blob: 6325b9444b8fcc3653959c697b130649f256795a [file] [log] [blame]
# Version 3 of the database adds the FieldChange class to track flagged
# regressions in the database.
import sqlalchemy
from sqlalchemy import Integer, Column, ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy.orm import relation
# Import the original schema from upgrade_0_to_1 since upgrade_1_to_2 does not
# change the actual schema, but rather adds functionality vis-a-vis orders.
import lnt.server.db.migrations.upgrade_0_to_1 as upgrade_0_to_1
# Upgrade TestSuite
def get_base(test_suite):
"""Return the schema base with field changes added."""
return add_fieldchange(test_suite)
def add_fieldchange(test_suite):
# Grab the Base for the previous schema so that we have all
# the definitions we need.
Base = upgrade_0_to_1.get_base_for_testsuite(test_suite)
# Grab our db_key_name for our test suite so we can properly
# prefix our fields/table names.
db_key_name = test_suite.db_key_name
class FieldChange(Base):
__tablename__ = db_key_name + '_FieldChange'
id = Column("ID", Integer, primary_key=True)
start_order_id = Column("StartOrderID", Integer,
ForeignKey("%s_Order.ID" % db_key_name))
end_order_id = Column("EndOrderID", Integer,
ForeignKey("%s_Order.ID" % db_key_name))
test_id = Column("TestID", Integer,
ForeignKey("%s_Test.ID" % db_key_name))
machine_id = Column("MachineID", Integer,
ForeignKey("%s_Machine.ID" % db_key_name))
field_id = Column("FieldID", Integer,
return Base
def upgrade_testsuite(engine, session, name):
# Grab Test Suite.
test_suite = session.query(upgrade_0_to_1.TestSuite).\
assert(test_suite is not None)
# Add FieldChange to the test suite.
Base = add_fieldchange(test_suite)
# Create tables. We commit now since databases like Postgres run
# into deadlocking issues due to previous queries that we have run
# during the upgrade process. The commit closes all of the
# relevant transactions allowing us to then perform our upgrade.
# Commit changes (also closing all relevant transactions with
# respect to Postgres like databases).
def upgrade(engine):
# Create a session.
session = sqlalchemy.orm.sessionmaker(engine)()
# Create our FieldChangeField table and commit.
upgrade_testsuite(engine, session, 'nts')
upgrade_testsuite(engine, session, 'compile')