blob: 5f007b4078ff3dd48daad487ff4d4eacda69ef33 [file] [log] [blame]
; RUN: opt -passes=function-attrs -stats -disable-output %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
; REQUIRES: asserts
@g = global i32 20
define i32 @test_only_read_arg(ptr %ptr) {
%l = load i32, ptr %ptr
ret i32 %l
define void @test_write_global() {
store i32 0, ptr @g
ret void
; CHECK: 2 function-attrs - Number of functions with improved memory attribute
; CHECK-NEXT: 1 function-attrs - Number of arguments marked nocapture
; CHECK-NEXT: 1 function-attrs - Number of functions marked as nofree
; CHECK-NEXT: 2 function-attrs - Number of functions marked as norecurse
; CHECK-NEXT: 2 function-attrs - Number of functions marked as nosync
; CHECK-NEXT: 2 function-attrs - Number of functions marked as nounwind
; CHECK-NEXT: 1 function-attrs - Number of arguments marked readonly
; CHECK-NEXT: 2 function-attrs - Number of functions marked as willreturn