blob: 200fc3e21149ca9a3e38cfe3461778fb30d84d42 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- ConvertLaunchFuncToVulkanCalls.cpp - MLIR Vulkan conversion passes -===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file implements a pass to convert vulkan launch call into a sequence of
// Vulkan runtime calls. The Vulkan runtime API surface is huge so currently we
// don't expose separate external functions in IR for each of them, instead we
// expose a few external functions to wrapper libraries which manages Vulkan
// runtime.
#include "../PassDetail.h"
#include "mlir/Conversion/GPUToVulkan/ConvertGPUToVulkanPass.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/LLVMIR/LLVMDialect.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Attributes.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Builders.h"
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinOps.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FormatVariadic.h"
using namespace mlir;
static constexpr const char *kCInterfaceVulkanLaunch =
static constexpr const char *kDeinitVulkan = "deinitVulkan";
static constexpr const char *kRunOnVulkan = "runOnVulkan";
static constexpr const char *kInitVulkan = "initVulkan";
static constexpr const char *kSetBinaryShader = "setBinaryShader";
static constexpr const char *kSetEntryPoint = "setEntryPoint";
static constexpr const char *kSetNumWorkGroups = "setNumWorkGroups";
static constexpr const char *kSPIRVBinary = "SPIRV_BIN";
static constexpr const char *kSPIRVBlobAttrName = "spirv_blob";
static constexpr const char *kSPIRVEntryPointAttrName = "spirv_entry_point";
static constexpr const char *kVulkanLaunch = "vulkanLaunch";
namespace {
/// A pass to convert vulkan launch call op into a sequence of Vulkan
/// runtime calls in the following order:
/// * initVulkan -- initializes vulkan runtime
/// * bindMemRef -- binds memref
/// * setBinaryShader -- sets the binary shader data
/// * setEntryPoint -- sets the entry point name
/// * setNumWorkGroups -- sets the number of a local workgroups
/// * runOnVulkan -- runs vulkan runtime
/// * deinitVulkan -- deinitializes vulkan runtime
class VulkanLaunchFuncToVulkanCallsPass
: public ConvertVulkanLaunchFuncToVulkanCallsBase<
VulkanLaunchFuncToVulkanCallsPass> {
void initializeCachedTypes() {
llvmFloatType = Float32Type::get(&getContext());
llvmVoidType = LLVM::LLVMVoidType::get(&getContext());
llvmPointerType =
LLVM::LLVMPointerType::get(IntegerType::get(&getContext(), 8));
llvmInt32Type = IntegerType::get(&getContext(), 32);
llvmInt64Type = IntegerType::get(&getContext(), 64);
Type getMemRefType(uint32_t rank, Type elemenType) {
// According to the MLIR doc memref argument is converted into a
// pointer-to-struct argument of type:
// template <typename Elem, size_t Rank>
// struct {
// Elem *allocated;
// Elem *aligned;
// int64_t offset;
// int64_t sizes[Rank]; // omitted when rank == 0
// int64_t strides[Rank]; // omitted when rank == 0
// };
auto llvmPtrToElementType = LLVM::LLVMPointerType::get(elemenType);
auto llvmArrayRankElementSizeType =
LLVM::LLVMArrayType::get(getInt64Type(), rank);
// Create a type
// `!llvm<"{ `element-type`*, `element-type`*, i64,
// [`rank` x i64], [`rank` x i64]}">`.
return LLVM::LLVMStructType::getLiteral(
{llvmPtrToElementType, llvmPtrToElementType, getInt64Type(),
llvmArrayRankElementSizeType, llvmArrayRankElementSizeType});
Type getVoidType() { return llvmVoidType; }
Type getPointerType() { return llvmPointerType; }
Type getInt32Type() { return llvmInt32Type; }
Type getInt64Type() { return llvmInt64Type; }
/// Creates an LLVM global for the given `name`.
Value createEntryPointNameConstant(StringRef name, Location loc,
OpBuilder &builder);
/// Declares all needed runtime functions.
void declareVulkanFunctions(Location loc);
/// Checks whether the given LLVM::CallOp is a vulkan launch call op.
bool isVulkanLaunchCallOp(LLVM::CallOp callOp) {
return (callOp.getCallee() &&
callOp.getCallee().getValue() == kVulkanLaunch &&
callOp.getNumOperands() >= kVulkanLaunchNumConfigOperands);
/// Checks whether the given LLVM::CallOp is a "ci_face" vulkan launch call
/// op.
bool isCInterfaceVulkanLaunchCallOp(LLVM::CallOp callOp) {
return (callOp.getCallee() &&
callOp.getCallee().getValue() == kCInterfaceVulkanLaunch &&
callOp.getNumOperands() >= kVulkanLaunchNumConfigOperands);
/// Translates the given `vulkanLaunchCallOp` to the sequence of Vulkan
/// runtime calls.
void translateVulkanLaunchCall(LLVM::CallOp vulkanLaunchCallOp);
/// Creates call to `bindMemRef` for each memref operand.
void createBindMemRefCalls(LLVM::CallOp vulkanLaunchCallOp,
Value vulkanRuntime);
/// Collects SPIRV attributes from the given `vulkanLaunchCallOp`.
void collectSPIRVAttributes(LLVM::CallOp vulkanLaunchCallOp);
/// Deduces a rank and element type from the given 'ptrToMemRefDescriptor`.
LogicalResult deduceMemRefRankAndType(Value ptrToMemRefDescriptor,
uint32_t &rank, Type &type);
/// Returns a string representation from the given `type`.
StringRef stringifyType(Type type) {
if (type.isa<Float32Type>())
return "Float";
if (type.isa<Float16Type>())
return "Half";
if (auto intType = type.dyn_cast<IntegerType>()) {
if (intType.getWidth() == 32)
return "Int32";
if (intType.getWidth() == 16)
return "Int16";
if (intType.getWidth() == 8)
return "Int8";
llvm_unreachable("unsupported type");
void runOnOperation() override;
Type llvmFloatType;
Type llvmVoidType;
Type llvmPointerType;
Type llvmInt32Type;
Type llvmInt64Type;
// TODO: Use an associative array to support multiple vulkan launch calls.
std::pair<StringAttr, StringAttr> spirvAttributes;
/// The number of vulkan launch configuration operands, placed at the leading
/// positions of the operand list.
static constexpr unsigned kVulkanLaunchNumConfigOperands = 3;
} // anonymous namespace
void VulkanLaunchFuncToVulkanCallsPass::runOnOperation() {
// Collect SPIR-V attributes such as `spirv_blob` and
// `spirv_entry_point_name`.
getOperation().walk([this](LLVM::CallOp op) {
if (isVulkanLaunchCallOp(op))
// Convert vulkan launch call op into a sequence of Vulkan runtime calls.
getOperation().walk([this](LLVM::CallOp op) {
if (isCInterfaceVulkanLaunchCallOp(op))
void VulkanLaunchFuncToVulkanCallsPass::collectSPIRVAttributes(
LLVM::CallOp vulkanLaunchCallOp) {
// Check that `kSPIRVBinary` and `kSPIRVEntryPoint` are present in attributes
// for the given vulkan launch call.
auto spirvBlobAttr =
if (!spirvBlobAttr) {
<< "missing " << kSPIRVBlobAttrName << " attribute";
return signalPassFailure();
auto spirvEntryPointNameAttr =
if (!spirvEntryPointNameAttr) {
<< "missing " << kSPIRVEntryPointAttrName << " attribute";
return signalPassFailure();
spirvAttributes = std::make_pair(spirvBlobAttr, spirvEntryPointNameAttr);
void VulkanLaunchFuncToVulkanCallsPass::createBindMemRefCalls(
LLVM::CallOp cInterfaceVulkanLaunchCallOp, Value vulkanRuntime) {
if (cInterfaceVulkanLaunchCallOp.getNumOperands() ==
OpBuilder builder(cInterfaceVulkanLaunchCallOp);
Location loc = cInterfaceVulkanLaunchCallOp.getLoc();
// Create LLVM constant for the descriptor set index.
// Bind all memrefs to the `0` descriptor set, the same way as `GPUToSPIRV`
// pass does.
Value descriptorSet = builder.create<LLVM::ConstantOp>(
loc, getInt32Type(), builder.getI32IntegerAttr(0));
for (auto en :
kVulkanLaunchNumConfigOperands))) {
// Create LLVM constant for the descriptor binding index.
Value descriptorBinding = builder.create<LLVM::ConstantOp>(
loc, getInt32Type(), builder.getI32IntegerAttr(en.index()));
auto ptrToMemRefDescriptor = en.value();
uint32_t rank = 0;
Type type;
if (failed(deduceMemRefRankAndType(ptrToMemRefDescriptor, rank, type))) {
<< "invalid memref descriptor " << ptrToMemRefDescriptor.getType();
return signalPassFailure();
auto symbolName =
llvm::formatv("bindMemRef{0}D{1}", rank, stringifyType(type)).str();
// Special case for fp16 type. Since it is not a supported type in C we use
// int16_t and bitcast the descriptor.
if (type.isa<Float16Type>()) {
auto memRefTy = getMemRefType(rank, IntegerType::get(&getContext(), 16));
ptrToMemRefDescriptor = builder.create<LLVM::BitcastOp>(
loc, LLVM::LLVMPointerType::get(memRefTy), ptrToMemRefDescriptor);
// Create call to `bindMemRef`.
loc, TypeRange(), StringRef(, symbolName.size()),
ValueRange{vulkanRuntime, descriptorSet, descriptorBinding,
LogicalResult VulkanLaunchFuncToVulkanCallsPass::deduceMemRefRankAndType(
Value ptrToMemRefDescriptor, uint32_t &rank, Type &type) {
auto llvmPtrDescriptorTy =
if (!llvmPtrDescriptorTy)
return failure();
auto llvmDescriptorTy =
// template <typename Elem, size_t Rank>
// struct {
// Elem *allocated;
// Elem *aligned;
// int64_t offset;
// int64_t sizes[Rank]; // omitted when rank == 0
// int64_t strides[Rank]; // omitted when rank == 0
// };
if (!llvmDescriptorTy)
return failure();
type = llvmDescriptorTy.getBody()[0]
if (llvmDescriptorTy.getBody().size() == 3) {
rank = 0;
return success();
rank = llvmDescriptorTy.getBody()[3]
return success();
void VulkanLaunchFuncToVulkanCallsPass::declareVulkanFunctions(Location loc) {
ModuleOp module = getOperation();
auto builder = OpBuilder::atBlockEnd(module.getBody());
if (!module.lookupSymbol(kSetEntryPoint)) {
loc, kSetEntryPoint,
{getPointerType(), getPointerType()}));
if (!module.lookupSymbol(kSetNumWorkGroups)) {
loc, kSetNumWorkGroups,
{getPointerType(), getInt64Type(),
getInt64Type(), getInt64Type()}));
if (!module.lookupSymbol(kSetBinaryShader)) {
loc, kSetBinaryShader,
{getPointerType(), getPointerType(), getInt32Type()}));
if (!module.lookupSymbol(kRunOnVulkan)) {
loc, kRunOnVulkan,
LLVM::LLVMFunctionType::get(getVoidType(), {getPointerType()}));
for (unsigned i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
SmallVector<Type, 5> types{
Float32Type::get(&getContext()), IntegerType::get(&getContext(), 32),
IntegerType::get(&getContext(), 16), IntegerType::get(&getContext(), 8),
for (auto type : types) {
std::string fnName = "bindMemRef" + std::to_string(i) + "D" +
if (type.isa<Float16Type>())
type = IntegerType::get(&getContext(), 16);
if (!module.lookupSymbol(fnName)) {
auto fnType = LLVM::LLVMFunctionType::get(
{getPointerType(), getInt32Type(), getInt32Type(),
LLVM::LLVMPointerType::get(getMemRefType(i, type))},
builder.create<LLVM::LLVMFuncOp>(loc, fnName, fnType);
if (!module.lookupSymbol(kInitVulkan)) {
loc, kInitVulkan, LLVM::LLVMFunctionType::get(getPointerType(), {}));
if (!module.lookupSymbol(kDeinitVulkan)) {
loc, kDeinitVulkan,
LLVM::LLVMFunctionType::get(getVoidType(), {getPointerType()}));
Value VulkanLaunchFuncToVulkanCallsPass::createEntryPointNameConstant(
StringRef name, Location loc, OpBuilder &builder) {
SmallString<16> shaderName(name.begin(), name.end());
// Append `\0` to follow C style string given that LLVM::createGlobalString()
// won't handle this directly for us.
std::string entryPointGlobalName = (name + "_spv_entry_point_name").str();
return LLVM::createGlobalString(loc, builder, entryPointGlobalName,
shaderName, LLVM::Linkage::Internal);
void VulkanLaunchFuncToVulkanCallsPass::translateVulkanLaunchCall(
LLVM::CallOp cInterfaceVulkanLaunchCallOp) {
OpBuilder builder(cInterfaceVulkanLaunchCallOp);
Location loc = cInterfaceVulkanLaunchCallOp.getLoc();
// Create call to `initVulkan`.
auto initVulkanCall = builder.create<LLVM::CallOp>(
loc, TypeRange{getPointerType()}, kInitVulkan);
// The result of `initVulkan` function is a pointer to Vulkan runtime, we
// need to pass that pointer to each Vulkan runtime call.
auto vulkanRuntime = initVulkanCall.getResult(0);
// Create LLVM global with SPIR-V binary data, so we can pass a pointer with
// that data to runtime call.
Value ptrToSPIRVBinary = LLVM::createGlobalString(
loc, builder, kSPIRVBinary, spirvAttributes.first.getValue(),
// Create LLVM constant for the size of SPIR-V binary shader.
Value binarySize = builder.create<LLVM::ConstantOp>(
loc, getInt32Type(),
// Create call to `bindMemRef` for each memref operand.
createBindMemRefCalls(cInterfaceVulkanLaunchCallOp, vulkanRuntime);
// Create call to `setBinaryShader` runtime function with the given pointer to
// SPIR-V binary and binary size.
loc, TypeRange(), kSetBinaryShader,
ValueRange{vulkanRuntime, ptrToSPIRVBinary, binarySize});
// Create LLVM global with entry point name.
Value entryPointName = createEntryPointNameConstant(
spirvAttributes.second.getValue(), loc, builder);
// Create call to `setEntryPoint` runtime function with the given pointer to
// entry point name.
builder.create<LLVM::CallOp>(loc, TypeRange(), kSetEntryPoint,
ValueRange{vulkanRuntime, entryPointName});
// Create number of local workgroup for each dimension.
loc, TypeRange(), kSetNumWorkGroups,
ValueRange{vulkanRuntime, cInterfaceVulkanLaunchCallOp.getOperand(0),
// Create call to `runOnVulkan` runtime function.
builder.create<LLVM::CallOp>(loc, TypeRange(), kRunOnVulkan,
// Create call to 'deinitVulkan' runtime function.
builder.create<LLVM::CallOp>(loc, TypeRange(), kDeinitVulkan,
// Declare runtime functions.
mlir::createConvertVulkanLaunchFuncToVulkanCallsPass() {
return std::make_unique<VulkanLaunchFuncToVulkanCallsPass>();