blob: 67a35acfffe718636f256946caef099d9c5e452c [file] [log] [blame]
import os
import tempfile
import TestRunner
suffixMap = {
'.adb' : 'ada',
'.ads' : 'ada',
'.c' : 'c',
'.i' : 'c',
'.C' : 'c++',
'.cc' : 'c++',
'.cpp' : 'c++',
'.ii' : 'c++',
'.f' : 'fortran',
'.f03' : 'fortran',
'.f08' : 'fortran',
'.f90' : 'fortran',
'.f95' : 'fortran',
'.F' : 'fortran',
'.F03' : 'fortran',
'.F08' : 'fortran',
'.F90' : 'fortran',
'.F95' : 'fortran',
'.go' : 'go',
'.jar' : 'java',
'.class' : 'java',
'.m' : 'objective-c',
'.mm' : 'objective-c++',
def getLanguageForSuffix(suffix):
return suffixMap[suffix]
def getSuffixesForLanguage(language):
suffixes = []
for suffix in suffixMap:
if suffixMap[suffix] == language:
return suffixes
def isLanguageSupported(language, compiler):
# How to run the compiler. Additional arguments are added below.
args = [compiler, '-S', '-o', os.devnull]
if language == 'java':
# GCC can't compile Java source by itself, it can only compile class files.
script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
source = os.path.join(script_dir, 'e.class')
# Java is supported if the class file compiles without error.
out,err,exitCode = TestRunner.executeCommand(args +
[source, '-fuse-boehm-gc'])
return exitCode == 0
if language == 'ada':
elif language == 'c':
elif language == 'c++':
elif language == 'fortran':
elif language == 'go':
elif language == 'objective-c':
elif language == 'objective-c++':
return False
# For most languages it suffices to try compiling an empty file however for
# Ada and Go an empty file is not a valid compilation unit.
source = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+t', suffix=suffix)
if language == 'ada':
# Use an obscure package name, as if the package is called XYZ and a file
# called XYZ.adb exists then the test will fail.
source.write('package U5TE4J886W is end;\n')
elif language == 'go':
source.write('package main\n')
# If something was written then ensure it is visible to the compiler process.
# The language is supported if the file compiles without error.
out,err,exitCode = TestRunner.executeCommand(args + [])
return exitCode == 0
def getSupportedLanguages(compiler):
allLanguages = set(suffixMap.values())
return [lang for lang in allLanguages if isLanguageSupported(lang, compiler)]