blob: dfc6d92c977b2e1a871bc0fd2c2ee6252ebcdfc2 [file] [log] [blame]
"""This upgrade adds a index on the RegressionIndicator.regression_id because we often lookup
indicators by regression.
import sqlalchemy
from sqlalchemy import Index, select
from lnt.server.db.migrations.util import introspect_table
from lnt.util import logger
def _mk_index_on(engine, ts_name):
fc_table = introspect_table(engine, "{}_RegressionIndicator".format(ts_name))
fast_fc_lookup = Index('{}_idx_fast_ri_lookup'.format(ts_name), fc_table.c.RegressionID)
except (sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError, sqlalchemy.exc.ProgrammingError) as e:
logger.warning("Skipping index creation on {}, because of {}".format(, e))
def upgrade(engine):
"""Add an index to FieldChangeV2 for each fo the test-suites.
test_suite = introspect_table(engine, 'TestSuite')
with engine.begin() as trans:
db_keys = list(trans.execute(select([test_suite])))
for suite in db_keys:
with engine.begin() as trans:
_mk_index_on(trans, suite[2])