blob: 19e0e0856e36ccb024ee3bace28953ecb99506ed [file] [log] [blame]
; RUN: llc -mtriple=arm64-apple-ios %s -filetype=obj -o - | llvm-objdump --unwind-info - | FileCheck %s
; Swift asynchronous context is incompatible with the compact unwind encoding
; that currently exists and assumes callee-saved registers are right next to FP
; in a particular order. This isn't a problem now because C++ exceptions aren't
; allowed to unwind through Swift code, but at least make sure the compact info
; says to use DWARF correctly.
; CHECK: compact encoding: 0x03000000
define void @foo(ptr swiftasync %in) "frame-pointer"="all" {
call void asm sideeffect "", "~{x23}"()
ret void