blob: 5bba483647310123d755849b203ebb15ac706779 [file] [log] [blame]
Test that stepping works even when the OS Plugin doesn't report
all threads at every stop.
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import lldb
from lldbsuite.test.lldbtest import *
import lldbsuite.test.lldbutil as lldbutil
class TestOSPluginStepping(TestBase):
mydir = TestBase.compute_mydir(__file__)
def test_python_os_plugin(self):
"""Test that stepping works when the OS Plugin doesn't report all
threads at every stop"""
self.main_file = lldb.SBFileSpec('main.cpp')
def test_python_os_plugin_prune(self):
"""Test that pruning the unreported PlanStacks works"""
self.main_file = lldb.SBFileSpec('main.cpp')
def get_os_thread(self):
return self.process.GetThreadByID(0x111111111)
def is_os_thread(self, thread):
id = thread.GetID()
return id == 0x111111111
def run_python_os_step_missing_thread(self, do_prune):
"""Test that the Python operating system plugin works correctly"""
# Our OS plugin does NOT report all threads:
result = self.dbg.HandleCommand("settings set target.experimental.os-plugin-reports-all-threads false")
python_os_plugin_path = os.path.join(self.getSourceDir(),
(target, self.process, thread, thread_bkpt) = lldbutil.run_to_source_breakpoint(
self, "first stop in thread - do a step out", self.main_file)
main_bkpt = target.BreakpointCreateBySourceRegex('Stop here and do not make a memory thread for thread_1',
self.assertEqual(main_bkpt.GetNumLocations(), 1, "Main breakpoint has one location")
# There should not be an os thread before we load the plugin:
self.assertFalse(self.get_os_thread().IsValid(), "No OS thread before loading plugin")
# Now load the python OS plug-in which should update the thread list and we should have
# an OS plug-in thread overlaying thread_1 with id 0x111111111
command = "settings set target.process.python-os-plugin-path '%s'" % python_os_plugin_path
# Verify our OS plug-in threads showed up
os_thread = self.get_os_thread()
"Make sure we added the thread 0x111111111 after we load the python OS plug-in")
# Now we are going to step-out. This should get interrupted by main_bkpt. We've
# set up the OS plugin so at this stop, we have lost the OS thread 0x111111111.
# Make sure both of these are true:
stopped_threads = lldbutil.get_threads_stopped_at_breakpoint(self.process, main_bkpt)
self.assertEqual(len(stopped_threads), 1, "Stopped at main_bkpt")
thread = self.process.GetThreadByID(0x111111111)
self.assertFalse(thread.IsValid(), "No thread 0x111111111 on second stop.")
# Make sure we still have the thread plans for this thread:
# First, don't show unreported threads, that should fail:
command = "thread plan list -t 0x111111111"
result = lldb.SBCommandReturnObject()
interp = self.dbg.GetCommandInterpreter()
interp.HandleCommand(command, result)
self.assertFalse(result.Succeeded(), "We found no plans for the unreported thread.")
# Now do it again but with the -u flag:
command = "thread plan list -u -t 0x111111111"
result = lldb.SBCommandReturnObject()
interp.HandleCommand(command, result)
self.assertTrue(result.Succeeded(), "We found plans for the unreported thread.")
if do_prune:
# Prune the thread plan and continue, and we will run to exit.
interp.HandleCommand("thread plan prune 0x111111111", result)
self.assertTrue(result.Succeeded(), "Found the plan for 0x111111111 and pruned it")
# List again, make sure it doesn't work:
command = "thread plan list -u -t 0x111111111"
interp.HandleCommand(command, result)
self.assertFalse(result.Succeeded(), "We still found plans for the unreported thread.")
self.assertEqual(self.process.GetState(), lldb.eStateExited, "We exited.")
# Now we are going to continue, and when we hit the step-out breakpoint, we will
# put the OS plugin thread back, lldb will recover its ThreadPlanStack, and
# we will stop with a "step-out" reason.
os_thread = self.get_os_thread()
self.assertTrue(os_thread.IsValid(), "The OS thread is back after continue")
self.assertTrue("step out" in os_thread.GetStopDescription(100), "Completed step out plan")