blob: e0321b2d2876879c03ea395d98c265f902c385f7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Check a run of test-suite using a cmake cache
# Also make sure we get: compiler defines, cache, other defines on the cmake
# commandline.
# RUN: rm -rf %t.SANDBOX
# RUN: lnt runtest test-suite \
# RUN: --sandbox %t.SANDBOX \
# RUN: --no-timestamp \
# RUN: --test-suite %S/Inputs/test-suite-cmake \
# RUN: --cc %{shared_inputs}/FakeCompilers/clang-r154331 \
# RUN: --use-cmake %S/Inputs/test-suite-cmake/fake-cmake \
# RUN: --use-make %S/Inputs/test-suite-cmake/fake-make \
# RUN: --use-lit %S/Inputs/test-suite-cmake/fake-lit \
# RUN: --cmake-cache Release \
# RUN: --cmake-define FOO=BAR \
# RUN: &> %t.cmake-cache.log
# Check CMAKE_C_COMPILER and CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER comes first, followed by cmake
# options. This is verified by checking that:
# 1) there's 2 cmake compiler definition followed by the -C option
# 2) each of the cmake compiler definition only accepts the other cmake
# compiler definition between cmake and itself
# RUN: FileCheck --check-prefix CHECK-CACHE1 < %t.cmake-cache.log %s
# CHECK-CACHE1: Execute: {{.*}}cmake -DCMAKE_C{{(XX)?}}_COMPILER:FILEPATH={{.*}}/FakeCompilers/clang{{(\+\+)?}}-r154331 -DCMAKE_C{{(XX)?}}_COMPILER:FILEPATH={{.*}}/FakeCompilers/clang{{(\+\+)?}}-r154331 -C {{.*}}/Release.cmake
# RUN: FileCheck --check-prefix CHECK-CACHE2 < %t.cmake-cache.log %s
# CHECK-CACHE2: Execute: {{.*}}cmake {{(-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER:FILEPATH=.*/FakeCompilers/clang\+\+-r154331 )?}}-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER:FILEPATH={{.*}}/FakeCompilers/clang-r154331
# RUN: FileCheck --check-prefix CHECK-CACHE3 < %t.cmake-cache.log %s
# CHECK-CACHE3: Execute: {{.*}}cmake {{(-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER:FILEPATH=.*/FakeCompilers/clang-r154331 )?}}-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER:FILEPATH={{.*}}/FakeCompilers/clang++-r154331
# RUN: FileCheck --check-prefix CHECK-CACHE4 < %t.cmake-cache.log %s
# CHECK-CACHE4: Execute: {{.*}}cmake {{(.+ )?}}-DFOO=BAR
# RUN: FileCheck --check-prefix CHECK-CACHE5 < %t.cmake-cache.log %s
# CHECK-CACHE5: Execute: {{.*}}cmake {{(.+ )?}}-DBAR=BAZ
# RUN: rm -rf %t.SANDBOX
# Check a run of test-suite using a invalid cmake cache
# RUN: lnt runtest test-suite \
# RUN: --sandbox %t.SANDBOX \
# RUN: --no-timestamp \
# RUN: --test-suite %S/Inputs/test-suite-cmake \
# RUN: --cc %{shared_inputs}/FakeCompilers/clang-r154331 \
# RUN: --use-cmake %S/Inputs/test-suite-cmake/fake-cmake \
# RUN: --use-make %S/Inputs/test-suite-cmake/fake-make \
# RUN: --use-lit %S/Inputs/test-suite-cmake/fake-lit \
# RUN: --cmake-cache Debug \
# RUN: &> %t.cmake-cache2.err || true
# RUN: FileCheck --check-prefix CHECK-CACHE6 < %t.cmake-cache2.err %s
# CHECK-CACHE6: Could not find CMake cache file