blob: eec35b114e7902f9e62f24a4dad5b9354bacedfa [file] [log] [blame]
; This test shows the evolution of RVV pseudo instructions within isel.
; RUN: llc -mtriple riscv64 -mattr=+experimental-v %s -o %t.pre.mir \
; RUN: -stop-before=finalize-isel
; RUN: cat %t.pre.mir | FileCheck --check-prefix=PRE-INSERTER %s
; RUN: llc -mtriple riscv64 -mattr=+experimental-v %t.pre.mir -o \
; RUN: -start-before=finalize-isel -stop-after=finalize-isel
; RUN: cat | FileCheck --check-prefix=POST-INSERTER %s
define void @vadd_vint64m1(
<vscale x 1 x i64> *%pc,
<vscale x 1 x i64> *%pa,
<vscale x 1 x i64> *%pb)
%va = load <vscale x 1 x i64>, <vscale x 1 x i64>* %pa
%vb = load <vscale x 1 x i64>, <vscale x 1 x i64>* %pb
%vc = add <vscale x 1 x i64> %va, %vb
store <vscale x 1 x i64> %vc, <vscale x 1 x i64> *%pc
ret void
; PRE-INSERTER: %3:vr = PseudoVLE64_V_M1 %1, $x0, 64, implicit $vl, implicit $vtype :: (load unknown-size from, align 8)
; PRE-INSERTER: %4:vr = PseudoVLE64_V_M1 %2, $x0, 64, implicit $vl, implicit $vtype :: (load unknown-size from %ir.pb, align 8)
; PRE-INSERTER: %5:vr = PseudoVADD_VV_M1 killed %3, killed %4, $x0, 64, implicit $vl, implicit $vtype
; PRE-INSERTER: PseudoVSE64_V_M1 killed %5, %0, $x0, 64, implicit $vl, implicit $vtype :: (store unknown-size into %ir.pc, align 8)
; POST-INSERTER: dead %6:gpr = PseudoVSETVLI $x0, 88, implicit-def $vl, implicit-def $vtype
; POST-INSERTER: %3:vr = PseudoVLE64_V_M1 %1, $noreg, -1, implicit $vl, implicit $vtype :: (load unknown-size from, align 8)
; POST-INSERTER: dead %7:gpr = PseudoVSETVLI $x0, 88, implicit-def $vl, implicit-def $vtype
; POST-INSERTER: %4:vr = PseudoVLE64_V_M1 %2, $noreg, -1, implicit $vl, implicit $vtype :: (load unknown-size from %ir.pb, align 8)
; POST-INSERTER: dead %8:gpr = PseudoVSETVLI $x0, 88, implicit-def $vl, implicit-def $vtype
; POST-INSERTER: %5:vr = PseudoVADD_VV_M1 killed %3, killed %4, $noreg, -1, implicit $vl, implicit $vtype
; POST-INSERTER: dead %9:gpr = PseudoVSETVLI $x0, 88, implicit-def $vl, implicit-def $vtype
; POST-INSERTER: PseudoVSE64_V_M1 killed %5, %0, $noreg, -1, implicit $vl, implicit $vtype :: (store unknown-size into %ir.pc, align 8)