blob: 38796013b6e97c3a56553aa8be3c277806bcc50e [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: mlir-opt %s -launch-func-to-vulkan | FileCheck %s
// CHECK: internal constant @kernel_spv_entry_point_name
// CHECK: internal constant @SPIRV_BIN
// CHECK: %[[Vulkan_Runtime_ptr:.*]] = @initVulkan() : () -> !llvm.ptr<i8>
// CHECK: %[[addressof_SPIRV_BIN:.*]] = llvm.mlir.addressof @SPIRV_BIN
// CHECK: %[[SPIRV_BIN_ptr:.*]] = llvm.getelementptr %[[addressof_SPIRV_BIN]]
// CHECK: %[[SPIRV_BIN_size:.*]] = llvm.mlir.constant
// CHECK: @bindMemRef1DFloat(%[[Vulkan_Runtime_ptr]], %{{.*}}, %{{.*}}, %{{.*}}) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, i32, i32, !llvm.ptr<struct<(ptr<f32>, ptr<f32>, i64, array<1 x i64>, array<1 x i64>)>>) -> !llvm.void
// CHECK: @setBinaryShader(%[[Vulkan_Runtime_ptr]], %[[SPIRV_BIN_ptr]], %[[SPIRV_BIN_size]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, !llvm.ptr<i8>, i32) -> !llvm.void
// CHECK: %[[addressof_entry_point:.*]] = llvm.mlir.addressof @kernel_spv_entry_point_name
// CHECK: %[[entry_point_ptr:.*]] = llvm.getelementptr %[[addressof_entry_point]]
// CHECK: @setEntryPoint(%[[Vulkan_Runtime_ptr]], %[[entry_point_ptr]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, !llvm.ptr<i8>) -> !llvm.void
// CHECK: @setNumWorkGroups(%[[Vulkan_Runtime_ptr]], %{{.*}}, %{{.*}}, %{{.*}}) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>, i64, i64, i64) -> !llvm.void
// CHECK: @runOnVulkan(%[[Vulkan_Runtime_ptr]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>) -> !llvm.void
// CHECK: @deinitVulkan(%[[Vulkan_Runtime_ptr]]) : (!llvm.ptr<i8>) -> !llvm.void
// CHECK: llvm.func @bindMemRef1DHalf(!llvm.ptr<i8>, i32, i32, !llvm.ptr<struct<(ptr<i16>, ptr<i16>, i64, array<1 x i64>, array<1 x i64>)>>)
module attributes {gpu.container_module} {
llvm.func @malloc(i64) -> !llvm.ptr<i8>
llvm.func @foo() {
%0 = llvm.mlir.constant(12 : index) : i64
%1 = llvm.mlir.null : !llvm.ptr<f32>
%2 = llvm.mlir.constant(1 : index) : i64
%3 = llvm.getelementptr %1[%2] : (!llvm.ptr<f32>, i64) -> !llvm.ptr<f32>
%4 = llvm.ptrtoint %3 : !llvm.ptr<f32> to i64
%5 = llvm.mul %0, %4 : i64
%6 = @malloc(%5) : (i64) -> !llvm.ptr<i8>
%7 = llvm.bitcast %6 : !llvm.ptr<i8> to !llvm.ptr<f32>
%8 = llvm.mlir.undef : !llvm.struct<(ptr<f32>, ptr<f32>, i64, array<1 x i64>, array<1 x i64>)>
%9 = llvm.insertvalue %7, %8[0] : !llvm.struct<(ptr<f32>, ptr<f32>, i64, array<1 x i64>, array<1 x i64>)>
%10 = llvm.insertvalue %7, %9[1] : !llvm.struct<(ptr<f32>, ptr<f32>, i64, array<1 x i64>, array<1 x i64>)>
%11 = llvm.mlir.constant(0 : index) : i64
%12 = llvm.insertvalue %11, %10[2] : !llvm.struct<(ptr<f32>, ptr<f32>, i64, array<1 x i64>, array<1 x i64>)>
%13 = llvm.mlir.constant(1 : index) : i64
%14 = llvm.insertvalue %0, %12[3, 0] : !llvm.struct<(ptr<f32>, ptr<f32>, i64, array<1 x i64>, array<1 x i64>)>
%15 = llvm.insertvalue %13, %14[4, 0] : !llvm.struct<(ptr<f32>, ptr<f32>, i64, array<1 x i64>, array<1 x i64>)>
%16 = llvm.mlir.constant(1 : index) : i64
%17 = llvm.extractvalue %15[0] : !llvm.struct<(ptr<f32>, ptr<f32>, i64, array<1 x i64>, array<1 x i64>)>
%18 = llvm.extractvalue %15[1] : !llvm.struct<(ptr<f32>, ptr<f32>, i64, array<1 x i64>, array<1 x i64>)>
%19 = llvm.extractvalue %15[2] : !llvm.struct<(ptr<f32>, ptr<f32>, i64, array<1 x i64>, array<1 x i64>)>
%20 = llvm.extractvalue %15[3, 0] : !llvm.struct<(ptr<f32>, ptr<f32>, i64, array<1 x i64>, array<1 x i64>)>
%21 = llvm.extractvalue %15[4, 0] : !llvm.struct<(ptr<f32>, ptr<f32>, i64, array<1 x i64>, array<1 x i64>)> @vulkanLaunch(%16, %16, %16, %17, %18, %19, %20, %21) {spirv_blob = "\03\02#\07\00", spirv_entry_point = "kernel"}
: (i64, i64, i64, !llvm.ptr<f32>, !llvm.ptr<f32>, i64, i64, i64) -> ()
llvm.func @vulkanLaunch(%arg0: i64, %arg1: i64, %arg2: i64, %arg6: !llvm.ptr<f32>, %arg7: !llvm.ptr<f32>, %arg8: i64, %arg9: i64, %arg10: i64) {
%0 = llvm.mlir.undef : !llvm.struct<(ptr<f32>, ptr<f32>, i64, array<1 x i64>, array<1 x i64>)>
%1 = llvm.insertvalue %arg6, %0[0] : !llvm.struct<(ptr<f32>, ptr<f32>, i64, array<1 x i64>, array<1 x i64>)>
%2 = llvm.insertvalue %arg7, %1[1] : !llvm.struct<(ptr<f32>, ptr<f32>, i64, array<1 x i64>, array<1 x i64>)>
%3 = llvm.insertvalue %arg8, %2[2] : !llvm.struct<(ptr<f32>, ptr<f32>, i64, array<1 x i64>, array<1 x i64>)>
%4 = llvm.insertvalue %arg9, %3[3, 0] : !llvm.struct<(ptr<f32>, ptr<f32>, i64, array<1 x i64>, array<1 x i64>)>
%5 = llvm.insertvalue %arg10, %4[4, 0] : !llvm.struct<(ptr<f32>, ptr<f32>, i64, array<1 x i64>, array<1 x i64>)>
%6 = llvm.mlir.constant(1 : index) : i64
%7 = llvm.alloca %6 x !llvm.struct<(ptr<f32>, ptr<f32>, i64, array<1 x i64>, array<1 x i64>)> : (i64) -> !llvm.ptr<struct<(ptr<f32>, ptr<f32>, i64, array<1 x i64>, array<1 x i64>)>> %5, %7 : !llvm.ptr<struct<(ptr<f32>, ptr<f32>, i64, array<1 x i64>, array<1 x i64>)>> @_mlir_ciface_vulkanLaunch(%arg0, %arg1, %arg2, %7) : (i64, i64, i64, !llvm.ptr<struct<(ptr<f32>, ptr<f32>, i64, array<1 x i64>, array<1 x i64>)>>) -> ()
llvm.func @_mlir_ciface_vulkanLaunch(i64, i64, i64, !llvm.ptr<struct<(ptr<f32>, ptr<f32>, i64, array<1 x i64>, array<1 x i64>)>>)