blob: 3b550813540a685e1a48f2e3dde7fa3ab0f37307 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: not llvm-tblgen -gen-emitter -I %p/../../include %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --implicit-check-not=error:
// Check that we emit reasonable diagnostics when fields do not have
// corresponding operands.
include "llvm/Target/"
def ArchInstrInfo : InstrInfo { }
def Arch : Target {
let InstructionSet = ArchInstrInfo;
def Reg : Register<"reg">;
def Regs : RegisterClass<"foo", [i32], 0, (add Reg)>;
// CHECK: error: No operand named rd in record foo (would've used positional operand #0 ('xd') sub-op #0 with useDeprecatedPositionallyEncodedOperands=true)
// CHECK: error: No operand named rs in record foo (would've given 'too few operands' error with useDeprecatedPositionallyEncodedOperands=true)
// CHECK: note: Dumping record for previous error:
def foo : Instruction {
bits<3> rd;
bits<3> rs;
bits<8> Inst;
let Inst{1-0} = 0;
let Inst{4-2} = rd;
let Inst{7-5} = rs;
let OutOperandList = (outs Regs:$xd);
let InOperandList = (ins);