blob: 9c703f81457cbf28e1fc2029dc9067b047f288fa [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- Python -*-
import os
import platform
import glob
import lit.formats
import lit.util
# Configuration file for the 'lit' test runner.
# name: The name of this test suite. = 'LNT'
# testFormat: The test format to use to interpret tests.
config.test_format = lit.formats.ShTest()
# suffixes: A list of file extensions to treat as test files.
config.suffixes = ['.py', '.shtest']
# excludes: A list of individual files to exclude.
config.excludes = ['', 'Inputs', 'SharedInputs']
# test_source_root: The root path where tests are located.
config.test_source_root = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
config.test_exec_root = 'test_run_tmp'
config.target_triple = None
src_root = os.path.join(config.test_source_root, '..')
build_root = glob.glob('%s/build/lib.*' % src_root)[0]
build_root = ''
config.environment['PYTHONPATH'] = '%s:%s' % (build_root, src_root)
# LNT needs a UTF-8 locale when running in Python 3 mode. Rely on the host
# environment to provide it rather than assume a specific UTF-8 locale is
# present.
config.environment['LANG'] = os.environ['LANG']
# Don't generate .pyc files when running tests.
config.environment['PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE'] = "1"
config.environment['SUDO_CMD'] = ""
config.environment['I'] = ""
config.substitutions.append(('%src_root', src_root))
config.substitutions.append(('%{src_root}', src_root))
config.substitutions.append(('%{shared_inputs}', os.path.join(
src_root, 'tests', 'SharedInputs')))
config.substitutions.append(('%{test_exec_root}', config.test_exec_root))
if lit_config.params.get('long', None):
# Enable postgres testing. This requires postgres binaries in PATH.
# (You do not need to start a server, the tests will create ad-hoc instances).
if lit_config.params.get('postgres', None):
# Enable MySQL testing. This requires mysqld and mysqladmin binaries in PATH.
# (You do not need to start a server, the tests will create ad-hoc instances).
if lit_config.params.get('mysql', None):
# Enable tidylib testing. This requires pytidylib and tidy-html5.
if lit_config.params.get('tidylib', None):
config.substitutions.append(('%{tidylib}', '--use-tidylib'))
config.substitutions.append(('%{tidylib}', ''))
# Enable reporting, assuming the coverage module has been installed
# and in the virtualenv has been modified appropriately.
if lit_config.params.get('check-coverage', None):
config.environment['COVERAGE_PROCESS_START'] = os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(__file__), ".coveragerc")