blob: 8b38420f2e9facec979911979d6f1240fed0adbf [file] [log] [blame]
Build system
Determination of the target triple should be moved from the Makefile to a
configure script.
The plugin revision is created from the subversion revision. What if people
are using git etc? Maybe it should be calculated in a configure script, but
since that might not get run often perhaps the Makefile is the best place.
Target subdirectories should have their own Makefiles, instead of assuming
that there's only one source file and that it's called llvm-target.cpp.
Currently the target directory (eg: i386) is calculated from the target triple
(eg: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu) using the "target" tool. This should be done
from a configure script, rather from the Makefile.
Define LLVM_TARGET_NAME from the Makefile rather than being specified in
llvm-target.h. Maybe LLVM_TARGET_INTRINSIC_PREFIX could go too. An annoyance
is that the target tool returns "x86" while what is needed is "X86".
Consider using separate caches for types and globals.
GCC now has per-function optimization levels. Add support for this.
Unify the code that determines which LLVM linkage type to use. Need to do
a bunch of experimenting to work out how the mapping should really be done.
Stop hooking directly into target specific ABI code (which requires patching
gcc). Instead, either try to get ABI info from the gcc hooks (which may mean
translating RTL) or reuse the clang code.
Add nightly testers that build using dragonegg.
Move the old FrontendXYZ tests from LLVM to dragonegg.
Add a "compilator" lit test mode that compiles everything it is
pointed at using gcc and dragonegg, and generates "fail" if gcc
compiles something but dragonegg doesn't (and vice versa). Point
the compilator at the gcc and clang testsuites. Have some buildbots
that do this.
Make the dragonegg testsuite public. Have some buildbots run it.
Have the dragonegg self-host script also check that "make check"
is working fine after LLVM is built.
Have the dragonegg buildbots use a proper buildbot script rather than
just handing everything off to the dragonegg self-host script.
Code quality
Consider not extending GEP indices to "pointer type" since GEP indices can have
any integer type now (except for struct GEP's - there the type must be i32).
Note that GEP indices are implicitly sign extended, so unsigned indices still
need to be explicitly zero extended to pointer size (is this always done now?).
Clarify and extend the distinction between gimple registers and "the rest",
the rest being mostly references.
BIT_FIELD_REF is used to extract (and presumably insert) vector elements.
Consider turning this directly into the corresponding vector operations.
Work in terms of units rather than octets (i8). For example, if the target
has a 16 bit byte, then use i16 for byte addressing.
Add language specific flags, for example that C++ uses the one-definition rule.
Output proper debug info rather than throwing most of it away. Provide column
numbers in location info.
Many x86 specific builtins are not supported, even though it would be easy to
add support for some of them, for example the 256 bit versions of builtins we
do support. Improve this.
The GCC builtin lowering outputs helpful warnings (for example,
20081109_0.c:3:35: warning: attempt to free a non-heap object bar’,
see maybe_emit_free_warning), but we don't. Improve this somehow.
Work out how to write object files directly. Currently this can't be
done because gcc insists on running the assembler on compiler output
when using -c.
Make LTO transparent. One part of this working out how to write bitcode when
using -c, which runs into trouble because gcc insists on running the assembler
on compiler output. Another part is looking into the possibility of encoding
bitcode in ELF sections like gcc does for gimple when doing LTO.
Add support for address spaces.
Add support for non-temporal stores.
Add type based alias analysis tags in more cases. Extend LLVM's tbaa
representation so it can represent a DAG and generate tags for struct
types too.