blob: f0c8b1c27bfa8bd10dffb8a42e770eb1e3102766 [file] [log] [blame]
// Building llvm-gcc4 from Source
These instructions describe how to build llvm-gcc-4.0.
Note that this should work on all the supported LLVM targets. If you run into
problems, please ask for help or file a bug.
Please follow these instructions carefully. In particular, the target-specific
configure instructions should be followed to ensure correct builds.
First Step: Build LLVM
First, check out LLVM from Subversion, then build it in optimized mode (a
Release build, as opposed to a Debug one)):
If you use a Debug instead of a Release build of LLVM, make sure you add
--enable-checking to the configure flags below or llvm-gcc-4.0 will not build!
Below we assume the LLVM OBJ_ROOT is $LLVMOBJDIR.
Unpack Front-end Source
$ mkdir llvm-gcc
$ cd llvm-gcc
$ tar zxvf llvm-gcc4-x.y.source.tar.gz
Target-Specific configure Instructions
Linux-specific Instructions:
If llvm-gcc doesn't build right, try building LLVM with OPTIMIZE_OPTION=-O2.
This may be host compiler version specific.
If you get an error message building llvm-gcc like this:
...gcc/ version `GCC_4.2.0' not found (required by
you are probably hitting Please reconfigure with the
--disable-shared option to work around this.
X86-64/AMD-64/EM64-T for any OS other than Darwin/Mac OS X:
When targeting non-darwin X86-64/AMD-64/EM64-T, configure with
--disable-shared. The LLVM X86-64 backend doesn't support PIC codegen on
non-darwin systems yet. If you get a build error, try configuring with
Darwin/Mac OS X Instructions:
First step: Upgrade your Xcode installation: you need at least Xcode 2.4.
Next, decide if you want Objective-C support. If so:
If building for Darwin/PPC:
If building for Darwin/X86 (32- and 64-bit support):
TARGETOPTIONS=--with-arch=nocona --with-tune=generic
If building for Darwin/X86 (32-bit support only):
TARGETOPTIONS=--with-arch=pentium-m --with-tune=prescott --disable-multilib
Building for Darwin/Mac OS X is significantly different than building for other
targets. Darwin considers libstdc++ to be part of the operating system, not as
part of the compiler. As such, you should *remove* the libstdc++-v3 directory
from the llvm-gcc4 source directory before configuring it:
rm -rf llvm-gcc4-x.y.source/libstdc++-v3
In addition, you *must* specify the following options to configure:
--build=$TRIPLE --host=$TRIPLE --target=$TRIPLE
With these options, llvm-gcc will build the same way as Apple's system GCC.
Build Options
Version Identifier:
If you want LLVM to include an identifying marker in the --version output,
build llvm-gcc with LLVM_VERSION_INFO=XXX. For example, to build the LLVM
1.9 Release front-end, use 'make LLVM_VERSION_INFO=1.9'. This will cause the
front-end to print: "gcc (GCC) 4.0.1 LLVM (Apple Computer, Inc. build 1.9)"
as the version number.
Configure, Build, Install, Test
Next, make an object directory and install directory as siblings to the
llvm-gcc source directory, and build and install llvm-gcc:
$ mkdir obj
$ mkdir install
$ cd obj
$ ../llvm-gcc4-x.y.source/configure --prefix=`pwd`/../install --program-prefix=llvm- \
--enable-llvm=$LLVMOBJDIR --enable-languages=c,c++$EXTRALANGS $TARGETOPTIONS
$ make install
Note that if you prefer to bootstrap llvm-gcc (so that the final llvm-gcc
executables have been compiled with llvm-gcc itself), replace "make" with
"make bootstrap".
Finally, add symlinks for llvm-gcc and llvm-g++ to your path (optional):
$ su
$ cd /usr/local/bin
$ ln -s <llvmgccdir>/install/bin/llvm-gcc llvm-gcc
$ ln -s <llvmgccdir>/install/bin/llvm-g++ llvm-g++
$ exit
You should now have something like:
$ llvm-gcc -v
gcc version 4.0.1 LLVM (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5400)
** NOTE: If the -v line above doesn't include "LLVM", you probably mistyped the
--enable-llvm=xxx line and have a normal gcc, not an llvm-gcc.