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<title>"VMKit" JVM and .Net runtimes for LLVM</title>
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<h1>VMKit: JVM and .Net runtimes for LLVM</h1>
<p>The VMKit project is an implementation of a JVM and CLI virtual machine
(.Net is an implementation of the CLI). It translates Java bytecode and
MSIL in the LLVM IR and uses the LLVM framework for optimizations and just
in time compilation. You can <a href="get_started.html">get and build</a> the
source today.</p>
<h2 id="goals">Features and Goals</h2>
<p>Some of the goals for the project include the following:</p>
<p><b>End-User Features</b>:</p>
<li>Virtual machine interoperability</li>
<li>Experiment virtual machine technologies with a small code base</li>
<li>Very fast on CPU-intensive applications</li>
<p><b>Utility and Applications</a></b>:</p>
<li>Infrastructure for virtual machine development</li>
<li>Use the LLVM 'BSD' License</li>
<p><b>Internal Design and Implementation</b>:</p>
<li>Real-world, production quality virtual machines (the JVM runs Tomcat)</li>
<li>A simple and hackable code base</li>
<li>Execute virtual machines in the same environment</li>
<p>The development of VMKit was started out of a need to factorize virtual
machine development. The JVM and CLI virtual machine have many
similarities, but are too high-level to be the basis of a "universal"
virtual machine. The LLVM IR on the opposite is low-level enough to be
able to execute these VMs. VMKit is a proof of concept implementation
towards that direction.</p>
<p>An introduction to VMKit can be found in the following video lectures:
<li><a href="">
Presentation of VMKit at the 2008 LLVM Developer's Meeting</a>
<p>A port of VMKit to use the Boehm GC can be found in the following paper:
<li><a href="ladyvm.html">LadyVM as a port of VMKit to Boehm's GC</a>
<p>For an example of what kind of experimental technologies we can
implement in a timely fashion with VMKit:</p>
<li><a href="osgi.html">Isolation in OSGi with VMKit</a>
<h2>Current Status</h2>
<p>VMKit is still in its early development stages. If you are looking to
experiment virtual machine technologies, VMKit is probably a great solution
for you. If you want to use it as a drop in JVM or .Net, it is not yet
<p>VMKit currently has a decent implementation of the JVM. It executes
Apache projects (e.g. OSGi Felix and Tomcat) and the SPECJVM98 benchmark.
The CLI implementation is still in its early stages, but can execute
simple applications.</p>
<h2>Get it and get involved!</h2>
<p>Start by <a href="get_started.html">getting the code, building it, and
playing with it</a>. This will show you the sorts of things we can do
<p>Once you've done that, please consider <a href="get_involved.html">getting
involved in the VMKit community</a>. Currently, VMKit is tightly
integrated into the llvm community. You can sign up for the llvm mailing
list to ask and learn about how the project works.</p>