blob: 0ca3a6ce162a33ec3049b1e77dcc659255ebda6d [file] [log] [blame]
; RUN: opt < %s -enable-coroutines -O2 -S | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK %s
; RUN: opt < %s -enable-coroutines -passes='default<O2>' -S | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK %s
target datalayout = "p:64:64:64"
%async.task = type { i64 } = type { i64 }
%async.fp = type <{ i32, i32 }>
%async.ctxt = type { i8*, void (i8*, %async.task*,*)* }
; The async callee.
@my_other_async_function_fp = external global <{ i32, i32 }>
declare void @my_other_async_function(i8* %async.ctxt)
; Function that implements the dispatch to the callee function.
define swiftcc void @my_async_function.my_other_async_function_fp.apply(i8* %fnPtr, i8* %async.ctxt, %async.task* %task,* %actor) {
%callee = bitcast i8* %fnPtr to void(i8*, %async.task*,*)*
tail call swiftcc void %callee(i8* %async.ctxt, %async.task* %task,* %actor)
ret void
declare void @some_user(i64)
declare void @some_may_write(i64*)
define i8* @resume_context_projection(i8* %ctxt) {
%resume_ctxt_addr = bitcast i8* %ctxt to i8**
%resume_ctxt = load i8*, i8** %resume_ctxt_addr, align 8
ret i8* %resume_ctxt
@unreachable_fp = constant <{ i32, i32 }>
<{ i32 trunc ( ; Relative pointer to async function
i64 sub (
i64 ptrtoint (void (i8*, %async.task*,*)* @unreachable to i64),
i64 ptrtoint (i32* getelementptr inbounds (<{ i32, i32 }>, <{ i32, i32 }>* @unreachable_fp, i32 0, i32 1) to i64)
to i32),
i32 128 ; Initial async context size without space for frame
define swiftcc void @unreachable(i8* %async.ctxt, %async.task* %task,* %actor) {
%tmp = alloca { i64, i64 }, align 8
%proj.1 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64 }, { i64, i64 }* %tmp, i64 0, i32 0
%proj.2 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64 }, { i64, i64 }* %tmp, i64 0, i32 1
%id = call token 128, i32 16, i32 0,
i8* bitcast (<{i32, i32}>* @unreachable_fp to i8*))
%hdl = call i8* @llvm.coro.begin(token %id, i8* null)
store i64 0, i64* %proj.1, align 8
store i64 1, i64* %proj.2, align 8
call void @some_may_write(i64* %proj.1)
; Begin lowering: apply %my_other_async_function(%args...)
; setup callee context
%arg0 = bitcast %async.task* %task to i8*
%arg1 = bitcast <{ i32, i32}>* @my_other_async_function_fp to i8*
%callee_context = call i8* @llvm.coro.async.context.alloc(i8* %arg0, i8* %arg1)
%callee_context.0 = bitcast i8* %callee_context to %async.ctxt*
; store the return continuation
%callee_context.return_to_caller.addr = getelementptr inbounds %async.ctxt, %async.ctxt* %callee_context.0, i32 0, i32 1
%return_to_caller.addr = bitcast void(i8*, %async.task*,*)** %callee_context.return_to_caller.addr to i8**
%resume.func_ptr = call i8* @llvm.coro.async.resume()
store i8* %resume.func_ptr, i8** %return_to_caller.addr
; store caller context into callee context
%callee_context.caller_context.addr = getelementptr inbounds %async.ctxt, %async.ctxt* %callee_context.0, i32 0, i32 0
store i8* %async.ctxt, i8** %callee_context.caller_context.addr
%resume_proj_fun = bitcast i8*(i8*)* @resume_context_projection to i8*
%callee = bitcast void(i8*, %async.task*,*)* @asyncSuspend to i8*
%res = call {i8*, i8*, i8*} (i8*, i8*, ...) @llvm.coro.suspend.async(
i8* %resume.func_ptr,
i8* %resume_proj_fun,
void (i8*, i8*, %async.task*,*)* @my_async_function.my_other_async_function_fp.apply,
i8* %callee, i8* %callee_context, %async.task* %task, *%actor)
call void @llvm.coro.async.context.dealloc(i8* %callee_context)
%continuation_task_arg = extractvalue {i8*, i8*, i8*} %res, 1
%task.2 = bitcast i8* %continuation_task_arg to %async.task*
%val = load i64, i64* %proj.1
call void @some_user(i64 %val)
%val.2 = load i64, i64* %proj.2
call void @some_user(i64 %val.2)
; CHECK: define swiftcc void @unreachable
; CHECK-NOT: @llvm.coro.suspend.async
; CHECK: return
; CHECK: define internal swiftcc void @unreachable.resume.0
; CHECK: unreachable
declare i8* @llvm.coro.prepare.async(i8*)
declare token, i32, i32, i8*)
declare i8* @llvm.coro.begin(token, i8*)
declare {i8*, i8*, i8*} @llvm.coro.suspend.async(i8*, i8*, ...)
declare i8* @llvm.coro.async.context.alloc(i8*, i8*)
declare void @llvm.coro.async.context.dealloc(i8*)
declare swiftcc void @asyncReturn(i8*, %async.task*,*)
declare swiftcc void @asyncSuspend(i8*, %async.task*,*)
declare i8* @llvm.coro.async.resume()