blob: ee4777d756701d5b15207b672325787b34575a42 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- PoolAllocatorBitMask.cpp - Implementation of poolallocator runtime -===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file was developed by the LLVM research group and is distributed under
// the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file is one possible implementation of the LLVM pool allocator runtime
// library.
// This uses the 'Ptr1' field to maintain a linked list of slabs that are either
// empty or are partially allocated from. The 'Ptr2' field of the PoolTy is
// used to track a linked list of slabs which are full, ie, all elements have
// been allocated from them.
// NOTE:
// 1) Some of the bounds checking code may appear strange. The reason is that
// it is manually inlined to squeeze out some more performance. Please
// don't change it.
#include "PoolAllocator.h"
#include "PageManager.h"
#include "Report.h"
#include "adl_splay.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <ucontext.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
//#include <sys/ucontext.h>
#define DEBUG(x)
// global variable declarations
extern unsigned PPageSize;
static unsigned globalallocID = 0;
static unsigned globalfreeID = 0;
static void * globalTemp = 0;
static PoolTy dummyPool;
static unsigned dummyInitialized = 0;
unsigned poolmemusage = 0;
// Invalid address range
#if !defined(__linux__)
unsigned InvalidUpper = 0x00000000;
unsigned InvalidLower = 0x00000003;
// Splay tree of external objects
extern void * ExternalObjects;
/* Set to 1 to log object registrations */
static /*const*/ unsigned logregs = 0;
// signal handler
static void bus_error_handler(int, siginfo_t *, void *);
// creates a new PtrMetaData structure to record pointer information
static inline void updatePtrMetaData(PDebugMetaData, unsigned, void *);
static PDebugMetaData createPtrMetaData (unsigned,
void *,
void *,
void *);
// PoolSlab implementation
// PoolSlab Structure - Hold multiple objects of the current node type.
// Invariants: FirstUnused <= UsedEnd
struct PoolSlab {
PoolSlab **PrevPtr, *Next;
bool isSingleArray; // If this slab is used for exactly one array
unsigned allocated; // Number of bytes allocated
PoolSlab * Canonical; // For stack slabs, the canonical page
// FirstUnused - First empty node in slab
unsigned short FirstUnused;
// UsedBegin - The first node in the slab that is used.
unsigned short UsedBegin;
// UsedEnd - 1 past the last allocated node in slab. 0 if slab is empty
unsigned short UsedEnd;
// NumNodesInSlab - This contains the number of nodes in this slab, which
// effects the size of the NodeFlags vector, and indicates the number of nodes
// which are in the slab.
unsigned int NumNodesInSlab;
// Size of Slab - For single array slabs, specifies the size of the slab in
// bytes from beginning to end (including slab header).
unsigned int SizeOfSlab;
// NodeFlagsVector - This array contains two bits for each node in this pool
// slab. The first (low address) bit indicates whether this node has been
// allocated, and the second (next higher) bit indicates whether this is the
// start of an allocation.
// This is a variable sized array, which has 2*NumNodesInSlab bits (rounded up
// to 4 bytes).
unsigned NodeFlagsVector[1];
bool isNodeAllocated(unsigned NodeNum) {
return NodeFlagsVector[NodeNum/16] & (1 << (NodeNum & 15));
void markNodeAllocated(unsigned NodeNum) {
NodeFlagsVector[NodeNum/16] |= 1 << (NodeNum & 15);
void markNodeFree(unsigned NodeNum) {
NodeFlagsVector[NodeNum/16] &= ~(1 << (NodeNum & 15));
void setStartBit(unsigned NodeNum) {
NodeFlagsVector[NodeNum/16] |= 1 << ((NodeNum & 15)+16);
bool isStartOfAllocation(unsigned NodeNum) {
return NodeFlagsVector[NodeNum/16] & (1 << ((NodeNum & 15)+16));
void clearStartBit(unsigned NodeNum) {
NodeFlagsVector[NodeNum/16] &= ~(1 << ((NodeNum & 15)+16));
void assertOkay (void) {
assert (FirstUnused <= UsedEnd);
assert ((UsedEnd == getSlabSize()) || (!isNodeAllocated(UsedEnd)));
assert ((FirstUnused == getSlabSize()) || (!isNodeAllocated(FirstUnused)));
// create - Create a new (empty) slab and add it to the end of the Pools list.
static PoolSlab *create(PoolTy *Pool);
// createSingleArray - Create a slab for a large singlearray with NumNodes
// entries in it, returning the pointer into the pool directly.
static void *createSingleArray(PoolTy *Pool, unsigned NumNodes);
// getSlabSize - Return the number of nodes that each slab should contain.
static unsigned getSlabSize(PoolTy *Pool) {
// We need space for the header...
unsigned NumNodes = PageSize-sizeof(PoolSlab);
// We need space for the NodeFlags...
// We unconditionally round up a byte. We should only do that if
// necessary.
unsigned NodeFlagsBytes = (NumNodes/Pool->NodeSize * 2 / 8) + 1;
NumNodes -= (NodeFlagsBytes+3) & ~3; // Round up to int boundaries.
// Divide the remainder among the nodes!
return NumNodes / Pool->NodeSize;
void addToList(PoolSlab **PrevPtrPtr) {
PoolSlab *InsertBefore = *PrevPtrPtr;
*PrevPtrPtr = this;
PrevPtr = PrevPtrPtr;
Next = InsertBefore;
if (InsertBefore) InsertBefore->PrevPtr = &Next;
void unlinkFromList() {
*PrevPtr = Next;
if (Next) Next->PrevPtr = PrevPtr;
unsigned getSlabSize() const {
return NumNodesInSlab;
// destroy - Release the memory for the current object.
void destroy();
// isEmpty - This is a quick check to see if this slab is completely empty or
// not.
bool isEmpty() const { return UsedEnd == 0; }
// isFull - This is a quick check to see if the slab is completely allocated.
bool isFull() const { return isSingleArray || (FirstUnused == getSlabSize()); }
// allocateSingle - Allocate a single element from this pool, returning -1 if
// there is no space.
int allocateSingle();
// allocateMultiple - Allocate multiple contiguous elements from this pool,
// returning -1 if there is no space.
int allocateMultiple(unsigned Num);
// getElementAddress - Return the address of the specified element.
void *getElementAddress(unsigned ElementNum, unsigned ElementSize) {
char *Data = (char*)&NodeFlagsVector[((unsigned)NumNodesInSlab+15)/16];
return &Data[ElementNum*ElementSize];
const void *getElementAddress(unsigned ElementNum, unsigned ElementSize)const{
const char *Data =
(const char *)&NodeFlagsVector[(unsigned)(NumNodesInSlab+15)/16];
return &Data[ElementNum*ElementSize];
// containsElement - Return the element number of the specified address in
// this slab. If the address is not in slab, return -1.
int containsElement(void *Ptr, unsigned ElementSize) const;
// freeElement - Free the single node, small array, or entire array indicated.
void freeElement(unsigned short ElementIdx);
// getSize --- size of an allocation
unsigned getSize(void *Node, unsigned ElementSize);
// lastNodeAllocated - Return one past the last node in the pool which is
// before ScanIdx, that is allocated. If there are no allocated nodes in this
// slab before ScanIdx, return 0.
unsigned lastNodeAllocated(unsigned ScanIdx);
// create - Create a new (empty) slab and add it to the end of the Pools list.
PoolSlab *
PoolSlab::create(PoolTy *Pool) {
unsigned NodesPerSlab = getSlabSize(Pool);
unsigned Size = sizeof(PoolSlab) + 4*((NodesPerSlab+15)/16) +
assert(Size <= PageSize && "Trying to allocate a slab larger than a page!");
PoolSlab *PS = (PoolSlab*)AllocatePage();
PS->NumNodesInSlab = NodesPerSlab;
PS->isSingleArray = 0; // Not a single array!
PS->FirstUnused = 0; // Nothing allocated.
PS->UsedBegin = 0; // Nothing allocated.
PS->UsedEnd = 0; // Nothing allocated.
PS->allocated = 0; // No bytes allocated.
for (unsigned i = 0; i < PS->getSlabSize(); ++i)
// Add the slab to the list...
// printf(" creating a slab %x\n", PS);
return PS;
void *
PoolSlab::createSingleArray(PoolTy *Pool, unsigned NumNodes) {
// FIXME: This wastes memory by allocating space for the NodeFlagsVector
unsigned NodesPerSlab = getSlabSize(Pool);
assert(NumNodes > NodesPerSlab && "No need to create a single array!");
unsigned NumPages = (NumNodes+NodesPerSlab-1)/NodesPerSlab;
PoolSlab *PS = (PoolSlab*)AllocateNPages(NumPages);
assert(PS && "poolalloc: Could not allocate memory!");
if (Pool->NumSlabs > AddrArrSize)
else if (Pool->NumSlabs == AddrArrSize) {
// Create the hash_set
Pool->Slabs = new hash_set<void *>;
Pool->Slabs->insert((void *)PS);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < AddrArrSize; ++i)
Pool->Slabs->insert((void *) Pool->SlabAddressArray[i]);
} else {
// Insert it in the array
Pool->SlabAddressArray[Pool->NumSlabs] = (unsigned) PS;
PS->allocated = 0xffffffff; // No bytes allocated.
PS->isSingleArray = 1;
PS->NumNodesInSlab = NodesPerSlab;
PS->SizeOfSlab = (NumPages * PageSize);
*(unsigned*)&PS->FirstUnused = NumPages;
return PS->getElementAddress(0, 0);
PoolSlab::destroy() {
if (isSingleArray)
for (unsigned NumPages = *(unsigned*)&FirstUnused; NumPages != 1;--NumPages)
FreePage((char*)this + (NumPages-1)*PageSize);
// allocateSingle - Allocate a single element from this pool, returning -1 if
// there is no space.
PoolSlab::allocateSingle() {
// If the slab is a single array, go on to the next slab. Don't allocate
// single nodes in a SingleArray slab.
if (isSingleArray) return -1;
unsigned SlabSize = getSlabSize();
// Check to see if there are empty entries at the end of the slab...
if (UsedEnd < SlabSize) {
// Mark the returned entry used
unsigned short UE = UsedEnd;
// If we are allocating out the first unused field, bump its index also
if (FirstUnused == UE) {
// Updated the UsedBegin field if necessary
if (UsedBegin > UE) UsedBegin = UE;
// Return the entry, increment UsedEnd field.
allocated += 1;
return UE;
// If not, check to see if this node has a declared "FirstUnused" value that
// is less than the number of nodes allocated...
if (FirstUnused < SlabSize) {
// Successfully allocate out the first unused node
unsigned Idx = FirstUnused;
// Increment FirstUnused to point to the new first unused value...
// FIXME: this should be optimized
unsigned short FU = FirstUnused;
do {
} while ((FU != SlabSize) && (isNodeAllocated(FU)));
FirstUnused = FU;
// Updated the UsedBegin field if necessary
if (UsedBegin > Idx) UsedBegin = Idx;
allocated += 1;
return Idx;
return -1;
// allocateMultiple - Allocate multiple contiguous elements from this pool,
// returning -1 if there is no space.
PoolSlab::allocateMultiple(unsigned Size) {
// Do not allocate small arrays in SingleArray slabs
if (isSingleArray) return -1;
// For small array allocation, check to see if there are empty entries at the
// end of the slab...
if (UsedEnd+Size <= getSlabSize()) {
// Mark the returned entry used and set the start bit
unsigned UE = UsedEnd;
for (unsigned i = UE; i != UE+Size; ++i)
// If we are allocating out the first unused field, bump its index also
if (FirstUnused == UE)
FirstUnused += Size;
// Updated the UsedBegin field if necessary
if (UsedBegin > UE) UsedBegin = UE;
// Increment UsedEnd
UsedEnd += Size;
// Return the entry
allocated += Size;
return UE;
// If not, check to see if this node has a declared "FirstUnused" value
// starting which Size nodes can be allocated
unsigned Idx = FirstUnused;
while (Idx+Size <= getSlabSize()) {
assert(!isNodeAllocated(Idx) && "FirstUsed is not accurate!");
// Check if there is a continuous array of Size nodes starting FirstUnused
unsigned LastUnused = Idx+1;
for (; (LastUnused != Idx+Size) && (!isNodeAllocated(LastUnused)); ++LastUnused)
// If we found an unused section of this pool which is large enough, USE IT!
if (LastUnused == Idx+Size) {
// FIXME: this loop can be made more efficient!
for (unsigned i = Idx; i != Idx + Size; ++i)
// This should not be allocating on the end of the pool, so we don't need
// to bump the UsedEnd pointer.
assert(Idx != UsedEnd && "Shouldn't allocate at end of pool!");
// If we are allocating out the first unused field, bump its index also.
if (Idx == FirstUnused) {
unsigned SlabSize = getSlabSize();
unsigned i;
for (i = FirstUnused+Size; i < UsedEnd; ++i) {
if (!isNodeAllocated(i)) {
FirstUnused = i;
if (isNodeAllocated(i))
FirstUnused = SlabSize;
// Updated the UsedBegin field if necessary
if (UsedBegin > Idx) UsedBegin = Idx;
// Return the entry
allocated += Size;
return Idx;
// Otherwise, try later in the pool. Find the next unused entry.
Idx = LastUnused;
while (Idx+Size <= getSlabSize() && isNodeAllocated(Idx))
return -1;
// getSize
unsigned PoolSlab::getSize(void *Ptr, unsigned ElementSize) {
if (isSingleArray) abort();
const void *FirstElement = getElementAddress(0, 0);
if (FirstElement <= Ptr) {
unsigned Delta = (char*)Ptr-(char*)FirstElement;
unsigned Index = Delta/ElementSize;
if (Index < getSlabSize()) {
//we have the index now do something like free
assert(isStartOfAllocation(Index) &&
"poolrealloc: Attempt to realloc from the middle of allocated array\n");
unsigned short ElementEndIdx = Index + 1;
// FIXME: This should use manual strength reduction to produce decent code.
unsigned short UE = UsedEnd;
while (ElementEndIdx != UE &&
!isStartOfAllocation(ElementEndIdx) &&
isNodeAllocated(ElementEndIdx)) {
return (ElementEndIdx - Index);
if (logregs)
fprintf(stderr, "PoolSlab::getSize failed!\n");
// containsElement - Return the element number of the specified address in
// this slab. If the address is not in slab, return -1.
PoolSlab::containsElement(void *Ptr, unsigned ElementSize) const {
const void *FirstElement = getElementAddress(0, 0);
if (FirstElement <= Ptr) {
unsigned Delta = (char*)Ptr-(char*)FirstElement;
if (isSingleArray) {
if (Delta < SizeOfSlab) return Delta/ElementSize;
unsigned Index = Delta/ElementSize;
if (Index < getSlabSize()) {
if (Delta % ElementSize != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Freeing pointer into the middle of an element!\n");
return Index;
return -1;
// freeElement - Free the single node, small array, or entire array indicated.
PoolSlab::freeElement(unsigned short ElementIdx) {
if (!isNodeAllocated(ElementIdx)) return;
// assert(isNodeAllocated(ElementIdx) &&
// "poolfree: Attempt to free node that is already freed\n");
#if 0
assert(!isSingleArray && "Cannot free an element from a single array!");
#if 0
if (isSingleArray) {
// Mark this element as being free!
// If this slab is not a SingleArray
assert(isStartOfAllocation(ElementIdx) &&
"poolfree: Attempt to free middle of allocated array\n");
// Free the first cell
// Free all nodes if this was a small array allocation.
unsigned short ElementEndIdx = ElementIdx + 1;
// FIXME: This should use manual strength reduction to produce decent code.
unsigned short UE = UsedEnd;
while (ElementEndIdx != UE &&
!isStartOfAllocation(ElementEndIdx) &&
isNodeAllocated(ElementEndIdx)) {
// Update the first free field if this node is below the free node line
if (ElementIdx < FirstUnused) FirstUnused = ElementIdx;
// Update the first used field if this node was the first used.
if (ElementIdx == UsedBegin) UsedBegin = ElementEndIdx;
// If we are freeing the last element in a slab, shrink the UsedEnd marker
// down to the last used node.
if (ElementEndIdx == UE) {
#if 0
printf("FU: %d, UB: %d, UE: %d FREED: [%d-%d)",
FirstUnused, UsedBegin, UsedEnd, ElementIdx, ElementEndIdx);
// If the user is freeing the slab entirely in-order, it's quite possible
// that all nodes are free in the slab. If this is the case, simply reset
// our pointers.
if (UsedBegin == UE) {
FirstUnused = 0;
UsedBegin = 0;
UsedEnd = 0;
} else if (FirstUnused == ElementIdx) {
// Freed the last node(s) in this slab.
FirstUnused = ElementIdx;
UsedEnd = ElementIdx;
} else {
UsedEnd = lastNodeAllocated(ElementIdx);
if (FirstUnused > UsedEnd) FirstUnused = UsedEnd;
assert(FirstUnused <= UsedEnd+1 &&
"FirstUnused field was out of date!");
PoolSlab::lastNodeAllocated(unsigned ScanIdx) {
// Check the last few nodes in the current word of flags...
unsigned CurWord = ScanIdx/16;
unsigned short Flags = NodeFlagsVector[CurWord] & 0xFFFF;
if (Flags) {
// Mask off nodes above this one
Flags &= (1 << ((ScanIdx & 15)+1))-1;
if (Flags) {
// If there is still something in the flags vector, then there is a node
// allocated in this part. The goto is a hack to get the uncommonly
// executed code away from the common code path.
//printf("A: ");
goto ContainsAllocatedNode;
// Ok, the top word doesn't contain anything, scan the whole flag words now.
while (CurWord != ~0U) {
Flags = NodeFlagsVector[CurWord] & 0xFFFF;
if (Flags) {
// There must be a node allocated in this word!
//printf("B: ");
goto ContainsAllocatedNode;
return 0;
// Figure out exactly which node is allocated in this word now. The node
// allocated is the one with the highest bit set in 'Flags'.
// This should use __builtin_clz to get the value, but this builtin is only
// available with GCC 3.4 and above. :(
assert(Flags && "Should have allocated node!");
unsigned short MSB;
MSB = 16 - ::__builtin_clz(Flags);
for (MSB = 15; (Flags & (1U << MSB)) == 0; --MSB)
assert((1U << MSB) & Flags); // The bit should be set
assert((~(1U << MSB) & Flags) < Flags);// Removing it should make flag smaller
ScanIdx = CurWord*16 + MSB;
return (ScanIdx+1);
// StackSlab implementation
// Structure: StackSlab
// Description:
// A stack slab is similar to a pool slab but simple and smaller. It is used
// for stack allocations that have been promoted to the heap.
struct StackSlab {
// Pointer to canonical address of stack slab
StackSlab * Canonical;
// Pointers for linking in the stack slab
StackSlab **PrevPtr, *Next;
// Top of stack
unsigned int * tos;
// Data for the stack
unsigned int data[1020];
static StackSlab *create (void * p) {
StackSlab *SS = (StackSlab*) p;
SS->tos = &(SS->data[0]);
return SS;
unsigned char * allocate (unsigned int size) {
// We will return a pointer to the current top of stack.
unsigned char * retvalue = (unsigned char *) (tos);
// Adjust the top of stack down to the next free object.
size = (size + 3) & (~3u);
unsigned int NumberOfInts = size / sizeof (unsigned int);
tos += NumberOfInts;
assert (tos < &(data[1020]));
return retvalue;
void clear (void) {
tos = data;
void addToList(StackSlab **PrevPtrPtr) {
StackSlab *InsertBefore = *PrevPtrPtr;
*PrevPtrPtr = this;
PrevPtr = PrevPtrPtr;
Next = InsertBefore;
if (InsertBefore) InsertBefore->PrevPtr = &Next;
void unlinkFromList() {
*PrevPtr = Next;
if (Next) Next->PrevPtr = PrevPtr;
// Pool allocator library implementation
pool_init_runtime (unsigned Dangling) {
// Configure the allocator.
extern ConfigData ConfigData;
ConfigData.RemapObjects = Dangling;
// Allocate a range of memory for rewrite pointers.
#if !defined(__linux__)
const unsigned invalidsize = 1 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
void * Addr = mmap (0, invalidsize, 0, MAP_SHARED | MAP_ANON, -1, 0);
if (Addr == MAP_FAILED) {
perror ("mmap:");
fflush (stdout);
fflush (stderr);
assert(0 && "valloc failed\n");
madvise (Addr, invalidsize, MADV_FREE);
InvalidLower = (unsigned int) Addr;
InvalidUpper = (unsigned int) Addr + invalidsize;
// Install hooks for catching allocations outside the scope of SAFECode
#if 0
extern void installAllocHooks(void);
// poolinit - Initialize a pool descriptor to empty
poolinit(PoolTy *Pool, unsigned NodeSize) {
assert(Pool && "Null pool pointer passed into poolinit!\n");
DEBUG(printf("pool init %x, %d\n", Pool, NodeSize);)
// Ensure the page manager is initialized
// We must alway return unique pointers, even if they asked for 0 bytes
Pool->NodeSize = NodeSize ? NodeSize : 1;
// Initialize the splay tree
Pool->Objects = Pool->OOB = Pool->DPTree = 0;
Pool->DPTree = 0;
Pool->Ptr1 = Pool->Ptr2 = 0;
Pool->LargeArrays = 0;
Pool->StackSlabs = Pool->FreeStackSlabs = 0;
// For SAFECode, we set FreeablePool to 0 always
// Pool->FreeablePool = 0;
Pool->AllocadPool = -1;
Pool->allocaptr = 0;
Pool->lastUsed = 0;
Pool->prevPage[0] = 0;
Pool->prevPage[1] = 0;
// Initialize the SlabAddressArray to zero
for (int i = 0; i < AddrArrSize; ++i) {
Pool->SlabAddressArray[i] = 0;
Pool->NumSlabs = 0;
#if 0
Pool->RegNodes = new std::map<void*,unsigned>;
if (dummyInitialized == 1)
dummyPool.NodeSize = NodeSize ? NodeSize : 1;
// Initialize the splay tree
dummyPool.Objects = dummyPool.OOB = dummyPool.DPTree = 0;
dummyPool.Ptr1 = dummyPool.Ptr2 = 0;
dummyPool.LargeArrays = 0;
// For SAFECode, we set FreeablePool to 0 always
// Pool->FreeablePool = 0;
dummyPool.AllocadPool = -1;
dummyPool.allocaptr = 0;
dummyPool.lastUsed = 0;
dummyPool.prevPage[0] = 0;
dummyPool.prevPage[1] = 0;
// Initialize the SlabAddressArray to zero
for (int i = 0; i < AddrArrSize; ++i) {
dummyPool.SlabAddressArray[i] = 0;
dummyPool.NumSlabs = 0;
#if 0
dummyPool.RegNodes = new std::map<void*,unsigned>;
dummyInitialized = 1;
poolmakeunfreeable(PoolTy *Pool) {
assert(Pool && "Null pool pointer passed in to poolmakeunfreeable!\n");
// Pool->FreeablePool = 0;
// pooldestroy - Release all memory allocated for a pool
// FIXME: determine how to adjust debug logs when
// pooldestroy is called
pooldestroy(PoolTy *Pool) {
assert(Pool && "Null pool pointer passed in to pooldestroy!\n");
adl_splay_delete_tag(&Pool->Objects, Pool);
//adl_splay_delete_tag(&Pool->DPTree, Pool);
if (Pool->AllocadPool) return;
// Remove all registered pools
#if 0
delete Pool->RegNodes;
if (Pool->NumSlabs > AddrArrSize) {
delete Pool->Slabs;
// Free any partially allocated slabs
PoolSlab *PS = (PoolSlab*)Pool->Ptr1;
while (PS) {
PoolSlab *Next = PS->Next;
PS = Next;
// Free the completely allocated slabs
PS = (PoolSlab*)Pool->Ptr2;
while (PS) {
PoolSlab *Next = PS->Next;
PS = Next;
// Free the large arrays
PS = (PoolSlab*)Pool->LargeArrays;
while (PS) {
PoolSlab *Next = PS->Next;
PS = Next;
// Function: poolallocarray()
// Description:
// This is a helper function used to implement poolalloc() when the number of
// nodes to allocate is not 1.
// Inputs:
// Pool - A pointer to the pool from which to allocate.
// Size - The number of nodes to allocate.
// FIXME: look into globalTemp, make it a pass by reference arg instead of
// a global variable.
// FIXME: determine whether Size is bytes or number of nodes.
static void *
poolallocarray(PoolTy* Pool, unsigned Size) {
assert(Pool && "Null pool pointer passed into poolallocarray!\n");
// check to see if we need to allocate a single large array
if (Size > PoolSlab::getSlabSize(Pool)) {
if (logregs) {
fprintf(stderr, " poolallocarray:694: Size = %d, SlabSize = %d\n", Size, PoolSlab::getSlabSize(Pool));
globalTemp = (PoolSlab*) PoolSlab::createSingleArray(Pool, Size);
unsigned offset = (unsigned)globalTemp & (PPageSize - 1);
void * retAddress = (void *)((unsigned)(globalTemp) & ~(PPageSize - 1));
if (logregs) {
fprintf(stderr, " poolallocarray:704: globalTemp = 0x%08x, offset = 0x%08x, retAddress = 0x%08x\n",
(unsigned)globalTemp, offset, (unsigned)retAddress);
return (void*) ((unsigned)retAddress + offset);
PoolSlab *PS = (PoolSlab*)Pool->Ptr1;
unsigned offset;
// Loop through all of the slabs looking for one with an opening
for (; PS; PS = PS->Next) {
int Element = PS->allocateMultiple(Size);
if (Element != -1) {
// We allocated an element. Check to see if this slab has been completely
// filled up. If so, move it to the Ptr2 list.
if (PS->isFull()) {
// insert info into adl splay tree for poolcheck runtime
//unsigned NodeSize = Pool->NodeSize;
globalTemp = PS->getElementAddress(Element, Pool->NodeSize);
offset = (unsigned)globalTemp & (PPageSize - 1);
//adl_splay_insert(&(Pool->Objects), globalTemp,
// (unsigned)((Size*NodeSize) - NodeSize + 1), (Pool));
if(logregs) {fprintf(stderr, " poolallocarray:731:before RemapObject\n");}
// remap the page to get a shadow page (dangling pointer detection library)
PS = (PoolSlab *) RemapObject(globalTemp, Size*Pool->NodeSize);
if (logregs) {
fprintf(stderr, " poolallocarray:735: globalTemp = 0x%x\n", (unsigned)globalTemp);
fprintf(stderr ," poolallocarray:736: PS = 0x%08x, offset = 0x%08x, retAddress = 0x%08x\n",
(unsigned)PS, offset, (unsigned)PS + offset);
return (void*) ((unsigned)PS + offset);
PoolSlab *New = PoolSlab::create(Pool);
// printf("new slab created %x \n", New);
if (Pool->NumSlabs > AddrArrSize)
Pool->Slabs->insert((void *)New);
else if (Pool->NumSlabs == AddrArrSize) {
// Create the hash_set
Pool->Slabs = new hash_set<void *>;
Pool->Slabs->insert((void *)New);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < AddrArrSize; ++i)
Pool->Slabs->insert((void *)Pool->SlabAddressArray[i]);
else {
// Insert it in the array
Pool->SlabAddressArray[Pool->NumSlabs] = (unsigned) New;
int Idx = New->allocateMultiple(Size);
assert(Idx == 0 && "New allocation didn't return zero'th node?");
// insert info into adl splay tree for poolcheck runtime
//unsigned NodeSize = Pool->NodeSize;
globalTemp = New->getElementAddress(0, 0);
//adl_splay_insert(&(Pool->Objects), globalTemp,
// (unsigned)((Size*NodeSize) - NodeSize + 1), (Pool));
// remap page to get a shadow page (dangling pointer detection library)
New = (PoolSlab *) RemapObject(globalTemp, Size*Pool->NodeSize);
offset = (unsigned)globalTemp & (PPageSize - 1);
if (logregs) {
fprintf(stderr, " poolallocarray:774: globalTemp = 0x%x\n, offset = 0x%x\n", (unsigned)globalTemp, offset);
fprintf(stderr, " poolallocarray:775: New = 0x%08x, Size = %d, retAddress = 0x%08x\n",
(unsigned)New, Size, (unsigned)New + offset);
return (void*) ((unsigned)New + offset);
poolregister(PoolTy *Pool, void * allocaptr, unsigned NumBytes) {
// If the pool is NULL, don't do anything.
if (!Pool) return;
#if 0
if (Pool->AllocadPool != -1) {
if (Pool->AllocadPool == 0) {
printf(" Handle this case later\n");
} else {
printf(" An allocad pool, you can only allocate once \n");
} else {
Pool->AllocadPool = NumBytes;
Pool->allocaptr = allocaptr;
#if 0
Pool->RegNodes->insert (std::make_pair(allocaptr,NumBytes));
adl_splay_insert(&(Pool->Objects), allocaptr, NumBytes, 0);
if (logregs) {
fprintf (stderr, "poolregister: %x %d\n", (unsigned)allocaptr, NumBytes);
poolunregister(PoolTy *Pool, void * allocaptr) {
if (!Pool) return;
adl_splay_delete(&Pool->Objects, allocaptr);
if (logregs) {
fprintf (stderr, "pooluregister: %x\n", allocaptr);
extern "C" void frag(PoolTy * Pool);
frag(PoolTy * Pool) {
unsigned long totalalloc=0;
unsigned long total=0;
for (PoolSlab *PS = (PoolSlab*)Pool->Ptr1; PS; PS = PS->Next) {
total += PS->getSlabSize();
totalalloc += PS->allocated;
fprintf (stderr, "%2f\n", (double) PS->allocated * 100 / (double) PS->getSlabSize());
fprintf (stderr, "%d %d %2f\n", totalalloc, total, (double) totalalloc * 100 / (double) total);
fflush (stderr);
//Pool->AllocadPool -1 : unused so far
//Pool->AllocadPool 0 : used only for mallocs
//Pool->AllocadPool >0 : used for only allocas indicating the size
void *
poolalloc(PoolTy *Pool, unsigned NumBytes) {
void *retAddress = NULL;
assert(Pool && "Null pool pointer passed into poolalloc!\n");
#if 0
// Ensure that stack objects and heap objects d not belong to the same pool.
if (Pool->AllocadPool != -1) {
if (Pool->AllocadPool != 0) {
printf(" Did not Handle this case, an alloa and malloc point to");
printf("same DSNode, Will happen in stack safety \n");
else {
Pool->AllocadPool = 0;
// Ensure that we're always allocating at least 1 byte.
if (NumBytes == 0)
NumBytes = 1;
unsigned NodeSize = Pool->NodeSize;
unsigned NodesToAllocate = (NumBytes + NodeSize - 1)/NodeSize;
unsigned offset = 0;
PDebugMetaData debugmetadataPtr;
// Call a helper function if we need to allocate more than 1 node.
if (NodesToAllocate > 1) {
if (logregs) {
fprintf(stderr, " poolalloc:848: Allocating more than 1 node for %d bytes\n", NumBytes); fflush(stderr);
retAddress = poolallocarray(Pool, NodesToAllocate);
// Record information about this allocation in the global debugging
// structure.
debugmetadataPtr = createPtrMetaData(globalallocID, globalfreeID, __builtin_return_address(0), 0, globalTemp);
adl_splay_insert(&(dummyPool.DPTree), retAddress, NumBytes, (void *) debugmetadataPtr);
if (logregs) {
fprintf(stderr, " poolalloc:856: after inserting to dummyPool\n");
fflush (stderr);
// Register the object in the splay tree. Keep track of its debugging data
// with the splay node tag so that we can quickly map shadow address back
// to the canonical address.
// globalTemp is the canonical page address
adl_splay_insert(&(Pool->Objects), retAddress, NumBytes, debugmetadataPtr);
//if ((unsigned)retAddress > 0x2f000000 && logregs == 0)
// logregs = 1;
if (logregs) {
fprintf(stderr, " poolalloc:863: retAddress = 0x%08x NumBytes = %d globalTemp = 0x%08x\n",
(unsigned)retAddress, NumBytes, (unsigned)globalTemp); fflush(stderr);
assert (retAddress && "poolalloc(1): Returning NULL!\n");
return retAddress;
// Special case the most common situation, where a single node is being
// allocated.
PoolSlab *PS = (PoolSlab*)Pool->Ptr1;
if (__builtin_expect(PS != 0, 1)) {
int Element = PS->allocateSingle();
if (__builtin_expect(Element != -1, 1)) {
// We allocated an element. Check to see if this slab has been
// completely filled up. If so, move it to the Ptr2 list.
if (__builtin_expect(PS->isFull(), false)) {
globalTemp = PS->getElementAddress(Element, NodeSize);
offset = (unsigned)globalTemp & (PPageSize - 1);
if (logregs) {
fprintf(stderr, " poolalloc:885: canonical page = 0x%08x offset = 0x%08x\n", (unsigned)globalTemp, offset);
//adl_splay_insert(&(Pool->Objects), globalTemp, NumBytes, (Pool));
// remap page to get a shadow page for dangling pointer library
PS = (PoolSlab *) RemapObject(globalTemp, NumBytes);
retAddress = (void*) ((unsigned)PS + offset);
// for the use of dangling pointer runtime
debugmetadataPtr = createPtrMetaData(globalallocID, globalfreeID,
__builtin_return_address(0), 0, globalTemp);
adl_splay_insert(&(dummyPool.DPTree), retAddress, NumBytes, debugmetadataPtr);
adl_splay_insert(&(Pool->Objects), retAddress, NumBytes, debugmetadataPtr);
if (logregs) {
fprintf(stderr, " poolalloc:900: retAddress = 0x%08x, NumBytes = %d\n", (unsigned)retAddress, NumBytes);
assert (retAddress && "poolalloc(2): Returning NULL!\n");
return retAddress;
// Loop through all of the slabs looking for one with an opening
for (PS = PS->Next; PS; PS = PS->Next) {
int Element = PS->allocateSingle();
if (Element != -1) {
// We allocated an element. Check to see if this slab has been
// completely filled up. If so, move it to the Ptr2 list.
if (PS->isFull()) {
globalTemp = PS->getElementAddress(Element, NodeSize);
offset = (unsigned)globalTemp & (PPageSize - 1);
//adl_splay_insert(&(Pool->Objects), globalTemp, NumBytes, (Pool));
// remap page to get a shadow page for dangling pointer library
PS = (PoolSlab *) RemapObject(globalTemp, NumBytes);
retAddress = (void*) ((unsigned)PS + offset);
//printf(" returning the address %x",retAddress);
// for the use of dangling pointer runtime
debugmetadataPtr = createPtrMetaData(globalallocID, globalfreeID,
__builtin_return_address(0), 0, globalTemp);
adl_splay_insert(&(dummyPool.DPTree), retAddress, NumBytes, debugmetadataPtr);
adl_splay_insert(&(Pool->Objects), retAddress, NumBytes, debugmetadataPtr);
if (logregs) {
fprintf (stderr, " poolalloc:932: PS = 0x%08x, retAddress = 0x%08x, NumBytes = %d, offset = 0x%08x\n",
(unsigned)PS, (unsigned)retAddress, NumBytes, offset);
assert (retAddress && "poolalloc(3): Returning NULL!\n");
return retAddress;
// Otherwise we must allocate a new slab and add it to the list
PoolSlab *New = PoolSlab::create(Pool);
// Ensure that we're always allocating at least 1 byte.
if (NumBytes == 0)
NumBytes = 1;
if (Pool->NumSlabs > AddrArrSize)
Pool->Slabs->insert((void *)New);
else if (Pool->NumSlabs == AddrArrSize) {
// Create the hash_set
Pool->Slabs = new hash_set<void *>;
Pool->Slabs->insert((void *)New);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < AddrArrSize; ++i)
Pool->Slabs->insert((void *)Pool->SlabAddressArray[i]);
else {
// Insert it in the array
Pool->SlabAddressArray[Pool->NumSlabs] = (unsigned) New;
int Idx = New->allocateSingle();
assert(Idx == 0 && "New allocation didn't return zero'th node?");
if (logregs) {
fprintf(stderr, " poolalloc:967: canonical page at 0x%08x from underlying allocator\n", (unsigned)New);
globalTemp = New->getElementAddress(0, 0);
offset = (unsigned)globalTemp & (PPageSize - 1);
if (logregs) {
fprintf(stderr, " poolalloc:973: element at 0x%08x, offset=0x%08x\n", (unsigned)globalTemp, offset);
//adl_splay_insert(&(Pool->Objects), globalTemp, NumBytes, (Pool));
// remap page to get a shadow page for dangling pointer library
New = (PoolSlab *) RemapObject(globalTemp, NumBytes);
offset = (unsigned)globalTemp & (PPageSize - 1);
//printf(" shadow page at 0x%x through remapping\n", (unsigned)New);
retAddress = (void*) ((unsigned)New + offset);
//printf(" returning the address 0x%x\n", (unsigned)retAddress);
// for the use of dangling pointer runtime
debugmetadataPtr = createPtrMetaData(globalallocID, globalfreeID, __builtin_return_address(0), 0, globalTemp);
adl_splay_insert(&(dummyPool.DPTree), retAddress, NumBytes, (void *) debugmetadataPtr);
adl_splay_insert(&(Pool->Objects), retAddress, NumBytes, debugmetadataPtr);
if (logregs) {
fprintf (stderr, " poolalloc:990: New = 0x%08x, retAddress = 0x%08x, NumBytes = %d, offset = 0x%08x\n",
(unsigned)New, (unsigned)retAddress, NumBytes, offset);
assert (retAddress && "poolalloc(4): Returning NULL!\n");
return retAddress;
void *
poolrealloc(PoolTy *Pool, void *Node, unsigned NumBytes) {
if (Node == 0) return poolalloc(Pool, NumBytes);
if (NumBytes == 0) {
poolfree(Pool, Node);
return 0;
void *New = poolalloc(Pool, NumBytes);
// unsigned Size =
//FIXME the following may not work in all cases
memcpy(New, Node, NumBytes);
poolfree(Pool, Node);
return New;
void *
poolcalloc (PoolTy *Pool, unsigned Number, unsigned NumBytes) {
void * New = poolalloc (Pool, Number * NumBytes);
if (New) bzero (New, Number * NumBytes);
return New;
void *
poolstrdup(PoolTy *Pool, char *Node) {
if (Node == 0) return 0;
unsigned int NumBytes = strlen(Node) + 1;
void *New = poolalloc(Pool, NumBytes);
if (New) {
memcpy(New, Node, NumBytes+1);
return New;
// Function: pool_newstack()
// Description:
// Create a new pool slab for the given function invocation.
pool_newstack (PoolTy * Pool) {
// Pointer to the new pool slab
StackSlab * PS;
// Get a new stack slab. Either reuse an old one or create a new one.
assert ((sizeof (StackSlab) <= 4096) && "StackSlab too big!\n");
if (Pool->FreeStackSlabs) {
PS = (StackSlab *)(Pool->FreeStackSlabs);
} else {
PS = (StackSlab*) valloc (sizeof (StackSlab));
// Ensure we have a pool slab.
assert (PS && "pool_newstack: Can't create new slab\n");
// Remap the stack slab into a new virtual address space.
PS->Canonical = PS;
PS = (StackSlab *) RemapObject (PS, sizeof (StackSlab));
// Initialize it.
PS = StackSlab::create (PS);
// Link the shadow slab into the set of stack slabs.
#if 1
fprintf (stderr, "\nnewstack: %x %x\n", PS, PS->Canonical);
fflush (stderr);
void *
pool_alloca (PoolTy * Pool, unsigned int NumBytes) {
// The address of the allocated object
void * retAddress;
// Ensure that we're always allocating at least 1 byte.
if (NumBytes == 0)
NumBytes = 1;
// Allocate memory from the function's single slab.
assert (Pool->StackSlabs && "pool_alloca: No call to newstack!\n");
globalTemp = ((StackSlab *)(Pool->StackSlabs))->allocate (NumBytes);
fprintf (stderr, "alloca: %x %x\n", globalTemp, NumBytes);
fflush (stderr);
// Allocate and remap the object.
retAddress = globalTemp;
// Record information about this allocation in the global debugging
// structure.
// FIXME: Need to ensure MetaData is correct for debugging
PDebugMetaData debugmetadataPtr;
debugmetadataPtr = createPtrMetaData (globalallocID,
adl_splay_insert (&(dummyPool.DPTree),
(void *) debugmetadataPtr);
// Register the object in the splay tree. Keep track of its debugging data
// with the splay node tag so that we can quickly map shadow address back
// to the canonical address.
// globalTemp is the canonical page address
adl_splay_insert (&(Pool->Objects), retAddress, NumBytes, debugmetadataPtr);
assert (retAddress && "pool_alloca(1): Returning NULL!\n");
return retAddress;
pool_delstack (PoolTy * Pool) {
StackSlab * PS = (StackSlab *)(Pool->StackSlabs);
// Get the canonical page corresponding to this slab.
#if 1
fprintf (stderr, "delstack: %x\n", PS);
fflush (stderr);
// Remove the slab from the list.
// Deallocate all elements and add the slab into the set of free slabs.
#if 1
// Make the stack page inaccessible.
ProtectShadowPage (PS, 1);
// SearchForContainingSlab - Do a brute force search through the list of
// allocated slabs for the node in question.
static PoolSlab *
SearchForContainingSlab(PoolTy *Pool, void *Node, unsigned &TheIndex) {
PoolSlab *PS = (PoolSlab*)Pool->Ptr1;
unsigned NodeSize = Pool->NodeSize;
// Search the partially allocated slab list for the slab that contains this
// node.
int Idx = -1;
if (PS) { // Pool->Ptr1 could be null if Ptr2 isn't
for (; PS; PS = PS->Next) {
Idx = PS->containsElement(Node, NodeSize);
if (Idx != -1) break;
// If the partially allocated slab list doesn't contain it, maybe the
// completely allocated list does.
if (PS == 0) {
PS = (PoolSlab*)Pool->Ptr2;
assert(Idx == -1 && "Found node but don't have PS?");
while (PS) {
assert(PS && "poolfree: node being free'd not found in allocation "
" pool specified!\n");
Idx = PS->containsElement(Node, NodeSize);
if (Idx != -1) break;
PS = PS->Next;
// Otherwise, maybe its a block within LargeArrays
if(PS == 0) {
PS = (PoolSlab*)Pool->LargeArrays;
assert(Idx == -1 && "Found node but don't have PS?");
while (PS) {
assert(PS && "poolfree: node being free'd not found in allocation "
" pool specified!\n");
Idx = PS->containsElement(Node, NodeSize);
if (Idx != -1) break;
PS = PS->Next;
TheIndex = Idx;
return PS;
poolcheck(PoolTy *Pool, void *Node) {
void* S = Node;
unsigned len = 0;
if (!Pool) return;
int fs = adl_splay_retrieve(&(Pool->Objects), &S, &len, 0);
if ((fs) && (S <= Node) && (((char*)S + len) > (char*)Node)) {
* The node is not found or is not within bounds; fail!
fprintf (stderr, "Poolcheck failed(%x:%x): %x %x from %x\n",
(unsigned)Pool, fs, (unsigned)Node, len, (unsigned)__builtin_return_address(0));
fflush (stderr);
abort ();
poolcheckui (PoolTy *Pool, void *Node) {
void* S = Node;
unsigned len = 0;
if (!Pool) return;
* Look for the object within the pool's splay tree.
int fs = adl_splay_retrieve(&(Pool->Objects), &S, &len, 0);
if ((fs) && (S <= Node) && (((char*)S + len) > (char*)Node)) {
* Look for the object within the splay tree of external objects.
S = Node;
len = 0;
fs = adl_splay_retrieve (&(ExternalObjects), &S, &len, 0);
if ((fs) && (S <= Node) && (((char*)S + len) > (char*)Node)) {
* The node is not found or is not within bounds. Report a warning but keep
* going.
fprintf (stderr, "PoolcheckUI failed(%x:%x): %x %x from %x\n",
(unsigned)Pool, fs, (unsigned)Node, len, (unsigned)__builtin_return_address(0));
fflush (stderr);
* Function: boundscheck()
* Description:
* Perform a precise bounds check. Ensure that Source is within a valid
* object within the pool and that Dest is within the bounds of the same
* object.
static unsigned char * invalidptr = 0;
void *
boundscheck (PoolTy * Pool, void * Source, void * Dest) {
void* S = Source;
unsigned len = 0;
int fs = adl_splay_retrieve(&(Pool->Objects), &S, &len, 0);
if ((fs) && (S <= Dest) && (((char*)S + len) > (char*)Dest)) {
return Dest;
* Handle the case where a pointer is allowed to move just beyond the end of
* the allocated space.
if ((fs) && (((char *) Dest) == ((char*)S + len))) {
if (logregs)
fprintf (stderr, "boundscheck : rewrite: %x %x %x %x, pc=%x\n",
S, Source, Dest, len, (void*)__builtin_return_address(0));
if (invalidptr == 0) invalidptr = (unsigned char*)InvalidLower;
void* P = invalidptr;
if ((unsigned)P & ~(InvalidUpper - 1)) {
fprintf (stderr, "boundscheck: out of rewrite ptrs: %x %x: %x %x, pc=%x\n",
Source, Dest, InvalidLower, invalidptr, (void*)__builtin_return_address(0));
fflush (stderr);
return Dest;
adl_splay_insert (&(Pool->OOB), P, 1, Dest);
return invalidptr;
* Allow pointers to the first page in memory provided that they remain
* within that page. Loads and stores using such pointers will fault. This
* allows indexing of NULL pointers without error.
if (Source < (unsigned char *)(4096)) {
if (Dest < (unsigned char *)(4096)) {
return Dest;
} else {
if (logregs)
fprintf (stderr, "boundscheck : rewrite: %x %x %x %x, pc=%x\n",
S, Source, Dest, len, (void*)__builtin_return_address(0));
if (invalidptr == 0) invalidptr = (unsigned char*)InvalidLower;
void* P = invalidptr;
if ((unsigned)P & ~(InvalidUpper - 1)) {
fprintf (stderr, "boundscheck: out of rewrite ptrs: %x %x: %x %x, pc=%x\n",
Source, Dest, InvalidLower, invalidptr, (void*)__builtin_return_address(0));
fflush (stderr);
return Dest;
adl_splay_insert (&(Pool->OOB), P, 1, Dest);
return invalidptr;
* The node is not found or is not within bounds; fail!
if (fs) {
ReportBoundsCheck ((unsigned)Source,
} else {
ReportBoundsCheck ((unsigned)Source,
fflush (stderr);
abort ();
return Dest;
boundscheckui_lookup (PoolTy * Pool, void * Source ) {
//search for object for Source in splay tree, return length
return adl_splay_lookup (&(Pool->Objects), &Source);
void *
boundscheckui_check (int len, PoolTy * Pool, void * Source, void * Dest) {
* First, attempt to find the pointer within a valid object. If the source
* pointer is within a valid object but the destination pointer is not, then
* rewrite the pointer.
void* S = Source;
//unsigned len = 0;
if (len) {
if ((S <= Dest) && (((char*)S + len) > (char*)Dest)) {
return Dest;
} else {
if (logregs)
fprintf (stderr, "boundscheckui: rewrite: %x %x %x %x, pc=%x\n",
S, Source, Dest, len, (void*)__builtin_return_address(0));
if (invalidptr == 0) invalidptr = (unsigned char*)InvalidLower;
void* P = invalidptr;
//if ((unsigned)P & ~(InvalidUpper - 1)) {
if ((unsigned) P == InvalidUpper) {
fprintf (stderr, "boundscheckui: out of rewrite ptrs: %x %x, pc=%x\n",
InvalidLower, InvalidUpper, invalidptr);
//Source, Dest, (void*)__builtin_return_address(0));
fflush (stderr);
adl_splay_insert (&(Pool->OOB), P, 1, Dest);
return invalidptr;
* Allow pointers to the first page in memory provided that they remain
* within that page. Loads and stores using such pointers will fault. This
* allows indexing of NULL pointers without error.
if (Source < (unsigned char *)(4096)) {
if (Dest < (unsigned char *)(4096)) {
return Dest;
} else {
if (logregs)
fprintf (stderr, "boundscheckui: rewrite: %x %x %x %x, pc=%x\n",
S, Source, Dest, len, (void*)__builtin_return_address(0));
if (invalidptr == 0) invalidptr = (unsigned char*)InvalidLower;
void* P = invalidptr;
//if ((unsigned)P & ~(InvalidUpper - 1)) {
if ((unsigned) P == InvalidUpper) {
fprintf (stderr, "boundscheckui: out of rewrite ptrs: %x %x, pc=%x\n",
InvalidLower, InvalidUpper, invalidptr);
//Source, Dest, (void*)__builtin_return_address(0));
fflush (stderr);
adl_splay_insert (&(Pool->OOB), P, 1, Dest);
return invalidptr;
* Attempt to look for the object in the external object splay tree.
S = Source;
unsigned len_new = 0;
int fs = adl_splay_retrieve (&(ExternalObjects), &S, &len_new, 0);
if (fs) {
if ((S <= Dest) && (((char*)S + len_new) > (char*)Dest)) {
return Dest;
} else {
ReportBoundsCheck ((unsigned)Source,
* We cannot find the object. Print a warning and continue execution.
return Dest;
void *
boundscheckui (PoolTy * Pool, void * Source, void * Dest) {
// This code is inlined at all boundscheckui calls
// Search the splay for Source and return the bounds of the object
int len = boundscheckui_lookup (Pool, Source);
// Check if destination lies in the same object
if (__builtin_expect (len &&
((Source <= Dest) &&
((char*)Source + len) > (char*)Dest), 1)) {
return Dest;
} else {
// Valid object not found in splay tree or Dest is not within the valid
// object
return boundscheckui_check( len, Pool, Source, Dest );
void *
rewrite_ptr (void * p) {
static void * OOBTree;
if (invalidptr == 0) invalidptr = (unsigned char*)InvalidLower;
void* P = invalidptr;
//if ((unsigned)P & ~(InvalidUpper - 1)) {
if ((unsigned) P == InvalidUpper) {
fprintf (stderr, "rewrite: out of rewrite ptrs: %x %x, pc=%x\n",
InvalidLower, InvalidUpper, invalidptr);
//Source, Dest, (void*)__builtin_return_address(0));
fflush (stderr);
adl_splay_insert (&(OOBTree), P, 1, p);
return invalidptr;
* Function: getActualValue()
* Description:
* If src is an out of object pointer, get the original value.
void *
pchk_getActualValue (PoolTy * Pool, void * src) {
if ((unsigned)src <= InvalidLower) return src;
void* tag = 0;
/* outside rewrite zone */
if ((unsigned)src & ~(InvalidUpper - 1)) return src;
if (adl_splay_retrieve(&(Pool->OOB), &src, 0, &tag)) {
return tag;
/* Lookup has failed */
fprintf (stderr, "GetActualValue failure: src = %x, pc = %x", (unsigned) src,
(unsigned) __builtin_return_address(0));
fflush (stderr);
abort ();
return tag;
// Check that Node falls within the pool and within start and (including)
// end offset
poolcheckalign (PoolTy *Pool, void *Node, unsigned StartOffset,
unsigned EndOffset) {
PoolSlab *PS;
if (StartOffset >= Pool->NodeSize || EndOffset >= Pool->NodeSize) {
printf("Error: Offset specified exceeded node size");
if (Pool->AllocadPool > 0) {
if (Pool->allocaptr <= Node) {
unsigned diffPtr = (unsigned)Node - (unsigned)Pool->allocaptr;
unsigned offset = diffPtr % Pool->NodeSize;
if ((diffPtr < (unsigned)Pool->AllocadPool ) && (offset >= StartOffset) &&
(offset <= EndOffset))
assert(0 && "poolcheckalign failure FAILING \n");
PS = (PoolSlab*)((long)Node & ~(PageSize-1));
if (Pool->NumSlabs > AddrArrSize) {
hash_set<void*> &theSlabs = *Pool->Slabs;
if (theSlabs.find((void*)PS) == theSlabs.end()) {
// Check the LargeArrays
if (Pool->LargeArrays) {
PoolSlab *PSlab = (PoolSlab*) Pool->LargeArrays;
int Idx = -1;
while (PSlab) {
assert(PSlab && "poolcheck: node being free'd not found in "
"allocation pool specified!\n");
Idx = PSlab->containsElement(Node, Pool->NodeSize);
if (Idx != -1) {
Pool->prevPage[Pool->lastUsed] = PS;
Pool->lastUsed = (Pool->lastUsed + 1) % 4;
PSlab = PSlab->Next;
if (Idx == -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "poolcheck1: node being checked not found in pool with right"
" alignment\n");
} else {
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "poolcheck2: node being checked not found in pool with right"
" alignment\n");
} else {
unsigned long startaddr = (unsigned long)PS->getElementAddress(0,0);
if (startaddr > (unsigned long) Node) {
fprintf(stderr, "poolcheck: node being checked points to meta-data \n");
unsigned long offset = ((unsigned long) Node - (unsigned long) startaddr) % Pool->NodeSize;
if ((offset < StartOffset) || (offset > EndOffset)) {
fprintf(stderr, "poolcheck3: node being checked does not have right alignment\n");
Pool->prevPage[Pool->lastUsed] = PS;
Pool->lastUsed = (Pool->lastUsed + 1) % 4;
} else {
bool found = false;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < AddrArrSize && !found; ++i) {
if ((unsigned)Pool->SlabAddressArray[i] == (unsigned) PS) {
found = true;
Pool->prevPage[Pool->lastUsed] = PS;
Pool->lastUsed = (Pool->lastUsed + 1) % 4;
if (found) {
// Check that Node does not point to PoolSlab meta-data
unsigned long startaddr = (unsigned long)PS->getElementAddress(0,0);
if (startaddr > (unsigned long) Node) {
printf("poolcheck: node being checked points to meta-data \n");
unsigned long offset = ((unsigned long) Node - (unsigned long) startaddr) % Pool->NodeSize;
if ((offset < StartOffset) || (offset > EndOffset)) {
fprintf(stderr, "poolcheck4: node being checked does not have right alignment\n");
} else {
// Check the LargeArrays
if (Pool->LargeArrays) {
PoolSlab *PSlab = (PoolSlab*) Pool->LargeArrays;
int Idx = -1;
while (PSlab) {
assert(PSlab && "poolcheck: node being free'd not found in "
"allocation pool specified!\n");
Idx = PSlab->containsElement(Node, Pool->NodeSize);
if (Idx != -1) {
Pool->prevPage[Pool->lastUsed] = PS;
Pool->lastUsed = (Pool->lastUsed + 1) % 4;
PSlab = PSlab->Next;
if (Idx == -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "poolcheck6: node being checked not found in pool with right"
" alignment\n");
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "poolcheck5: node being checked not found in pool with right"
" alignment %x %x\n", (unsigned)Pool, (unsigned)Node);
poolfree(PoolTy *Pool, void *Node) {
assert(Pool && "Null pool pointer passed in to poolfree!\n");
DEBUG(printf("poolfree %x %x \n",Pool,Node);)
PoolSlab *PS;
int Idx;
if (logregs) {
printf(" poolfree:1368: poolfree to addr 0x%08x\n", (unsigned)Node);
// update DebugMetaData
// FIXME: figure what mykey, NumPPAge and len are for
void * mykey;
unsigned len = 1;
unsigned NumPPage = 0;
unsigned offset = (unsigned)((long)Node & (PPageSize - 1));
PDebugMetaData debugmetadataptr;
mykey = Node;
// Retrieve the debug information about the node. This will include a
// pointer to the canonical page.
adl_splay_retrieve (&(Pool->Objects), &mykey, &len, (void **) &debugmetadataptr);
if (logregs) {
printf(" poolfree:1387: mykey = 0x%08x offset = 0x%08x\n", (unsigned)mykey, offset);
printf(" poolfree:1388: len = %d\n", len);
// figure out how many pages does this object span to
// protect the pages. First we sum the offset and len
// to get the total size we originally remapped.
// Then, we determine if this sum is a multiple of
// physical page size. If it is not, then we increment
// the number of pages to protect.
// FIXME!!!
NumPPage = (len / PPageSize) + 1;
if ( (len - (NumPPage-1) * PPageSize) > (PPageSize - offset) )
assert (debugmetadataptr && "poolfree: No debugmetadataptr\n");
globalTemp = debugmetadataptr->canonAddr;
if (logregs) {
printf(" poolfree:1397: NumPPage = %d\n", NumPPage);
printf(" poolfree:1398: canonical address is 0x%x\n", (unsigned)globalTemp);
updatePtrMetaData(debugmetadataptr, globalfreeID, __builtin_return_address(0));
// Allow the poolcheck runtime to finish the bookkeping it needs to do.
adl_splay_delete (&Pool->Objects, Node);
unsigned TheIndex;
PS = SearchForContainingSlab(Pool, globalTemp, TheIndex);
Idx = TheIndex;
assert (PS && "poolfree: No poolslab found for object!\n");
} else {
// Since it is undefined behavior to free a node which has not been
// allocated, we know that the pointer coming in has to be a valid node
// pointer in the pool. Mask off some bits of the address to find the base
// of the pool.
assert((PageSize & PageSize-1) == 0 && "Page size is not a power of 2??");
PS = (PoolSlab*)((long)Node & ~(PageSize-1));
if (PS->isSingleArray) {
// works done to update the DebugMetaData struct for
// dangling pointer runtime
void * mykey;
unsigned len = 0;
PDebugMetaData debugmetadataptr;
mykey = Node;
adl_splay_retrieve(&(Pool->DPTree), &mykey, &len, (void **) &debugmetadataptr);
updatePtrMetaData(debugmetadataptr, globalfreeID, __builtin_return_address(0));
Idx = PS->containsElement(Node, Pool->NodeSize);
assert((int)Idx != -1 && "Node not contained in slab??");
// return if PS is NULL
if (!PS)
assert (PS && "PS is NULL!\n");
// If PS was full, it must have been in list #2. Unlink it and move it to
// list #1.
if (PS->isFull()) {
// Now that we found the node, we are about to free an element from it.
// This will make the slab no longer completely full, so we must move it to
// the other list!
PS->unlinkFromList(); // Remove it from the Ptr2 list.
// Do not re-use single array slabs.
if (!(PS->isSingleArray)) {
PoolSlab **InsertPosPtr = (PoolSlab**)&Pool->Ptr1;
// If the partially full list has an empty node sitting at the front of
// the list, insert right after it.
if ((*InsertPosPtr))
if ((*InsertPosPtr)->isEmpty())
InsertPosPtr = &(*InsertPosPtr)->Next;
PS->addToList(InsertPosPtr); // Insert it now in the Ptr1 list.
// Ok, if this slab is empty, we unlink it from the of slabs and either move
// it to the head of the list, or free it, depending on whether or not there
// is already an empty slab at the head of the list.
if ((PS->isEmpty()) && (!(PS->isSingleArray))) {
PS->unlinkFromList(); // Unlink from the list of slabs...
// If we can free this pool, check to see if there are any empty slabs at
// the start of this list. If so, delete the FirstSlab!
PoolSlab *FirstSlab = (PoolSlab*)Pool->Ptr1;
if (0 && FirstSlab && FirstSlab->isEmpty()) {
// Here we choose to delete FirstSlab instead of the pool we just freed
// from because the pool we just freed from is more likely to be in the
// processor cache.
// Pool->Slabs.erase((void *)FirstSlab);
// Link our slab onto the head of the list so that allocations will find it
// efficiently.
// Protect the shadow pages
ProtectShadowPage((void *)((long)Node & ~(PPageSize - 1)), NumPPage);
// An object has been freed. Set up a signal handler to catch any dangling
// pointer references.
// This code was placed here because it does not appear to work when placed
// in poolinit().
struct sigaction sa;
bzero (&sa, sizeof (struct sigaction));
sa.sa_sigaction = bus_error_handler;
sa.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
if (sigaction(SIGBUS, &sa, NULL) == -1) {
fprintf (stderr, "sigaction installer failed!");
fflush (stderr);
// Dangling pointer runtime functions
// Function: createPtrMetaData()
// Allocates memory for a DebugMetaData struct and fills up the appropriate
// fields so to keep a record of the pointer's meta data
extern "C" { void * internal_malloc (unsigned int size);}
static PDebugMetaData
createPtrMetaData (unsigned paramAllocID,
unsigned paramFreeID,
void * paramAllocPC,
void * paramFreePC,
void * paramCanon) {
// This only works because DebugMetaData and a splay tree node are of
// identical size.
PDebugMetaData ret = (PDebugMetaData) internal_malloc(sizeof(DebugMetaData));
ret->allocID = paramAllocID;
ret->freeID = paramFreeID;
ret->allocPC = paramAllocPC;
ret->freePC = paramFreePC;
ret->canonAddr = paramCanon;
return ret;
static inline void
updatePtrMetaData (PDebugMetaData debugmetadataptr,
unsigned globalfreeID,
void * paramFreePC) {
debugmetadataptr->freeID = globalfreeID;
debugmetadataptr->freePC = paramFreePC;
// Function: bus_error_handler()
// Description:
// This is the signal handler that catches bad memory references.
static void
bus_error_handler (int sig, siginfo_t * info, void * context) {
signal(SIGBUS, NULL);
ucontext_t * mycontext = (ucontext_t *) context;
unsigned len = 0;
void * faultAddr = info->si_addr;
PDebugMetaData debugmetadataptr;
int fs = 0;
if (0 == (fs = adl_splay_retrieve(&(dummyPool.DPTree), &faultAddr, &len, (void **) &debugmetadataptr)))
fprintf(stderr, "signal handler: retrieving debug meta data failed");
// FIXME: Correct the semantics for calculating NumPPage
unsigned NumPPage;
unsigned offset = (unsigned) ((long)info->si_addr & (PPageSize - 1) );
NumPPage = (len / PPageSize) + 1;
if ( (len - (NumPPage-1) * PPageSize) > (PPageSize - offset) )
// This is necessary so that the program continues execution,
// especially in debugging mode
UnprotectShadowPage((void *)((long)info->si_addr & ~(PPageSize - 1)), NumPPage);
//void* S = info->si_addr;
// printing reports
void * address = 0;
unsigned program_counter = 0;
unsigned alloc_pc = 0;
unsigned free_pc = 0;
unsigned allocID = 0;
unsigned freeID = 0;
#if defined(__APPLE__)
#if defined(i386) || defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86__)
program_counter = mycontext->uc_mcontext->__ss.__eip;
alloc_pc = ((unsigned) (debugmetadataptr->allocPC)) - 5;
free_pc = ((unsigned) (debugmetadataptr->freePC)) - 5;
allocID = debugmetadataptr->allocID;
freeID = debugmetadataptr->freeID;
ReportDanglingPointer (address, program_counter,
alloc_pc, allocID,
free_pc, freeID);
// reinstall the signal handler for subsequent faults
struct sigaction sa;
sa.sa_sigaction = bus_error_handler;
sa.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
if (sigaction(SIGBUS, &sa, NULL) == -1)
printf("sigaction installer failed!");
// Function: funccheck()
// Description:
// Determine whether the specified function pointer is one of the functions
// in the given list.
// Inputs:
// num - The number of function targets in the DSNode.
// f - The function pointer that we are testing.
// g - The first function given in the DSNode.
funccheck (unsigned num, void *f, void *g, ...) {
va_list ap;
unsigned i = 0;
// Test against the first function in the list
if (f == g) return;
va_start(ap, g);
for ( ; i != num; ++i) {
void *h = va_arg(ap, void *);
if (f == h) {
if (logregs) {
fprintf(stderr, "funccheck failed(num=%d): %x %x\n", num, f, g);
poolstats() {
fprintf (stderr, "pool mem usage %d\n", poolmemusage);
fflush (stderr);