blob: 435ce896c97c9c04b69b64c818e891f0f4e2df50 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- Unittests for strstr ----------------------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "src/string/strstr.h"
#include "utils/UnitTest/Test.h"
TEST(LlvmLibcStrStrTest, NeedleNotInHaystack) {
const char *haystack = "12345";
const char *needle = "a";
ASSERT_STREQ(__llvm_libc::strstr(haystack, needle), nullptr);
TEST(LlvmLibcStrStrTest, NeedleIsEmptyString) {
const char *haystack = "12345";
const char *needle = "";
ASSERT_STREQ(__llvm_libc::strstr(haystack, needle), haystack);
TEST(LlvmLibcStrStrTest, HaystackIsEmptyString) {
const char *haystack = "";
const char *needle = "12345";
ASSERT_STREQ(__llvm_libc::strstr(haystack, needle), nullptr);
TEST(LlvmLibcStrStrTest, HaystackAndNeedleAreEmptyStrings) {
const char *haystack = "";
const char *needle = "";
ASSERT_STREQ(__llvm_libc::strstr(haystack, needle), "");
TEST(LlvmLibcStrStrTest, HaystackAndNeedleAreSingleCharacters) {
const char *haystack = "a";
// Same characer returns that character.
ASSERT_STREQ(__llvm_libc::strstr(haystack, /*needle=*/"a"), "a");
// Different character returns nullptr.
ASSERT_STREQ(__llvm_libc::strstr(haystack, /*needle=*/"b"), nullptr);
TEST(LlvmLibcStrStrTest, NeedleEqualToHaystack) {
const char *haystack = "12345";
const char *needle = "12345";
ASSERT_STREQ(__llvm_libc::strstr(haystack, needle), "12345");
TEST(LlvmLibcStrStrTest, NeedleSmallerThanHaystack) {
const char *haystack = "12345";
const char *needle = "345";
ASSERT_STREQ(__llvm_libc::strstr(haystack, needle), "345");
TEST(LlvmLibcStrStrTest, NeedleLargerThanHaystack) {
const char *haystack = "123";
const char *needle = "12345";
ASSERT_STREQ(__llvm_libc::strstr(haystack, needle), nullptr);
TEST(LlvmLibcStrStrTest, NeedleAtBeginning) {
const char *haystack = "12345";
const char *needle = "12";
ASSERT_STREQ(__llvm_libc::strstr(haystack, needle), "12345");
TEST(LlvmLibcStrStrTest, NeedleInMiddle) {
const char *haystack = "abcdefghi";
const char *needle = "def";
ASSERT_STREQ(__llvm_libc::strstr(haystack, needle), "defghi");
TEST(LlvmLibcStrStrTest, NeedleDirectlyBeforeNullTerminator) {
const char *haystack = "abcdefghi";
const char *needle = "ghi";
ASSERT_STREQ(__llvm_libc::strstr(haystack, needle), "ghi");
TEST(LlvmLibcStrStrTest, NeedlePastNullTerminator) {
const char haystack[5] = {'1', '2', '\0', '3', '4'};
// Shouldn't find anything after the null terminator.
ASSERT_STREQ(__llvm_libc::strstr(haystack, /*needle=*/"3"), nullptr);
ASSERT_STREQ(__llvm_libc::strstr(haystack, /*needle=*/"4"), nullptr);
TEST(LlvmLibcStrStrTest, PartialNeedle) {
const char *haystack = "la_ap_lap";
const char *needle = "lap";
// Shouldn't find la or ap.
ASSERT_STREQ(__llvm_libc::strstr(haystack, needle), "lap");
TEST(LlvmLibcStrStrTest, MisspelledNeedle) {
const char *haystack = "atalloftwocities...wait, tale";
const char *needle = "tale";
ASSERT_STREQ(__llvm_libc::strstr(haystack, needle), "tale");
TEST(LlvmLibcStrStrTest, AnagramNeedle) {
const char *haystack = "dgo_ogd_god_odg_gdo_dog";
const char *needle = "dog";
ASSERT_STREQ(__llvm_libc::strstr(haystack, needle), "dog");
TEST(LlvmLibcStrStrTest, MorphedNeedle) {
// Changes a single letter in the needle to mismatch with the haystack.
const char *haystack = "once upon a time";
ASSERT_STREQ(__llvm_libc::strstr(haystack, "time"), "time");
ASSERT_STREQ(__llvm_libc::strstr(haystack, "lime"), nullptr);
ASSERT_STREQ(__llvm_libc::strstr(haystack, "tome"), nullptr);
ASSERT_STREQ(__llvm_libc::strstr(haystack, "tire"), nullptr);
ASSERT_STREQ(__llvm_libc::strstr(haystack, "timo"), nullptr);