blob: 4cda4c7497e3bddd49c52cfbb8f20bd6b6238198 [file] [log] [blame]
; RUN: opt -analyze -enable-new-pm=0 -scalar-evolution < %s | FileCheck %s
; RUN: opt -disable-output "-passes=print<scalar-evolution>" < %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
define void @f(i1 %c) {
; CHECK-LABEL: Classifying expressions for: @f
%start = select i1 %c, i32 100, i32 0
%step = select i1 %c, i32 -1, i32 1
br label %loop
%iv = phi i32 [ %start, %entry ], [ %iv.dec, %loop ] = phi i32 [ 0, %entry ], [, %loop ] = add i32, 1
%iv.dec = add nsw i32 %iv, %step
%iv.sext = sext i32 %iv to i64
; CHECK: %iv.sext = sext i32 %iv to i64
; CHECK-NEXT: --> {(sext i32 %start to i64),+,(sext i32 %step to i64)}<nsw><%loop>
%be = icmp ne i32, 100
br i1 %be, label %loop, label %leave
ret void