blob: 8732dc00270c380597934084a2b49f11bed0feef [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- Mangled.h -----------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#ifndef liblldb_Mangled_h_
#define liblldb_Mangled_h_
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
#include "lldb/Core/ConstString.h"
#include <vector>
namespace lldb_private {
/// @class Mangled Mangled.h "lldb/Core/Mangled.h"
/// @brief A class that handles mangled names.
/// Designed to handle mangled names. The demangled version of any names
/// will be computed when the demangled name is accessed through the
/// Demangled() acccessor. This class can also tokenize the demangled
/// version of the name for powerful searches. Functions and symbols
/// could make instances of this class for their mangled names. Uniqued
/// string pools are used for the mangled, demangled, and token string
/// values to allow for faster comparisons and for efficient memory use.
class Mangled
enum NamePreference
/// Default constructor.
/// Initialize with both mangled and demangled names empty.
Mangled ();
/// Construct with name.
/// Constructor with an optional string and a boolean indicating if it is
/// the mangled version.
/// @param[in] name
/// The already const name to copy into this object.
/// @param[in] is_mangled
/// If \b true then \a name is a mangled name, if \b false then
/// \a name is demangled.
Mangled (const ConstString &name, bool is_mangled);
/// Construct with name.
/// Constructor with an optional string and auto-detect if \a name is
/// mangled or not.
/// @param[in] name
/// The already const name to copy into this object.
Mangled (const ConstString &name);
/// Destructor
/// Releases its ref counts on the mangled and demangled strings that
/// live in the global string pool.
~Mangled ();
/// Convert to pointer operator.
/// This allows code to check a Mangled object to see if it contains
/// a valid mangled name using code such as:
/// @code
/// Mangled mangled(...);
/// if (mangled)
/// { ...
/// @endcode
/// @return
/// A pointer to this object if either the mangled or unmangled
/// name is set, NULL otherwise.
void*() const;
/// Logical NOT operator.
/// This allows code to check a Mangled object to see if it contains
/// an empty mangled name using code such as:
/// @code
/// Mangled mangled(...);
/// if (!mangled)
/// { ...
/// @endcode
/// @return
/// Returns \b true if the object has an empty mangled and
/// unmangled name, \b false otherwise.
operator!() const;
/// Clear the mangled and demangled values.
Clear ();
/// Compare the mangled string values
/// Compares the Mangled::GetName() string in \a lhs and \a rhs.
/// @param[in] lhs
/// A const reference to the Left Hand Side object to compare.
/// @param[in] rhs
/// A const reference to the Right Hand Side object to compare.
/// @return
/// @li -1 if \a lhs is less than \a rhs
/// @li 0 if \a lhs is equal to \a rhs
/// @li 1 if \a lhs is greater than \a rhs
static int
Compare (const Mangled& lhs, const Mangled& rhs);
/// Dump a description of this object to a Stream \a s.
/// Dump a Mangled object to stream \a s. We don't force our
/// demangled name to be computed currently (we don't use the accessor).
/// @param[in] s
/// The stream to which to dump the object descripton.
Dump (Stream *s) const;
/// Dump a debug description of this object to a Stream \a s.
/// @param[in] s
/// The stream to which to dump the object descripton.
DumpDebug (Stream *s) const;
/// Demangled name get accessor.
/// @return
/// A const reference to the demangled name string object.
const ConstString&
GetDemangledName () const;
SetDemangledName (const ConstString &name)
m_demangled = name;
SetMangledName (const ConstString &name)
m_mangled = name;
/// Mangled name get accessor.
/// @return
/// A reference to the mangled name string object.
GetMangledName ()
return m_mangled;
/// Mangled name get accessor.
/// @return
/// A const reference to the mangled name string object.
const ConstString&
GetMangledName () const
return m_mangled;
/// Best name get accessor.
/// @param[in] preference
/// Which name would you prefer to get?
/// @return
/// A const reference to the the preferred name string object if this
/// object has a valid name of that kind, else a const reference to the
/// other name is returned.
const ConstString&
GetName (NamePreference preference = ePreferDemangled) const;
/// Check if "name" matches either the mangled or demangled name.
/// @param[in] name
/// A name to match against both strings.
/// @return
/// \b True if \a name matches either name, \b false otherwise.
NameMatches (const ConstString &name) const
if (m_mangled == name)
return true;
return GetDemangledName () == name;
NameMatches (const RegularExpression& regex) const;
/// Get the memory cost of this object.
/// Return the size in bytes that this object takes in memory. This
/// returns the size in bytes of this object, not any shared string
/// values it may refer to.
/// @return
/// The number of bytes that this object occupies in memory.
/// @see ConstString::StaticMemorySize ()
MemorySize () const;
/// Set the string value in this object.
/// If \a is_mangled is \b true, then the mangled named is set to \a
/// name, else the demangled name is set to \a name.
/// @param[in] name
/// The already const version of the name for this object.
/// @param[in] is_mangled
/// If \b true then \a name is a mangled name, if \b false then
/// \a name is demangled.
SetValue (const ConstString &name, bool is_mangled);
/// Set the string value in this object.
/// This version auto detects if the string is mangled by inspecting the
/// string value and looking for common mangling prefixes.
/// @param[in] name
/// The already const version of the name for this object.
SetValue (const ConstString &name);
/// Mangled member variables.
ConstString m_mangled; ///< The mangled version of the name
mutable ConstString m_demangled; ///< Mutable so we can get it on demand with a const version of this object
Stream& operator << (Stream& s, const Mangled& obj);
} // namespace lldb_private
#endif // #if defined(__cplusplus)
#endif // liblldb_Mangled_h_