blob: 65c4c1b99931f870dfa903e6490b551cf1e430bc [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- include/flang/Evaluate/shape.h --------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// GetShape() analyzes an expression and determines its shape, if possible,
// representing the result as a vector of scalar integer expressions.
#include "expression.h"
#include "traverse.h"
#include "variable.h"
#include "flang/Common/indirection.h"
#include "flang/Evaluate/tools.h"
#include "flang/Evaluate/type.h"
#include <optional>
#include <variant>
namespace Fortran::parser {
class ContextualMessages;
namespace Fortran::evaluate {
class FoldingContext;
using ExtentType = SubscriptInteger;
using ExtentExpr = Expr<ExtentType>;
using MaybeExtentExpr = std::optional<ExtentExpr>;
using Shape = std::vector<MaybeExtentExpr>;
bool IsImpliedShape(const Symbol &);
bool IsExplicitShape(const Symbol &);
// Conversions between various representations of shapes.
std::optional<ExtentExpr> AsExtentArrayExpr(const Shape &);
std::optional<Constant<ExtentType>> AsConstantShape(
FoldingContext &, const Shape &);
Constant<ExtentType> AsConstantShape(const ConstantSubscripts &);
ConstantSubscripts AsConstantExtents(const Constant<ExtentType> &);
std::optional<ConstantSubscripts> AsConstantExtents(
FoldingContext &, const Shape &);
inline int GetRank(const Shape &s) { return static_cast<int>(s.size()); }
Shape Fold(FoldingContext &, Shape &&);
std::optional<Shape> Fold(FoldingContext &, std::optional<Shape> &&);
template <typename A>
std::optional<Shape> GetShape(FoldingContext &, const A &);
template <typename A> std::optional<Shape> GetShape(const A &);
// The dimension argument to these inquiries is zero-based,
// unlike the DIM= arguments to many intrinsics.
ExtentExpr GetLowerBound(const NamedEntity &, int dimension);
ExtentExpr GetLowerBound(FoldingContext &, const NamedEntity &, int dimension);
MaybeExtentExpr GetUpperBound(const NamedEntity &, int dimension);
MaybeExtentExpr GetUpperBound(
FoldingContext &, const NamedEntity &, int dimension);
MaybeExtentExpr ComputeUpperBound(ExtentExpr &&lower, MaybeExtentExpr &&extent);
MaybeExtentExpr ComputeUpperBound(
FoldingContext &, ExtentExpr &&lower, MaybeExtentExpr &&extent);
Shape GetLowerBounds(const NamedEntity &);
Shape GetLowerBounds(FoldingContext &, const NamedEntity &);
Shape GetUpperBounds(const NamedEntity &);
Shape GetUpperBounds(FoldingContext &, const NamedEntity &);
MaybeExtentExpr GetExtent(const NamedEntity &, int dimension);
MaybeExtentExpr GetExtent(FoldingContext &, const NamedEntity &, int dimension);
MaybeExtentExpr GetExtent(
const Subscript &, const NamedEntity &, int dimension);
MaybeExtentExpr GetExtent(
FoldingContext &, const Subscript &, const NamedEntity &, int dimension);
// Compute an element count for a triplet or trip count for a DO.
ExtentExpr CountTrips(
ExtentExpr &&lower, ExtentExpr &&upper, ExtentExpr &&stride);
ExtentExpr CountTrips(
const ExtentExpr &lower, const ExtentExpr &upper, const ExtentExpr &stride);
MaybeExtentExpr CountTrips(
MaybeExtentExpr &&lower, MaybeExtentExpr &&upper, MaybeExtentExpr &&stride);
// Computes SIZE() == PRODUCT(shape)
MaybeExtentExpr GetSize(Shape &&);
// Utility predicate: does an expression reference any implied DO index?
bool ContainsAnyImpliedDoIndex(const ExtentExpr &);
class GetShapeHelper
: public AnyTraverse<GetShapeHelper, std::optional<Shape>> {
using Result = std::optional<Shape>;
using Base = AnyTraverse<GetShapeHelper, Result>;
using Base::operator();
GetShapeHelper() : Base{*this} {}
explicit GetShapeHelper(FoldingContext &c) : Base{*this}, context_{&c} {}
Result operator()(const ImpliedDoIndex &) const { return ScalarShape(); }
Result operator()(const DescriptorInquiry &) const { return ScalarShape(); }
Result operator()(const TypeParamInquiry &) const { return ScalarShape(); }
Result operator()(const BOZLiteralConstant &) const { return ScalarShape(); }
Result operator()(const StaticDataObject::Pointer &) const {
return ScalarShape();
Result operator()(const StructureConstructor &) const {
return ScalarShape();
template <typename T> Result operator()(const Constant<T> &c) const {
return ConstantShape(c.SHAPE());
Result operator()(const Symbol &) const;
Result operator()(const Component &) const;
Result operator()(const ArrayRef &) const;
Result operator()(const CoarrayRef &) const;
Result operator()(const Substring &) const;
Result operator()(const ProcedureRef &) const;
template <typename T>
Result operator()(const ArrayConstructor<T> &aconst) const {
return Shape{GetArrayConstructorExtent(aconst)};
template <typename D, typename R, typename LO, typename RO>
Result operator()(const Operation<D, R, LO, RO> &operation) const {
if (operation.right().Rank() > 0) {
return (*this)(operation.right());
} else {
return (*this)(operation.left());
static Result ScalarShape() { return Shape{}; }
static Shape ConstantShape(const Constant<ExtentType> &);
Result AsShape(ExtentExpr &&) const;
static Shape CreateShape(int rank, NamedEntity &);
template <typename T>
MaybeExtentExpr GetArrayConstructorValueExtent(
const ArrayConstructorValue<T> &value) const {
return std::visit(
[&](const Expr<T> &x) -> MaybeExtentExpr {
if (auto xShape{
context_ ? GetShape(*context_, x) : GetShape(x)}) {
// Array values in array constructors get linearized.
return GetSize(std::move(*xShape));
} else {
return std::nullopt;
[&](const ImpliedDo<T> &ido) -> MaybeExtentExpr {
// Don't be heroic and try to figure out triangular implied DO
// nests.
if (!ContainsAnyImpliedDoIndex(ido.lower()) &&
!ContainsAnyImpliedDoIndex(ido.upper()) &&
!ContainsAnyImpliedDoIndex(ido.stride())) {
if (auto nValues{GetArrayConstructorExtent(ido.values())}) {
return std::move(*nValues) *
CountTrips(ido.lower(), ido.upper(), ido.stride());
return std::nullopt;
template <typename T>
MaybeExtentExpr GetArrayConstructorExtent(
const ArrayConstructorValues<T> &values) const {
ExtentExpr result{0};
for (const auto &value : values) {
if (MaybeExtentExpr n{GetArrayConstructorValueExtent(value)}) {
result = std::move(result) + std::move(*n);
} else {
return std::nullopt;
return result;
FoldingContext *context_{nullptr};
template <typename A>
std::optional<Shape> GetShape(FoldingContext &context, const A &x) {
if (auto shape{GetShapeHelper{context}(x)}) {
return Fold(context, std::move(shape));
} else {
return std::nullopt;
template <typename A> std::optional<Shape> GetShape(const A &x) {
return GetShapeHelper{}(x);
template <typename A>
std::optional<Shape> GetShape(FoldingContext *context, const A &x) {
if (context) {
return GetShape(*context, x);
} else {
return GetShapeHelper{}(x);
template <typename A>
std::optional<Constant<ExtentType>> GetConstantShape(
FoldingContext &context, const A &x) {
if (auto shape{GetShape(context, x)}) {
return AsConstantShape(context, *shape);
} else {
return std::nullopt;
template <typename A>
std::optional<ConstantSubscripts> GetConstantExtents(
FoldingContext &context, const A &x) {
if (auto shape{GetShape(context, x)}) {
return AsConstantExtents(context, *shape);
} else {
return std::nullopt;
// Compilation-time shape conformance checking, when corresponding extents
// are known.
bool CheckConformance(parser::ContextualMessages &, const Shape &left,
const Shape &right, const char *leftIs = "left operand",
const char *rightIs = "right operand", bool leftScalarExpandable = true,
bool rightScalarExpandable = true, bool leftIsDeferredShape = false,
bool rightIsDeferredShape = false);
// Increments one-based subscripts in element order (first varies fastest)
// and returns true when they remain in range; resets them all to one and
// return false otherwise (including the case where one or more of the
// extents are zero).
bool IncrementSubscripts(
ConstantSubscripts &, const ConstantSubscripts &extents);
} // namespace Fortran::evaluate