blob: daf2d6c6286b27086b9cb4296b758c7a508b72b5 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- - Attribute definition ---*- tablegen -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// Defines the attribute used for driving conversion from scf.parallel to
// gpu.launch operations
include "mlir/Dialect/GPU/"
def BlockX : I64EnumAttrCase<"BlockX", 0>;
def BlockY : I64EnumAttrCase<"BlockY", 1>;
def BlockZ : I64EnumAttrCase<"BlockZ", 2>;
def ThreadX : I64EnumAttrCase<"ThreadX", 3>;
def ThreadY : I64EnumAttrCase<"ThreadY", 4>;
def ThreadZ : I64EnumAttrCase<"ThreadZ", 5>;
def Sequential : I64EnumAttrCase<"Sequential", 6>;
def ProcessorAttr : I64EnumAttr<"Processor", "processor for loop mapping", [
BlockX, BlockY, BlockZ, ThreadX, ThreadY, ThreadZ, Sequential]> {
let cppNamespace = "::mlir::gpu";
// Attribute that drives conversion of a scf.parallel to gpu.launch
// operation.
// processor: the hardware id to map to.
// map : An affine map that is used to pre-process hardware ids before
// substitution.
// bound : An affine map that is used to compute the bound of the hardware
// id based on an upper bound of the number of iterations.
def ParallelLoopDimMappingAttr :
StructAttr<"ParallelLoopDimMapping", GPU_Dialect,
[StructFieldAttr<"processor", ProcessorAttr>,
StructFieldAttr<"map", AffineMapAttr>,
StructFieldAttr<"bound", AffineMapAttr>]>;
def ParallelLoopMappingAttr :
"parallel loop to processor mapping attribute">;