the coroutine CFG
/// compatible with LLVM coroutines switched-resume lowering using
/// `async.runtime.*` and `async.coro.*` operations. Adds a new entry block
/// that branches into preexisting entry block. Also inserts trailing blocks.
/// The result types of the passed `func` must start with an `async.token`
/// and be continued with some number of `async.value`s.
/// The func given to this function needs to have been preprocessed to have
/// either branch or yield ops as terminators. Branches to the cleanup block are
/// inserted after each yield.
/// See LLVM coroutines documentation:
/// - `entry` block sets up the coroutine.
/// - `set_error` block sets completion token and async values state to error.
/// - `cleanup` block cleans up the coroutine state.
/// - `suspend block after the @llvm.coro.end() defines what value will be
/// returned to the initial caller of a coroutine. Everything before the
/// @llvm.coro.end() will be executed at every suspension point.
/// Coroutine structure (only the important bits):
/// func @some_fn(<function-arguments>) -> (!async.token, !async.value<T>)
/// {
/// ^entry(<function-arguments>):
/// %token = <async token> : !async.token // create async runtime token
/// %value = <async value> : !async.value<T> // create async value
/// %id = // create a coroutine id
/// %hdl = async.coro.begin %id // create a coroutine handle
/// br ^preexisting_entry_block
/// /* preexisting blocks modified to branch to the cleanup block */
/// ^set_error: // this block created lazily only if needed (see code below)
/// async.runtime.set_error %token : !async.token
/// async.runtime.set_error %value : !async.value<T>
/// br ^cleanup
/// ^cleanup:
/// %hdl // delete the coroutine state
/// br ^suspend
/// ^suspend:
/// async.coro.end %hdl // marks the end of a coroutine
/// return %token, %value : !async.token, !async.value<T>
/// }
static CoroMachinery setupCoroMachinery(FuncOp func) {
assert(!func.getBlocks().empty() && "Function must have an entry block");
MLIRContext *ctx = func.getContext();
Block *entryBlock = &func.getBlocks().front();
Block *originalEntryBlock =
auto builder = ImplicitLocOpBuilder::atBlockBegin(func->getLoc(), entryBlock);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// Allocate async token/values that we will return from a ramp function.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
auto retToken = builder.create<RuntimeCreateOp>(TokenType::get(ctx)).result();
llvm::SmallVector<Value, 4> retValues;
for (auto resType : func.getCallableResults().drop_front())
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// Initialize coroutine: get coroutine id and coroutine handle.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
auto coroIdOp = builder.create<CoroIdOp>(CoroIdType::get(ctx));
auto coroHdlOp =
Block *cleanupBlock = func.addBlock();
Block *suspendBlock = func.addBlock();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// Coroutine cleanup block: deallocate coroutine frame, free the memory.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
builder.create<CoroFreeOp>(, coroHdlOp.handle());
// Branch into the suspend block.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// Coroutine suspend block: mark the end of a coroutine and return allocated
// async token.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// Mark the end of a coroutine: async.coro.end
// Return created `async.token` and `async.values` from the suspend block.
// This will be the return value of a coroutine ramp function.
SmallVector<Value, 4> ret{retToken};
ret.insert(ret.end(), retValues.begin(), retValues.end());
// `async.await` op lowering will create resume blocks for async
// continuations, and will conditionally branch to cleanup or suspend blocks.
for (Block &block : func.body().getBlocks()) {
if (&block == entryBlock || &block == cleanupBlock ||
&block == suspendBlock)
Operation *terminator = block.getTerminator();
if (auto yield = dyn_cast<YieldOp>(terminator)) {
CoroMachinery machinery;
machinery.func = func;
machinery.asyncToken = retToken;
machinery.returnValues = retValues;
machinery.coroHandle = coroHdlOp.handle();
machinery.entry = entryBlock;
machinery.setError = nullptr; // created lazily only if needed
machinery.cleanup = cleanupBlock;
machinery.suspend = suspendBlock;
return machinery;
// Lazily creates `set_error` block only if it is required for lowering to the
// runtime operations (see for example lowering of assert operation).
static Block *setupSetErrorBlock(CoroMachinery &coro) {
if (coro.setError)
return coro.setError;
coro.setError = coro.func.addBlock();
auto builder =
ImplicitLocOpBuilder::atBlockBegin(coro.func->getLoc(), coro.setError);
// Coroutine set_error block: set error on token and all returned values.
for (Value retValue : coro.returnValues)
// Branch into the cleanup block.
return coro.setError;
/// Outline the body region attached to the `async.execute` op into a standalone
/// function.
/// Note that this is not reversible transformation.
static std::pair<FuncOp, CoroMachinery>
outlineExecuteOp(SymbolTable &symbolTable, ExecuteOp execute) {
ModuleOp module = execute->getParentOfType<ModuleOp>();
MLIRContext *ctx = module.getContext();
Location loc = execute.getLoc();
// Make sure that all constants will be inside the outlined async function to
// reduce the number of function arguments.
// Collect all outlined function inputs.
SetVector<mlir::Value> functionInputs(execute.dependencies().begin(),
functionInputs.insert(execute.operands().begin(), execute.operands().end());
getUsedValuesDefinedAbove(execute.body(), functionInputs);
// Collect types for the outlined function inputs and outputs.
auto typesRange = llvm::map_range(
functionInputs, [](Value value) { return value.getType(); });
SmallVector<Type, 4> inputTypes(typesRange.begin(), typesRange.end());
auto outputTypes = execute.getResultTypes();
auto funcType = FunctionType::get(ctx, inputTypes, outputTypes);
auto funcAttrs = ArrayRef<NamedAttribute>();
// TODO: Derive outlined function name from the parent FuncOp (support
// multiple nested async.execute operations).
FuncOp func = FuncOp::create(loc, kAsyncFnPrefix, funcType, funcAttrs);
SymbolTable::setSymbolVisibility(func, SymbolTable::Visibility::Private);
auto builder = ImplicitLocOpBuilder::atBlockBegin(loc, func.addEntryBlock());
// Prepare for coroutine conversion by creating the body of the function.
size_t numDependencies = execute.dependencies().size();
size_t numOperands = execute.operands().size();
// Await on all dependencies before starting to execute the body region.
for (size_t i = 0; i < numDependencies; ++i)
// Await on all async value operands and unwrap the payload.
SmallVector<Value, 4> unwrappedOperands(numOperands);
for (size_t i = 0; i < numOperands; ++i) {
Value operand = func.getArgument(numDependencies + i);
unwrappedOperands[i] = builder.create<AwaitOp>(loc, operand).result();
// Map from function inputs defined above the execute op to the function
// arguments.
BlockAndValueMapping valueMapping;, func.getArguments());, unwrappedOperands);
// Clone all operations from the execute operation body into the outlined
// function body.
for (Operation &op : execute.body().getOps())
builder.clone(op, valueMapping);
// Adding entry/cleanup/suspend blocks.
CoroMachinery coro = setupCoroMachinery(func);
// Suspend async function at the end of an entry block, and resume it using
// Async resume operation (execution will be resumed in a thread managed by
// the async runtime).
BranchOp branch = cast<BranchOp>(coro.entry->getTerminator());
// Save the coroutine state:
auto coroSaveOp =
builder.create<CoroSaveOp>(CoroStateType::get(ctx), coro.coroHandle);
// Pass coroutine to the runtime to be resumed on a runtime managed
// thread.
// Add async.coro.suspend as a suspended block terminator.
builder.create<CoroSuspendOp>(coroSaveOp.state(), coro.suspend,
branch.getDest(), coro.cleanup);
// Replace the original `async.execute` with a call to outlined function.
ImplicitLocOpBuilder callBuilder(loc, execute);
auto callOutlinedFunc = callBuilder.create<CallOp>(
func.getName(), execute.getResultTypes(), functionInputs.getArrayRef());
return {func, coro};
// Convert async.create_group operation to async.runtime.create_group
namespace {
class CreateGroupOpLowering : public OpConversionPattern<CreateGroupOp> {
using OpConversionPattern::OpConversionPattern;
matchAndRewrite(CreateGroupOp op, OpAdaptor adaptor,
ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
op, GroupType::get(op->getContext()), adaptor.getOperands());
return success();
} // namespace
// Convert async.add_to_group operation to async.runtime.add_to_group.
namespace {
class AddToGroupOpLowering : public OpConversionPattern<AddToGroupOp> {
using OpConversionPattern::OpConversionPattern;
matchAndRewrite(AddToGroupOp op, OpAdaptor adaptor,
ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
op, rewriter.getIndexType(), adaptor.getOperands());
return success();
} // namespace
// Convert async.await and async.await_all operations to the async.runtime.await
// or async.runtime.await_and_resume operations.
namespace {
template <typename AwaitType, typename AwaitableType>
class AwaitOpLoweringBase : public OpConversionPattern<AwaitType> {
using AwaitAdaptor = typename AwaitType::Adaptor;
AwaitOpLoweringBase(MLIRContext *ctx,
llvm::DenseMap<FuncOp, CoroMachinery> &outlinedFunctions)
: OpConversionPattern<AwaitType>(ctx),
outlinedFunctions(outlinedFunctions) {}
matchAndRewrite(AwaitType op, typename AwaitType::Adaptor adaptor,
ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
// We can only await on one the `AwaitableType` (for `await` it can be
// a `token` or a `value`, for `await_all` it must be a `group`).
if (!op.operand().getType().template isa<AwaitableType>())
return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(op, "unsupported awaitable type");
// Check if await operation is inside the outlined coroutine function.
auto func = op->template getParentOfType<FuncOp>();
auto outlined = outlinedFunctions.find(func);
const bool isInCoroutine = outlined != outlinedFunctions.end();
Location loc = op->getLoc();
Value operand = adaptor.operand();
Type i1 = rewriter.getI1Type();
// Inside regular functions we use the blocking wait operation to wait for
// the async object (token, value or group) to become available.
if (!isInCoroutine) {
ImplicitLocOpBuilder builder(loc, op, rewriter.getListener());
builder.create<RuntimeAwaitOp>(loc, operand);
// Assert that the awaited operands is not in the error state.
Value isError = builder.create<RuntimeIsErrorOp>(i1, operand);
Value notError = builder.create<arith::XOrIOp>(
isError, builder.create<arith::ConstantOp>(
loc, i1, builder.getIntegerAttr(i1, 1)));
"Awaited async operand is in error state");
// Inside the coroutine we convert await operation into coroutine suspension
// point, and resume execution asynchronously.
if (isInCoroutine) {
CoroMachinery &coro = outlined->getSecond();
Block *suspended = op->getBlock();
ImplicitLocOpBuilder builder(loc, op, rewriter.getListener());
MLIRContext *ctx = op->getContext();
// Save the coroutine state and resume on a runtime managed thread when
// the operand becomes available.
auto coroSaveOp =
builder.create<CoroSaveOp>(CoroStateType::get(ctx), coro.coroHandle);
builder.create<RuntimeAwaitAndResumeOp>(operand, coro.coroHandle);
// Split the entry block before the await operation.
Block *resume = rewriter.splitBlock(suspended, Block::iterator(op));
// Add async.coro.suspend as a suspended block terminator.
builder.create<CoroSuspendOp>(coroSaveOp.state(), coro.suspend, resume,
// Split the resume block into error checking and continuation.
Block *continuation = rewriter.splitBlock(resume, Block::iterator(op));
// Check if the awaited value is in the error state.
auto isError = builder.create<RuntimeIsErrorOp>(loc, i1, operand);
// Make sure that replacement value will be constructed in the
// continuation block.
// Erase or replace the await operation with the new value.
if (Value replaceWith = getReplacementValue(op, operand, rewriter))
rewriter.replaceOp(op, replaceWith);
return success();
virtual Value getReplacementValue(AwaitType op, Value operand,
ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const {
return Value();
llvm::DenseMap<FuncOp, CoroMachinery> &outlinedFunctions;
/// Lowering for `async.await` with a token operand.
class AwaitTokenOpLowering : public AwaitOpLoweringBase<AwaitOp, TokenType> {
using Base = AwaitOpLoweringBase<AwaitOp, TokenType>;
using Base::Base;
/// Lowering for `async.await` with a value operand.
class AwaitValueOpLowering : public AwaitOpLoweringBase<AwaitOp, ValueType> {
using Base = AwaitOpLoweringBase<AwaitOp, ValueType>;
using Base::Base;
getReplacementValue(AwaitOp op, Value operand,
ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
// Load from the async value storage.
auto valueType = operand.getType().cast<ValueType>().getValueType();
return rewriter.create<RuntimeLoadOp>(op->getLoc(), valueType, operand);
/// Lowering for `async.await_all` operation.
class AwaitAllOpLowering : public AwaitOpLoweringBase<AwaitAllOp, GroupType> {
using Base = AwaitOpLoweringBase<AwaitAllOp, GroupType>;
using Base::Base;
} // namespace
// Convert async.yield operation to async.runtime operations.
class YieldOpLowering : public OpConversionPattern<async::YieldOp> {
MLIRContext *ctx,
const llvm::DenseMap<FuncOp, CoroMachinery> &outlinedFunctions)
: OpConversionPattern<async::YieldOp>(ctx),
outlinedFunctions(outlinedFunctions) {}
matchAndRewrite(async::YieldOp op, OpAdaptor adaptor,
ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
// Check if yield operation is inside the async coroutine function.
auto func = op->template getParentOfType<FuncOp>();
auto outlined = outlinedFunctions.find(func);
if (outlined == outlinedFunctions.end())
return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(
op, "operation is not inside the async coroutine function");
Location loc = op->getLoc();
const CoroMachinery &coro = outlined->getSecond();
// Store yielded values into the async values storage and switch async
// values state to available.
for (auto tuple : llvm::zip(adaptor.getOperands(), coro.returnValues)) {
Value yieldValue = std::get<0>(tuple);
Value asyncValue = std::get<1>(tuple);
rewriter.create<RuntimeStoreOp>(loc, yieldValue, asyncValue);
rewriter.create<RuntimeSetAvailableOp>(loc, asyncValue);
// Switch the coroutine completion token to available state.
rewriter.replaceOpWithNewOp<RuntimeSetAvailableOp>(op, coro.asyncToken);
return success();
const llvm::DenseMap<FuncOp, CoroMachinery> &outlinedFunctions;
// Convert std.assert operation to cond_br into `set_error` block.
class AssertOpLowering : public OpConversionPattern<AssertOp> {
AssertOpLowering(MLIRContext *ctx,
llvm::DenseMap<FuncOp, CoroMachinery> &outlinedFunctions)
: OpConversionPattern<AssertOp>(ctx),
outlinedFunctions(outlinedFunctions) {}
matchAndRewrite(AssertOp op, OpAdaptor adaptor,
ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
// Check if assert operation is inside the async coroutine function.
auto func = op->template getParentOfType<FuncOp>();
auto outlined = outlinedFunctions.find(func);
if (outlined == outlinedFunctions.end())
return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(
op, "operation is not inside the async coroutine function");
Location loc = op->getLoc();
CoroMachinery &coro = outlined->getSecond();
Block *cont = rewriter.splitBlock(op->getBlock(), Block::iterator(op));
rewriter.create<CondBranchOp>(loc, adaptor.getArg(),
return success();
llvm::DenseMap<FuncOp, CoroMachinery> &outlinedFunctions;
/// Rewrite a func as a coroutine by:
/// 1) Wrapping the results into `async.value`.
/// 2) Prepending the results with `async.token`.
/// 3) Setting up coroutine blocks.
/// 4) Rewriting return ops as yield op and branch op into the suspend block.
static CoroMachinery rewriteFuncAsCoroutine(FuncOp func) {
auto *ctx = func->getContext();
auto loc = func.getLoc();
SmallVector<Type> resultTypes;
llvm::transform(func.getCallableResults(), std::back_inserter(resultTypes),
[](Type type) { return ValueType::get(type); });
func.setType(FunctionType::get(ctx, func.getType().getInputs(), resultTypes));
func.insertResult(0, TokenType::get(ctx), {});
for (Block &block : func.getBlocks()) {
Operation *terminator = block.getTerminator();
if (auto returnOp = dyn_cast<ReturnOp>(*terminator)) {
ImplicitLocOpBuilder builder(loc, returnOp);
return setupCoroMachinery(func);
/// Rewrites a call into a function that has been rewritten as a coroutine.
/// The invocation of this function is safe only when call ops are traversed in
/// reverse order of how they appear in a single block. See `funcsToCoroutines`.
static void rewriteCallsiteForCoroutine(CallOp oldCall, FuncOp func) {
auto loc = func.getLoc();
ImplicitLocOpBuilder callBuilder(loc, oldCall);
auto newCall = callBuilder.create<CallOp>(
func.getName(), func.getCallableResults(), oldCall.getArgOperands());
// Await on the async token and all the value results and unwrap the latter.
callBuilder.create<AwaitOp>(loc, newCall.getResults().front());
SmallVector<Value> unwrappedResults;
unwrappedResults.reserve(newCall->getResults().size() - 1);
for (Value result : newCall.getResults().drop_front())
callBuilder.create<AwaitOp>(loc, result).result());
// Careful, when result of a call is piped into another call this could lead
// to a dangling pointer.
static bool isAllowedToBlock(FuncOp func) {
return !!func->getAttrOfType<UnitAttr>(AsyncDialect::kAllowedToBlockAttrName);
static LogicalResult
funcsToCoroutines(ModuleOp module,
llvm::DenseMap<FuncOp, CoroMachinery> &outlinedFunctions) {
// The following code supports the general case when 2 functions mutually
// recurse into each other. Because of this and that we are relying on
// SymbolUserMap to find pointers to calling FuncOps, we cannot simply erase
// a FuncOp while inserting an equivalent coroutine, because that could lead
// to dangling pointers.
SmallVector<FuncOp> funcWorklist;
// Careful, it's okay to add a func to the worklist multiple times if and only
// if the loop processing the worklist will skip the functions that have
// already been converted to coroutines.
auto addToWorklist = [&](FuncOp func) {
if (isAllowedToBlock(func))
// N.B. To refactor this code into a separate pass the lookup in
// outlinedFunctions is the most obvious obstacle. Looking at an arbitrary
// func and recognizing if it has a coroutine structure is messy. Passing
// this dict between the passes is ugly.
if (isAllowedToBlock(func) ||
outlinedFunctions.find(func) == outlinedFunctions.end()) {
for (Operation &op : func.body().getOps()) {
if (dyn_cast<AwaitOp>(op) || dyn_cast<AwaitAllOp>(op)) {
// Traverse in post-order collecting for each func op the await ops it has.
for (FuncOp func : module.getOps<FuncOp>())
SymbolTableCollection symbolTable;
SymbolUserMap symbolUserMap(symbolTable, module);
// Rewrite funcs, while updating call sites and adding them to the worklist.
while (!funcWorklist.empty()) {
auto func = funcWorklist.pop_back_val();
auto insertion = outlinedFunctions.insert({func, CoroMachinery{}});
if (!insertion.second)
// This function has already been processed because this is either
// the corecursive case, or a caller with multiple calls to a newly
// created corouting. Either way, skip updating the call sites.
insertion.first->second = rewriteFuncAsCoroutine(func);
SmallVector<Operation *> users(symbolUserMap.getUsers(func).begin(),
// If there are multiple calls from the same block they need to be traversed
// in reverse order so that symbolUserMap references are not invalidated
// when updating the users of the call op which is earlier in the block.
llvm::sort(users, [](Operation *a, Operation *b) {
Block *blockA = a->getBlock();
Block *blockB = b->getBlock();
// Impose arbitrary order on blocks so that there is a well-defined order.
return blockA > blockB || (blockA == blockB && !a->isBeforeInBlock(b));
// Rewrite the callsites to await on results of the newly created coroutine.
for (Operation *op : users) {
if (CallOp call = dyn_cast<mlir::CallOp>(*op)) {
FuncOp caller = call->getParentOfType<FuncOp>();
rewriteCallsiteForCoroutine(call, func); // Careful, erases the call op.
} else {
op->emitError("Unexpected reference to func referenced by symbol");
return failure();
return success();
void AsyncToAsyncRuntimePass::runOnOperation() {
ModuleOp module = getOperation();
SymbolTable symbolTable(module);
// Outline all `async.execute` body regions into async functions (coroutines).
llvm::DenseMap<FuncOp, CoroMachinery> outlinedFunctions;
module.walk([&](ExecuteOp execute) {
outlinedFunctions.insert(outlineExecuteOp(symbolTable, execute));
llvm::dbgs() << "Outlined " << outlinedFunctions.size()
<< " functions built from async.execute operations\n";
// Returns true if operation is inside the coroutine.
auto isInCoroutine = [&](Operation *op) -> bool {
auto parentFunc = op->getParentOfType<FuncOp>();
return outlinedFunctions.find(parentFunc) != outlinedFunctions.end();
if (eliminateBlockingAwaitOps &&
failed(funcsToCoroutines(module, outlinedFunctions))) {
// Lower async operations to async.runtime operations.
MLIRContext *ctx = module->getContext();
RewritePatternSet asyncPatterns(ctx);
// Conversion to async runtime augments original CFG with the coroutine CFG,
// and we have to make sure that structured control flow operations with async
// operations in nested regions will be converted to branch-based control flow
// before we add the coroutine basic blocks.
// Async lowering does not use type converter because it must preserve all
// types for async.runtime operations.
asyncPatterns.add<CreateGroupOpLowering, AddToGroupOpLowering>(ctx);
asyncPatterns.add<AwaitTokenOpLowering, AwaitValueOpLowering,
AwaitAllOpLowering, YieldOpLowering>(ctx,
// Lower assertions to conditional branches into error blocks.
asyncPatterns.add<AssertOpLowering>(ctx, outlinedFunctions);
// All high level async operations must be lowered to the runtime operations.
ConversionTarget runtimeTarget(*ctx);
runtimeTarget.addIllegalOp<CreateGroupOp, AddToGroupOp>();
runtimeTarget.addIllegalOp<ExecuteOp, AwaitOp, AwaitAllOp, async::YieldOp>();
// Decide if structured control flow has to be lowered to branch-based CFG.
runtimeTarget.addDynamicallyLegalDialect<scf::SCFDialect>([&](Operation *op) {
auto walkResult = op->walk([&](Operation *nested) {
bool isAsync = isa<async::AsyncDialect>(nested->getDialect());
return isAsync && isInCoroutine(nested) ? WalkResult::interrupt()
: WalkResult::advance();
return !walkResult.wasInterrupted();
runtimeTarget.addLegalOp<AssertOp, arith::XOrIOp, arith::ConstantOp,
ConstantOp, BranchOp, CondBranchOp>();
// Assertions must be converted to runtime errors inside async functions.
runtimeTarget.addDynamicallyLegalOp<AssertOp>([&](AssertOp op) -> bool {
auto func = op->getParentOfType<FuncOp>();
return outlinedFunctions.find(func) == outlinedFunctions.end();
if (eliminateBlockingAwaitOps)
[&](RuntimeAwaitOp op) -> bool {
return isAllowedToBlock(op->getParentOfType<FuncOp>());
if (failed(applyPartialConversion(module, runtimeTarget,
std::move(asyncPatterns)))) {
std::unique_ptr<OperationPass<ModuleOp>> mlir::createAsyncToAsyncRuntimePass() {
return std::make_unique<AsyncToAsyncRuntimePass>();