blob: a347c10cb92870519f340353c0d63908fffc8971 [file] [log] [blame]
from __future__ import print_function
# Perform basic sanity checking of the V4 UI pages.
# create temporary instance
# Cleanup temporary directory in case one remained from a previous run - also
# see PR9904.
# RUN: rm -rf %t.instance
# RUN: python %{shared_inputs}/ \
# RUN: %s %{shared_inputs}/SmallInstance %t.instance \
# RUN: %S/Inputs/V4Pages_extra_records.sql
# Import a profile
# RUN: lnt import %t.instance %{shared_inputs}/profile-report.json
# Import last run. The run in this report must be the most recent one and the
# tests inside unique to test the comparator used when sorting the tests per
# regression status in the global status page.
# RUN: lnt import %t.instance %S/Inputs/last-run-report.json
# RUN: lnt import %t.instance %S/Inputs/sample-failed-report1.json
# RUN: lnt import %t.instance %S/Inputs/sample-failed-report2.json
# RUN: python %s %t.instance %{tidylib}
from future import standard_library
import logging
import re
import sys
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from html.entities import name2codepoint
from flask import session
import lnt.server.db.migrate
import json
# We can validate html if pytidylib is available and tidy-html5 is installed.
# The user can indicate this by passing --use-tidylib to the script (triggered
# by `lit -Dtidylib=1`)
if '--use-tidylib' in sys.argv:
import tidylib
def validate_html(text):
document, errors = tidylib.tidy_document(text)
had_error = False
ignore = [
"Warning: trimming empty",
"Warning: inserting implicit",
for e in errors.splitlines():
ignore_line = False
for i in ignore:
if i in e:
ignore_line = True
if ignore_line:
sys.stderr.write(e + '\n')
had_error = True
if had_error:
with open('/tmp/lntpage.html', 'w') as out:
sys.stderr.write("Note: html saved in /tmp/lntpage.html\n")
assert not had_error
def validate_html(text):
HTTP_OK = 200
def check_code(client, url, expected_code=HTTP_OK, data_to_send=None):
"""Call a flask url, and make sure the return code is good."""
resp = client.get(url, follow_redirects=False, data=data_to_send)
assert resp.status_code == expected_code, \
"Call to %s returned: %d, not the expected %d" % (url, resp.status_code,
return resp
def check_html(client, url, expected_code=HTTP_OK, data_to_send=None):
resp = check_code(client, url, expected_code, data_to_send)
return resp
def check_json(client, url, expected_code=HTTP_OK, data_to_send=None):
"""Call a flask url, make sure the return code is good,
and grab reply data from the json payload."""
return json.loads(check_code(client, url, expected_code,
def check_redirect(client, url, expected_redirect_regex):
"""Check the client returns the expected redirect on this URL."""
resp = client.get(url, follow_redirects=False)
assert resp.status_code == HTTP_REDIRECT, \
"Call to %s returned: %d, not the expected %d" % (url, resp.status_code,
regex = re.compile(expected_redirect_regex)
assert, \
"Call to %s redirects to: %s, not matching the expected regex %s" \
% (url, resp.location, expected_redirect_regex)
return resp
def dump_html(html_string):
for linenr, line in enumerate(html_string.split('\n')):
print("%4d:%s" % (linenr + 1, line))
def get_xml_tree(html_string):
entities_defs = []
for x, i in name2codepoint.items():
entities_defs.append(' <!ENTITY {x} "&#{i};">'.format(**locals()))
docstring = "<!DOCTYPE html [\n{}\n]>".format('\n'.join(entities_defs))
html_string = html_string.replace("<!DOCTYPE html>", docstring, 1)
tree = ET.fromstring(html_string)
except: # noqa FIXME: figure out what we expect this to throw.
return tree
def find_table_by_thead_content(tree, table_head_contents):
all_tables = tree.findall(".//thead/..")
for table in all_tables:
for child in table.findall('./thead/tr/th'):
if child.text == table_head_contents:
return table
return None
def find_table_with_heading(tree, table_heading):
table_parent_elements = tree.findall(".//table/..")
found_header = False
for parent in table_parent_elements:
for child in parent.findall('*'):
if found_header:
if child.tag == "table":
return child
elif child.tag.startswith('h') and child.text == table_heading:
found_header = True
return None
def check_nr_machines_reported(client, url, expected_nr_machines):
resp = check_code(client, url)
html = resp.get_data(as_text=sys.version_info[0] >= 3)
tree = get_xml_tree(html)
# look for the table containing the machines on the page.
# do this by looking for the title containing "Reported Machine Order"
# and assuming that the first <table> at the same level after it is the
# one we're looking for.
reported_machine_order_table = \
find_table_with_heading(tree, 'Reported Machine Order')
if reported_machine_order_table is None:
nr_machines = 0
nr_machines = len(reported_machine_order_table.findall("./tbody/tr"))
assert expected_nr_machines == nr_machines
def convert_html_to_text(element):
return ("".join(element.itertext()))
def get_table_by_header(client, url, table_header):
resp = check_code(client, url)
html = resp.get_data(as_text=sys.version_info[0] >= 3)
tree = get_xml_tree(html)
table = find_table_with_heading(tree, table_header)
assert table is not None, \
"Couldn't find table with header '%s'" % table_header
return table
def get_results_table(client, url, fieldname):
table_header = "Result Table (%s)" % fieldname
return get_table_by_header(client, url, table_header)
def get_table_body_content(table):
return [[convert_html_to_text(cell).strip()
for cell in row.findall("./td")]
for row in table.findall("./tbody/tr")]
def get_table_links(table):
return [[link.get("href")
for cell in row.findall("./td")
for link in cell.findall("a")]
for row in table.findall("./tbody/tr")]
def check_row_is_in_table(table, expected_row_content):
body_content = get_table_body_content(table)
assert expected_row_content in body_content, \
"Expected row content %s not found in %s" % \
(expected_row_content, body_content)
def check_table_content(table, expected_content):
body_content = get_table_body_content(table)
assert expected_content == body_content, \
"Expected table content %s, found %s" % \
(expected_content, body_content)
def check_table_links(table, expected_content):
body_content = get_table_links(table)
assert expected_content == body_content, \
"Expected table links %s, found %s" % \
(expected_content, body_content)
def check_body_result_table(client, url, fieldname, expected_content):
table = get_results_table(client, url, fieldname)
check_table_content(table, expected_content)
def check_body_nr_tests_table(client, url, expected_content):
table_header = "Number of Tests Seen"
table = get_table_by_header(client, url, table_header)
check_table_content(table, expected_content)
def check_producer_label(client, url, label):
table_header = "Produced by"
resp = check_code(client, url)
tree = get_xml_tree(resp.get_data(as_text=sys.version_info[0] >= 3))
table = find_table_by_thead_content(tree, table_header)
check_row_is_in_table(table, label)
def get_sparkline(table, testname, machinename):
body_content = [[cell
for cell in row.findall("./td")]
for row in table.findall("./tbody/tr")]
txt_body_content = [[convert_html_to_text(cell).strip()
for cell in row.findall("./td")]
for row in table.findall("./tbody/tr")]
cur_test_name = ""
for rownr, row_content in enumerate(txt_body_content):
for colnr, col_content in enumerate(row_content):
if colnr == 0 and col_content != "":
cur_test_name = col_content
if colnr == 1 and col_content != "":
cur_machine_name = machinename
if (cur_machine_name, cur_test_name) == \
(machinename, testname):
return body_content[rownr][-1]
return None
def extract_sample_points(sparkline_svg):
# assume all svg:circle elements are exactly all the sample points
samples = sparkline_svg.findall(".//circle")
return samples
fillStyleRegex = re.compile("fill: *(?P<fill>[^;]+);")
def extract_background_colors(sparkline_svg, nr_days):
rects = sparkline_svg.findall(".//rect")
# The first rectangle returned is the default background, so remove that
# one.
assert len(rects) >= 1
rects = rects[1:]
result = []
for rect in rects:
style = rect.get("style", None)
if style is None:
m =
if m is None:
fill ='fill')
if fill == 'none':
return result
def main():
instance_path = sys.argv[1]
# Create the application instance.
app =
# Don't catch out exceptions.
app.testing = True
app.config['WTF_CSRF_ENABLED'] = False
# Create a test client.
client = app.test_client()
# Fetch the index page.
check_html(client, '/')
# Get the V4 overview page.
check_html(client, '/v4/nts/')
# Get a machine overview page.
check_html(client, '/v4/nts/machine/1')
# Check invalid machine gives error.
check_code(client, '/v4/nts/machine/9999', expected_code=HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
# Get a machine overview page in JSON format.
check_json(client, '/v4/nts/machine/1?json=true')
# Get the order summary page.
check_html(client, '/v4/nts/all_orders')
# Get an order page.
check_html(client, '/v4/nts/order/3')
# Check invalid order gives error.
check_code(client, '/v4/nts/order/9999', expected_code=HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
# Check that we can promote a baseline, then demote.
form_data = dict(name="foo_baseline",
description="foo_descrimport iption",
r ='/v4/nts/order/3', data=form_data)
# We should redirect to the last page and flash.
assert r.status_code == HTTP_REDIRECT
# Try with redirect.
r ='/v4/nts/order/3',
assert r.status_code == HTTP_OK
# Should see baseline displayed in page body.
assert "Baseline - foo_baseline" in r.get_data(as_text=True)
# Now demote it.
data2 = dict(name="foo_baseline",
r ='/v4/nts/order/3', data=data2, follow_redirects=True)
assert r.status_code == HTTP_OK
# Baseline should no longer be shown in page baseline.
assert "Baseline - foo_baseline" not in r.get_data(as_text=True)
# Leave a baseline in place for the rest of the tests.'/v4/nts/order/3', data=form_data)
check_code(client, '/v4/nts/set_baseline/1', expected_code=HTTP_REDIRECT)
with app.test_client() as c:
session.get('baseline-default-nts') == 1
# Get a run result page (and associated views).
check_html(client, '/v4/nts/1')
check_json(client, '/v4/nts/1?json=true')
check_html(client, '/v4/nts/1/report')
check_code(client, '/v4/nts/1/text_report')
# Check invalid run numbers give errors.
check_code(client, '/v4/nts/9999',
check_code(client, '/v4/nts/9999?json=true',
check_code(client, '/v4/nts/9999/report',
check_code(client, '/v4/nts/9999/text_report',
# Get a graph page. This has been changed to redirect.
check_redirect(client, '/v4/nts/1/graph?test.3=2',
# Get a run that contains generic producer information
check_producer_label(client, '/v4/nts/7',
['Current', '152293', '2012-05-10T16:28:23',
'0:00:35', 'Producer'])
check_producer_label(client, '/v4/nts/8',
['Current', '152294', '2012-05-11T16:28:23',
'0:00:35', 'Producer'])
# Get a run that contains Buildbot producer information
check_producer_label(client, '/v4/nts/7',
['Previous', '152292', '2012-05-01T16:28:23',
'0:00:35', 'some-builder #987'])
check_producer_label(client, '/v4/nts/9',
['Current', '152295', '2012-05-12T16:28:23',
'0:00:35', 'some-builder #999'])
# Get the new graph page.
check_html(client, '/v4/nts/graph?plot.0=1.3.2')
# Don't crash when requesting non-existing data
check_html(client, '/v4/nts/graph?plot.9999=1.3.2')
check_code(client, '/v4/nts/graph?plot.0=9999.3.2',
check_code(client, '/v4/nts/graph?plot.0=1.9999.2',
check_code(client, '/v4/nts/graph?plot.0=1.3.9999',
check_json(client, '/v4/nts/graph?plot.9999=1.3.2&json=True')
# Get the mean graph page.
check_html(client, '/v4/nts/graph?mean=1.2')
# Don't crash when requesting non-existing data
check_code(client, '/v4/nts/graph?mean=9999.2',
check_code(client, '/v4/nts/graph?mean=1.9999',
# Check baselines work.
check_html(client, '/v4/nts/graph?plot.0=1.3.2&baseline.60=3')
# Check some variations of the daily report work.
check_html(client, '/v4/nts/daily_report/2012/4/12')
check_html(client, '/v4/nts/daily_report/2012/4/11')
check_html(client, '/v4/nts/daily_report/2012/4/13')
check_html(client, '/v4/nts/daily_report/2012/4/10')
check_html(client, '/v4/nts/daily_report/2012/4/14')
check_redirect(client, '/v4/nts/daily_report',
check_redirect(client, '/v4/nts/daily_report?num_days=7',
# Don't crash when using a parameter that happens to have the same name as
# a flask URL variable.
check_redirect(client, '/v4/nts/daily_report?day=15',
# Don't crash when requesting non-existing data
check_html(client, '/v4/nts/daily_report/1999/4/12')
check_code(client, '/v4/nts/daily_report/-1/4/12',
check_code(client, '/v4/nts/daily_report/2012/13/12',
check_code(client, '/v4/nts/daily_report/2012/4/32',
# check ?filter-machine-regex= filter
check_nr_machines_reported(client, '/v4/nts/daily_report/2012/4/12', 3)
check_nr_machines_reported(client, '/v4/nts/daily_report/2012/4/12?filter-machine-regex=machine2', 1)
check_nr_machines_reported(client, '/v4/nts/daily_report/2012/4/12?filter-machine-regex=machine', 2)
check_nr_machines_reported(client, '/v4/nts/daily_report/2012/4/12?filter-machine-regex=ma.*[34]$', 1)
check_nr_machines_reported(client, '/v4/nts/daily_report/2012/4/12?filter-machine-regex=ma.*4', 0)
# Don't crash on an invalid regular expression:
# FIXME - this should probably return HTTP_BAD_REQUEST instead of silently
# ignoring the invalid regex.
check_nr_machines_reported(client, '/v4/nts/daily_report/2012/4/12?filter-machine-regex=?', 3)
# check that a regression seen between 2 consecutive runs that are
# more than a day apart gets reported
result_table_20120504 = get_results_table(
client, '/v4/nts/daily_report/2012/5/04', "Execution Time")
[["test1", ""],
["", "machine2", "1.000", "-", "900.00%", ""],
["test2", ""],
["", "machine2", "FAIL", "-", "PASS", ""]])
client, '/v4/nts/daily_report/2012/5/04',
[['machine2', '2', '0', '1']])
# Check that a failing result does not show up in the spark line
# as a dot with value 0.
result_table_20120513 = get_results_table(
client, '/v4/nts/daily_report/2012/5/13?num_days=3', "Execution Time")
[["test6", ""],
["", "machine2", "1.000", "FAIL", "PASS", ""],
["test_hash1", ""],
["", "machine2", "1.000", '-', '20.00%', ""],
["test_hash2", ""],
["", "machine2", "1.000", '-', '20.00%', ""],
["test_mhash_on_run", ""],
["", "machine2", "1.000", '-', '20.00%', ""], ])
sparkline_test6_xml = \
get_sparkline(result_table_20120513, "test6", "machine2")
nr_sample_points = len(extract_sample_points(sparkline_test6_xml))
assert 2 == nr_sample_points, \
"Expected 2 sample points, found %d" % nr_sample_points
# Check that a different background color is used in the sparkline
# when the hash values recorded are different. At the same time,
# check that no background color is drawn on missing hash values,
# using a sequence of (hash1, no hash, hash2) over 3 consecutive
# days.
sparkline_hash1_xml = \
get_sparkline(result_table_20120513, "test_hash1", "machine2")
nr_sample_points = len(extract_sample_points(sparkline_hash1_xml))
assert 3 == nr_sample_points, \
"Expected 3 sample points, found %d" % nr_sample_points
background_colors = extract_background_colors(sparkline_hash1_xml, 3)
assert len(background_colors) == 3
color1, color2, color3 = background_colors
assert color1 is not None
assert color3 is not None
assert color1 != color3
assert color2 is None
# Check that the same background color is used in the sparkline
# when the hash values recorded are the same, using a
# (hash1, hash2, hash1) sequence.
sparkline_hash2_xml = \
get_sparkline(result_table_20120513, "test_hash2", "machine2")
nr_sample_points = len(extract_sample_points(sparkline_hash2_xml))
assert 3 == nr_sample_points, \
"Expected 3 sample points, found %d" % nr_sample_points
background_colors = extract_background_colors(sparkline_hash2_xml, 3)
assert len(background_colors) == 3
color1, color2, color3 = background_colors
assert color1 is not None
assert color1 == color3
assert color1 != color2
assert color2 is not None
# Check that we don't crash if a single run produces multiple
# samples with different hash values for the same run. This could
# happen e.g. when the compiler under test doesn't produce
# object code deterministically.
sparkline_mhashonrun_xml = get_sparkline(
result_table_20120513, "test_mhash_on_run", "machine2")
nr_sample_points = len(extract_sample_points(sparkline_mhashonrun_xml))
assert 4 == nr_sample_points, \
"Expected 4 sample points, found %d" % nr_sample_points
background_colors = extract_background_colors(sparkline_mhashonrun_xml, 3)
assert len(background_colors) == 3
color1, color2, color3 = background_colors
assert color2 is None
assert color1 != color3
# Check some variations of the latest runs report work.
check_html(client, '/v4/nts/latest_runs_report')
check_redirect(client, '/db_default/submitRun',
check_html(client, '/db_default/v4/nts/submitRun')
check_html(client, '/v4/nts/global_status')
check_html(client, '/v4/nts/recent_activity')
# Now check the compile report
# Get the V4 overview page.
check_html(client, '/v4/compile/')
# Get a machine overview page.
check_html(client, '/v4/compile/machine/1')
check_html(client, '/v4/compile/machine/2')
check_code(client, '/v4/compile/machine/2/latest', expected_code=HTTP_REDIRECT)
# Don't crash when requesting non-existing data
check_code(client, '/v4/compile/machine/9999',
check_code(client, '/v4/compile/machine/-1', expected_code=HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
check_code(client, '/v4/compile/machine/a', expected_code=HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
# Check the compare machine form gives correct redirects.
resp = check_code(client, '/v4/nts/machine/2/compare?compare_to_id=3', expected_code=HTTP_REDIRECT)
assert resp.headers['Location'] == "http://localhost/db_default/v4/nts/9?compare_to=4"
resp = check_code(client, '/v4/nts/machine/3/compare?compare_to_id=2', expected_code=HTTP_REDIRECT)
assert resp.headers['Location'] == "http://localhost/db_default/v4/nts/4?compare_to=9"
# Get the order summary page.
check_html(client, '/v4/compile/all_orders')
# Get an order page.
check_html(client, '/v4/compile/order/3')
# Get a run result page (and associated views).
check_html(client, '/v4/compile/1')
check_html(client, '/v4/compile/2')
check_html(client, '/v4/compile/3')
check_html(client, '/v4/compile/4')
check_code(client, '/v4/compile/9999', expected_code=HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
check_html(client, '/v4/compile/1/report')
check_code(client, '/v4/compile/1/text_report')
# Get the new graph page.
check_html(client, '/v4/compile/graph?plot.3=2.3.9')
# Get the mean graph page.
check_html(client, 'v4/compile/graph?mean=2.9')
# Check some variations of the daily report work.
check_html(client, '/v4/compile/daily_report/2014/6/5?day_start=16')
check_html(client, '/v4/compile/daily_report/2014/6/4')
check_redirect(client, '/v4/nts/regressions/new_from_graph/1/1/1/1', '/v4/nts/regressions/1')
check_html(client, '/v4/nts/regressions/')
check_html(client, '/v4/nts/regressions/?machine_filter=machine2')
check_html(client, '/v4/nts/regressions/?machine_filter=machine0')
check_html(client, '/v4/nts/regressions/1')
check_json(client, '/v4/nts/regressions/1?json=True')
# Check 404 is issues for inexistent Code
check_code(client, 'v4/nts/profile/9999/9999', expected_code=HTTP_NOT_FOUND)
# Profile Viewer Ajax functions
# Check profiles page is responsive with expected IDs
check_code(client, 'v4/nts/profile/10/10')
# Check ajax call
functions = check_json(client, 'v4/nts/profile/ajax/getFunctions?runid=10&testid=10')
number_of_functions = len(functions)
first_function_name = functions[0][0]
assert 1 == number_of_functions
assert "fn1" == first_function_name
top_level_counters = check_json(client, 'v4/nts/profile/ajax/getTopLevelCounters?runids=10&testid=10')
assert "cycles" in top_level_counters
assert "branch-misses" in top_level_counters
code_for_fn = check_json(client, 'v4/nts/profile/ajax/getCodeForFunction?runid=10&testid=10&f=fn1')
lines_in_function = len(code_for_fn)
assert 2 == lines_in_function
# Make sure the new option does not break anything
check_html(client, '/db_default/v4/nts/graph?switch_min_mean=yes&plot.0=1.3.2&submit=Update')
check_json(client, '/db_default/v4/nts/graph?switch_min_mean=yes&plot.0=1.3.2&json=true&submit=Update')
check_html(client, '/db_default/v4/nts/graph?switch_min_mean=yes&plot.0=1.3.2')
check_json(client, '/db_default/v4/nts/graph?switch_min_mean=yes&plot.0=1.3.2&json=true')
app.testing = False
error_page = check_html(client, '/explode', expected_code=500)
assert"division (or modulo )?by zero",
error_page = check_html(client, '/gone', expected_code=404)
assert "test" in error_page.get_data(as_text=True)
check_html(client, '/sleep?timeout=0', expected_code=200)
check_html(client, '/db_default/summary_report')
check_html(client, '/rules')
check_html(client, '/log')
resp = check_code(client, '/__health')
assert resp.get_data(as_text=True) == "Ok"
resp = check_code(client, '/ping')
assert resp.get_data(as_text=True) == "pong"
# Check we can convert a sample into a graph page.
graph_to_sample = check_code(client, '/db_default/v4/nts/graph_for_sample/10/compile_time?foo=bar',
assert graph_to_sample.headers['Location'] in (
# Check that is we ask for a sample or invalid field, we explode with 400s.
check_code(client, '/db_default/v4/nts/graph_for_sample/10000/compile_time?foo=bar',
check_code(client, '/db_default/v4/nts/graph_for_sample/10/not_a_metric?foo=bar',
# check get_geomean_comparison_result with empty unchanged_tests
check_html(client, '/v4/nts/11')
check_html(client, '/v4/nts/12')
if __name__ == '__main__':