blob: 4919e99c6096a34ecb31e0322d28f91d5ef42a4a [file] [log] [blame]
import colorsys
import math
import re
from lnt.server.reporting.analysis import REGRESSED
from flask import g
def toColorString(col):
r, g, b = [clamp(int(v * 255), 0, 255)
for v in col]
return "#%02x%02x%02x" % (r, g, b)
def makeDarkerColor(h):
return makeDarkColor(h, 0.50)
def makeDarkColor(h, v=0.8):
h = h % 1.
s = 0.95
return colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(h, 0.9 + s * .1, v)
def makeMediumColor(h):
h = h % 1.
s = .68
v = 0.92
return colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(h, s, v)
def makeLightColor(h):
h = h % 1.
s = (0.5, 0.4)[h > 0.5 and h < 0.8]
v = 1.0
return colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(h, s, v)
def makeBetterColor(h):
h = math.cos(h * math.pi * .5)
s = .8 + ((math.cos(h * math.pi * .5) + 1) * .5) * .2
v = .88
return colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(h, s, v)
def any_true(list, predicate):
for i in list:
if predicate(i):
return True
return False
def any_false(list, predicate):
return any_true(list, lambda x: not predicate(x))
def all_true(list, predicate):
return not any_false(list, predicate)
def all_false(list, predicate):
return not any_true(list, predicate)
def mean(values):
return sum(values) / len(values)
def median(values):
values = sorted(values)
N = len(values)
return (values[(N - 1) // 2] +
values[(N + 0) // 2]) * .5
def prependLines(prependStr, str):
return ('\n' + prependStr).join(str.splitlines())
def pprint(obj, useRepr=True):
def recur(ob):
return pprint(ob, useRepr)
def wrapString(prefix, string, suffix):
return '%s%s%s' % (prefix,
prependLines(' ' * len(prefix),
def pprintArgs(name, args):
return wrapString(name + '(', ',\n'.join(map(recur, args)), ')')
if isinstance(obj, tuple):
return wrapString('(', ', \n'.join(map(recur, obj)),
[')', ',)'][len(obj) == 1])
elif isinstance(obj, list):
return wrapString('[', ', \n'.join(map(recur, obj)), ']')
elif isinstance(obj, set):
return pprintArgs('set', list(obj))
elif isinstance(obj, dict):
elts = []
for k, v in obj.items():
kr = recur(k)
vr = recur(v)
elts.append('%s : %s' % (kr,
' ' * (3 + len(kr.splitlines()[-1])),
return wrapString('{', ',\n'.join(elts), '}')
if useRepr:
return repr(obj)
return str(obj)
def prefixAndPPrint(prefix, obj, useRepr=True):
return prefix + prependLines(' ' * len(prefix), pprint(obj, useRepr))
def clamp(v, minVal, maxVal):
return min(max(v, minVal), maxVal)
def lerp(a, b, t):
t_ = 1. - t
return tuple([av * t_ + bv * t for av, bv in zip(a, b)])
class PctCell:
# Color levels
kNeutralColor = (1, 1, 1)
kNegativeColor = (0, 1, 0)
kPositiveColor = (1, 0, 0)
# Invalid color
kNANColor = (.86, .86, .86)
kInvalidColor = (0, 0, 1)
def __init__(self, value, reverse=False, precision=2, delta=False,
if delta and isinstance(value, float):
value -= 1
self.value = value
self.reverse = reverse
self.precision = precision = data
def getColor(self):
v = self.value
# NaN is the unique floating point number x with the property
# that x != x. We use this to detect actual NaNs and handle
# them appropriately.
if not isinstance(v, float) or v != v:
return self.kNANColor
# Clamp value.
v = clamp(v, -1, 1)
if self.reverse:
v = -v
if v < 0:
c = self.kNegativeColor
c = self.kPositiveColor
t = abs(v)
# Smooth mapping to put first 20% of change into 50% of range, although
# really we should compensate for luma.
t = math.sin((t ** .477) * math.pi * .5)
return lerp(self.kNeutralColor, c, t)
def getValue(self):
if self.value is None:
return ""
if not isinstance(self.value, float):
return self.value
return '%.*f%%' % (self.precision, self.value * 100)
def getColorString(self):
return toColorString(self.getColor())
def render(self, class_=None, style=None, attributes=None):
bgcolor = 'background-color:%s' % (self.getColorString(),)
style = bgcolor if style is None else style + "; " + bgcolor
attrs = []
if style is not None:
attrs.append('style="%s"' % (style,))
if class_ is not None:
attrs.append('class="%s"' % (class_,))
if attributes is not None:
for key, value in attributes.items():
attrs.append('%s="%s"' % (key, value))
attr_string = ' '.join(attrs)
return '<td %s>%s (%s)</td>' % \
(attr_string,, self.getValue())
return '<td %s>%s</td>' % (attr_string, self.getValue())
def sorted(values, *args, **kwargs):
values = list(values)
values.sort(*args, **kwargs)
return values
def renderProducerAsHTML(producer):
# If the string looks like a buildbot link, render it prettily.
m = re.match(r'(https?)://(.*)/builders/(.*)/builds/(\d+)', producer)
if m:
protocol =
url =
builder =
build =
png_url = \
'%(protocol)s://%(url)s/png?builder=%(builder)s&amp;' \
'number=%(build)s' % locals()
img = '<img src="%(png_url)s" />' % locals()
return '<a href="%(producer)s">%(builder)s #%(build)s %(img)s</a>' % \
elif'^https?://.+', producer):
return '<a href="' + producer + '">Producer</a>'
return producer
FLASH_DANGER = "alert alert-danger"
FLASH_INFO = "alert alert-info"
FLASH_SUCCESS = "alert alert-success"
FLASH_WARNING = "alert alert-warning"
def guess_test_short_name(test_name):
"""In some places the fully qualified test name is too long,
try to make a shorter one.
split_name = test_name.split("/")
last_path_name = split_name[-1]
# LNT Compile tests are stragely named:
# compile/TestName/phase/(opt level)
if last_path_name.startswith("("):
return split_name[-3]
return last_path_name
def baseline_key(ts_name=None):
"""A unique name for baseline session keys per DB and suite.
Optionally, get the test-suite name from a parameter, when this is called
during submission the global context does not know which test-suite we are
in until too late.
if ts_name:
name = ts_name
name = g.db_name
return "baseline-{}-{}".format(name, g.db_name)
integral_rex = re.compile(r"[\d]+")
def convert_revision(dotted, cache=None):
"""Turn a version number like 489.2.10 into something
that is ordered and sortable.
"1" -> (1)
"1.2.3" -> (1,2,3)
:param dotted: the string revision to convert
:param cache: a dict to use as a cache or None for no cache.
because this is called many times, it is a nice performance
increase to cache these conversions.
:return: a tuple with the numeric bits of this revision as ints.
if cache is not None:
val = cache.get(dotted)
if val:
return val
dotted_parsed = integral_rex.findall(dotted)
val = tuple([int(d) for d in dotted_parsed])
cache[dotted] = val
return val
dotted_parsed = integral_rex.findall(dotted)
val = tuple([int(d) for d in dotted_parsed])
return val
class PrecomputedCR():
"""Make a thing that looks like a comprison result, that is derived
from a field change."""
previous = 0
current = 0
pct_delta = 0.00
bigger_is_better = False
def __init__(self, old, new, bigger_is_better):
self.previous = old
self.current = new = new - old
self.pct_delta = / old
def get_test_status(self):
return True
def get_value_status(self, ignore_small=True):
def __json__(self):
return self.__dict__