blob: 7673334cefabfaaffa60ea1e48fd66604e02c771 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- String to float conversion utils ------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "src/__support/CPP/Limits.h"
#include "src/__support/FPUtil/FPBits.h"
#include "src/__support/ctype_utils.h"
#include "src/__support/detailed_powers_of_ten.h"
#include "src/__support/high_precision_decimal.h"
#include "src/__support/str_to_integer.h"
#include <errno.h>
namespace __llvm_libc {
namespace internal {
template <class T> uint32_t inline leadingZeroes(T inputNumber) {
// TODO(michaelrj): investigate the portability of using something like
// __builtin_clz for specific types.
constexpr uint32_t bitsInT = sizeof(T) * 8;
if (inputNumber == 0) {
return bitsInT;
uint32_t curGuess = bitsInT / 2;
uint32_t rangeSize = bitsInT / 2;
// while either shifting by curGuess does not get rid of all of the bits or
// shifting by one less also gets rid of all of the bits then we have not
// found the first bit.
while (((inputNumber >> curGuess) > 0) ||
((inputNumber >> (curGuess - 1)) == 0)) {
// Binary search for the first set bit
rangeSize /= 2;
if (rangeSize == 0) {
if ((inputNumber >> curGuess) > 0) {
curGuess += rangeSize;
} else {
curGuess -= rangeSize;
if (inputNumber >> curGuess > 0) {
return bitsInT - curGuess;
template <> uint32_t inline leadingZeroes<uint32_t>(uint32_t inputNumber) {
return inputNumber == 0 ? 32 : __builtin_clz(inputNumber);
template <> uint32_t inline leadingZeroes<uint64_t>(uint64_t inputNumber) {
return inputNumber == 0 ? 64 : __builtin_clzll(inputNumber);
static inline uint64_t low64(__uint128_t num) {
return static_cast<uint64_t>(num & 0xffffffffffffffff);
static inline uint64_t high64(__uint128_t num) {
return static_cast<uint64_t>(num >> 64);
// This Eisel-Lemire implementation is based on the algorithm described in the
// paper Number Parsing at a Gigabyte per Second, Software: Practice and
// Experience 51 (8), 2021 (, as well as the
// description by Nigel Tao
// ( and the golang
// implementation, also by Nigel Tao
// (
// for some optimizations as well as handling 32 bit floats.
template <class T>
static inline bool
eiselLemire(typename fputil::FPBits<T>::UIntType mantissa, int32_t exp10,
typename fputil::FPBits<T>::UIntType *outputMantissa,
uint32_t *outputExp2) {
using BitsType = typename fputil::FPBits<T>::UIntType;
constexpr uint32_t BITS_IN_MANTISSA = sizeof(mantissa) * 8;
if (sizeof(T) > 8) { // This algorithm cannot handle anything longer than a
// double, so we skip straight to the fallback.
return false;
// Exp10 Range
return false;
// Normalization
uint32_t clz = leadingZeroes<BitsType>(mantissa);
mantissa <<= clz;
uint32_t exp2 = exp10ToExp2(exp10) + BITS_IN_MANTISSA +
fputil::FloatProperties<T>::exponentBias - clz;
// Multiplication
const uint64_t *powerOfTen =
__uint128_t firstApprox = static_cast<__uint128_t>(mantissa) *
// Wider Approximation
__uint128_t finalApprox;
// The halfway constant is used to check if the bits that will be shifted away
// intially are all 1. For doubles this is 64 (bitstype size) - 52 (final
// mantissa size) - 3 (we shift away the last two bits separately for
// accuracy, and the most significant bit is ignored.) = 9. Similarly, it's 6
// for floats in this case.
const uint64_t halfwayConstant = sizeof(T) == 8 ? 0x1FF : 0x3F;
if ((high64(firstApprox) & halfwayConstant) == halfwayConstant &&
low64(firstApprox) + mantissa < mantissa) {
__uint128_t lowBits = static_cast<__uint128_t>(mantissa) *
__uint128_t secondApprox =
firstApprox + static_cast<__uint128_t>(high64(lowBits));
if ((high64(secondApprox) & halfwayConstant) == halfwayConstant &&
low64(secondApprox) + 1 == 0 && low64(lowBits) + mantissa < mantissa) {
return false;
finalApprox = secondApprox;
} else {
finalApprox = firstApprox;
// Shifting to 54 bits for doubles and 25 bits for floats
BitsType msb = high64(finalApprox) >> (BITS_IN_MANTISSA - 1);
BitsType finalMantissa =
high64(finalApprox) >> (msb + BITS_IN_MANTISSA -
(fputil::FloatProperties<T>::mantissaWidth + 3));
exp2 -= 1 ^ msb; // same as !msb
// Half-way ambiguity
if (low64(finalApprox) == 0 && (high64(finalApprox) & halfwayConstant) == 0 &&
(finalMantissa & 3) == 1) {
return false;
// From 54 to 53 bits for doubles and 25 to 24 bits for floats
finalMantissa += finalMantissa & 1;
finalMantissa >>= 1;
if ((finalMantissa >> (fputil::FloatProperties<T>::mantissaWidth + 1)) > 0) {
finalMantissa >>= 1;
// The if block is equivalent to (but has fewer branches than):
// if exp2 <= 0 || exp2 >= 0x7FF { etc }
if (exp2 - 1 >= (1 << fputil::FloatProperties<T>::exponentWidth) - 2) {
return false;
*outputMantissa = finalMantissa;
*outputExp2 = exp2;
return true;
// The nth item in POWERS_OF_TWO represents the greatest power of two less than
// 10^n. This tells us how much we can safely shift without overshooting.
constexpr uint8_t POWERS_OF_TWO[19] = {
0, 3, 6, 9, 13, 16, 19, 23, 26, 29, 33, 36, 39, 43, 46, 49, 53, 56, 59,
constexpr int32_t NUM_POWERS_OF_TWO =
sizeof(POWERS_OF_TWO) / sizeof(POWERS_OF_TWO[0]);
// Takes a mantissa and base 10 exponent and converts it into its closest
// floating point type T equivalent. This is the fallback algorithm used when
// the Eisel-Lemire algorithm fails, it's slower but more accurate. It's based
// on the Simple Decimal Conversion algorithm by Nigel Tao, described at this
// link:
template <class T>
static inline void
simpleDecimalConversion(const char *__restrict numStart,
typename fputil::FPBits<T>::UIntType *outputMantissa,
uint32_t *outputExp2) {
int32_t exp2 = 0;
HighPrecisionDecimal hpd = HighPrecisionDecimal(numStart);
if (hpd.getNumDigits() == 0) {
*outputMantissa = 0;
*outputExp2 = 0;
// If the exponent is too large and can't be represented in this size of
// float, return inf.
if (hpd.getDecimalPoint() > 0 &&
exp10ToExp2(hpd.getDecimalPoint() - 1) >
static_cast<int64_t>(fputil::FloatProperties<T>::exponentBias)) {
*outputMantissa = 0;
*outputExp2 = fputil::FPBits<T>::maxExponent;
errno = ERANGE;
// If the exponent is too small even for a subnormal, return 0.
if (hpd.getDecimalPoint() < 0 &&
exp10ToExp2(-hpd.getDecimalPoint()) >
static_cast<int64_t>(fputil::FloatProperties<T>::exponentBias +
fputil::FloatProperties<T>::mantissaWidth)) {
*outputMantissa = 0;
*outputExp2 = 0;
errno = ERANGE;
// Right shift until the number is smaller than 1.
while (hpd.getDecimalPoint() > 0) {
int32_t shiftAmount = 0;
if (hpd.getDecimalPoint() >= NUM_POWERS_OF_TWO) {
shiftAmount = 60;
} else {
shiftAmount = POWERS_OF_TWO[hpd.getDecimalPoint()];
exp2 += shiftAmount;
// Left shift until the number is between 1/2 and 1
while (hpd.getDecimalPoint() < 0 ||
(hpd.getDecimalPoint() == 0 && hpd.getDigits()[0] < 5)) {
int32_t shiftAmount = 0;
if (-hpd.getDecimalPoint() >= NUM_POWERS_OF_TWO) {
shiftAmount = 60;
} else if (hpd.getDecimalPoint() != 0) {
shiftAmount = POWERS_OF_TWO[-hpd.getDecimalPoint()];
} else { // This handles the case of the number being between .1 and .5
shiftAmount = 1;
exp2 -= shiftAmount;
// Left shift once so that the number is between 1 and 2
// Get the biased exponent
exp2 += fputil::FloatProperties<T>::exponentBias;
// Handle the exponent being too large (and return inf).
if (exp2 >= fputil::FPBits<T>::maxExponent) {
*outputMantissa = 0;
*outputExp2 = fputil::FPBits<T>::maxExponent;
errno = ERANGE;
// Shift left to fill the mantissa
typename fputil::FPBits<T>::UIntType finalMantissa =
hpd.roundToIntegerType<typename fputil::FPBits<T>::UIntType>();
// Handle subnormals
if (exp2 <= 0) {
// Shift right until there is a valid exponent
while (exp2 < 0) {
// Shift right one more time to compensate for the left shift to get it
// between 1 and 2.
finalMantissa =
hpd.roundToIntegerType<typename fputil::FPBits<T>::UIntType>();
// Check if by shifting right we've caused this to round to a normal number.
if ((finalMantissa >> fputil::FloatProperties<T>::mantissaWidth) != 0) {
// Check if rounding added a bit, and shift down if that's the case.
if (finalMantissa == typename fputil::FPBits<T>::UIntType(2)
<< fputil::FloatProperties<T>::mantissaWidth) {
finalMantissa >>= 1;
if (exp2 == 0) {
errno = ERANGE;
*outputMantissa = finalMantissa;
*outputExp2 = exp2;
// This class is used for templating the constants for Clinger's Fast Path,
// described as a method of approximation in
// Clinger WD. How to Read Floating Point Numbers Accurately. SIGPLAN Not 1990
// Jun;25(6):92–101.
// As well as the additions by Gay that extend the useful range by the number of
// exact digits stored by the float type, described in
// Gay DM, Correctly rounded binary-decimal and decimal-binary conversions;
// 1990. AT&T Bell Laboratories Numerical Analysis Manuscript 90-10.
template <class T> class ClingerConsts;
template <> class ClingerConsts<float> {
static constexpr float powersOfTenArray[] = {1e0, 1e1, 1e2, 1e3, 1e4, 1e5,
1e6, 1e7, 1e8, 1e9, 1e10};
static constexpr int32_t exactPowersOfTen = 10;
static constexpr int32_t digitsInMantissa = 7;
static constexpr float maxExactInt = 16777215.0;
template <> class ClingerConsts<double> {
static constexpr double powersOfTenArray[] = {
1e0, 1e1, 1e2, 1e3, 1e4, 1e5, 1e6, 1e7, 1e8, 1e9, 1e10, 1e11,
1e12, 1e13, 1e14, 1e15, 1e16, 1e17, 1e18, 1e19, 1e20, 1e21, 1e22};
static constexpr int32_t exactPowersOfTen = 22;
static constexpr int32_t digitsInMantissa = 15;
static constexpr double maxExactInt = 9007199254740991.0;
// Take an exact mantissa and exponent and attempt to convert it using only
// exact floating point arithmetic. This only handles numbers with low
// exponents, but handles them quickly. This is an implementation of Clinger's
// Fast Path, as described above.
template <class T>
static inline bool
clingerFastPath(typename fputil::FPBits<T>::UIntType mantissa, int32_t exp10,
typename fputil::FPBits<T>::UIntType *outputMantissa,
uint32_t *outputExp2) {
if (mantissa >> fputil::FloatProperties<T>::mantissaWidth > 0) {
return false;
fputil::FPBits<T> result;
T floatMantissa = static_cast<T>(mantissa);
if (exp10 == 0) {
result = fputil::FPBits<T>(floatMantissa);
if (exp10 > 0) {
if (exp10 > ClingerConsts<T>::exactPowersOfTen +
ClingerConsts<T>::digitsInMantissa) {
return false;
if (exp10 > ClingerConsts<T>::exactPowersOfTen) {
floatMantissa =
floatMantissa *
T>::powersOfTenArray[exp10 - ClingerConsts<T>::exactPowersOfTen];
exp10 = ClingerConsts<T>::exactPowersOfTen;
if (floatMantissa > ClingerConsts<T>::maxExactInt) {
return false;
result = fputil::FPBits<T>(floatMantissa *
} else if (exp10 < 0) {
if (-exp10 > ClingerConsts<T>::exactPowersOfTen) {
return false;
result = fputil::FPBits<T>(floatMantissa /
*outputMantissa = result.getMantissa();
*outputExp2 = result.getUnbiasedExponent();
return true;
// Takes a mantissa and base 10 exponent and converts it into its closest
// floating point type T equivalient. First we try the Eisel-Lemire algorithm,
// then if that fails then we fall back to a more accurate algorithm for
// accuracy. The resulting mantissa and exponent are placed in outputMantissa
// and outputExp2.
template <class T>
static inline void
decimalExpToFloat(typename fputil::FPBits<T>::UIntType mantissa, int32_t exp10,
const char *__restrict numStart, bool truncated,
typename fputil::FPBits<T>::UIntType *outputMantissa,
uint32_t *outputExp2) {
// If the exponent is too large and can't be represented in this size of
// float, return inf. These bounds are very loose, but are mostly serving as a
// first pass. Some close numbers getting through is okay.
if (exp10 >
static_cast<int64_t>(fputil::FloatProperties<T>::exponentBias) / 3) {
*outputMantissa = 0;
*outputExp2 = fputil::FPBits<T>::maxExponent;
errno = ERANGE;
// If the exponent is too small even for a subnormal, return 0.
if (exp10 < 0 &&
-static_cast<int64_t>(exp10) >
static_cast<int64_t>(fputil::FloatProperties<T>::exponentBias +
fputil::FloatProperties<T>::mantissaWidth) /
2) {
*outputMantissa = 0;
*outputExp2 = 0;
errno = ERANGE;
if (!truncated) {
if (clingerFastPath<T>(mantissa, exp10, outputMantissa, outputExp2)) {
// Try Eisel-Lemire
if (eiselLemire<T>(mantissa, exp10, outputMantissa, outputExp2)) {
if (!truncated) {
// If the mantissa is truncated, then the result may be off by the LSB, so
// check if rounding the mantissa up changes the result. If not, then it's
// safe, else use the fallback.
typename fputil::FPBits<T>::UIntType firstMantissa = *outputMantissa;
uint32_t firstExp2 = *outputExp2;
if (eiselLemire<T>(mantissa + 1, exp10, outputMantissa, outputExp2)) {
if (*outputMantissa == firstMantissa && *outputExp2 == firstExp2) {
simpleDecimalConversion<T>(numStart, outputMantissa, outputExp2);
// Takes a mantissa and base 2 exponent and converts it into its closest
// floating point type T equivalient. Since the exponent is already in the right
// form, this is mostly just shifting and rounding. This is used for hexadecimal
// numbers since a base 16 exponent multiplied by 4 is the base 2 exponent.
template <class T>
static inline void
binaryExpToFloat(typename fputil::FPBits<T>::UIntType mantissa, int32_t exp2,
bool truncated,
typename fputil::FPBits<T>::UIntType *outputMantissa,
uint32_t *outputExp2) {
using BitsType = typename fputil::FPBits<T>::UIntType;
// This is the number of leading zeroes a properly normalized float of type T
// should have.
constexpr int32_t NUMBITS = sizeof(BitsType) * 8;
constexpr int32_t INF_EXP =
(1 << fputil::FloatProperties<T>::exponentWidth) - 1;
// Normalization step 1: Bring the leading bit to the highest bit of BitsType.
uint32_t amountToShiftLeft = leadingZeroes<BitsType>(mantissa);
mantissa <<= amountToShiftLeft;
// Keep exp2 representing the exponent of the lowest bit of BitsType.
exp2 -= amountToShiftLeft;
// biasedExponent represents the biased exponent of the most significant bit.
int32_t biasedExponent = exp2 + NUMBITS + fputil::FPBits<T>::exponentBias - 1;
// Handle numbers that're too large and get squashed to inf
if (biasedExponent >= INF_EXP) {
// This indicates an overflow, so we make the result INF and set errno.
*outputExp2 = (1 << fputil::FloatProperties<T>::exponentWidth) - 1;
*outputMantissa = 0;
errno = ERANGE;
uint32_t amountToShiftRight =
NUMBITS - fputil::FloatProperties<T>::mantissaWidth - 1;
// Handle subnormals.
if (biasedExponent <= 0) {
amountToShiftRight += 1 - biasedExponent;
biasedExponent = 0;
if (amountToShiftRight > NUMBITS) {
// Return 0 if the exponent is too small.
*outputMantissa = 0;
*outputExp2 = 0;
errno = ERANGE;
BitsType roundBitMask = BitsType(1) << (amountToShiftRight - 1);
BitsType stickyMask = roundBitMask - 1;
bool roundBit = mantissa & roundBitMask;
bool stickyBit = static_cast<bool>(mantissa & stickyMask) || truncated;
if (amountToShiftRight < NUMBITS) {
// Shift the mantissa and clear the implicit bit.
mantissa >>= amountToShiftRight;
mantissa &= fputil::FloatProperties<T>::mantissaMask;
} else {
mantissa = 0;
bool leastSignificantBit = mantissa & BitsType(1);
// Perform rounding-to-nearest, tie-to-even.
if (roundBit && (leastSignificantBit || stickyBit)) {
if (mantissa > fputil::FloatProperties<T>::mantissaMask) {
// Rounding causes the exponent to increase.
if (biasedExponent == INF_EXP) {
errno = ERANGE;
if (biasedExponent == 0) {
errno = ERANGE;
*outputMantissa = mantissa & fputil::FloatProperties<T>::mantissaMask;
*outputExp2 = biasedExponent;
// checks if the next 4 characters of the string pointer are the start of a
// hexadecimal floating point number. Does not advance the string pointer.
static inline bool is_float_hex_start(const char *__restrict src,
const char decimalPoint) {
if (!(*src == '0' && (*(src + 1) | 32) == 'x')) {
return false;
if (*(src + 2) == decimalPoint) {
return isalnum(*(src + 3)) && b36_char_to_int(*(src + 3)) < 16;
} else {
return isalnum(*(src + 2)) && b36_char_to_int(*(src + 2)) < 16;
// Takes the start of a string representing a decimal float, as well as the
// local decimalPoint. It returns if it suceeded in parsing any digits, and if
// the return value is true then the outputs are pointer to the end of the
// number, and the mantissa and exponent for the closest float T representation.
// If the return value is false, then it is assumed that there is no number
// here.
template <class T>
static inline bool
decimalStringToFloat(const char *__restrict src, const char DECIMAL_POINT,
char **__restrict strEnd,
typename fputil::FPBits<T>::UIntType *outputMantissa,
uint32_t *outputExponent) {
using BitsType = typename fputil::FPBits<T>::UIntType;
constexpr uint32_t BASE = 10;
constexpr char EXPONENT_MARKER = 'e';
const char *__restrict numStart = src;
bool truncated = false;
bool seenDigit = false;
bool afterDecimal = false;
BitsType mantissa = 0;
int32_t exponent = 0;
// The goal for the first step of parsing is to convert the number in src to
// the format mantissa * (base ^ exponent)
// The loop fills the mantissa with as many digits as it can hold
__llvm_libc::cpp::NumericLimits<BitsType>::max() / BASE;
while (true) {
if (isdigit(*src)) {
uint32_t digit = *src - '0';
seenDigit = true;
if (mantissa < BITSTYPE_MAX_DIV_BY_BASE) {
mantissa = (mantissa * BASE) + digit;
if (afterDecimal) {
} else {
if (digit > 0)
truncated = true;
if (!afterDecimal)
if (*src == DECIMAL_POINT) {
if (afterDecimal) {
break; // this means that *src points to a second decimal point, ending
// the number.
afterDecimal = true;
// The character is neither a digit nor a decimal point.
if (!seenDigit)
return false;
if ((*src | 32) == EXPONENT_MARKER) {
if (*(src + 1) == '+' || *(src + 1) == '-' || isdigit(*(src + 1))) {
char *tempStrEnd;
int32_t add_to_exponent = strtointeger<int32_t>(src, &tempStrEnd, 10);
if (add_to_exponent > 100000)
add_to_exponent = 100000;
else if (add_to_exponent < -100000)
add_to_exponent = -100000;
src = tempStrEnd;
exponent += add_to_exponent;
*strEnd = const_cast<char *>(src);
if (mantissa == 0) { // if we have a 0, then also 0 the exponent.
*outputMantissa = 0;
*outputExponent = 0;
} else {
decimalExpToFloat<T>(mantissa, exponent, numStart, truncated,
outputMantissa, outputExponent);
return true;
// Takes the start of a string representing a hexadecimal float, as well as the
// local decimal point. It returns if it suceeded in parsing any digits, and if
// the return value is true then the outputs are pointer to the end of the
// number, and the mantissa and exponent for the closest float T representation.
// If the return value is false, then it is assumed that there is no number
// here.
template <class T>
static inline bool
hexadecimalStringToFloat(const char *__restrict src, const char DECIMAL_POINT,
char **__restrict strEnd,
typename fputil::FPBits<T>::UIntType *outputMantissa,
uint32_t *outputExponent) {
using BitsType = typename fputil::FPBits<T>::UIntType;
constexpr uint32_t BASE = 16;
constexpr char EXPONENT_MARKER = 'p';
bool truncated = false;
bool seenDigit = false;
bool afterDecimal = false;
BitsType mantissa = 0;
int32_t exponent = 0;
// The goal for the first step of parsing is to convert the number in src to
// the format mantissa * (base ^ exponent)
// The loop fills the mantissa with as many digits as it can hold
__llvm_libc::cpp::NumericLimits<BitsType>::max() / BASE;
while (true) {
if (isalnum(*src)) {
uint32_t digit = b36_char_to_int(*src);
if (digit < BASE)
seenDigit = true;
if (mantissa < BITSTYPE_MAX_DIV_BY_BASE) {
mantissa = (mantissa * BASE) + digit;
if (afterDecimal)
} else {
if (digit > 0)
truncated = true;
if (!afterDecimal)
if (*src == DECIMAL_POINT) {
if (afterDecimal) {
break; // this means that *src points to a second decimal point, ending
// the number.
afterDecimal = true;
// The character is neither a hexadecimal digit nor a decimal point.
if (!seenDigit)
return false;
// Convert the exponent from having a base of 16 to having a base of 2.
exponent *= 4;
if ((*src | 32) == EXPONENT_MARKER) {
if (*(src + 1) == '+' || *(src + 1) == '-' || isdigit(*(src + 1))) {
char *tempStrEnd;
int32_t add_to_exponent = strtointeger<int32_t>(src, &tempStrEnd, 10);
if (add_to_exponent > 100000)
add_to_exponent = 100000;
else if (add_to_exponent < -100000)
add_to_exponent = -100000;
src = tempStrEnd;
exponent += add_to_exponent;
*strEnd = const_cast<char *>(src);
if (mantissa == 0) { // if we have a 0, then also 0 the exponent.
*outputMantissa = 0;
*outputExponent = 0;
} else {
binaryExpToFloat<T>(mantissa, exponent, truncated, outputMantissa,
return true;
// Takes a pointer to a string and a pointer to a string pointer. This function
// is used as the backend for all of the string to float functions.
template <class T>
static inline T strtofloatingpoint(const char *__restrict src,
char **__restrict strEnd) {
using BitsType = typename fputil::FPBits<T>::UIntType;
fputil::FPBits<T> result = fputil::FPBits<T>();
const char *originalSrc = src;
bool seenDigit = false;
src = first_non_whitespace(src);
if (*src == '+' || *src == '-') {
if (*src == '-') {
static constexpr char DECIMAL_POINT = '.';
static const char *INF_STRING = "infinity";
static const char *NAN_STRING = "nan";
// bool truncated = false;
if (isdigit(*src) || *src == DECIMAL_POINT) { // regular number
int base = 10;
if (is_float_hex_start(src, DECIMAL_POINT)) {
base = 16;
src += 2;
seenDigit = true;
char *newStrEnd = nullptr;
BitsType outputMantissa = 0;
uint32_t outputExponent = 0;
if (base == 16) {
seenDigit = hexadecimalStringToFloat<T>(src, DECIMAL_POINT, &newStrEnd,
&outputMantissa, &outputExponent);
} else { // base is 10
seenDigit = decimalStringToFloat<T>(src, DECIMAL_POINT, &newStrEnd,
&outputMantissa, &outputExponent);
if (seenDigit) {
src += newStrEnd - src;
} else if ((*src | 32) == 'n') { // NaN
if ((src[1] | 32) == NAN_STRING[1] && (src[2] | 32) == NAN_STRING[2]) {
seenDigit = true;
src += 3;
BitsType NaNMantissa = 0;
// this handles the case of `NaN(n-character-sequence)`, where the
// n-character-sequence is made of 0 or more letters and numbers in any
// order.
if (*src == '(') {
const char *leftParen = src;
while (isalnum(*src))
if (*src == ')') {
char *tempSrc = 0;
if (isdigit(*(leftParen + 1))) {
// This is to prevent errors when BitsType is larger than 64 bits,
// since strtointeger only supports up to 64 bits. This is actually
// more than is required by the specification, which says for the
// input type "NAN(n-char-sequence)" that "the meaning of
// the n-char sequence is implementation-defined."
NaNMantissa = static_cast<BitsType>(
strtointeger<uint64_t>(leftParen + 1, &tempSrc, 0));
if (*tempSrc != ')')
NaNMantissa = 0;
} else
src = leftParen;
NaNMantissa |= fputil::FloatProperties<T>::quietNaNMask;
if (result.getSign()) {
result = fputil::FPBits<T>(result.buildNaN(NaNMantissa));
} else {
result = fputil::FPBits<T>(result.buildNaN(NaNMantissa));
} else if ((*src | 32) == 'i') { // INF
if ((src[1] | 32) == INF_STRING[1] && (src[2] | 32) == INF_STRING[2]) {
seenDigit = true;
if (result.getSign())
result = result.negInf();
result = result.inf();
if ((src[3] | 32) == INF_STRING[3] && (src[4] | 32) == INF_STRING[4] &&
(src[5] | 32) == INF_STRING[5] && (src[6] | 32) == INF_STRING[6] &&
(src[7] | 32) == INF_STRING[7]) {
// if the string is "INFINITY" then strEnd needs to be set to src + 8.
src += 8;
} else {
src += 3;
if (!seenDigit) { // If there is nothing to actually parse, then return 0.
if (strEnd != nullptr)
*strEnd = const_cast<char *>(originalSrc);
return T(0);
if (strEnd != nullptr)
*strEnd = const_cast<char *>(src);
return T(result);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace __llvm_libc