blob: a9b160375c01b50a4e46aee39706ad590ebd9b75 [file] [log] [blame]
; RUN: opt -passes="scc-oz-module-inliner,function(loop-mssa(no-op-loop)),recompute-globalsaa,function(loop-mssa(simple-loop-unswitch<nontrivial>))" -disable-output < %s
; Check that don't crash if the Alias Analysis returns better results than
; before when cloning loop's memoryssa.
@a = internal global i16 0
define void @h() {
br label %end
body: ; No predecessors!
call void @g(ptr null)
br label %end
end: ; preds = %while.body, %entry
ret void
define internal void @g(ptr %a) #0 {
br label %while.cond
while.cond: ; preds = %while.body, %entry
%0 = load i16, ptr %a, align 1
%tobool.not = icmp eq i16 %0, 0
br i1 %tobool.not, label %while.end, label %while.body
while.body: ; preds = %while.cond
call void @f()
br label %while.cond
while.end: ; preds = %while.cond
ret void
define internal void @f() #0 {
store i16 0, ptr @a, align 1
ret void
attributes #0 = { noinline }