blob: 92bb99f8fd9433e7b8b80a3ffb1661d4af2096c1 [file] [log] [blame]
Report functionality centered around individual runs.
from collections import namedtuple
import time
import lnt.server.reporting.analysis
import lnt.util.stats
def generate_run_data(session, run, baseurl, num_comparison_runs=0,
result=None, compare_to=None, baseline=None,
confidence_lv=.05, styles=dict(), classes=dict()):
Generate raw data for a report on the results of the given individual
run. They are meant as inputs to jinja templates which could create
email reports or presentations on a web page.
assert num_comparison_runs >= 0
start_time = time.time()
ts = run.testsuite
machine = run.machine
machine_parameters = machine.parameters
if baseline is None:
# If a baseline has not been given, look up the run closest to
# the default baseline revision for which this machine also
# reported.
baseline = machine.get_baseline_run(session)
# If the baseline is the same as the comparison run, ignore it.
visible_note = None
if baseline is compare_to:
visible_note = "Baseline and compare_to are the same: " \
"disabling baseline."
baseline = None
# Gather the runs to use for statistical data.
comparison_start_run = compare_to or run
comparison_window = list(ts.get_previous_runs_on_machine(
session, comparison_start_run, num_comparison_runs))
if baseline:
baseline_window = list(ts.get_previous_runs_on_machine(
session, baseline, num_comparison_runs))
baseline_window = []
# If we don't have an explicit baseline run or a comparison run, use the
# previous run.
if compare_to is None and comparison_window:
compare_to = comparison_window[0]
# Create the run info analysis object.
runs_to_load = set( for r in comparison_window)
for r in baseline_window:
if compare_to:
if baseline:
sri = lnt.server.reporting.analysis.RunInfo(
session, ts, runs_to_load, aggregation_fn, confidence_lv)
# Get the test names, metric fields and total test counts.
test_names = session.query(,\
metric_fields = list(ts.Sample.get_metric_fields())
num_total_tests = len(metric_fields) * len(test_names)
# Gather the run-over-run changes to report, organized by field and then
# collated by change type.
run_to_run_info, test_results = _get_changes_by_type(
ts, run, compare_to, metric_fields, test_names, num_comparison_runs,
# If we have a baseline, gather the run-over-baseline results and
# changes.
if baseline:
run_to_baseline_info, baselined_results = _get_changes_by_type(
ts, run, baseline, metric_fields, test_names, num_comparison_runs,
run_to_baseline_info = baselined_results = None
# Gather the run-over-run changes to report.
# Collect the simplified results, if desired, for sending back to clients.
if result is not None:
pset_results = []
result['test_results'] = [{'pset': (), 'results': pset_results}]
for field, field_results in test_results:
for _, bucket, _ in field_results:
for name, cr, _ in bucket:
# FIXME: Include additional information about performance
# changes.
pset_results.append(("%s.%s" % (name,,
# Aggregate counts across all bucket types for our num item
# display
def aggregate_counts_across_all_bucket_types(i, name):
num_items = sum(len(field_results[i][1])
for _, field_results in test_results)
if baseline:
num_items_vs_baseline = sum(
for _, field_results in baselined_results)
num_items_vs_baseline = None
return i, name, num_items, num_items_vs_baseline
num_item_buckets = [aggregate_counts_across_all_bucket_types(x[0], x[1][0])
for x in enumerate(test_results[0][1])]
def maybe_sort_bucket(bucket, bucket_name, show_perf):
if not bucket or bucket_name == 'Unchanged Test' or not show_perf:
return bucket
return sorted(
key=lambda bucket_entry: -abs(
def prioritize_buckets(test_results):
prioritized = [(priority, field, bucket_name,
maybe_sort_bucket(bucket, bucket_name, show_perf),
[name for name, _, __ in bucket], show_perf)
for field, field_results in test_results
for priority, (bucket_name, bucket,
show_perf) in enumerate(field_results)]
prioritized.sort(key=lambda item: (item[0], item[1].name))
return prioritized
# Generate prioritized buckets for run over run and run over baseline data.
prioritized_buckets_run_over_run = prioritize_buckets(test_results)
if baseline:
prioritized_buckets_run_over_baseline = \
prioritized_buckets_run_over_baseline = None
# Prepare auxillary variables for rendering.
# Create Subject
subject = """%s test results""" % (,)
# Define URLS.
if baseurl[-1] == '/':
baseurl = baseurl[:-1]
ts_url = """%s/v4/%s""" % (baseurl,
run_url = """%s/%d""" % (ts_url,
report_url = run_url
url_fields = []
if compare_to:
url_fields.append(('compare_to', str(
if baseline:
url_fields.append(('baseline', str(
report_url = "%s?%s" % (run_url, "&".join("%s=%s" % (k, v)
for k, v in url_fields))
# Compute static CSS styles for elemenets. We use the style directly on
# elements instead of via a stylesheet to support major email clients (like
# Gmail) which can't deal with embedded style sheets.
# These are derived from the static style.css file we use elsewhere.
# These are just defaults however, and the caller can override them with
# the 'styles' and 'classes' kwargs.
styles_ = {
"body": ("color:#000000; background-color:#ffffff; "
"font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:9pt"),
"h1": ("font-size: 14pt"),
"table": "font-size:9pt; border-spacing: 0px; border: 1px solid black",
"th": ("background-color:#eee; color:#666666; font-weight: bold; "
"cursor: default; text-align:center; font-weight: bold; "
"font-family: Verdana; padding:5px; padding-left:8px"),
"td": "padding:5px; padding-left:8px",
classes_ = {
data = {
'ts': ts,
'subject': subject,
'report_url': report_url,
'ts_url': ts_url,
'compare_to': compare_to,
'run': run,
'run_url': run_url,
'baseline': baseline,
'machine': machine,
'machine_parameters': machine_parameters,
'num_item_buckets': num_item_buckets,
'num_total_tests': num_total_tests,
'run_to_run_info': run_to_run_info,
'prioritized_buckets_run_over_run': prioritized_buckets_run_over_run,
'run_to_baseline_info': run_to_baseline_info,
'styles': styles_,
'classes': classes_,
'start_time': start_time,
'sri': sri,
'visible_note': visible_note,
return data
BucketEntry = namedtuple('BucketEntry', ['name', 'cr', 'test_id'])
def _get_changes_by_type(ts, run_a, run_b, metric_fields, test_names,
num_comparison_runs, sri):
comparison_results = {}
results_by_type = []
for field in metric_fields:
new_failures = []
new_passes = []
perf_regressions = []
perf_improvements = []
removed_tests = []
added_tests = []
existing_failures = []
unchanged_tests = []
for name, test_id in test_names:
cr = sri.get_run_comparison_result(
run_a, run_b, test_id, field,
comparison_results[(name, field)] = cr
test_status = cr.get_test_status()
perf_status = cr.get_value_status()
if test_status == lnt.server.reporting.analysis.REGRESSED:
bucket = new_failures
elif test_status == lnt.server.reporting.analysis.IMPROVED:
bucket = new_passes
elif cr.current is None and cr.previous is not None:
bucket = removed_tests
elif cr.current is not None and cr.previous is None:
bucket = added_tests
elif test_status == lnt.server.reporting.analysis.UNCHANGED_FAIL:
bucket = existing_failures
elif perf_status == lnt.server.reporting.analysis.REGRESSED:
bucket = perf_regressions
elif perf_status == lnt.server.reporting.analysis.IMPROVED:
bucket = perf_improvements
bucket = unchanged_tests
bucket.append(BucketEntry(name, cr, test_id))
(field, (('New Failures', new_failures, False),
('New Passes', new_passes, False),
('Performance Regressions', perf_regressions, True),
('Performance Improvements', perf_improvements, True),
('Removed Tests', removed_tests, False),
('Added Tests', added_tests, False),
('Existing Failures', existing_failures, False),
('Unchanged Tests', unchanged_tests, False))))
return comparison_results, results_by_type