blob: a4bde98ba5f7fc331fae86d1647df4242dceeee6 [file] [log] [blame]
! Check that lbound() and ubound() work correctly for assumed shapes.
! { dg-do run }
program main
integer, dimension (40, 80) :: a = 1
call test (a)
subroutine test (b)
integer, dimension (11:, -8:), target :: b
integer, dimension (:, :), pointer :: ptr
if (lbound (b, 1) .ne. 11) call abort
if (ubound (b, 1) .ne. 50) call abort
if (lbound (b, 2) .ne. -8) call abort
if (ubound (b, 2) .ne. 71) call abort
if (lbound (b (:, :), 1) .ne. 1) call abort
if (ubound (b (:, :), 1) .ne. 40) call abort
if (lbound (b (:, :), 2) .ne. 1) call abort
if (ubound (b (:, :), 2) .ne. 80) call abort
if (lbound (b (20:30:3, 40), 1) .ne. 1) call abort
if (ubound (b (20:30:3, 40), 1) .ne. 4) call abort
ptr => b
if (lbound (ptr, 1) .ne. 1) call abort
if (ubound (ptr, 1) .ne. 40) call abort
if (lbound (ptr, 2) .ne. 1) call abort
if (ubound (ptr, 2) .ne. 80) call abort
end subroutine test
end program main