blob: 6a657e432c18f5cc65cb3b4876309fc48783a410 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- Application to analyze benchmark JSON files -----------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "automemcpy/ResultAnalyzer.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
#include "llvm/Support/JSON.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
namespace llvm {
// User can specify one or more json filenames to process on the command line.
static cl::list<std::string> InputFilenames(cl::Positional, cl::OneOrMore,
cl::desc("<input json files>"));
namespace automemcpy {
// This is defined in the autogenerated 'Implementations.cpp' file.
extern ArrayRef<NamedFunctionDescriptor> getFunctionDescriptors();
// Iterates over all functions and fills a map of function name to function
// descriptor pointers.
static StringMap<const FunctionDescriptor *> createFunctionDescriptorMap() {
StringMap<const FunctionDescriptor *> Descriptors;
for (const NamedFunctionDescriptor &FD : getFunctionDescriptors())
Descriptors.insert_or_assign(FD.Name, &FD.Desc);
return Descriptors;
// Retrieves the function descriptor for a particular function name.
static const FunctionDescriptor &getFunctionDescriptor(StringRef FunctionName) {
static StringMap<const FunctionDescriptor *> Descriptors =
const auto *FD = Descriptors.lookup(FunctionName);
if (!FD)
Twine("No FunctionDescriptor for ").concat(FunctionName));
return *FD;
// Functions and distributions names are stored quite a few times so it's more
// efficient to internalize these strings and refer to them through 'StringRef'.
static StringRef getInternalizedString(StringRef VolatileStr) {
static llvm::StringSet<> StringCache;
return StringCache.insert(VolatileStr).first->getKey();
// Helper function for the LLVM JSON API.
bool fromJSON(const json::Value &V, Sample &Out, json::Path P) {
std::string Label;
json::ObjectMapper O(V, P);
if (O &&"bytes_per_second", Out.BytesPerSecond) &&"label", Label)) {
const auto LabelPair = StringRef(Label).split(',');
Out.Id.Function.Name = getInternalizedString(LabelPair.first);
Out.Id.Function.Type = getFunctionDescriptor(LabelPair.first).Type;
Out.Id.Distribution.Name = getInternalizedString(LabelPair.second);
return true;
return false;
// An object to represent the content of the JSON file.
// This is easier to parse/serialize JSON when the structures of the json file
// maps the structure of the object.
struct JsonFile {
std::vector<Sample> Samples;
// Helper function for the LLVM JSON API.
bool fromJSON(const json::Value &V, JsonFile &JF, json::Path P) {
json::ObjectMapper O(V, P);
return O &&"benchmarks", JF.Samples);
// Global object to ease error reporting, it consumes errors and crash the
// application with a meaningful message.
static ExitOnError ExitOnErr;
// Main JSON parsing method. Reads the content of the file pointed to by
// 'Filename' and returns a JsonFile object.
JsonFile parseJsonResultFile(StringRef Filename) {
auto Buf = ExitOnErr(errorOrToExpected(
MemoryBuffer::getFile(Filename, /*bool IsText=*/true,
auto JsonValue = ExitOnErr(json::parse(Buf->getBuffer()));
json::Path::Root Root;
JsonFile JF;
if (!fromJSON(JsonValue, JF, Root))
return JF;
// Serializes the 'GradeHisto' to the provided 'Stream'.
static void Serialize(raw_ostream &Stream, const GradeHistogram &GH) {
static constexpr std::array<StringRef, 9> kCharacters = {
" ", "▁", "▂", "▃", "▄", "▅", "▆", "▇", "█"};
const size_t Max = *std::max_element(GH.begin(), GH.end());
for (size_t I = 0; I < GH.size(); ++I) {
size_t Index = (float(GH[I]) / Max) * (kCharacters.size() - 1);
Stream <<;
int Main(int argc, char **argv) {
ExitOnErr.setBanner("Automemcpy Json Results Analyzer stopped with error: ");
cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(argc, argv, "Automemcpy Json Results Analyzer\n");
// Reads all samples stored in the input JSON files.
std::vector<Sample> Samples;
for (const auto &Filename : InputFilenames) {
auto Result = parseJsonResultFile(Filename);
llvm::append_range(Samples, Result.Samples);
// Extracts median of throughputs.
std::vector<FunctionData> Functions = getThroughputs(Samples);
// TODO: Implement tie breaking algorithm.
std::sort(Functions.begin(), Functions.end(),
[](const FunctionData &A, const FunctionData &B) {
return A.FinalGrade < B.FinalGrade;
// Present data by function type.
std::stable_sort(Functions.begin(), Functions.end(),
[](const FunctionData &A, const FunctionData &B) {
return A.Id.Type < B.Id.Type;
// Print result.
for (const FunctionData &Function : Functions) {
outs() << formatv("{0,-10}", Grade::getString(Function.FinalGrade));
outs() << " |";
Serialize(outs(), Function.GradeHisto);
outs() << "| ";
outs() << formatv("{0,+25}", Function.Id.Name);
outs() << "\n";
} // namespace automemcpy
} // namespace llvm
int main(int argc, char **argv) { return llvm::automemcpy::Main(argc, argv); }