blob: 6f849f7030d3ee155c95c9e9f33fd879ff20b5ae [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: mlir-opt --split-input-file --tosa-to-linalg-on-tensors %s -verify-diagnostics -o -| FileCheck %s
// CHECK: #map = affine_map<() -> ()>
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_abs
func @test_abs(%arg0: tensor<f32>) -> tensor<f32> {
// CHECK: [[INIT:%.+]] = linalg.init_tensor [] : tensor<f32>
// CHECK: [[GENERIC:%.+]] = linalg.generic {indexing_maps = [#map, #map], iterator_types = []} ins(%arg0 : tensor<f32>) outs([[INIT]] : tensor<f32>) {
// CHECK: ^bb0(%arg1: f32, %arg2: f32):
// CHECK: [[ELEMENT:%.+]] = absf %arg1
// CHECK: linalg.yield [[ELEMENT]] : f32
// CHECK: } -> tensor<f32>
%0 = "tosa.abs"(%arg0) : (tensor<f32>) -> tensor<f32>
// CHECK: return [[GENERIC]]
return %0 : tensor<f32>
// -----
// CHECK: #map = affine_map<(d0) -> (d0)>
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_abs
func @test_abs(%arg0: tensor<1xf32>) -> tensor<1xf32> {
// CHECK: [[INIT:%.+]] = linalg.init_tensor [1] : tensor<1xf32>
// CHECK: [[GENERIC:%.+]] = linalg.generic {indexing_maps = [#map, #map], iterator_types = ["parallel"]} ins(%arg0 : tensor<1xf32>) outs([[INIT]] : tensor<1xf32>) {
// CHECK: ^bb0(%arg1: f32, %arg2: f32):
// CHECK: [[ELEMENT:%.+]] = absf %arg1
// CHECK: linalg.yield [[ELEMENT]] : f32
// CHECK: } -> tensor<1xf32>
%0 = "tosa.abs"(%arg0) : (tensor<1xf32>) -> tensor<1xf32>
// CHECK: return [[GENERIC]]
return %0 : tensor<1xf32>
// -----
// CHECK: #map = affine_map<(d0, d1) -> (d0, d1)>
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_abs
func @test_abs(%arg0: tensor<1x2xf32>) -> tensor<1x2xf32> {
// CHECK: [[INIT:%.+]] = linalg.init_tensor [1, 2] : tensor<1x2xf32>
// CHECK: [[GENERIC:%.+]] = linalg.generic {indexing_maps = [#map, #map], iterator_types = ["parallel", "parallel"]} ins(%arg0 : tensor<1x2xf32>) outs([[INIT]] : tensor<1x2xf32>) {
// CHECK: ^bb0(%arg1: f32, %arg2: f32):
// CHECK: [[ELEMENT:%.+]] = absf %arg1
// CHECK: linalg.yield [[ELEMENT]] : f32
// CHECK: } -> tensor<1x2xf32>
%0 = "tosa.abs"(%arg0) : (tensor<1x2xf32>) -> tensor<1x2xf32>
// CHECK: return [[GENERIC]]
return %0 : tensor<1x2xf32>
// -----
func @test_add(%arg0: tensor<1xf32>, %arg1: tensor<2xf32>) -> tensor<2xf32> {
// expected-error @+1 {{failed to legalize operation 'tosa.add'}}
%0 = "tosa.add"(%arg0, %arg1) : (tensor<1xf32>, tensor<2xf32>) -> tensor<2xf32>
return %0 : tensor<2xf32>
// -----
func @test_add(%arg0: tensor<1xf32>, %arg1: tensor<f32>) -> tensor<1xf32> {
// expected-error @+1 {{failed to legalize operation 'tosa.add'}}
%0 = "tosa.add"(%arg0, %arg1) : (tensor<1xf32>, tensor<f32>) -> tensor<1xf32>
return %0 : tensor<1xf32>
// -----
func @test_abs(%arg0: tensor<?xf32>) -> tensor<?xf32> {
// expected-error @+1 {{failed to legalize operation 'tosa.abs'}}
%0 = "tosa.abs"(%arg0) : (tensor<?xf32>) -> tensor<?xf32>
return %0 : tensor<?xf32>
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_simple_f32
func @test_simple_f32(%arg0: tensor<1xf32>) -> () {
// CHECK: linalg.generic
// CHECK: tanh
%0 = "tosa.tanh"(%arg0) : (tensor<1xf32>) -> tensor<1xf32>
// CHECK: linalg.generic
// CHECK: absf
%1 = "tosa.abs"(%arg0) : (tensor<1xf32>) -> tensor<1xf32>
// CHECK: linalg.generic
// CHECK: addf
%2 = "tosa.add"(%0, %0) : (tensor<1xf32>, tensor<1xf32>) -> tensor<1xf32>
// CHECK: linalg.generic
// CHECK: subf
%3 = "tosa.sub"(%0, %1) : (tensor<1xf32>, tensor<1xf32>) -> tensor<1xf32>
// CHECK: linalg.generic
// CHECK: pow
%4 = "tosa.pow"(%1, %2) : (tensor<1xf32>, tensor<1xf32>) -> tensor<1xf32>
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: @test_simple_i32
func @test_simple_i32(%arg0: tensor<1xi32>) -> () {
// CHECK: linalg.generic
// CHECK: addi
%0 = "tosa.add"(%arg0, %arg0) : (tensor<1xi32>, tensor<1xi32>) -> tensor<1xi32>
// CHECK: linalg.generic
// CHECK: subi
%1 = "tosa.sub"(%arg0, %arg0) : (tensor<1xi32>, tensor<1xi32>) -> tensor<1xi32>
// CHECK: linalg.generic
// CHECK: and
%2 = "tosa.bitwise_and"(%arg0, %arg0) : (tensor<1xi32>, tensor<1xi32>) -> tensor<1xi32>
// CHECK: linalg.generic
// CHECK: or
%3 = "tosa.bitwise_or"(%arg0, %arg0) : (tensor<1xi32>, tensor<1xi32>) -> tensor<1xi32>
// CHECK: linalg.generic
// CHECK: xor
%4 = "tosa.bitwise_xor"(%arg0, %arg0) : (tensor<1xi32>, tensor<1xi32>) -> tensor<1xi32>
// CHECK: linalg.generic
// CHECK: shift_left
%5 = "tosa.logical_left_shift"(%arg0, %arg0) : (tensor<1xi32>, tensor<1xi32>) -> tensor<1xi32>
// CHECK: linalg.generic
// CHECK: shift_right_unsigned
%6 = "tosa.logical_right_shift"(%arg0, %arg0) : (tensor<1xi32>, tensor<1xi32>) -> tensor<1xi32>