blob: 958a5e9390a6517878d79ee6324aba8f2fab7102 [file] [log] [blame]
import lnt.util.ImportData
import sqlalchemy
from flask import current_app, g, Response, make_response, stream_with_context
from flask import json, jsonify
from flask import request
from flask_restful import Resource, abort
from sqlalchemy.orm import joinedload
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound
from lnt.server.ui.util import convert_revision
from lnt.server.ui.decorators import in_db
from lnt.testing import PASS
from lnt.util import logger
from functools import wraps
def requires_auth_token(f):
def decorated(*args, **kwargs):
token = request.headers.get("AuthToken", None)
if not current_app.old_config.api_auth_token or \
token != current_app.old_config.api_auth_token:
abort(401, msg="Auth Token must be passed in AuthToken header, "
"and included in LNT config.")
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return decorated
def with_ts(obj):
"""For Url type fields to work, the objects we return must have a test-suite
and database attribute set, the function attempts to set them."""
if isinstance(obj, list):
# For lists, set them on all elements.
return [with_ts(x) for x in obj]
if isinstance(obj, dict):
# If already a dict, just add the fields.
new_obj = obj
# SQLAlchemy objects are read-only and store their attributes in a
# sub-dict. Make a copy so we can edit it.
new_obj = obj.__dict__.copy()
new_obj['db'] = g.db_name
new_obj['ts'] = g.testsuite_name
for key in ['machine', 'order']:
if new_obj.get(key):
new_obj[key] = with_ts(new_obj[key])
return new_obj
def common_fields_factory():
"""Get a dict with all the common fields filled in."""
common_data = {
'generated_by': 'LNT Server v{}'.format(current_app.version),
return common_data
def add_common_fields(to_update):
"""Update a dict with the common fields."""
class Fields(Resource):
"""List all the fields in the test suite."""
method_decorators = [in_db]
def get():
ts = request.get_testsuite()
result = common_fields_factory()
result['fields'] = [{'column_id': i, 'column_name':}
for i, f in enumerate(ts.sample_fields)]
return result
class Tests(Resource):
"""List all the tests in the test suite."""
method_decorators = [in_db]
def get():
ts = request.get_testsuite()
result = common_fields_factory()
tests = request.session.query(ts.Test).all()
result['tests'] = [t.__json__() for t in tests]
return result
class Machines(Resource):
"""List all the machines and give summary information."""
method_decorators = [in_db]
def get():
ts = request.get_testsuite()
session = request.session
machines = session.query(ts.Machine).order_by(
result = common_fields_factory()
result['machines'] = machines
return result
class Machine(Resource):
"""Detailed results about a particular machine, including runs on it."""
method_decorators = [in_db]
def _get_machine(machine_spec):
ts = request.get_testsuite()
session = request.session
# Assume id number if machine_spec is numeric, otherwise a name.
if machine_spec.isdigit():
machine = session.query(ts.Machine) \
.filter( == machine_spec).first()
machines = session.query(ts.Machine) \
.filter( == machine_spec).all()
if len(machines) == 0:
machine = None
elif len(machines) > 1:
abort(404, msg="Name '%s' is ambiguous; specify machine id" %
machine = machines[0]
if machine is None:
abort(404, msg="Did not find machine '%s'" % (machine_spec,))
return machine
def get(machine_spec):
ts = request.get_testsuite()
session = request.session
machine = Machine._get_machine(machine_spec)
machine_runs = session.query(ts.Run) \
.filter(ts.Run.machine_id == \
.options(joinedload(ts.Run.order)) \
runs = [run.__json__(flatten_order=True) for run in machine_runs]
result = common_fields_factory()
result['machine'] = machine
result['runs'] = runs
return result
def delete(machine_spec):
ts = request.get_testsuite()
session = request.session
machine = Machine._get_machine(machine_spec)
# Just saying session.delete(machine) takes a long time and risks
# running into OOM or timeout situations for machines with a hundreds
# of runs. So instead remove machine runs in chunks.
def perform_delete(ts, machine):
count = session.query(ts.Run) \
.filter(ts.Run.machine_id ==
at = 0
while True:
runs = session.query(ts.Run) \
.filter(ts.Run.machine_id == \
.options(joinedload(ts.Run.samples)) \
.options(joinedload(ts.Run.fieldchanges)) \
if len(runs) == 0:
at += len(runs)
msg = "Deleting runs %s (%d/%d)" % \
(" ".join([str( for run in runs]), at, count)
yield msg + '\n'
for run in runs:
machine_name = "%s:%s" % (,
msg = "Deleted machine %s" % machine_name
yield msg + '\n'
stream = stream_with_context(perform_delete(ts, machine))
return Response(stream, mimetype="text/plain")
def put(machine_spec):
machine = Machine._get_machine(machine_spec)
machine_name = "%s:%s" % (,
data = json.loads(
machine_data = data['machine']
session = request.session
ts = request.get_testsuite()
def post(machine_spec):
session = request.session
ts = request.get_testsuite()
machine = Machine._get_machine(machine_spec)
machine_name = "%s:%s" % (,
action = request.values.get('action', None)
if action is None:
abort(400, msg="No 'action' specified")
elif action == 'rename':
name = request.values.get('name', None)
if name is None:
abort(400, msg="Expected 'name' for rename request")
existing = session.query(ts.Machine) \
.filter( == name) \
if existing is not None:
abort(400, msg="Machine with name '%s' already exists" % name) = name
session.commit()"Renamed machine %s to %s" % (machine_name, name))
elif action == 'merge':
into_id = request.values.get('into', None)
if into_id is None:
abort(400, msg="Expected 'into' for merge request")
into = Machine._get_machine(into_id)
into_name = "%s:%s" % (,
session.query(ts.Run) \
.filter(ts.Run.machine_id == \
session.expire_all() # be safe after synchronize_session==False
# re-query Machine so we can delete it.
machine = Machine._get_machine(machine_spec)
session.commit()"Merged machine %s into %s" %
(machine_name, into_name))"Deleted machine %s" % machine_name)
abort(400, msg="Unknown action '%s'" % action)
class Run(Resource):
method_decorators = [in_db]
def get(run_id):
session = request.session
ts = request.get_testsuite()
run = session.query(ts.Run) \
.filter( == run_id) \
.options(joinedload(ts.Run.machine)) \
.options(joinedload(ts.Run.order)) \
except sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound:
abort(404, msg="Did not find run " + str(run_id))
to_get = [, ts.Sample.run_id,]
for f in ts.sample_fields:
sample_query = session.query(*to_get) \
.join(ts.Test) \
.filter(ts.Sample.run_id == run_id) \
# TODO: Handle multiple samples for a single test?
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
samples = [row._asdict() for row in sample_query]
result = common_fields_factory()
result['run'] = run
result['machine'] = run.machine
result['tests'] = samples
return result
def delete(run_id):
session = request.session
ts = request.get_testsuite()
run = session.query(ts.Run).filter( == run_id).first()
if run is None:
abort(404, msg="Did not find run " + str(run_id))
session.commit()"Deleted run %s" % (run_id,))
class Runs(Resource):
"""Detailed results about a particular machine, including runs on it."""
method_decorators = [in_db]
def post():
"""Add a new run into the lnt database"""
session = request.session
db = request.get_db()
data = request.get_data(as_text=True)
select_machine = request.values.get('select_machine', 'match')
merge = request.values.get('merge', None)
result = lnt.util.ImportData.import_from_string(
current_app.old_config, g.db_name, db, session, g.testsuite_name,
data, select_machine=select_machine, merge_run=merge)
error = result['error']
if error is not None:
response = jsonify(result)
response.status = '400'
logger.warning("%s: Submission rejected: %s" %
(request.url, error))
return response
new_url = ('%sapi/db_%s/v4/%s/runs/%s' %
(request.url_root, g.db_name, g.testsuite_name,
result['result_url'] = new_url
response = jsonify(result)
response.status = '301'
response.headers.add('Location', new_url)
return response
class Order(Resource):
method_decorators = [in_db]
def get(order_id):
session = request.session
ts = request.get_testsuite()
order = session.query(ts.Order) \
.filter( == order_id).one()
except NoResultFound:
abort(404, message="Invalid order.")
result = common_fields_factory()
result['orders'] = [order]
return result
class Schema(Resource):
method_decorators = [in_db]
def get():
ts = request.get_testsuite()
return ts.test_suite
class SampleData(Resource):
method_decorators = [in_db]
def get(sample_id):
session = request.session
ts = request.get_testsuite()
sample = session.query(ts.Sample) \
.filter( == sample_id) \
except NoResultFound:
abort(404, message="Invalid order.")
result = common_fields_factory()
result['samples'] = [sample]
return result
class SamplesData(Resource):
"""List all the machines and give summary information."""
method_decorators = [in_db]
def get():
"""Get the data for a particular line in a graph."""
session = request.session
ts = request.get_testsuite()
args = request.args.to_dict(flat=False)
# Maybe we don't need to do this?
run_ids = [int(r) for r in args.get('runid', [])]
if not run_ids:
abort(400, msg='No runids found in args. '
'Should be "samples?runid=1&runid=2" etc.')
to_get = [,
for f in ts.sample_fields:
q = session.query(*to_get) \
.join(ts.Test) \
.join(ts.Run) \
.join(ts.Order) \
result = common_fields_factory()
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
result['samples'] = [{k: v for k, v in sample.items() if v is not None}
for sample in [sample._asdict()
for sample in q.all()]]
return result
class Graph(Resource):
"""List all the machines and give summary information."""
method_decorators = [in_db]
def get(machine_id, test_id, field_index):
"""Get the data for a particular line in a graph."""
session = request.session
ts = request.get_testsuite()
# Maybe we don't need to do this?
machine = session.query(ts.Machine) \
.filter( == machine_id) \
test = session.query(ts.Test) \
.filter( == test_id) \
field = ts.sample_fields[field_index]
except NoResultFound:
q = session.query(field.column, ts.Order.llvm_project_revision,
ts.Run.start_time, \
.join(ts.Run) \
.join(ts.Order) \
.filter(ts.Run.machine_id == \
.filter(ts.Sample.test == test) \
.filter(field.column.isnot(None)) \
if field.status_field:
q = q.filter((field.status_field.column == PASS) |
limit = request.values.get('limit', None)
if limit:
limit = int(limit)
if limit:
q = q.limit(limit)
samples = [
[convert_revision(rev), val,
{'label': rev, 'date': str(time), 'runID': str(rid)}]
for val, rev, time, rid in q.all()[::-1]
samples.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
return samples
class Regression(Resource):
"""List all the machines and give summary information."""
method_decorators = [in_db]
def get(machine_id, test_id, field_index):
"""Get the regressions for a particular line in a graph."""
session = request.session
ts = request.get_testsuite()
field = ts.sample_fields[field_index]
# Maybe we don't need to do this?
fcs = session.query(ts.FieldChange) \
.filter(ts.FieldChange.machine_id == machine_id) \
.filter(ts.FieldChange.test_id == test_id) \
.filter(ts.FieldChange.field_id == \
fc_ids = [ for x in fcs]
fc_mappings = dict(
[(, (x.end_order.as_ordered_string(), x.new_value))
for x in fcs])
if len(fcs) == 0:
# If we don't find anything, lets see if we are even looking
# for a valid thing to provide a nice error.
session.query(ts.Machine) \
.filter( == machine_id) \
session.query(ts.Test) \
.filter( == test_id) \
_ = ts.sample_fields[field_index]
except (NoResultFound, IndexError):
# I think we found nothing.
return []
regressions = session.query(ts.Regression.title,,
ts.Regression.state) \
.join(ts.RegressionIndicator) \
.filter(ts.RegressionIndicator.field_change_id.in_(fc_ids)) \
results = [
'title': r.title,
'state': r.state,
'end_point': fc_mappings[r.field_change_id]
for r in regressions
return results
def ts_path(path):
"""Make a URL path with a database and test suite embedded in them."""
return "/api/db_<string:db>/v4/<string:ts>/" + path
def load_api_resources(api):
def output_json(data, code, headers=None):
'''Override output_json() to use LNT json encoder'''
resp = make_response(json.dumps(data), code)
resp.headers.add('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
if headers is not None:
return resp
api.add_resource(Tests, ts_path("tests"), ts_path("tests/"))
api.add_resource(Fields, ts_path("fields"), ts_path("fields/"))
api.add_resource(Machines, ts_path("machines"), ts_path("machines/"))
api.add_resource(Machine, ts_path("machines/<machine_spec>"))
api.add_resource(Runs, ts_path("runs"), ts_path("runs/"))
api.add_resource(Run, ts_path("runs/<int:run_id>"))
api.add_resource(SamplesData, ts_path("samples"), ts_path("samples/"))
api.add_resource(SampleData, ts_path("samples/<sample_id>"))
api.add_resource(Schema, ts_path("schema"), ts_path("schema/"))
api.add_resource(Order, ts_path("orders/<int:order_id>"))
graph_url = "graph/<int:machine_id>/<int:test_id>/<int:field_index>"
api.add_resource(Graph, ts_path(graph_url))
regression_url = \
api.add_resource(Regression, ts_path(regression_url))