blob: c03d917ce83b68e584d84e7c662336bf5cc4bf57 [file] [log] [blame]
import hashlib
import os
import re
from lnt.testing.util.commands import logger, capture, fatal
def ishexhash(string):
return len(string) == 40 and \
for c in string
if c.isdigit() or c in 'abcdef']) == 40
def is_valid(path):
"""Does this path point to a valid executable?"""
return os.path.isfile(path) and os.access(path, os.X_OK)
def get_cc_info(path, cc_flags=[]):
"""get_cc_info(path) -> { ... }
Extract various information on the given compiler and return a dictionary
of the results."""
cc = path
# Interrogate the compiler.
cc_version = capture([cc, '-v', '-E'] + cc_flags +
['-x', 'c', '/dev/null', '-###'],
# Determine the assembler version, as found by the compiler.
cc_as_version = capture([cc, "-c", '-Wa,-v', '-o', '/dev/null'] +
cc_flags + ['-x', 'assembler', '/dev/null'],
if "clang: error: unsupported argument '-v'" in cc_as_version:
cc_as_version = "Clang built in."
# Determine the linker version, as found by the compiler.
cc_ld_version = capture(([cc, "-Wl,-v", "-dynamiclib"]),
# Extract the default target .ll (or assembly, for non-LLVM compilers).
cc_target_assembly = capture([cc, '-S', '-flto', '-o', '-'] + cc_flags +
['-x', 'c', '/dev/null'],
# Extract the compiler's response to -dumpmachine as the target.
cc_target = cc_dumpmachine = capture([cc, '-dumpmachine']).strip()
# Default the target to the response from dumpmachine.
cc_target = cc_dumpmachine
# Parse out the compiler's version line and the path to the "cc1" binary.
cc1_binary = None
version_ln = None
cc_name = cc_version_num = cc_build_string = cc_extra = ""
for ln in cc_version.split('\n'):
if ' version ' in ln:
version_ln = ln
elif 'cc1' in ln or 'clang-cc' in ln:
m = re.match(r' "?([^"]*)"?.*"?-E"?.*', ln)
if not m:
fatal("unable to determine cc1 binary: %r: %r" % (cc, ln))
cc1_binary, = m.groups()
elif "-_Amachine" in ln:
m = re.match(r'([^ ]*) *-.*', ln)
if not m:
fatal("unable to determine cc1 binary: %r: %r" % (cc, ln))
cc1_binary, = m.groups()
if cc1_binary is None:
logger.error("unable to find compiler cc1 binary: %r: %r" %
(cc, cc_version))
if version_ln is None:
logger.error("unable to find compiler version: %r: %r" %
(cc, cc_version))
m = re.match(r'(.*) version ([^ ]*) +(\([^(]*\))(.*)', version_ln)
if m is not None:
cc_name, cc_version_num, cc_build_string, cc_extra = m.groups()
# If that didn't match, try a more basic pattern.
m = re.match(r'(.*) version ([^ ]*)', version_ln)
if m is not None:
cc_name, cc_version_num = m.groups()
logger.error("unable to determine compiler version: %r: %r" %
(cc, version_ln))
cc_name = "unknown"
# Compute normalized compiler name and type. We try to grab source
# revisions, branches, and tags when possible.
cc_norm_name = None
cc_build = None
cc_src_branch = cc_alt_src_branch = None
cc_src_revision = cc_alt_src_revision = None
cc_src_tag = None
llvm_capable = False
cc_extra = cc_extra.strip()
if cc_name == 'icc':
cc_norm_name = 'icc'
cc_build = 'PROD'
cc_src_tag = cc_version_num
elif cc_name == 'gcc' and (cc_extra == '' or
re.match(r' \(dot [0-9]+\)', cc_extra)):
cc_norm_name = 'gcc'
m = re.match(r'\(Apple Inc. build ([0-9]*)\)', cc_build_string)
if m:
cc_build = 'PROD'
cc_src_tag, = m.groups()
logger.error('unable to determine gcc build version: %r' %
elif (cc_name in ('clang', 'LLVM', 'Debian clang', 'Apple clang',
'Apple LLVM') and
(cc_extra == '' or 'based on LLVM' in cc_extra or
(cc_extra.startswith('(') and cc_extra.endswith(')')))):
llvm_capable = True
if cc_name == 'Apple clang' or cc_name == 'Apple LLVM':
cc_norm_name = 'apple_clang'
cc_norm_name = 'clang'
m = re.match(r'\(([^ ]*)( ([0-9]+))?\)', cc_build_string)
if m:
cc_src_branch, _, cc_src_revision = m.groups()
# With a CMake build, the branch is not emitted.
if cc_src_branch and not cc_src_revision and \
cc_src_revision = cc_src_branch
cc_src_branch = ""
# These show up with git-svn.
if cc_src_branch == '$URL$':
cc_src_branch = ""
# Otherwise, see if we can match a branch and a tag name. That
# could be a git hash.
m = re.match(r'\((.+) ([^ ]+)\)', cc_build_string)
if m:
cc_src_branch, cc_src_revision = m.groups()
logger.error('unable to determine '
'Clang development build info: %r' %
((cc_name, cc_build_string, cc_extra),))
cc_src_branch = ""
m ='clang-([0-9.]*)', cc_src_branch)
if m:
cc_build = 'PROD'
cc_src_tag, = m.groups()
# We sometimes use a tag of 9999 to indicate a dev build.
if cc_src_tag == '9999':
cc_build = 'DEV'
cc_build = 'DEV'
elif cc_name == 'gcc' and 'LLVM build' in cc_extra:
llvm_capable = True
cc_norm_name = 'llvm-gcc'
m = re.match(r' \(LLVM build ([0-9.]+)\)', cc_extra)
if m:
llvm_build, = m.groups()
if llvm_build:
cc_src_tag = llvm_build.strip()
cc_build = 'PROD'
cc_build = 'DEV'
logger.error("unable to determine compiler name: %r" %
((cc_name, cc_build_string),))
if cc_build is None:
logger.error("unable to determine compiler build: %r" % cc_version)
# If LLVM capable, fetch the llvm target instead.
if llvm_capable:
m ='target triple = "(.*)"', cc_target_assembly)
if m:
cc_target, = m.groups()
logger.error("unable to determine LLVM compiler target: %r: %r" %
(cc, cc_target_assembly))
cc_exec_hash = hashlib.sha1()
cc_exec_hash.update(open(cc, 'rb').read())
info = {
'cc_build': cc_build,
'cc_name': cc_norm_name,
'cc_version_number': cc_version_num,
'cc_dumpmachine': cc_dumpmachine,
'cc_target': cc_target,
'cc_version': cc_version,
'cc_exec_hash': cc_exec_hash.hexdigest(),
'cc_as_version': cc_as_version,
'cc_ld_version': cc_ld_version,
'cc_target_assembly': cc_target_assembly,
if cc1_binary is not None and os.path.exists(cc1_binary):
cc1_exec_hash = hashlib.sha1()
cc1_exec_hash.update(open(cc1_binary, 'rb').read())
info['cc1_exec_hash'] = cc1_exec_hash.hexdigest()
if cc_src_tag is not None:
info['cc_src_tag'] = cc_src_tag
if cc_src_revision is not None:
info['cc_src_revision'] = cc_src_revision
if cc_src_branch:
info['cc_src_branch'] = cc_src_branch
if cc_alt_src_revision is not None:
info['cc_alt_src_revision'] = cc_alt_src_revision
if cc_alt_src_branch is not None:
info['cc_alt_src_branch'] = cc_alt_src_branch
# Infer the run order from the other things we have computed.
info['inferred_run_order'] = get_inferred_run_order(info)
return info
def get_inferred_run_order(info):
# If the CC has an integral src revision, use that.
if info.get('cc_src_revision', '').isdigit():
order = int(info['cc_src_revision'])
# If the CC has an alt src revision, use that if it is greater:
if info.get('cc_alt_src_revision', '').isdigit():
order = max(order, int(info.get('cc_alt_src_revision')))
return str(order)
# Otherwise if we have a git hash, use that
if ishexhash(info.get('cc_src_revision', '')):
# If we also have an alt src revision, combine them.
# We don't try and support a mix of integral and hash revisions.
if ishexhash(info.get('cc_alt_src_revision', '')):
return '%s,%s' % (info['cc_src_revision'],
return info['cc_src_revision']
# If this is a production compiler, look for a source tag. We don't accept
# 0 or 9999 as valid source tag, since that is what llvm-gcc builds use
# when no build number is given.
if info.get('cc_build') == 'PROD':
m = re.match(r'^[0-9]+(.[0-9]+)*$', info.get('cc_src_tag', ''))
if m:
# If that failed, infer from the LLVM revision (if specified on input).
# FIXME: This is only used when using llvm source builds with 'lnt runtest
# nt', which itself is deprecated. We should remove this eventually.
if info.get('llvm_revision', '').isdigit():
return info['llvm_revision']
# Otherwise, force at least some value for run_order, as it is now
# generally required by parts of the "simple" schema.
return '0'
def infer_cxx_compiler(cc_path):
# If this is obviously a compiler name, then try replacing with the '++'
# name.
name = os.path.basename(cc_path)
if 'clang' in name:
expected_cxx_name = 'clang++'
cxx_name = name.replace('clang', expected_cxx_name)
elif 'gcc' in name:
expected_cxx_name = 'g++'
cxx_name = name.replace('gcc', expected_cxx_name)
elif 'icc' in name:
expected_cxx_name = 'icpc'
cxx_name = name.replace('icc', expected_cxx_name)
# We have no idea, give up.
return None
# Check if the compiler exists at that path.
cxx_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(cc_path), cxx_name)
if os.path.exists(cxx_path):
return cxx_path
# Otherwise, try to let the compiler itself tell us what the '++' version
# would be. This is useful when the compiler under test is a symlink to the
# real compiler.
cxx_path = capture([cc_path,
'-print-prog-name=%s' % expected_cxx_name]).strip()
if os.path.exists(cxx_path):
return cxx_path
o__all__ = ['get_cc_info', 'infer_cxx_compiler']
if __name__ == '__main__':
import pprint
import sys
pprint.pprint(('get_cc_info', get_cc_info(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2:])))
pprint.pprint(('infer_cxx_compiler', infer_cxx_compiler(sys.argv[1])))