blob: 6eb5a5dfc8fd28f37e5fe0a37817d718f9e4e376 [file] [log] [blame]
; RUN: opt -S %s -passes=lowertypetests -lowertypetests-summary-action=import -lowertypetests-read-summary=%S/Inputs/import-alias.yaml | FileCheck %s
; Check that the definitions for @f and @f_alias are removed from this module
; but @g_alias remains.
; CHECK: @g_alias = alias void (), ptr @g
; CHECK: define hidden void @f.cfi
; CHECK: declare void @f()
; CHECK: declare void @f_alias()
target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux"
@f_alias = alias void (), ptr @f
@g_alias = alias void (), ptr @g
; Definition moved to the merged module
define void @f() {
ret void
; Definition not moved to the merged module
define void @g() {
ret void
define void @uses_aliases() {
call void @f_alias()
call void @g_alias()
ret void