blob: b45febd5b20e27188a3b23681cce89a331d85dbc [file] [log] [blame]
.. _intro:
LNT is an infrastructure for performance testing. The software itself consists
of two main parts, a web application for accessing and visualizing performance
data, and command line utilities to allow users to generate and submit test
results to the server.
The package was originally written for use in testing LLVM compiler
technologies, but is designed to be usable for the performance testing of any
If you are an LLVM developer who is mostly interested in just using LNT to run
the test-suite against some compiler, then you should fast forward to the
:ref:`quickstart` or to the information on :ref:`tests`.
LNT uses a simple and extensible format for interchanging data between the test
producers and the server; this allows the LNT server to receive and store data
for a wide variety of applications.
Both the LNT client and server are written in Python, however the test data
itself can be passed in one of several formats, including property lists and
JSON. This makes it easy to produce test results from almost any language.
If you are only interested in using LNT to run tests locally, see the
If you want to run an LNT server, you will need to perform the following
additional steps:
2. Create a new LNT installation::
lnt create path/to/install-dir
This will create the LNT configuration file, the default database, and a
.wsgi wrapper to create the application. You can execute the generated app
directly to run with the builtin web server, or use::
lnt runserver path/to/install-dir
which provides additional command line options. Neither of these servers is
recommended for production use.
3. Edit the generated 'lnt.cfg' file if necessary, for example to:
a. Update the databases list.
b. Update the public URL the server is visible at.
c. Update the nt_emailer configuration.
4. Add the 'lnt.wsgi' app to your Apache configuration. You should set also
configure the WSGIDaemonProcess and WSGIProcessGroup variables if not
already done.
If running in a virtualenv you will need to configure that as well; see the
`modwsgi wiki <>`_.
For production servers, you should consider using a full DBMS like PostgreSQL.
To create an LNT instance with PostgreSQL backend, you need to do this instead:
1. Create an LNT database in PostgreSQL, also make sure the user has
write permission to the database::
2. Then create LNT installation::
lnt create path/to/install-dir --db-dir postgresql://user@host
3. Run server normally::
lnt runserver path/to/install-dir
The LNT web app is currently implemented as a Flask WSGI web app, with Jinja2
for the templating engine. My hope is to eventually move to a more AJAXy web
The database layer uses SQLAlchemy for its ORM, and is typically backed by
SQLite, although I have tested on MySQL on the past, and supporting other
databases should be trivial. My plan is to always support SQLite as this allows
the possibility of developers easily running their own LNT installation for
viewing nightly test results, and to run with whatever DB makes the most sense
on the server.
Running a LNT Server Locally
LNT can accommodate many more users in the production config. In production:
- Postgres or MySQL should be used as the database.
- A proper wsgi server should be used, in front of a proxy like Nginx or Apache.
To install the extra packages for the server config::
virtualenv venv
. ./venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.server.txt
python install --server
lnt create path/to/data_dir --db-dir postgresql://user@host # data_dir path will be where lnt data will go.
cd deployment
# Now edit to have your path/to/data_dir path and the log-file below.
gunicorn app_wrapper:app --bind --workers 8 --timeout 300 --name lnt_server --log-file /var/log/lnt/lnt.log --access-logfile /var/log/lnt/gunicorn_access.log --max-requests 250000